I would Time Control is the best super power ever, I mean, you are in the middle of an exam and you dont know the answers, just pause time, check your notebook, write it in the exam, unpause time and problem solved..... or go back in time and study you lazy dumb.

So what power do you think its the best one? Ridiculous powers are allowed (but no potato related powers)

9 years ago

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power to close threads.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I like how your first instinct with time control is to use it for school testing.

9 years ago

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Cheating in skool is teh best supahpower

9 years ago

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+1 lol

9 years ago

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plus .every time the power is used, Time stops for everyone else..not for the user.. Death will come sooner with normal frame of reference in mind.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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The reality bending and psionic powers of Franklin Richards please.

That or let me be Abraxas, with Galactus dead of course.

9 years ago

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I always liked the power of suggestion. Like how dracula could always seduce the ladies with just a look. This also includes jedi mind tricks.

9 years ago

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The power of seduction?

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9 years ago

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Ah yes, we could all learn a thing or two from George

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9 years ago

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I knew there was a reason I liked you. But, if we are going to talk of the Costanza we must talk of the Kramer.

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9 years ago

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Super genius.
So that I can build a time machine, to prevent you from changing the past and changing other stuff myself.
So that I can build exo-suits to make myself stronger.
Using my genius to build stuff and earn lots of money.

9 years ago

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The power to refill stuff!
Sounds dumb at first but imagine this:
Your glass is empty and you don't want to get up to refill it? Just use your super power.
Your bank account is empty? Refill it.
Your room is empty and you wish you had a person right next to you? Refill your room with that person.


9 years ago

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so lonely :(..

9 years ago

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not sure if weirdo or super genius

9 years ago

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Haha sorry. Wasn't my idea though. I just read that online once and it has been my answer for those kind of questions ever since because personally I think it is genius!

9 years ago

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when i read the first use my first thought was: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5rhTuHm2SA

9 years ago

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To refill something that something requires to have been filled at some point.

9 years ago

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Yeah but even if you just had, let's say 100 dollars in your bank account, you could just take them, refill, take them, refill and so on.
And I'm just gonna say that if you want the person you love in your house / room / whatever then that person surely has been there before. At least that's how I see it.

9 years ago

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Everyone has the power to refill stuff.

Take one dollar from your bank account. Put it back, you have refilled your bank account.
Someone leaves your room. Make a trail of dollar bills leading to your room. You refilled your room.
You finished your drink. Ask the attendant to refill your glass. The attendant has refilled your glass.

If superpowers were real, the ability of conjuring something out of thin air would be awesome. Much like luxury cars falling from the sky when you input a cheat code in GTA. If someone is chasing you, create a wall. If someone pushes you off a building, create a landing mat. Awesome.

9 years ago

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Fighting crime:

"I will fill your heart... With PAIN mwahuahahah"

9 years ago

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Sounds more like committing crime to me :D

9 years ago

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Honestly, using your brain to its full capacity is probably the only super-power you need.

9 years ago*

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That is not a superpower, that is something we already do.

9 years ago

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Yeah, about 0.00001% of the Earth's population might use their brain to its full capacity, but not normal people. We only use about 10%.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I'm reading an article that doesn't agree with the 'myths', but I don't seem to see the evidence against it.
Also, how do you explain different levels of intelligence in different people if we all use our brains fully? We should be geniuses, right?

9 years ago

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There is evidence, but I'm not in the mood to look it up for you. Remain spreading miss information if that's your wish. It is clear you do not wish to learn, just to defend your silly idea with empty arguments. Where is your evidence that we use 10% of our brain?
That different levels of intelligence argument is absurd, too. Do you intend to say that practice, knowledge and experience are worthless? Because those are what makes someone smart.

9 years ago*

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I do not wish to argue, as a popular saying would say 'Knowledge is power'. If there is proof against the 10% of the brain capacity usage than I more than willing to accept it, but when you try to prove me wrong with a simple article, you can expect that I won't be convinced. My argue is logical, just not well planned nor argued for. If we say that the brain capacity usage is 100% for all of us, what makes the difference between my levels of intelligence and understanding and the levels of intelligence and understanding of Einstein, for example? As I've been influenced to believe in the 10% myth, you have also been influenced to believe in the full brain capacity usage 'evidence'.
What I'm generally referring to is the genius children that you hear in the news, that are much smarter at the age of 3 than any other mature person. How? You tell me man, we all use 100% of our brain if I'm not mistaken.

9 years ago

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Read my edited comment. Your arguments are empty. Einstein clearly had different knowledge, experiences and practiced a lot more than you did to become as smart as he was. You're practically trying to argue "Since he can lift 200lbs, it is clearly because he has superior usage of his muscles. No it doesn't matter I have never tried to lift 10lbs even, I shouldn't bother, he is gifted".

9 years ago

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'What I'm generally referring to is the genius children that you hear in the news, that are much smarter at the age of 3 than any other mature person. How? You tell me man, we all use 100% of our brain if I'm not mistaken.' - Your answer to this?

9 years ago

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Won't argue anymore. Just kindly read the articles, read the sources, and then, if you know more than all those professional who have done actual research, please submit your own article. You're right man, you have always been.

9 years ago

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It seems that my statement doesn't really match with your belief, does it? I'll read the articles, and as I've mentioned before, if the evidence is there I'm willing to believe it.

9 years ago

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here, friend

Apparently it sprung up out of nowhere in a 1998 magazine, and has since been picked up by psychics.

From what I got out of it it's that we don't use all of our brain at one time, but in the same way we don't use all of our muscles at one time. Our body picks and chooses which parts are needed situationally and let's the rest idle.

A pretty good example from the article: "Yet people who have suffered head trauma, a stroke, or other brain injury are frequently severely impaired. Have you ever heard a doctor say, ". . . But luckily when that bullet entered his skull, it only damaged the 90 percent of his brain he didn't use"? Of course not."

haha. Cheers man!

9 years ago

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Interesting video, thanks for sharing. I've gone through the other guy's articles as well. The only thing I'm still not convinced about is how can certain children can pick up information at extreme rates at very young ages, the wonder kids we sometimes hear about in the news. That's the only thing I'm still struggling to understand with the whole theory 'We use all of our brain capacity'. :D

Edit: Interesting article I meant, I watched the video shared by the guy below. xD

9 years ago

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Simple. Parents are dedicated enough to find ways to teach them. Just because we both can use 100% of our brain, it doesn't mean our 100% is the same. For example, just because you filled a gallon 100%, it doesn't mean it has more water than a barrel at 10%. You're assuming everyone is equal, which, in biology, is not the case.

Nutrition plays a mayor role too. Do you know how the brain works? I'd bet you haven't done actual research on that either, you should, then you'd see how that is a skewed statement.

9 years ago

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Most MRIs seem to show more than 10% physical activity.

9 years ago

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By they way, in case you didn't knew, Wikipedia has the sources listed in the bottom. Check them before saying there is "no evidence". Check the diplomas of the people who wrote them.

9 years ago

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Don't stop at the diplomas, check who's funding the research. Brilliant, well-qualified people still have to make a living and a good paycheck can do amazing things to "research".

9 years ago

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No, we should not be geniouses if we used our entire brain, we should be as smart as we are, as that is how smart we are when we use our brain at our current full capacity.

9 years ago

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OMG dude you got Lucy'd :P

9 years ago

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Watched that film too, but that's just fiction. :D

9 years ago

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Cut 90% of your brain, you will be fine, you don't use it anyways (according to you)..

9 years ago

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It's not according to me, it's according to popular belief influenced by people. Stop naming and shaming, I've been raised in a society where the popular belief is that only 10% of the brain is used, what do you expect me to believe?

9 years ago

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Don't believe, in our times you can check many things, and think. Only because something is common in society doesn't mean that it's true, people just accept what their parents/other "smarter" people say and then repeat it without thinking about it. But yeah, it's common belief, no shame on you. For example many people in my socienty think that number of ladybug spots tell us about her age. It's so stupid and it's obvious that it's wrong but people don't think. Btw. I did not want to insult you or anything, I always say that if I hear it.

9 years ago

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There is a lot of things that a lot of people believe in that are not true.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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happy cake its a lie

9 years ago

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But... what if you forget to save and suddenly you need to load, and the last save is from 2 months ago? :O
Also happy cake is not a lie day!

9 years ago

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reminds me of Gothic ...

9 years ago

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What if the save is broken? I dont think there would be cloud saving...

9 years ago

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too much power, have some checkpoint.

9 years ago

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dude if you need to cheat on school exams dont choose the time stop power, that power should be use to see boobs, if you need to cheat you just need mind reading :(

9 years ago

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Stop time, check out those bewbs (or do something else), unpause time, bewbs check'd, no one saw nothin'

9 years ago

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Mind Control, just like Professor Xavier

9 years ago

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Absorb other's powers like Peter from Heroes. BECOME THE ALMIGHTY

9 years ago

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godlike petreli !

9 years ago

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There is none greater

9 years ago

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Really good but nobody will have any superpowers except you =P

9 years ago

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The original person keeps their powers, it's more of a copy than absorb i guess haha

9 years ago

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But it's useless if no one else has super powers to absorb in the first place!

9 years ago

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Aww i see what was meant haha. I guess you're right. Immortality it is then!

9 years ago

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The best power is suggesting a potato-related power even though the discussion poster doesn't like potato-related powers.

9 years ago

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Power to add a potato option to every single poll on the site. As it should be.

9 years ago

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Clone people to help me to complete dark souls xD

9 years ago

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Yeah, definitely super-genius... like the power that Forge (X-Men) has. It's a versatile power that you can also make money with. You can't really make any honest-money with any other super-power when you think about it. Seriously,there are lots of cool powers; but, if Wolverine wanted to make money he'd have to get a job... look at The Silver Surfer... how does HE come up with cash? Spiderman works as a photographer... but he's always low on cash and he has girl problems. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, they are both geniuses... so THAT gives them great credibility and money with what they do aside from being Iron Man and The Hulk.

Yeah. I need the money AND the sexy women in my life so I have to say Forge's mutant power is the greatest power to have. All the other powers need alternative methods to make a living.

9 years ago

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I'll go with teleportation !

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Omnipotence is the power to do anything that is possible, in an unlimited fashion. If there are no restrictions for thinking of a superpower here, the power to do the impossible would be the best one, which is called absolute omnipotence, far greater than omnipotence.

9 years ago

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If you are omnipotence can't you just make yourself absolute omnipotence?

9 years ago

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Granting oneself absolute omnipotence is outside the realm of possibility, therefore an omnipotent entity may not grant itself absolute omnipotence.

9 years ago

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Being omnipotence itself is outside the realm of possibility, so maybe if I had that power reality could be reshaped so it's possible.

9 years ago

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Being something does not require an action, omnipotence is a trait that belongs to an omnipotent entity from the beginning. An analogy: I am a human, but I never needed the power to be a human to become one.

9 years ago

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Power to mimic and recall all other powers you've been around

9 years ago

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The power to answer rhetorical questions.

9 years ago

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Vampire powers are quite OP.

  1. You're immortal , can overwhelm anyone because your time is unlimited resource
  2. Better physical characteristics , +10 STR and DEX you know...

Also vampires in gayish movies are really nice ( two-sided words, huh?)

  1. They don't burn out on sunlight
  2. Extremely fast
  3. You don't always have to drink human blood

And I think vampires are immune to religions , because it's stupid stuff to be afraid of human-invited symbols ...

You always can die of pieces of wood in your heart, but who doesn't?

9 years ago

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Taste my garlic bread. It's delicious.

9 years ago

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Wear this nice silver necklace.

9 years ago

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You replied to me, not to the vampire.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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well, just wait another Steffany Meier' book ,they will be absolutely immune and more sexy.
btw Sid Meier...Civ...

9 years ago

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Her vampires are already immune to garlic and silver. But they can die if crushed by other vampires through sheer force.

9 years ago

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Plus vampires can get girls easily and their skin shines with the sunlight, also you get a 10% coupon on Wendy's if your girlfriend's name is Bella

9 years ago

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13th bullet bulletproof

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9 years ago

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I mean come on, you would be able to travel anywhere in the world within seconds, get out of bad situations, and all that without paying for transportation.

9 years ago

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too many powers ,which are better =d
for example , you teleport but you can do it max 20 years because you won't keep the healthy lifestyle with such powers...

9 years ago

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I don't understand what you're saying. Why would teleporting affect my health? :P

9 years ago

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Yes, I think this is the best superpower too. You're bored, why don't you just go on Hawaii in a blink?
But I bet it would be hard to live when everybody knows about it, so you would probably have that for yourself and don't let anybody know about it.

9 years ago

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Gotta be careful where you teleport to though. Port blindly into a room and you might find there was a table at your destination. Now half of you is above the table and half below, and blood everywhere.

9 years ago

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Hah! true. :)

9 years ago

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obviously immortality is the best one ;)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Not really. Many people see immortality as their ultimate desire, but it's pretty bad in truth. Imagine everyone you know/love dieing and you staying alone. And it is a torture that would never end.

9 years ago

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Yeah some people tend to see the empty half :)

9 years ago

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Even if you think you can deal with loneliness, an eternity of loneliness is a whole different concept that no human has ever experienced (because no one is immortal). As no one has ever experienced that, one can only imagine how terrible this would be.

9 years ago

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Green Mile says what you have wrote. And also - how would immortality affect to my body? 100 year grandpas are very weak, would I be always young or something at all? Also, the Earth will blow up someday, and you will... surf in space?

9 years ago

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If you don't combine immortality with eternal youth and impervious to injury, it's not really a good power.

9 years ago

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This. Being immortal means you can't die but your body ages over and over. Also you can be tortured and feel endless pain as you would never die. Just some examples of why it would be a rather terrible superpower to have D:

9 years ago

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Maybe I'll be able to finish my backlog this way..

9 years ago

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and then you go climbing and get burried by an avalanche. happy immortality :D

9 years ago

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This is the exact question someone would expect from an hipster Edgar Allan Poe.

9 years ago

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Its not "hipster Edgar Allan Poe". Its SWAG edgy Edgar Allan Bro.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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That one could get you in trouble, as you don't know the secrets of the person you're shapeshifting into, you might end up doing something you never wanted to :)

9 years ago

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