Steamgifts does send an email when you win GA.
Some people just don't care and no means of communication will change it.
If it gets bad you can always contact support with proof of sending game. They can mark received for you
Since removal of gifts feature on steam, I always have to add winner anyway, so I prefer contacting that way
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yes it does but if they are like me i used my main e-mail for pretty much everything and i got upwards of 20 - 30 messages (a lot of spam) a day so i easily can miss important something important like this then so can the winners plus if it comes from a e-mail address saying something like "your a winner" or "claim your Steam key now" people will naturally think it's a scam
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Probably already said.
Send the winner a direct email with a subject line of "Mark your WIN received on SG" avoiding the word "STEAM" usually works for me.
I get alot of emails with STEAM in the subject line and it does get cluttered.
Post in one of their ended giveaways with a link back to the win.
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The majority of the ones that don't claimed the win after 3 days+ are autojoiner accounts.
Do yourself something good and don't waste so much time to try to get them to the point to please please please take the win.
Write them here on sg, in one of their old GAs.
When they don't take the win till the 7 days are over, then delete/edit the key + make a reroll ticket with the link to the message you wrote the winner on sg. When a new winner is choosen, then copy/edit the key back in. Problem solved.
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I don't think you could unsend the key but to be honest, the last time that i needed to do it is long ago because i don't do much public GAs below level 5 anymore. And i regret it everytime when i do it, against my knowledge/experience, to be nice.
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not true in my case it was a level 4+ giveaway and the winner was level 6
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I don't. They get message to claim game. My effort ends at doing giveaways. Haven't had yet problem with winner faol activate in 7 days. But noticed some bot users even on high levels, which are online 24/7, but reedem key in the last hours.
When it is bigger game which I have to gift at steam, I mark it on giveaway description. Haven't faced yet person failing add me, but when they won't, lose for them as they won't recieve game.
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Theoretically, you could send a message in one of his old giveaways.
But if he doesn't pay attention to one of the flashing icons in the top right corner, it doesn't make any difference whether it's a win, a message under one of his giweaways or a new chat system.
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i've just had to leave a message on a 6 year old giveaway to try and contact a winner
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6 year old giveaway of the winner of my giveaway not my giveaway of course (did you really think a 10month old account made a giveaway 6 years ago?)
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Just be patient, he has 7 days to activate and mark as received.
I know it sucks and sometimes it feels like the winner doesn't care, but I try not to think anything of it. Specially because I have taken a day or 2 to activate a win. Once I was traveling and didn't have my pc with me. And recently I won a HB monthly game and I took a whole day to activate it simply because I was still pondering if I was going to buy that bundle. If I had decided to buy it, I was gonna ask the creator to reroll their ga. Once I decided against purchasing it, I activated the game, marked as received and thanked the creator.
After that time, then you should try everything possible to contact the winner. If you fail just open a ticket with support. They will help you in any way they can.
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Well that is understandable. I mean I always check the winners activity and see if they are actually online or away. If I can see they are away in a while, I'll wait patiently. But seeing they are active just confuses me. The popups are in your face when you win. It's hard to miss really.
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Sometimes, when the winner didn't responds to Steam friend request or ignores it, I used to create meaningless trade offer and describe what I want from the person in attached message. It always worked for now.
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Damn, everyone out here is playing checkers while you are playing 4D chess.
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Some people are just .... for lack of a better word .... @%^$#%& heads! (your choice on what word to use)
One of my early giveaways was a Steam Gift, the winner was drawn and minutes later I sent the gift via Steam ... at the time they would receive an email about it, etc. The giveaway description clearly stated it was a Steam Gift, etc, blah blah.
1 day goes by and nothing ...
2 days go by and both Steam and SG say they haven't logged on for 3 days.
3 days go by and they log in but don't claim gift or mark received.
4 days and still nothing so I add them on Steam and message on SG by commenting on a previous post they did.
5 days and they are idle again.
6 days go by, they have been on Steam and SG but gift still unclaimed.
7 days and I am about to withdraw the gift sent (not sure if you can still do it but back then you could reclaim the gift sent it the person didn't claim it) and ask for a reroll ... I am like 20 seconds away from doing this when all of a sudden they accept my friend request on Steam and message me:
"yo bro were my game I won. I been wating 7 dayz for it" (not exact words but close to it).
My jaw nearly touched the ground ... I was so tempted to continue clicking, reclaim the gift and ask for a reroll.
Instead I did the "right" thing and told them "I emailed it 7 days ago, did you not check your email".
A few minutes later I got a reply "got it" .... no thanks, no sorry, in fact the @%#$&^ never even played the game.
Unfriended the @#%&^, blocked him on Steam, blacklisted on SG ... wish I did reclaim and reroll but am content that I acted mature in the situation.
Sometimes no matter what you do, you get one of "those" people (no that isn't a racist remark ... you know what I mean).
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You describe very well one of "those" people.
I have the "luck" to get too much of them when i do public GAs below level 5. And both my "not recieved" marks are from such "nice guys". And i still hope they needed, multiple times, fast a toilet and couldn't find one.
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Leaving a message on one of their giveaways explaining the situation with a link to your giveaway they won is what I recommend. This will give them a notification they'll see and often times either respond to your comment or take care of their win. Remember they have 7 days to claim it so if it's before that it's best to wait.
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I still don't understand why it's on the GA creators plate to contact winner if they just stay away. I think we should be able to get an auto re-roll on request (same as GA deletion works before it ends) as long as the key remains unseen after 7 days have past.
But as it is as it is, here's what I do:
Don't forget to screenshot everything, you'll need it for the re-roll request if you need to do one.
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Why you do all the hassle when Nr. 1 is enough that the reroll will be granted, if he don't claim the win after 7 days?
And you need only a link to that message, screenshot isn't needed from something when you have that.
I done it in the past like you and then realized it is wasted lifetime and the wrong thing that i as gifter must run behind the winner that he please please please take his win.
So i reduced my work part and invested time as much as possible in such cases because i seen NEVER that one of "those" accounts (not all are different users...) react faster because i wrote them everywhere.
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No, it only has been the 2nd day so far. I'm not really upset, but I thought it would maybe help to get to people who actually win the games as a solution to message them and discuss if there's something important, and not outside of the platform.
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One relatively easy solution is writing to them here, on SG, under one of their old GAs, because they surely get notified by it. Well, they should get the win notification by the system anyway, but it cant hurt to remind them. Otherwise you should try to get one of their contacts that are directly or indirectly linked to their SG profile (Steam or E-mail for eg). I'd think stalking within reasonable limits wont make you a straight up...
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I usually wait for their response first before revealing key :) If they don't respond by saying thank you or anything like that, i will let them wait 6 days and on the 7th day I will reveal the key and then blacklist them, because if you aren't thankful, you don't deserve it. I know its a harsh and probably weird way of doing it, but I don't really care :D .. I prefer that the winners of my giveaways are thankful for what they receive for free.
EDIT: It seems people didnt understand me fully, I write my giveaway rules in the description of each giveaway, I dont expect people to KNOW automatically that I want a thank you before I send the key, but I do expect people to read.
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eh, that's how I do it, if you win something, you say thank you. Doesn't take much away from other people anyways, since I do mostly invite-only/group giveaways ;)
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Before you send the winner a gift, you expect one to thank you? For what? You know that most of the "thank you"s in public GAs are from bots/autojoin scripts, when they appear before receiving a gift? Most of the time you can tell by a quick check...
Edit: After a second look something came to my mind. If you wait and by doing that not click the "send" button the winner of your GA don't even know that she/he won because there is no notification in the site, nor automatic mail. At least I think that you get those only after GA creator clicks that button. If I am right then you in ~95% of cases cherish bots and auto-joiners and penalize honest people. Good job.
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Just check some preceding and following GAs for their comments, compare comments and post times. It's even easier to observe if you host your own GAs in batches like me. Suddenly you get 10+ identical or similar "thank you" messages in your SG inbox, all at once, in like 2 second timespan. Added a random example from my GAs, didn't have to search too much, at least 3 bots/autojoiners in a row, on one sshot from my phone:
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Nope, I don't use whitelist, nor blacklist, have both completely clear. I don't need SG when we talk about my close friends - always give them games directly when I feel like to. Instead of using blacklist I just report users if they really do something bad, like really bad, against site rules. Bots and autojoiners are only a little irritating to me, I do nothing about them at all. I'm not a child also to be bothered much by people with other opinions, views, etc. and blacklist them on that account, can't really be offended too by some random strangers over the internet. TLDR, I'm too old for this shit ;-)
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Yeah, played some couch coop with mine too but not so much, mainly titles like Trine & Rayman series, many karts (Mario, Sonic, Crash, etc.), beating games like MK, Tekken and all Resident Evil games with local coop (full campaigns, I'm most proud of these :-P). She is not an avid gamer and most of the time she just click some farm/match 3 on her phone or play a hidden object adventure game on her lappy. Anyway, I wrote about my wife earlier with something other on my mind, it was a convoluted joke which meant that we shouldn't start to lick each other's balls now. I guess it's too late for that :-D
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you get the notification that you have won before the key is sent, its not dependent on me clicking the reveal button :=)
I dont count thanks that have been done before the giveaway ends :)
anyway, doesn't take much away from other people anyways, since I do mostly invite-only/group giveaways ;)
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it is indeed strange way of doing it, but I don't really care.
the rules are never meant as evil though, but i guess some people will think of it as such.
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I know the customary rule of saying thank you after winning, but i didnt know that you need to do it before you got the key. I thought it will end up bothering the gifter since i would have to thank them before and after receiving the key, thus notifying them twice. I'll try to keep it in mind for the next time.
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it depends on what people want, if there are no specifications in the description of the giveaway, assume for it to be done like generally on the site, thank you after receiving key.
my rules are always in my giveaway descriptions.
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Ah, i see. That makes sense. Thanks for clarifying it!
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bad encounters with ungrateful people on the site do that :)
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That feels so weird. I just imagined someone throwing a birthday party greeting people with "Thank you" in the hopes that they have a gift in their backpack. This might be colored by the fact that I have one more then one GA where I never received the game.
I think the only moment I would consider "Thanking" before getting the key might be if just reading the name of the game triggers something I feel like I have to tell the gifter immediately
But all this is totally lessened by me noticing the fact that you explicitly mention that as a rule in your GAs. When I mentally rephrase it from "I just expect people to say thanks before getting the key" to "I expect winners to read the description where I tell them to say thanks before getting the key" it's totally fine by me :-D
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my giveaway, my rules, I am allowed to write how I wish ;)
and so far it has worked fine since the people who enter my giveaways know what they are entering :P
I do appreciate the rephrasing though, thanks for that. Will probably change it something different like that :)
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It's a weird way, as the other replies in my comment have probably told you, but the good thing about SteamGifts is that you are allowed to choose the people you want your giveaways to go to. If people can't read, they will go on my blacklist, simple as that, nothing personal to anyone. Of course I will revisit my decision if someone contacts me on steam about a blacklisting, but usually they stay, since people don't really care if they are on someone's blacklist, until they notice they can't enter a giveaway ;)
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I would need a good reason to blacklist someone really, as I understand that sometimes I make similar mistakes not reading the giveaway description and just join a bunch quickly. ESGST helps a lot to make my process easy.
But if I win something, I make sure to check the giveaway, therefore, I can read the description.
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I use blacklist not as a bad thing mostly, just a list that I want to use for people who i think have already won enough or don't know how to read. They won't loose a lot from it anyways, since i mostly do group/invite-only giveaways :P
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I had the same problem with one of my giveaways in the past. I just suspect them to be either a bot or use autojoiner script since they never goes offline on sg whenever i checked on them, so i didnt do much besides sending the key and waiting for 7 days. It got rerolled at the 7th day without problem. The mods accept you sending the key as a proof of contacting the winner, so you dont have to be obligated to reach them to their steam account or email if you think that the winner is like that too.
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Just a gut feeling tbh. I forgot if they are online on steam or not, but they have a non activated wins when i checked them on sgtools, and they seem to always online whenever i checked them on different times. I dont think levels and gift sent is a contributing factor though, but you can assume them to be bots if they are low leveled.
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Last time I had this problem it turned out the person was using SteamGifts mainly on their phone and it was a typical case of "I'll have to check do that later at the pc"->forgot... I dropped them a reminder on an old GA of theirs and they reacted fairly fast.
Other then that I have done a lot of chatting on steam and a bit via email with my winners but that was mainly in the days before there was a enter keys on steamgifts so they HAD to talk to me anyway ;-)
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I'll be trying that, just that the winner has a lot of private giveaways, making it a hassle to just fine a public GA and contact them there. It's hard sometimes to get in touch with winners you have given special instructions in the description.
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When you have problems to spot a public GA of someone then i give you a advice.
SilentGuy, i use you as, easy, example.
Go to sgtools sent and search with the users name for his stats (silentguy below as example, you can replace the name with your winner):
Here you see if a GA was public, group GA etc..
When you spot a public GA switch to the profile of the user, as example , write on the left site, in the search field, the games name and hit return.
That way it speed the finding of a public GA a bit up when someone made a lot of GAs.
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1º Steamgifts sends an email to the winner notifying him.
2º After winning the draw, the winner has 7 days to respond, if after this time they do not answer, you must reroll
3º In case the winner sees the key of the won game and does not answer as if he had received it, you should contact him via mail or visit his steam profile and if he has a public profile and enabled to write comments, leave him one and notify him that please accept that you have received the gift.
4º In case you receive it and winner dont accept that you have received it and you get in touch via mail or steam and he/she dont do it either, open a support ticket on steam and report the user so that an administrator can help you.
Personally, I didn't have great problems with the giveaways, only on two times, one of the winners saw the key but didn't notify me as received and I had to contact him by writing to his steam profile and within hours he accepted it, and on another occasion a winner spent a week and did not enter steamgifts, so I had to reroll, but if they do not answer, contact steam support and they will help you.
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Yeah, I don't have much issues, and I honestly understand that the winner didn't enter Steamgift for a while to claim it, but what confuses me is when they are online when I check on them and still don't do it. It's not like Steamgift doesn't go in your face when you win or give a giveaway away. I was thinking that if there's a way to contact them right on the platform, as a forum based message, such as this, it would make it easier than rather have to go through their profile, search for ways to get in touch with them through giveaways and so forth. I get that maybe sometimes it can happen and you can skip things, it's just a bit weird that as a giveawayer you gotta go through the effort for actually giving a gift for free and still having to pull them to accept your gift.
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yep, maybe there should be private messages to be able to contact users right here, maybe it wasn't implemented to avoid spam problems or scam attempts, although I think that if they don't answer mark how as received even if they win the draw, they won't reply to the private messages either XD that happened to me on occasion, of spending several days being online and not even looking at the gift they have won y and say wtf xD
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How giveaways are handled reminds me of ancient Chinese philosophy although I think SG does it unintentional. Although winners are notified on the site and by email people giving away games are somehow responsible to contact the winners to gracefully accept the gift and can count their blessings when the win is taken finally.
How is that a rational approach? By entering a giveaway you implicitly show interest to receive the gift. If you aren't excited after you won so be it. Let an automatic re-roll decide a new winner after the seven days waiting period.
Of course there will always be cases where real life prevents winners from accepting the gift but then a missed win on SG should be the least of their problems.
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if u cant comment on his profile, try on any review/screenshot/video he posted
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4 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Yamaraus
Hi there,
I feel that sometimes it's rather difficult to get in touch with winners on Steamgifts. A lot of my winners appear to either be online, but don't tick the received button or simply don't have the time.
Recently I have made a giveaway and someone won. But, it's rather difficult to get in touch with them through this platform, so I'd normally contact them on Steam. Through steam, you need to submit a Friend Request and hope to god they can accept it so you can talk to them. Alternatively, I would write to them on the their profile, but if they are private or restrict that section, I can't.
How else do you contact people who you need to speak to about their giveaway? I feel there should be a message system that allows you to chat with the winner for a while about the code or something. Don't you think that would be a good idea?
Share your views please!
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