Honestly, after the whole microtransaction controvery that's been going around these months, I .believe this was a necessary force of action.
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Yep, that's pretty much it. They milked the people they could, pissed everyone else, now they try to save face... worst part is that I was saving said gold to buy XP boosts since they also hindered game progression so people spent real money to buy said boosts, I just hope they will also bump up the XP system so it's less of an artificial lengthening of gameplay in the form of an endless grind.
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so, they will delete gold and silver editions from store?
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gold edition have the season pass no ? so i guess not or rename gold edition for something like complete edition or goty edition .
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TBH i don't think that a victory at all.
It's waaaaaay too late as They already got all the money they can from it the first couple of months then delete it when they see i doesn't generate anymore money, it's the same as most games with microtransactions nowadays.
It's becoming a retarded loop of publishers puting microtransactions, getting money out of it, removing it when they had enough money and then apologise like nothing happened then, putting another game with microtransactions in it and so on.
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Hardly a victory and consider that a new DLC will arrive on May 8th.
Speculatively a PR move rather than goodwill.
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Giving a reason why microtransactions seem to be removed from out of the blue.
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A PR move seems to look like a beneficial action for the buying audience on the surface, but there is a selfish purpose for the agent in the very end. A goodwill action is to benefit someone or some group in a sacrificial action without needing any material in return. I believe the microtransaction removal was not because Warner Brothers believe microtransactions are possibly malicious to video game design, but to entice video game players to buy Shadow of War for the chance they will also buy the new Desolation of Mordor DLC.
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Victory?Yes.But for who?I'd say...WB.They shoved the damn microtransactions down everyone's throats in SoW,milked the brain-dead cashcows for all that they were worth and are "skipping town" for cheap brownie points ("We listen to you!"),getting off scot-free from the whole "loot box gambling" thing.
Lets be real here-we lost the moment microtransactions were introduced.
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Small step in the right direction, but hopefully micro transactions die out as a trend in general.
It's gonna take a Long, Long time before that happens though.
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lol it's been around half a year, but yeah, nowadays waiting for a sale gives you a better product than on launch as long as you can bare the wait :]
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That's problem. People can't wait. Even when they have 2k games in library and 5 other new not beaten AAA games.
They need to have it, just because it's new. Buggy and unfinished, as developers need to release game on certain date. Then people throw money at them and only devs have time to fix it.
I bought one game as preorder - Bioschock Infinite. And was so disappointed I didn't buy newly released game since then. So nearly exactly 5 years. It's not hard.
Esp that we don't have that much time to play anyway. I can play quite a lot, as no family and so like. And I beat 60 games last year. Half of them is like ~5h, and other half is like ~20-30h. With exception for Wither 3 that took like 150h.
It's not bad to buy 2 or 3 pre-orders as you can't wait for this game from your favorite series. But pre-ordering pretty much anything is plain stupid. Bonus point when game is so broken it own't work at release anyway.
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Esp that we don't have that much time to play anyway.
Amen brother dragon, amen. I'm often called a "cheapass" from my friends since I don't like spending $60 for a new game that I know will have a discount in a few months, will be patched and will be thoroughly reviewed. Practically I just buy a single game each year on launch, and it's because it's something I really want to play (which is pretty rare nowadays) and have enough time to play it (which is even rarer). I'm also saving some money since last year because I want to continue my studies :]
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I don't pirate. But I am pro pirating games from developers that are unfair. Eye for an eye... I don't do that though, but If someone does, I am glad. Cause I hate greedy good for nothing developers.
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Most of the time it's not the devs but the publishers who are greedy to the bone. In this case I highly doubt it was Monolith who decided to implement micro transactions, I'm pretty sure it was WB decision :/
And in that case I don't care if people pirate the game, they can always buy it when it's on sale at a price they deem fair for the product, in the end I just hope that people vote with their wallets and support the devs/games they like, not just pirate it and be done with it, but in the end it's their choice, like people spending $100 or more on launch day for games, they find value in it.
Oh, and I don't pirate either, I have way too many games backlogged to be compelled to do that, I just wait for sales if I really want to play something that I deem to expensive.
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Yeah, publishers too. But Blizzard made microtransactions itself. They games have every type pay type. Pay for game, pay abonament, microtransactions...
Also I can't agree. Games on sale have still WAY TO HIGH prices. Only 90% off in most games make the price fair. Especially for what we get.
Unfinished alpha version products, bugged as hell, and You have to pay for 10 updates as well. Base game is like 10 times smaller than it should, games are within 5-10 hours range, instead of at least 20-30+ hours range as it should be. Especially for those price. And to get things to the base game, that should be there already, You have to buy DLCs. So unfinished products for even 100$ is what we get. Usualy it's 50-60$ .But most sales are to 20$, that is still too much for those games. I don't pay 20$ for thing I can easily pass 100%-aly in 5-10 hours. This is not worth it. 10 hours is like 3 days of playing. Maybe a little more if someone plays more rarely, but week is still way beyond enough for a game. So, I have to give 60$ for a game, that I pass in 3 days and get everything possible in that game?
For 5 dollars, I can. For 10$ if the game is really, really good, like Cuphead that is one of the best games in XXI age.... tbh, it's even one of the best game in XX/XXI ages. But still too short and too easy to pass. Another game that require so little time to pass... So sad.
That's why it's developers fault mainly, cause it's them who make those games. And that's why I am pro pirating, cause they deserve this.
If they would finish their products, don't do stupid DLC's that should be alread in base games, don't implement microtransactions, for normal price, I would even buy games for 20$+. But what we have today is just not worth it. 20 dollars is pretty much money.
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games are within 5-10 hours range
Well I don't know which RPG or how you like to play them, but I sinked in nearly 40h into Shadow of War and I'm still in Act 2 of 3, before that I played Withcer 3 (best game I've ever played), and before that I've played other games that took me more than 10h such as Doom, Metal Gear V, Xcom EU, FTL, DB Xenoverse 1...
I also had a lot of fun with Cuphead, I played it in bursts and made my way through the second island in 5h and I still think it's easily worth $20 due to its quality, but game prices are subjective, someone else might think it's worth $10, another one $50... also it depends if you play it on easy, normal or hard (you have to unlock that mode), in Normal I had quite a difficult time to time everything perfectly and kill the bosses.
I encourage you to check the publishers of the games you think are extremely lacking or overflowing with DLCs, you might see a pattern... like EA Games, I never buy them because I hate their greed even if Mass Effect is my favorite sci-fi RPG series, I was tempted to pre order Andromeda but thankfully I stayed true to my boycott and dodged that buggy bullet. Ubisoft I don't like either but they seem to be a little less douchey lately, Activision is a no-go for me even if I would really like to play Destiny, I just hate their DLC-milking way of handling it.
they can always buy it when it's on sale at a price they deem fair for the product, in the end I just hope that people vote with their wallets and support the devs/games they like
And to finish, buy what you deem fair for you, if you want something to get as low as $10, $20 or whatever. Just support the games that you liked even if you pirated a "Game of the year edition", you might at least buy the standard edition when it's on sale at the price you like, this helps a lot: www.isthereanydeal.com, you can get e-mails when the games hit the price or discount you want, but if Publishers don't get the money they can't pay the Devs bills and will shut them down way before they decide to be more pro-consumer and stop the massive milking, they just follow the money.
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We are not talking about RPG. We were talking about games generally.
And Witcher is an exception. This game is just masterpiece. Other developers should learn how to make games from them. Long play, good story, epic game. And DLC is as long, not just few missions.
Let's be honest. Most of games are one time only. And when they are 5-10 hours long to finish 100% run, it's pretty unfair to pay such high ammount of money lilke 60$.
The best game of XXI age, Ori and the Blind Forest is 10 hours long if You do 100% run. Game is pretty fun, but very short. But it's way cheaper. 10$ it was? And it has 50% off very often. So it's pretty good deal for game of the century.
Another game... Mad Max. It's pseudo 9324729848324 hours game. While plt missions require maybe 5 hours to finish the game and absurd collectibles make it way too long and boring.
Borderlands 2 and TPS are maybe 3-5 hours if You do only main missions. A bit longer if You do all missions. Even DLC in TPS. And those quests are pretty boring tbh, cause it's spamming enemy waves and go there, then there, then there all the time.
So games look like this. And for TPS You have to pay ~100$ to get base and DLC and it's still that short. I just had to prelong the gameplay artificialy by doing boring additional quests,otherwise the game would be terribly short (However it was short anyway).
TPS should have DLC in base game already and multiply ammount of quest by 5, then make base game out of it, for at most 20$. And we have the game that has price as it should be. BL2 had more DLC's and is cheaper but it still should be already in game.
I bought Cuphead for like 10$+ cause I admitted, it's worth it.
I don't care who publisher is and who developer is. Developer is one who is making the game, right? So they should make the game good. Publisher should make the price good.
And that quote is so wrong. Wallet is not a vote. People will buy the games even if they are too expensive cause they will. If the bread cost 100$, would You just say "ok, people will buy it anyway" or just be mad at it? Cause this is the same. Letting them doing what they want. People would buy expensive bread cause they need to live. But what quality of life would it be that way?The same goes with games. People will buy it cause there are preorder freaks that are rich and buy everything before it even releases (they have too much money, so they could), they are people who are reach but not preorder games. And there are plenty of people that are moderately rich and still buy games that they like, even if they think the price is set to high. Especially fans. And let be honest once again. People are pretty much fanatics and fanboys of things these days. It's hard to find people who are in the middle. They either overhype sth or hate it. And if You ask the reasons, they have nothing to say why they love/hate the game. Cause they don't know either.
And a little story. There was a game. Devs promised things that are impossible by current technology, yet people were stupid and believed in that manipulation. They were told, the game will be pretty awesome and had world generator capable of making super various worlds. People were so overhyping. I was criticizing it, cause I knew such game is impossible to make yet. Maybe in 100+ years. Or more. yet people were so agressive and hated me. Then the clock said: IT'S RELEASE TIME. What happened next? OMG THIS GAME IS SO BAD. And people were assaulting Steam with refund demands. Reviews was so negative and full of hatered. Then developers fixed things and made game better. Yet people still hated the game. And even though the game itself is good now, maybe not as good as they promised, people still say bad things about it.
That's the proof, people are only capable of either love or hate. They can't see things in between. The game can't be good but not awesome. Game can't be just okay, can't ba not so good, but not terrible. It's either all or nothing.
That's why wallet is not good judge. People who are fanboys will buy games no matter what. Especially rich people. For some gamers spending 1000$ in one day is like buying a burger in McDonald's. They just have a lot of money so they can. Don't tell me that if game is buyed, it's automatically better. Democracy is bad thing. Most people are wrong. Otherwise world would be so beautiful and it's terribly destroyed by greedy monsters.
I too, buy games for prices that are too high. But look at FighterZ. It's more than 100$ for a short game. Cause DLC's have characters that should be in base game. Why it's even fair making characters as DLC? The game itself is cool and all. But come on. This price is ridiculous. And people still let them make such prices. In near future, games will cost 200$, then 300$ etc. And they will get more and more DLC's, more and more microtransactions. Cause people let them do that. Cause wallets are not good judges.
And I use IsThereAnyDeal very often. Otherwise I would never buy a game probaly, cause I wouldn't know about all those price cuts. And that's the reason I am buying bundles. Cause I get more games for lowe prices. Like Batman Bundle for 5$ or sth. ITAD, bundles and cdkeys are things, thanks to whom I can buy games.
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Ok, I'll try to summarize things :
Developer is one who is making the game, right? So they should make the game good. Publisher should make the price good.
THIS is exactly my point, the Publishers only cares about money most of the time, they are the ones who decide if a game gets X amount of DLC, micro transactions or whatever that involves money, and the Dev can do little to nothing about it.
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Lol, when did Ori was for 40$? Never seen such price. But everytime I saw it, the full price was 20. And it has always 50% or 75% off (forgot which one). So it's basically 5-10 for such wonderful game.
And DEFINITELY not after the DLC release, cause I've bought Ori before they got Definitive Edition and it was already for 20$ for long long time.
Borderlands is little game. Whole quests (main and additional) is less than 10 hours. I played this game. Don't tell me that. Only DLC's make that game a bit longer. I've don all side quests and passed game quicker than 10 hours, so don't make me laugh with that 60-80 hours. This is for some noob that doesn't know how to use mouse and keyboard. Maybe 5yo kid, that is so bad at aiming and everything, okay. But I've done few playthroughs of the game. None was more than 10 hours and all was 100% quests. Are wa talking about the same game? Maybe You talka bout all DLCs?
You are ommiting the main point here, aren't You. You are literally saying that iw would be okay if the bread was for 100$. Because someone would sell bad quality bread for 1$. This is not the point. Voting twith the wallet is not the proof of ANYTHING. I said it already. People are buying bad games like Skyrim all the times. People are buying copy games like Fifa/PES, CoD/BF all the time. Even if they got the same game over and over again and sold by few developers. This is not the proof of anything. Things are not worth that how much people would pay. Cause many people will never buy those things, cause they prefer to have homes, sth to eat, heat etc, instead of paying half of their sallary to games, just because some damn rich kid is able to pay infinite money to buy a game he is fanboying over. No, that's never the good judge. And if You are thinking that's how it works You must be joking. You are not thinking about other factors. Like those that rich people will buy everything cause they are capable of. That doesn't mean it's okay for not rich people. Also quality of games were lowered past all those years, but the price increased. I wonder why... maybe the greed"
AAA games cost millions? I doubt. Especially with that low quality. I wonder why less people in the past were able to do better games with better story, better characters and graphics, than people today? Also, if they gave people what they should, people would buy those games for higher prices. Most of people will still wait for good sale to buy game XYZ. Rich kids will buy games immediately, but other people will wait for 50, 5, 90 and more offs. So this is the proof, that those games are not worth full price, not even a half... but people are so hyped, they buy those games even with the lowest off. I know how the temptation works. I almost wanted to buy FighterZ that yellow, best edition for... I forgot how much it was... but lower than it is on sales (CDkeys make game prices so low)... It could be 50-60$ instead of 100 (or what is the price in follars) it cost right now. So, You can see, I always were fooled by it too. And many people can't fight the greed of getting the game and temptation that this game is lower than usual and probably won't be lower for long time... and this is not the proof of how much games are worth. If that was worth of the game, all people would buy them for full price and only those who are stingy like Scrooge McDuck would wait for off. But it's not like that. Many people wait for good price to happen.
But won't developer do what they want? Publisher is just publishing their game, right? They say its conditions, but the developer is one who is decisive in making the game. Are publishers saying MAKE THIS AND THIS CONTENT AS DLC? I doubt so... cause... the game is not made yet, so how can they know what will the game look like when it's finished. They have to make assets, create the world, and then the quests. Then they make n actual story. They have idea befor, but the real things happen when the engine is complete and all components are done, isn't it? They don't know how the game will actual look before they make it. So how would publisher say what will be in DLC before the game will even have shape? And Developer should make the game as long as possible, as good as possible. Original etc.Cause it's not worth doing short bad game using resources like the best engine licenses. They should make their best when using best resources.
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Ok, there seems to be quite the disconnect here...
Lol, when did Ori was for 40$?
You're right, I thought it was $40, but no, actually $19.99 al along, kudos to Microsoft for once
Things are not worth that how much people would pay.
That's exactly how marketers determine prices
AAA games cost millions? I doubt.
Just google it yourself, years of paying hundreds of different people's salaries add up.
Many people wait for good price to happen.
Yep, again, that's how marketing work. They see buying patterns and schedule discounts to squeeze the most out of the maximum each different consumer is willing to spend, I also wait for discounts 95% of the time, but in order to "milk the rich kids" they will sell games and Season passes as expensive as they can first.
But won't developer do what they want? Are publishers saying MAKE THIS AND THIS CONTENT AS DLC? I doubt so
Nope, when you get a Publisher they are the ones paying all the employees salaries at the Dev Studio, so they call ALL the big shots, specially regarding commercialization. They are the ones that say "this game has too much content, cut this and we'll sell it as $15 DLC" and shit like that, the devs must report and show all the advancements of the game to the publisher so that's when they dig their greedy claws inside the product.
And Developer should make the game as long as possible, as good as possible.
I believe that most devs try their best, but again, the Publishers pays the bills, so they set the dates and the budget. When they are late or over budget the Publisher will see how they get back on that extra investment... in comes the micro transactions and content sold as DLC.
Edit: One more thing...
Borderlands is little game. Whole quests (main and additional) is less than 10 hours.
You're missing a shit ton of content or I don't understand how you play BL2: https://howlongtobeat.com/game.php?id=1274
Out of 463 people who didn't do side quests the quickest took 18h and the median is 30h, and out of 809 people who did SOME of the side quests the quickest was 32h and the median 48h. Me and my friend were completionists, did 100% of the game and the median for that is 102h.
It's a game seriously praised for its length and fun side quests, with a Guiness World Record of Most Weapons in a single game, Destiny can't hold a fucking candle to it, now THAT's a short and lacking of content Co-Op Adventure FPS.
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I don't care how they determine prices. It's still unfair and greedy. I really hope some meteor will destroy the Earth. Because I hate poeple because of that. People are evil. Pure evil. They do everything to their own pleasure. Even kill and harm others. And greedy people do that more often as they don't care. They just do and buy what they want, even if it's destroyign the Earth or make others suffer. Greed is bad. It's the most evil thing.
AAA games costs less than 10% of what they get for selling those games. And thanks to microtransactions it's maybe less than 1%. As I said, it's greed. The price should be way lower. And they will still earn much money, even if they have to pay lots of sallaries. That's the fact. Why some games, that was for 20 or more $, was in few days offed to like 5 $? Cause they still were able to earn money on them. For example Mad Max. It's price is constatly very low. From the very beginning of its release. And I doubt it makes them be on negative account balance ;) They still earned much for that game. If they had to pay much money if they had to set those prices, bundles and price cuts wouldn't exist. And they do and are so often. Some games gets even 25% or more pricecut in first few days. And plenty of games has usual 75% pricecuts and some of them has veen 90%. And they still give money to developers. So they don't have to pay more than they earn.
And that's why it's unfair. They should make good price in release date. Cause most of those AAA games are just bad, ufinished, boring products. When I play AAA games recently I got feelings that they all are the same. The same solutions, the same ideas, the same type of things. It's especially in 3D, mainly FPP games, where there are every time the same type of elements in the enbvironment, same kind of objects that You can manipulate/react with etc. I don't say they are bad... but they are quite boring if You played many games and You have to do the same thing You did in past 10 games. And most of 3D TPP games are walking simulators. Tomb Raider for example. It was quite nice, but You mostly walk. And the worst kind of things in such games are scripted things. Like Mad Max for example and "press x to use this thing and automatically start animation of going down on the line".
If I was the developer, I would tell "no, I wont' cut this content. You either sell this, or sell nothing". If they won't pay and fire me, I would just be as Kojima. Cause I bet this was what hapenned in Konami. Konami was too greedy, and Kojima wanted quality game, so they cut the content and sell unfinished product and fired him. Good developer always find a way to sell his games. And I also doubt they will just fire people who made half or more of the game already, cause they will just waste the time and money on unfinished product. And people won't be fooled forever. gamers showed that if they see deception, they can just do refund demand, as it was with No Man's Sky (however this was mainly their own fault to believe in such stories about making things that are impossible by current technology, but...).If another publisher sells the unfinished game, they will justs top buying their games. They will lost trust and next game will sell worse.
Also, if I was the dev, I would say, that I am here to do the game and I won't cut any content to sell as DLC or don't want any microtransaction, but I will do my best to make good game. So If You want to hire me, You either agree with that, or don't hire me at all. If more devs were like that, games will have better quality.
Maybe that's why indie games are so good. Of course, indie market is abused by scammers with their crappy games, but those devs try they best to do good game, not cut anything from it.
We have great semi-indie game - Ori, that proves that if You won't push devs, won't enforce anything, they will just do great game. And Microsoft Studios didn't tell them to cut anything or to make microtransactions. They just seen that Moon Studios is doing great, but they wanted to help them and earn money thanks to that.
Another indie game, Yooka-Laylee was made by former RARE employers that wanted to make game as good as the original predecessor. They failed a bit, but made pretty good game anyway. It won't come up to original, but still they made good job. Way better than most AAA games. They just have to want.
So those people are really slack. I just didn't do terramorphus, cause it's too hard. Maybe those 18 hours are with all 3 NG's? Otherwise I can't understand how. And to think that the 1/3 of BL are cutscenes, so the actual gameplay is shorter...
Also I beat TPS like 3 or 4 times in few days. With DLC. Cause I was playing different characters with a friend. And we didn't play for full days. So... if those gameplay was that long, I wpuld need like month or more? But I didn't.
Praised by lenght? Omg, by fanboys? Side quest are mostly stupid. Only few of them are funny... only if You know the refference mainly. i liked TMNT refference, but it would be yet another stupid sidequest if I didn't like TMNT.
And really? Guiness record for most weapons? There ONLY A FEW weapons in Borderlands. This record is a lie. You can't call the same weapon with slight changes a different weapon. It's just lying. Gun A has higher firerate but lower damage. Gun B has lower firerate but higher damage but works exactly the same. So this is the same gun with modified statistic. I always complained about NOT ENOUGH weapons in Borderlands. Cause most of them are useless, and I don;'t use every type of weapon, so either shotgun, smg or riffle, sometimes rocket launcher and or sniper riffle, but sniper riffles go away later in the game for me. And those weapon types has just a few specific weapons, and most of them are weird. And legendary weapons are almost every time super useless. Cause no, they have to fire in ridiculous way. They are legendary just because they are unique. And they are pretty worse. For example forked sniper riffle... You use sniper riffle to hit one target with high amage, othewise You wouldn't use sniper riffle... and yet they made something so absurdal. Borderlands has super useless weapons ant there are only a few. They are calling same weapon with different stat a ifferent weapon. So they are basically deceiving people. Cause those weapons are exactly the same.
Also, I don;t know about Destiny, but Destiny 2 was super bad.
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T was stolen by pirates
Suuure it was.
that's why pirating games is wrong
Nope,its not.Especially when the corporate scrooge the game belongs to is a greedy piece of trash that wants to bleed you dry.Anything else is nothing but corporate apologism and outright consumer sado-masochism.
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Fact that someone hit you doesn't mean you have to hit them back. So why use this shitty logic here? Fact that "game is shitty" / "devs are shitty" doesn't justify "so I will pirate it, when devs don't care about us!":
There is only one "right" way to pirate game. When it doesn't have demo download it, check if it's working on your RIG and delete afterwards.
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Common sense="shitty logic".
Warner Bros loves you very much.
I'm afraid not. Apart from Mad Max that cost me like 4$, and Dying Light plus Batman: Arkham Knight (that I got as gifts months after release) I got rest of their games in WB Humble Bundle. So I paid pennies. Also I don't watch movies.
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will never buy a game which need to be bought and still have microtransactions...
lootboxes just matter of time as EU now inverstigating this kind of gambling, and i not talking about gambling sites, they investigate the lootbox business, but its EU and burecraucy, will take some years:-)
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WB are still greedy scumbags but I'm glad of this, I just hope that they will also make a gameplay rebalance since it was pretty obvious that they hindered progression to incentivate the purchase of microtransactions.
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I finished the 1st one and played around 38h of this one, and I clearly felt that suddenly Orcs were several more levels ahead of me, which begs for grinding once you get constantly ambushed by 2 and even 3 overleveled orcs.
Bare in mind that I'm the type of gamer that likes to complete every single sidequest, so it's pretty rare to find myself in such positions of having huge level gaps. Aside from that, I read a lot of vitriol against the last stage/chapter of the game that becomes just an endless grind of defending forts and conquering more forts towards the "true" ending, but I can't talk about that one too.
Either way, I stand by my word that progression in this game is vastly different from the previous entry, but I still liked very much the game TBH.
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the game is extremely grindy especially in the last chapter, but that's how a lot of games are and no one complains.
the only issue with SOW was it offered high level "companions" and items you could buy so people felt cheated.
now without the option to buy loot boxes, people that don't use microtransactions and the ones paying will have to spend 50 hours grinding. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ unless the devs somewhat include all microtransaction items as normal drops
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Ah-ha, so I'm not crazy!
Or they can just downscale the uber high leveled orcs? Or they can upscale the way you earn XP? Right now the "free" gold I earned with daily challenges was all spent on double XP bonuses just to try to keep up.
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I had good orcs, but not high level enough, same as my Talion after grinding at all the side quests on each map region. I didn't buy any war chests though, only converted the RNG found orcs, the gold I had was too little to waste it on war chests if I could just buy a double xp hour bonus
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Now we need to battle for other games. Cause p2w games are annoying, especially when You already bought the game and need to pay more.
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lol @ people who never played Shadows of war, let alone knew what the chest were all about..
Micro transactions in some games are crap, in this one you didn't even need to pay real cash for the chest, you could earn the money in the game to buy the chest.. I never paid a red cent and bought like 50+ chest in my 15 or so hours playing the game..
Them removing them isn't some victory, it's more likely they are moving towards ceasing work on the game at all..
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+1 ^^
i could have paid $100 for some legendary orcs and i would had spent hours defending strongholds anyway. MTs only guaranteed you got those legendary/unique orcs that didn't die in 5 hits to enemy champions.
people love to talk about stuff without even playing games, or being properly informed.
i'd also blame youtubers bashing everything to get more followers, which is some kind of new trend right now.
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One group this will piss off are the achievement hunters as it will lock this achievement from being able to be obtained:
Follower Perks
Use a Training Order to give a Follower a gang.
Unless they make changes to this as well, only way to get a training order was through the market. Since I haven't spent a penny on any of the micros and beat the main game easily, I might as well jump into the market before July and spend all the thousands of free mirian I got playing the game as they will be useless soon. May as well spend it on orcs and gear since my character is maxed out already.
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