honesty, it does not matter what you think, as long as the gifter does not explicitly state "no saying thanks" you better say thanks.
It does not matter how stupid you or me think it is, a lot of people care if you type "thanks" instead of nothing.
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Or he just wants to say thanks even thought he is not interested in the game?
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i am pretty sure that's calling out... and you know what happens to someone when he is calling out don't ya? <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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i agree! and that bot had QUITE the activity on his gameplay and achievements
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Sometimes I say thanks but save the giveaway for later because I don't have enough points, what's wrong with that
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I very often do the same, especially for giveaways that are open for more than a few days. I enter my thanks, and bookmark the GA.
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I've said thanks and caught myself almost forgetting to hit the enter button before. Possible that he/she went one step further?
Maybe they were also in the process of entering and got distracted? Said thanks then went for a pee/answered the phone/door or something? Then again, it might be a bot. Hard to tell one way or the other.
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I'm not a bot. Bzzzt! I wrote 'thanks' in shitload of giveaways I didn't enter because I either had the game already and knew it's cool or knew I'm not gonna be able to play it. Or I entered but then left because something more awesome appeared and I didn't have enough points.
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I say thanks on giveaways or other comments I dont enter all the time (or pull my entry after the fact for various reasons)
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Exactly, I comment on every giveaway made in my group, even though most of the time I already own the game.
It's also happened a few times where I win/buy a game and then go and remove all my entries; but I never go and delete my comments. After all, I'm still thankful for the contribution to the community, regardless of my entry.
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I sometimes end up buying games for which I entered + thanked. Usually bundles and high discount ones. I remove the entry, but leave the thanks. Despite my greed/need for a game, every giveaway is still a contribution to the site. :)
"Registered1 month ago
Giveaways Entered 1,221
Gifts Won 0
Estimated Wins 1.52
Comments 103"
Ah, ok, I get it now: you've been around for a month and entered "so many giveaways omg" and didn't win, so now you think bots are "stealing" your wins.
Don't worry and go on with your life: you'll win eventually. Also install SteamGifts Plus: it really helps filtering stuff out so you easily see the stuff you really like.
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I have entered a few giveaways left a comment and left a giveaway due to me deciding not to for one reason or another. When I do that I do not bother removing my comment since I really do not feel like trying to find it :P
Then there are a few times where I will leave comments without the intent on entering the giveaway.
A few times there where games I ended up buying anyways so I removed entries.
Seems like the OP is trying to point the finger at others to hide the fact that he himself is a bot! Dun dun dun
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Yea I have done that a few times myself. Also if its a giveaway that someone put up on the forum ( IE Puzzle ) and I already have the game and/or not interested I will still make a comment thanking them for the giveaway and the puzzle. When that happens though I often state that I will not be entering the giveaway though.
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I don't deny bots could be around but given the point limit, contrib value and requirement of (i think) $100+ game value, that would stop most bots. The next part would be needing a captcha and i don't know about you but i can never read the darn things! I wouldn't worry too much about them
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A guy commenting on a giveaway he didn't enter doesn't prove he's a bot.
Also, how is commenting gonna protect their accounts? This post is confusing.
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Hah I saw that one and was considering commenting on it but passed.
Anyway what I think we can take away from this, is that people can stop posting Smaug DLC keys from Raptr now. No one cares to enter anymore. I kind of wish the better 2 didn't get bundled though, there was only ever a few posted and now no one does at all, ah well.
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Some bots even post threads like this as a cunning double-bluff to hide their true identity.
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Reading your posts on this thread, you're a real wonderful guy, huh? Damn, just shut up already, stop insulting people who post a "thanks" on a giveaway. Your "theory" is based on such speculative assumption that it holds as much water as a sieve. As many others have pointed out, there can be myriad reasons for someone to post a thanks but not enter - in fact, the "thanks" bots you refer to only post a "thanks" automatically when a giveaway is entered. I don't really give much of a toss either way, whether someone is using a bot or not, though I myself always just copy-pasta a "thanks" of some description on giveaways I enter manually. I only hand-type out a message to the giveaway maker when it's relevant - i.e. on private and group giveaways, where I both know the person and thus the message is personal and holds some meaning, as well as there being few enough entries that you can assume the maker is actually reading the comments. That, or on private giveaways I enter after say, solving a puzzle. All this bitching about "thanks" either having to be posted, or in your case bitching about the comments not being truly heartfelt - just cut it the f*ck out. If you're making a public giveaway, you're putting the chance for someone, anyone to win a game off you out there and shouldn't care about anyone's gratitude but the person who wins your giveaway, anyway. It's ridiculous to feel entitled to, or even want hundreds, if not thousands of people bowing down at the temple that is your most generous giveaway, and if you truly want that, you're doing giveaways for the wrong reasons - e-peen related ones. With group giveaways, it's a different story as you actually know each other, thus showing some gratitude to a friend / acquaintance for putting a giveaway up is warranted and makes sense.
Either way, from the extremely belligerent tone you've been showing to people so far on this thread, I conclude you're an attention starved jerk who feels he should bash others for at best trying to show some gratitude to someone for making a giveaway, or at worst only fitting in with the crowd and oh no, using bots to automate posting a "thanks" on public giveaways, where the "thanks" should be unnecessary and assumed by the maker.
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The cheapest, most childish, lame way to get out of admitting someone else is right. Act like you aren't even reading what they say / listening to them. 100% the same as a five year old sticking their fingers in their ears and going "LALALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU". Classy, OP.
Christ, get fuckt.
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You have to be one of the biggest fucking idiot newby posters on this forum so far.
You're open a thread to bitch about people not showing true gratitude because they're using bots, in other words you're bitching about them somehow being "bad people", then act like a pube-less CoD troll, yourself.. I'd love it if jackasses like you just got removed from the site.
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Oh, okay. Well, guys, guess that's an order. I wasn't going to touch my blacklist, but if I'm ordered to, I might as well. How do you spell Ansatsunin again? It's H-y-m-1-2, right?
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"EDIT: To me people who say thanks just for their stupid ratio deserve the same fate as pedophiles"
What? A short custodial sentence, then rehabilitation into the community under a new identity?
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You're forgetting the "fellow inmates know you're a pedophile and thus rape and beat you daily, if not kill you" phase in between, though..
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.. It's a well-known fact that inmates despise pedophiles. Watching any prison-related show will teach you that, not only first-hand bum-battery from someone named "Bubba". You're no good, journalist.
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And they're not a good doctor, either. Hell, I doubt that they even have a medical license. ಠ_ಠ
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In one of the giveaways you have a guy saying thanks even though there is no entry in it.
That was my life.
EDIT: So much bots commenting trying to protect their accounts
EDIT2: To me people who say thanks just for their stupid ratio deserve the same fate as pedophiles
EDIT3: I've seen I hurt a lot of pedophiles's feelings, so let's just replace it with Jehovah's witnesses or poorly parked people.
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