I've recently started exercising again and not even demons but my bodacious body. Believe me, I know I am dead sexy but control yourselves please. Just wondering if anyone else around here does anything? I am finding that as I get older a lot of stretching is important. I made the mistake of sitting around doing nothing for a year before I got out of my slump and got some chickens. Anyway I can once again keep my legs straight, bend over and place my palms flat on the ground. I'm down to 180 pounds now. I'm including a striking selfie of me in my 40 pound workout vest. I do some jogging, lunges, squats, pushups, dips and even a pullup here and there with it. I've got a short video of me jogging with my workout buddy before he knocks me on my butt. Oh I usually listen to spotify while I do.

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3 months ago*

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Do you exercise?

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I am shape like potato.

I watch 2-3 episodes of anime and run on my elliptical, I don't personally think it's doing anything for me or that I'm losing weight. I do it so I stop fidgeting and don't touch the keyboard, otherwise I'm hitting the skip forward 5-second button whenever it gets boring.
It's easier to enjoy things.

3 months ago

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Hey it's something. I'm sure it's helping more than you think. I need to do more that's for sure. I listen to Spotify while I exercise and get chased around by dogs. And sometimes get knocked smooth off my feet like in the movies. He really zinged me in the back and I went down hard with that vest on but thankfully not hurt.

3 months ago

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You run outside? I've got too much anxiety to do that. What times do you normally run? I'll usually start around 8pm because that's the only time I feel like doing anything - I'm definitely not a morning person. Or an afternoon person.

3 months ago

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usually in the middle of the day when it is good and hot and I get some sun, I'm pretty tan now. I live in the middle of nowhere, I just jog around the yard with the dogs chasing me lol

3 months ago

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I like your style. You seem like a pretty cool and chill dude.

Yes, I do exercise. Some Yoga, stretching, Tai Chi, Chi Gong mix (whatever I feel like that day) in the mornings before doing anything else (excpet taking a shhower), and I do an at least two hour walk or bicycle tour every afternoon with my dog. Apart from that I dance a lot, be that jumping around in my living room or some cool place with other people. Life just feels better when I move :)

3 months ago

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Oh man I need to be on your level, I have only been doing a bit of jogging and a few sets about an hour total. I need to be more active.

3 months ago

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Well, you're doing it already, that's something. Just gotta stick to it, and have fun, and all else will just fall into place.
You can do eeeeet :D

3 months ago

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I often got told to walk, walk, walk and yeah my mistake was always thinking you are going to be and feel old at 70, wrong, it's after 30.
Also i just basically sit a lot during the day, and due health reasons more reason to exercize, but since our weather consists of 6-8 months of continuous rain i went for a threadmill 2-3 months ago, then i don't have the hassle of going outside and i can play my own music or even watch something.

A few years ago i did go jogging, someone invited me and i was like yeah that's not for me, but i kept it up for 2 years, and in the winter as long as there is some sun it's okay, but the second one wasn't so okay and somehow i quit permanent, i am not that much of a fanatic and with my heart i also shouldn't overdo it much and i wasn't the type that could jog for even 10 minutes without changing the pace to walking in between, but we also had a small hill in the park and i much rather liked to climb that off and on, and feel that burn in my stomach.

I also used the ringfit for 1 year on the nintendo switch, but that also gets boring after a while, although versatile as you can train different cores and you can even use it while sitting on the couch.

My problem though (luckily?) is that i never been overweight, but i really struggle to gain some, and i was close to my lowest BMI, i gained back a few kilo's though, lots of fat cottage cheese and bread.
But up till i was 18, i weighed 100 pounds at 193cm and often got teased for it at school, then i started to lift weights (20 pounds) never did anything drastic like take proteines, or eat 6x a day, just normal eating, and in 1 year i gained 25 kg and been that ever since.

So while perhaps i might have a faster then average metabolism, you don't have to do thigs too rigorously (if you say that 1 hour isn't much, it's already plenty more then the average person with a deskjob).

3 months ago

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Yes being idle can really wreak havoc as you get older. I'm just 41 and that year of sitting really took it's toll but I'm feeling better already.

3 months ago

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6-8 months of continuous rain... sounds like heaven. I'm in Texas and my location is basically constant drought. I do not recommend it. (I've only ever seen snow twice though, so trade-offs.)

3 months ago

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Well we had these very "hot" summers too creating drought, took 3 years to recover, we are a country known for our water management (constantly fighting water) even now we gets news about shortage of drinking water, that if we want to fill our swimming pool they want to go chrage extra (all excuses) on the other hand we got big datacenters that demand large supplies of water yet give little jobs or even taxes.

I know america uses fahrenheit, but normally it should be 15c and last week we had 1 day that it was 25c but last week it's been 10c with much rain, while it could normally be spring at this time, and we can have winters with it freezing but with a sun, but especially this winter it was more like fall then winter, and we had an exceptional wet season.
It may sound like heaven, but when it's constant clouded and dark it can get very depressive, but atleast we aren't the UK, the country known most for it's constant rain.

Meanwhile in Dubai where you expect drought too they had massive rain because of apparent cloud seeding, that could be a "solution" for Texas too, although i don't feel right we are playing god with weather/nature.

3 months ago

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Right now as winter ended... Though yesterday and today we got snow...😅I run daily for about 3.6km and do some home workouts (abs, pushups and have some 3kg dumbbells), though I will try to start going to gym also to build muscle better(probably 4 x week). Wouldn't say I am in a good shape but I'm getting there.. Have to lose some weight (from stomach) though I'm somewhat skinny 73kg - 1.82m.

3 months ago

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That's a good jog, I think crunches are really good to lose belly fat

3 months ago

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crunches would mostly just strengthen your abs, but they would still stay behind the fat - best way to remove that is to have healthy diet .. As they say - abs are not made in gym but in kitchen.

3 months ago

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yeah, this ^^

3 months ago

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oh I thought muscle used the nearest source of fat which is why most people, even people who have very demanding physical jobs, have fat around the middle and not their arms and legs. Real fat people, the ones that do nothing, just get fat all over. Either way muscle always demands fuel even in resting state so the more you have the more it will use the fat stores. Having some fat is good though, when the fat is gone the muscle will actually eat itself.

3 months ago

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The "beer gut" that men get is primarily due to genetics. Men tend to store more fat in their stomach area, so if a man is only a little chubby, it'll concentrate in that area. Same sort of thing for women, except women store it more in their hips/thigh region.

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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So people will have fat bellies unless they starve themselves to single digit body fat, much sadness

3 months ago

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Started to lift weights again last october after maybe 1 1/2 year without doing anything, and this time I finally gained weight and muscle mass. Currently I'm at +20kg from when I started and, for me, it is a big accomplishment, since I've been struggling to gain even 5kg in the last 6-7 years.
I (almost) always have been active, I even competed at national and international level on contact sports, and the most I miss from there is stretching, so it's really good you added it to your routine. Giving your body that extra mobility helps a lot, and it's the best way to prevent injuries ^^

Keep it up!

3 months ago

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Thank you! Other people seem to help with motivation and it's great.

3 months ago

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I've started exercising August of 2022.
6 days a week
Life has been great ever since.

3 months ago

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Six days is really good, I'm only doing maybe 3 days a week right now

3 months ago

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I work out 20-30 minutes every morning except on Saturday. It's a routine I have had for several years and it has helped my mental health tremendously.

3 months ago

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It does help doesn't it? I know I feel better.

3 months ago

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It makes all the difference in the world. I've been trying to get others on board, but not everyone is convinced of the benefits.

3 months ago

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I've been thinking of doing it for some months. But now just reading your thread, I felt somehow motivated!
Thanks for the push! <3
Also, your buddy is nice!

3 months ago

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lol he's a jerk, you read where he knocked me down right >.>

3 months ago

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Ye, maybe his language of affection seems a bit harsh :P

3 months ago

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Oh yeah, Stretching is important. I went on a skiing trip and after a week of snowboarding my body was dead and I realized I was mostly stiff from not stretching properly after being on the hill.

But overall I do workout yes. Going to gym since its 5 minute drive from my home. I do regular weight workouts - chest/back, legs/shoulders , arms .. and when I dont have any time and miss a session I do full body on weekend. Overall general stuff - pullups, rows, chest press, squats, deadlift, curls, push/pull downs.. I love to learn new exercises, train the technique.

Do some bicycle riding now and then. In winter as mentioned snowboard. I do hate running though.... I can do 10 min warmup at best...

3 months ago

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When I was active I was doing dive bomber and handstand pushups, I am not sure I will reach the level for handstand pushups again. I would also do straight vertical situps with a 40 pound bag in my arms on a ladder. I would do lunges with a 100 pounds on my shoulders. That was a few years ago, just trying to get back into it slowly.

3 months ago

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Yup, slow and steady does the trick - you avoid accidents and grow the muscles that way.
I don't think I can actually do the handstand pushups or stuff like that :D But when you train it, its an awesome thing to be able to do

3 months ago

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this is another reminder I need to exercise(at least walk) more daily despite having lost > 60lbs(I am not counting the lost hospital lbs... those are cheating) in the past 16 months from diet alone.
35 more until I hit my first goal worth sharing.

3 months ago

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Walking is the best exercise.

3 months ago

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I am happy for you Carenard, it always feels good to meet your goals. And walking does a lot, if you can mix some jogging in it will help your cardio.

3 months ago

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Great work exercise is very important for overall blood circulation. But remember exercise is only 50% the rest 50% depends on your diet. Avoid oily fried foods and get proper 6hr sleep.

3 months ago

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I bought an air fryer and I cook most things in there now, I still cook rice and stuff like that in a skillet

3 months ago

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Great progress! And having those dogs almost forces you to exercise, they have so much energy, it's near impossible to keep up. Also thanks for reminder to exercise more myself ha

3 months ago

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I could never keep up with them, they just seem to have endless energy. I think the chickens keep me busier, have to keep an eye on my investment.

3 months ago

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I bike to and from work. Used to be enough before I hit the 5-0 but nowadays it's not anymore.
Asthma doesn't really make biking in a big city a pleasant experience though so I'd love to do something else but atm that's all I can afford with time and money.
My gf took up taichi and boxing and it's doing great for her flexibility and muscle tone but I really couldn't keep a schedule that would do much with those. You need to keep at it and get up early and all that... yeah nope.

You look cool in your jacket and that's something ;)
Mind the jogging though, your knees might make you pay for it when you get a little older. Swimming or biking is better for your knees.

3 months ago

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Snakes and leeches are in all the water here, I may try to buy a bike if I can find something for around $100. Well when I have $100 anyway

3 months ago

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Eeeeek! Yeah don't swim in there.
I got my bike cheap from a colleague who was moving back to his country so I highly recommend looking at second hand ads online.

3 months ago

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Every Tuesday and Thursday - workout in the gym after work - and no excuses.

Starting was the worst part... oh maybe I should not go because it is raining etc... And the first 2 times were painful...

The dream is to someday have my own private gym equipment in my home so I would be able to workout and watch movies at the same time :P

3 months ago

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That initial motivation can be stifling

3 months ago

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I'm an avid cyclist and mountain biker, go hiking, paddleboarding, kayaking, play tennis, and may even give pickleball a try this summer. They're activities that I've always done for fun, and getting exercise was just an added bonus, but I've found that getting fitter made me really push myself to go faster, further, longer, etc. and keep getting "better". It gets a bit addictive in the best possible way, because my body feels amazing after a challenging workout, and I just keep raising the bar.

With that said, the best exercise for you is... the one that you'll actually do. Sure it's cliche, but I find that it holds true. If it feels like work, you're much more likely to stop doing it, but if you find an activity that you love, you'll probably stick with it and make it a regular part of your life, and so many aspects of your life will benefit (your body, your mind, your mood, your sleep cycle, etc.)

A friend who I occasionally cycle with had asked me about interval training, so I shared this with him today. I thought you might find some value in it as well. :)


3 months ago

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ah so high intensity interval training

3 months ago*

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6 minutes per week, so it'll take 5 weeks to watch the video. Seems like a long time.

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Just pushup and balance exercise.
Air fryer is great.

3 months ago

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Oh balancing is great it works a lot of underused muscles

3 months ago

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I have a tshirt which says: "Exercise? You mean Extra fries?"
that has sadly been my equation with health.
Recently traveled to another city packed the packed exercise mat as well....Its been weeks and I still havent unpacked it yet🙈

3 months ago

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Do you regularly walk or have a bicycle?

3 months ago

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I do walk often but I really need to optimise my diet and add in cardio exercises or something. Problem is, im too lazy to do so!

3 months ago

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I do a lot of cycling, really would want to do a triathlon one day.
I ought to lift some more weights because as you said, if you stay idle it just gets worse, also got to add a routine of doing more core workout, recently i've been getting a bit more nagging lower back issues.
I like how you say stretching that's a good one.
I really enjoy this video on youtube
I do it weekly and I remember which stretches make me feel the most and try to do them more often just on their own.

More power to you!
Stay strong and continue the great work that you are doing.

3 months ago

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My back is trash but I don't let it stop me. I just did a quick few sets up pushups and squats with jogging between sets. Just something to do and I'll stretch in a bit. I do a lot of back stretches and it seems to help.

3 months ago

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It was so much easier to exercise when I was a retail worker. Nowadays, I sit around a lot due to my job, and I started regularly taking my vitals, trying to get my cardio in check. Unfortunately, my cardio is garbage, which prevents me from exercising for more than 2-3 minutes at a time. I can stretch, though, so I stretch often and stretch a lot. Watching what I'm eating/drinking is a constant mental battle.

Tips for others:
VR honestly can be very demotivating and train you to not move as much. Instead, just do more stair runs and ride a bike that's not an e-bike for increasing amounts of time each day. You need to push yourself to stay active, but you also shouldn't push yourself too much, because it might cause you to have a heart attack or heat stroke. Stay hydrated. Don't drink alcohol and reduce your sodium intake. Eat more egg whites.

2 months ago

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proud of u

2 months ago

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I bought a used bike and put it on blocks and now I cycle while I watch movies. aw yea

2 months ago

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Bro! You encourage me! Thank you so much!!!

2 months ago

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If there was any advice I wish I had when I was younger it would be this:

Anything 5-30 reps will achieve similar results if you go within 3 reps of failure as long as your form is good and you lift slowly for both the concentric and eccentric motion.
You don't have to hit failure every time.

So start light and go until you can't go anymore. Count that number.
If it's more than 30, add weight until you hit failure somewhere between 5 and 30 reps. If failure is less than 5 reps, DROP THE WEIGHT DOWN TO SOMETHING LIGHTER so that you can't continue and hit failure somewhere in that 5-30 rep range.
I really like close to 10 reps for big muscle groups and close to 20 for small ones.
Then do sets where you stop 1-3 reps before that number where you reached failure.

Every week either add reps or weight, but make sure you stay within that 5-30 range and within 3 reps of failure.

Eat an ample amount protein (at least 0.5g per lbs of bodyweight or more if you can keep the calories low) and you will get so freaking strong like this.

Don't be a dummy like me and just go to the gym and swing around the weights thinking heavier means more muscles. That will just get you tons of joint pain and confusion as to why you're not getting much results.

To be fair a lot of this stuff came out in the literature in the past few years, but body builders have been doing similar regiments since the 70s based on anecdotal stuff.

2 months ago*

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