Well, i live in Juarez city, on mexico, its border with the el paso tx, US, and literally im just a few miles away.

I created my steam account on my region, but on using english language and whatnot. 99% of my library i was charged in dollars, my wallet was in dollars etc, nothing wrong with that. Last summer sale i got a lot of small games for like $100, still have a few of them in my library.

Now the thing is that since i live in Mexico, the region changed and the pricing change got me, now im charged in mexican pesos and my wallet is also on Mexican pesos. I have a friend in El Paso tx. i got a game for him, Borderlands, the pre sequel, but he could not activate it because it was slightly cheaper here (like 2 dollars).

I have not done any giveaway for a while (i was short on cash), but its about to change in the near future, so, with the region restriction, i may have problems doing the giveaways as it may wont let the gringos to activate the game. Any ideas how to fix it?

And well, again, i still got a few games on my inventory from last summer sale, which i payed in dollars. Are those games affected too?

Thanks for your advice.

8 years ago

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You can now set region restrictions when creating a giveaway, so that only people from the region your gift is redeemable in can enter

8 years ago

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And well, again, i still got a few games on my inventory from last summer sale, which i payed in dollars. Are those games affected too?

If the gift isn't labelled as region restricted it's not.

Edit: I checked and no, seems they aren't.

8 years ago

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Thanks, guess i have no excuses to not do any giveaways for the moment then :P

8 years ago

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Oh, thank you, im new to this new steamgifts page as well, last time i visited it was the old slow site (love the new one, good job guys :P ) so i dont recall it did having that option.

But what about the games on my library?

8 years ago

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You can't giveaway games in your library, if that's your question.

8 years ago

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Oh snap. I meant inventory.

8 years ago

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Well, people have already answered you.
Just so you know how it will look when you have region restricted games, here's a printscreen I took.
The game appears with a red circle and an exclamation mark if there's an observation to be said. (I don't remember if it appears when the game is recently purchased and so not tradable) Clicking on it to see the details, you'll note a box whith a text in red stating that it is restricted, and saying to which countries.
Hope it helped.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Got it, i should be able to know when is restricted with that note. Thank you.

8 years ago

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Well. Solved. You guys can close it. Thanks.

8 years ago

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You can close it yourself.
If you click on the "Open" on the top right of the page, you will see that you can edit or close the discussion ^^

8 years ago

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New site, lots of new features. Thanks.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Alientcp.