I have seen a lot of ideas thrown around about getting benefits for gift givers. Extra invite codes, higher level membership, getting points, feeling warm and fuzzy, etc... What currently happens to you when you give a gift? If benefits are added in the future will past givers be retroactively rewarded with the new benefits? I ask because I won a redundant copy of the Valve complete collection during the Portal 2 ARG, and as of yet, have only passed some games to my friends.

1 decade ago*

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As you are generous enough to give away games without receiving anything for it CG will be even more generous and give you the bonuses and a little extra on top as well.

In my opinion.

At the moment no one can tell you whether you get future bonuses or not.

1 decade ago

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Once we get some benefits setup, all past contributors and gifts will definitely be taken into account. Speaking of which, what kind of benefits would everyone like to see?

1 decade ago

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A free gift of equal value.

1 decade ago

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i dont think that will work lol

1 decade ago

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This would be awesome though. :)

1 decade ago

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Lol I'd give you back the game you gave away, i bet you'd be very happy :)

1 decade ago

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i like the idea of a free invite code, but a gifters only giveaway option would be great, so only people who have contributed are able to enter, or maybe they can enter for free points wise

1 decade ago

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Hmmm... maybe a permanent point-cap increase equal to the value of your gifted game? Perhaps a 50% point increase for your submission too.

I do like the idea of gifters-only giveaway as an option.

I also like the free invite code, but maybe there should be a minimum value on that? Or a running total? So like every $50 you gift you get a free invite.

1 decade ago

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I think there should be no extra benefits for contributors. It's awesome of them to giveaway gifts and make other ppl happy with them. But getting extra benefits makes it look like u gotta pay to join some kinda exclusive group. Or ppl starting to make giveaways just for benefits :| which completely changes the site's purpose.

:3 i think the contributors themselves wuld agree with the fuzzy feeling inside when ppl play their games being enough ^^

1 decade ago

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Seeing as you've never given away anything yourself on the site, I'd disagree. I'd like to be rewarded in someway for giving away games. No, getting games in return may not be an ideal option, but "Contributor Only" giveaways would definitely increase willingness to give stuff away. Perhaps even a 5%-10% point increase, depending on the number of people who enter the giveaway and the price of the game. Someone who gives away a copy of Dirt 3 should be better rewarded than someone who gives away a copy of Dirt 1, for example.

And yes, the intrinsic value of knowing we're doing good for others is great and DEFINITELY plays a role in giving games out, but for how long can most people afford to give away several games a week, and get nothing back?

1 decade ago

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I might not have given away anything on the site ^^ I just prefer giving away gifts to friends that I know enjoy the games and accually play them. Rather sad to see that my opinion is thrown away for not having gifted any games on here. That's just the thing I don't want to see.

1 decade ago

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I see nothing wrong with your proposal, it could be a good idea, it could be a bad idea. At least its an idea

1 decade ago

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I would argue that the site's purpose of facilitating the exchange of games would be helped by giving small benefits to contributors. Any benefit that would entice someone to create a giveaway is a good thing. The more giveaways on the site the more alive the community will be and the more chances members have of winning a game.

I believe that the benefits should not give the contributors an unfair advantage in any particular giveaway, but should perhaps give them the opportunity to enter a few more giveaways than they could have if they hadn't contributed. Or hell, maybe just be novelty shit like a star next to your name or achievements. Or a PWNy.

There should also be some safeguards in place so that the site isn't flooded with games that no one wants. (Benefits should only be given once a gift is confirmed received, or only if a certain number of people enter the giveaway, or if it is worth a certain dollar amount. The details can be discussed further and tweaked along the way.)

1 decade ago

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Maybe points as a percentage of game value. It would allow you to enter an extra contest or two, but by no means give you too massive an advantage over others.

Private gifting events should maybe get a reduced percentage, or none at all.

1 decade ago

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I say nothing too major, maybe 5 points extra for every gift you give away.

1 decade ago

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A thank you! Maybe some candy and a Giraffe. Sigh I have nothing good to contribute sorry!

1 decade ago

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The only real thing I could see is points given. I'm sure someone else could think of something a lot more swanky than that though.

1 decade ago

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How would you want to handle points? When the winner checks received, you get a fixed amount based on the value of the game? Or should it be an overall increase in points based on activity level? For example, Steam has their 0-10 Steam rating, we could setup a contributor rating here, that illustrates a user's activity level in the past two weeks. This could than affect the percentage of points they receive. A rating of 0 would be the default 10%, and a rating of 10 upwards to 20%?

1 decade ago

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as much as i like the idea of getting rewarded more if you're more active on steam, i think that a whole 10% is too much of an impact. that's just my opinion though. on the other hand, 10% is much easier to handle than 5%

as for contributors, how about giving them an extra 5-10% of their gift's points once the gift has been confirmed by the recipent?

1 decade ago

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I thought that idea had been confirmed a while ago?

1 decade ago

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the point system currently holds no rewards for the giveaway donators. they get the same amount of points generated by their giveaways as everyone else. hence, we are discussing how to be more generous towards those who are generous towards us.

in this post, the point is also to favor those who use steam actively everyday over those who only use steam one hour a month, though it shouldn't un-balance the current system too much.

making the winning chances higher for either category is a no-go, in my opinion. but giving them some extra points would be fair a long as its not too much

1 decade ago

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I should probably reword that post, I didn't mean we should reward active Steam users, but instead, setup a similar 0-10 rating over here. It would be based on contributions in the past two weeks, and a rating of 0 would be $0, while a rating of 10 would be $100+, and then everything in between. For example, if you had a rating of 4, it would mean you had contributed $40 worth of gifts in the last two weeks, and therefore you receive an extra 4% worth of points.

1 decade ago

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An extra 4% doesnt even matter at all, most of the games which are given away are cheap ones to be honest and before you actually gain an extra point it would take a while.

Dont really like a rating as well, someone with good money just gives away random gams, he doesnt care but wants a good rating (for w/e reason, he could just buy his games anyway) and a poor student giving away his last 10 bucks of the months only get a single ranking point.

1 decade ago

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That is all I can think of as well.

1 decade ago

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two idea's
1) Give contributors points 10% of the value of the game in USD for each 10 entries the giveaway gets after gift is recieved.
example: contributor X creates a giveaway for 20 dollar game
123 people entered at end of giveaway
gift recieved confirmed
2 points for each 10 entries so the contributor gets 24 points
2) Option to do a giveaway only available to (recent) contributors of whom gifts are recieved

1 decade ago

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Contributors only giveaways for those that gifted more than $x dollars... Also these giveaways could require less points to enter.

1 decade ago

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I like the idea of contributor only giveaways. Not sure if we should have a certain $ amount to be eligible for it, maybe just a time limit on the last giveaway you did. Like within the last month or 2 month you must of done a giveaway to enter.

1 decade ago

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Just a crazy idea... A percentage of the entries rewarded in points to the gifter, taking into consideration the date/time range of the giveaway.

For example:
1hour to 1 day = 25% of entries in points.
1 day to 3 days = 20% of entries in points.
3 days to 7 days = 15% of entries in points.
7 days to 15 days = 10% of entries in points.
15 days to 30 days = 5% of entries in points.

What do you think about this?

1 decade ago

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what? no! that would encourage people to make giveaways 1 hour long, which would suck. also, it would encourage them to only put up giveaways that guarantees to have lots of entries, instead of less mainstream games.

1 decade ago

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I said "1 hour to 1 day", so no one would make a 1 hour giveaway, lol. They would make 24 hours the least, although the most intelligent choice would be to make 3 or 7 days giveaways to get more entries. Anyway those porcentages were just an example and they can be easily adjusted for the community convenience as well as the time ranges. And what you say about mainstream games it's not the case either, because a mainstream game costs more money to the gifter and more points to the contestants, so a cheaper indie game may be a good choice to giveaway because your reward wouldn't be related to the price of the game but the total number of entries.

1 decade ago

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I make 1 hour giveaways >.>

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by fishpen0.