Right. I've been here for about a month now and won the Indie Gala 7 with 9 games. Pretty damn happy about it, but now getting really annoyed by all the giveaways for the games in it. I've tried installing the addon from the forum page, but it just comes up saying that I need to install it from the Chrome Webstore, but when I go there, there isn't the Enhancement one, just an addon to hide contributor giveaways.
If anyone give me the low-down on how to get the proper add-on? I'd be very grateful :D

Comes up with an error-
Windows Script Host
Script: C:\users\myname\Downloads\sgs_filter.user.js
Line: 14
Char: 1
Error: 'console' is undefined
Code: 800A1391
Source: Microsoft JScript runtime error

Dunno if that means anything to anyone?

Edit: Right! All sorted! Thanks for the suggestions and thanks to waterboysh for the definitive answer!

Edit: Okay, maybe it's not fixed. Said it's installed, but it's not filtering anything :\

VICTORY! Got it working! Thank you to the people who did help, just took a little look to realise I was adding it from the wrong place xD

1 decade ago*

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I didn't know what addon you were talking about, so I looked at the FAQ and it turns out you just didn't read the directions. Here's how to install it straight from the forum thread you were talking about.

Install for Chrome

Chrome are chaning the way userscripts are added. You CANNOT install them with one click anymore

To install, download the .js from bellow, open up the extentions tab and then drag&drop the .js file in there. You should then get the confirmation dialogues. Done you are in buisness :)

1 decade ago

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When I follow the instructions, it just pops up with an error saying that add-ons can only be installed from the Webstore :\

1 decade ago

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Download the .js file then just drag it to your extensions tab. No need to go to the Chrome webstore.


1 decade ago

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Whenever I try and download it, it comes up with an error and says I have to go to the webstore :(

1 decade ago

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everything works...
u can't be in incognito to install, i tried...and got that error ;) myb that's ur problem?

1 decade ago

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That's because you click on the little box at the bottom of chrome that pops up when you download something. Clicking that box tries to run it and install it, which Chrome no longer allows.

After you download it, Click the wrench, go to tools->extensions. Open up in windows explorer your download location. Click and drag the .js file into the chrome extension page. It will install.

1 decade ago

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Thank you so much! Worked a charm!

1 decade ago

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Download the Enhancement Addon --> Download tampermonkey (costume scripts it's like Greasemonkey for Firefox but this one is for Google Chrome :D ) from Google Webstore --> INstall the Enhancement Addon using tampermonkey.

1 decade ago

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I have Filtered, Wishlist, Not Entered, Regular, and C.Green checked. I also disabled endless scroll as that tends to annoy me.

I have no idea what the filtered checkbox does. Unchecking it makes everything disappear. Wishlist I believe is the feature that highlights giveaways on your wishlist to make them easier to see. Not Entered will make it hide ones that you have entered. Regular shows all the giveaways that are not contributor giveaways. C.Green shows contributor giveaways that you can enter.

I think if you check group, it will show giveaways that are limited to a steam group you are in, but I don't know for sure as I'm not in any groups. Checking C.Red will show contributor giveaways that you can not enter. Limit by points should hide giveaways that you don't have enough points for. All disables the filters and shows all.

Also, you might need to refresh the page. It could be refreshing from cache, so try holding ctrl and hitting F5 to force a refresh.

1 decade ago

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That's ood. I don't have any check-boxes at all... Hmmm. I'll see what happens if I fiddle around a bit and try and find another link for the extension.
And thanks for the help too, atleast I know what to do now :)

1 decade ago

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And does anyone know if there's a way to filter games you already have?

1 decade ago

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On the homepage click filter settings, and use sync library or something like that. Then, if you uncheck the "all" checkbox and check the one that says filtered, it will show you only games that you don't already own, with the few exceptions due to how steam works.

1 decade ago

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Perfect! Thank you!
Totally missed that it said settings there. Thank you very much!

1 decade ago

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While we are talking about this addon, there is one "feature" that I can't seem to disable that really bugs me. When I'm looking through the giveaways, I like to open the ones I want in separate tabs by middle clicking the picture. I can still middle click the title, but I would rather do it from the picture. The addon makes it so that clicking the picture brings up a frame on the same page where you can enter from there... which is neat, but totally unwanted (at least by me). When I mouse over the picture it says "Quick View". Is there any way to change this?

1 decade ago

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I've no idea how to get rid of that. But I only click the title, so it doesn't bother me. Sorry that I can't help

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Uritaniun.