Hey guys !

I would like to have your opinion on piracy. IMO pirating a game isn't really stealing the developpers's job but it's a way to try the game before buying it. Since a few years, many games came out in the Steam store (and on other places) and they were shityy games that we paid like 25-50€ thinking it will be a great game... So by pirating a game, I can try it and if I really enjoyed it, I buy it on Steam. I did it with Terraria :)

Let's give your opinion !

PS : I'm not saying that piracy is cool, but something useful to not being f*cked by some games.

1 decade ago*

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Piracy is good for the economy.

1 decade ago

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I think it's fine if you weren't going to buy the game anyway. For example, say you wanted to try a notoriously horrible game like Revelations 2012 just for the lulz. There's no way you would have ever actually paid money for it, so it's not like there was a sale lost. It's also fine if there isn't a demo available for the game you're interested in, and if you're able to limit the amount of playtime on it before you decide if you'd be willing to purchase the game.

1 decade ago

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Op knows whats up.

"I'm not saying that piracy is cool, but something useful to not being f*cked by some games."
Quoted for the Motherflippin' Truth

1 decade ago

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Piracy is really cool.

P.S.: Piracy is really cool.
P.P.S.: pls no ban imma fool

1 decade ago

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As I know people who depend on royalties and such to survive. Pirates can go jump into a vat of acid as far as I'm concerned

Those who try to 'justify' their piracy can be drawn and quartered, then thrown in a vat of acid. Nonsense like 'bad games' 'its not a lost sale' 'i cant afford it' etc are just bullshit you make up to make you feel better about stealing.

Piracy is bad. Just admit you're stealing.

1 decade ago

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while you are at it, why not go further and equate copyright infringement with robbery?

1 decade ago

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no it's not

1 decade ago

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I have no qualms with it since I do it too, but I do feel that if it's a product that you enjoy, or if it's something simple or new, you should support it, even if you've already played through it.

1 decade ago

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I try that sometimes, but since I really wanna know how it runs over the gameplay, I pirate

1 decade ago

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if the developer is too lazy to release a demo then ill "try before i buy" plain and simple. too many worthless console ports these days and games are over priced

1 decade ago

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There's a big problem in the gaming industry, and it's closely linked to the "15 dollars DLC every 2 weeks". Publishers are just wayyy too greedy. It's not just about the players, it's also about the publishers. It's not normal that some games like Arma are 20$, and CoD ones are 60$. Where is the difference that is worth a whole 40$? So somewhere, there's a big greedy problem, and I totally understand those who would want to pirate the 60$ games. Even more as they are super mainstream, not justifying their price tag at all in comparison to less known publishers. It's like a reverse market law...

Plus, as a minor point, the videogame's world is a little weird: there is little concurrence (might not be the good word... you know, when 2 shops offer the same product they kinda fight... that's what I mean). Well, there is some fighting in the videogame world, luckily, but it's not always so. A monopoly over a product makes it difficult to buy an alternate product. There are shops like greenmangaming that offer them at lower prices than usual, but those are rare. And I wouldn't be surprised to see it change much like the boardgame industry and the comic book industry: people will be forced to sell at a specific price otherwise they won't get the product distributed to them at all.

I think piracy thus has it's use. I know it's theft, but since you don't have access to other products, and that indie developers proved that games can be sold at much lower prices, I don't think it's as evil as it is meant. It is some kind of justice from the consumers to the publishers.

I've bought plenty of console games in my youth. Full price. One too many time I've found out that the games were craps, so I began pirating. Then I discovered Steam, and I'm throwing so much money at them that I don't understand why "mainstream" publishers don't just lower their prices. With the right prices, they can sell tons of games too and they won't have to whine so much about piracy as they do now. There will always be a core of pirates, but I seriously think that the majority of gamers are attracted by low prices. And that's exactly what made Steam so much successful over the last couple of years.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I pirate some games and if i like them, i buy them afterwards.

1 decade ago

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What if I told you piracy doesn't really affect total sales?

1 decade ago

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yep, and there is no proof if it were like that.
because, people who like it, buy it sooner or later, and if it's from some bargain bin years later, people who don't, wouldn't have bought in anyway.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I'm completely against pirating games. Sure, you want to try the game out and see what it's like. But I'm willing to bet 90% of people who pirate, try it and complete it without even spending a penny on the game.

If people put their hard work and time into creating a decent game, you should pay for it. Regardless of your situation, there are no excuses.

1 decade ago

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you bet, but do you ever wonder, why in all those years, neither the music industry, nor the film industry or the major videogame publishers have provided any conclusive proof, that it actually affects their sales?

1 decade ago

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He's not stating that it affects sales, he's just saying that since someone made the product, it's only fair that you give something in return for it.

Most pirates were never going to buy games anyways, as they either cannot support gaming as a legit hobby due to economic factors and whatnot, or they're just cheapskates.

To be fair, I was a pirate - when I was a kid. I didn't get enough money to buy games from retailers, and that was in a time when Steam was just starting up and all, so cheap digital sales weren't really a thing yet. But I have purchased almost everything I ever pirated, and am now pretty repulsed by wanton piracy without any appreciation to the devs.

Most of the cracking scene does encourage people to give back. I just hope that those that can't afford to buy games now, will at least buy it when it is cheaper, just to give something back to people who depend on games for their living.

1 decade ago

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See, i am not a pirate either, but saying most pirates are not gonna buy anyway, is a bit hard,
since nobody ever, provided us with a proper number, or a mere estimate of how many pirated copies of a
game, actually were a lost sale.

Just saying, i find the lack of evidence in this discussion disturbing.

1 decade ago

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You can't really quantify such theoretical sales figures lost to piracy. Although based on experience from living in a country that has pirated game stores in malls that get loads of foot traffic, yeah, I can say majority of the pirates here do not purchase legit games, and if piracy was out of the picture, they wouldn't experience any sales growth here.

I'd imagine that since piracy is more commonplace in countries such as my own, you could assume that the logic of pirates in such situations would be the same.

1 decade ago

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So, if you cannot quantify, it, then why bother at all?
Why not just make something people are happy to pay for?

1 decade ago

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See, people are happy to pay for games. Game sales should tell you that. The reason for the most part that piracy exists isn't that people are unhappy to pay for games, rather, people have different priorities for cash.

I don't really feel like articulating myself further, discussing anything right before 5am tends to scramble my thoughts.

1 decade ago

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Because people are more happy to not pay anything at all, regardless of the product. If you can get it for free, most people will go that route. As John already stated, it's almost impossible to measure the impact piracy has on sales. But I think it's safe to say that sales would be a whole lot higher if pirated game owners all decided to buy legit copies (which of course, most do not).

Maybe piracy doesn't have major negative feedback on the games industry, but it certainly prevents the developers from gaining what they really deserve.

1 decade ago

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I think piracy exist because game developers make us games TOO EXPENSIVE, if games were 10€/$, i'm sure that piracy will decrease a lot...

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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To be fair, They could have 600 people play $10 each, or 120 people pay $50 each to earn $6000 at release. However with the latter they can make it $10 a couple years later and have the 480 people buy it then. and get an extra $4800.

Of course it wouldn't work exactly that way, but it just gives you an idea.

1 decade ago

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It's all around a negative, but the losses attributed to piracy are vastly overstated.

1 decade ago

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most of the times, i try before i buy, because :

  1. my pc is old, i wanna make sure that my pc can handle the game.

  2. i can't afford full priced games.

  3. i wanted to make sure that the i really like the game

  4. almost all of the game demos are not good enough to represent the games.

  5. i don't want to buy half baked games (games that have potential to be good, but the dev or publisher didn't bother to fix
    the bugs, especially game breaking bugs)

  6. i hate DRM, especially always on DRM or limited activations DRM, especially the ones that didn't give back or regenerate
    the activations limits, and most of the time, they hide the fact that their games uses this kinds of DRM.

  7. i always buy games that i liked, either directly or waiting for it to be on sale (if the price is out of my range).

  8. i'm an SP player, and not an MP Player, so i need to make sure that the games are not focusing all of it on the MP part.

but indie bundles makes me sometimes to buy it before i even try it, because my connection are slow, i can't try it before i buy it, and i did regret some of the bundles that i buy.

and not all indie games are good, some are just taking advantage of the rise of indies, and makes shitty games.

1 decade ago

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if the game is single player and i don't UBER WANT IT SO BAD and its over 10$, piracy is good

1 decade ago

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So you played many pirated games and bought only Terraria? That's funny to hear, cuz Terraria is pretty cheap and I bet you bought it on -75% sale anyway.

1 decade ago

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For those who think that games are not expensive, have you ever thought about the fact that in some countries the minimum wage is <200euro/month, but the game prices are the same worldwide? Well, there is where people use pirated software the most.

1 decade ago

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Does it count if we steal EA's free games, its not really piracy, just their screw up

1 decade ago

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Hey, Its not like they couldn't just revoke the games if they really wanted to, Which they can't with Piracy.

1 decade ago

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Well, if you pirate my work, i'm pretty much having to skip a meal...

How does it feel?

1 decade ago

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I will admit I have Pirated same games, and still do from time to time, However I usually do 1 of 2 things in the end, Buy it, or Hate it and get rid of it.

For example, Back before I even knew about steam, I Pirated Half Life 2, Beat it, and loved it. However, there were some glitches I didn't like, and looked into the game a bit more, and came across steam (During the time you could get Portal for Free). I ended up buying the whole Valve Complete Pack in a sale that Christmas. Since then, I bought many more (Just check my profile).

The same for Minecraft and Terraria (Well, Actually I ended up winning Terraria from CAG).

Mainly I pirate for 1 of 2 reasons, to try it out first to see if I liked it, or until I have the money to buy it. Even if I end up beating it before then, I still buy it. I personally love the Updates not being a pain, plus I love replaying them later.

In my case, the only thing Piracy has hurt was our wallet in the end. :p

1 decade ago

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Pirating a game isn't justified by anything. With promos like nowadays where you can grab games for <5€ it's not even worth the time to search for a pirated game version. As for trying - the demos are for this, if the dev doesn't give a demo, then he clearly doesn't care, and so should you - do not buy his game and move on to something different.

1 decade ago

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"Piracy" is a misnomer used by thieves who want to maintain a monopoly. Copyright is little more than thinly veiled theft, and the sooner people are educated about this fact, the sooner we can do away with it and stop holding back the advancement of various forms of media. Then when people try to break these communistic monopolies, the thieves cry "piracy" and try to fine and imprison people for doing humanity a favor.

EDIT: Wow... Reading through the comments, I can't believe the sheer number of people here that are actually ignorant enough to support theft and condemn those that try to do something about it... For those who wish to educate themselves, read through some of the articles on this site: http://questioncopyright.org/

1 decade ago

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You know what? When Skyrim`s price will be 15% of your monthly wage and you will buy it without hesitation, you have the right to call me "ignorant". Until that day, you are the ignorant one.

ps: yes, when I see an interesting game, I download it from TPB and if I think it worth it, I buy it from GoG mostly(because in my country it`s cheaper) when I have the money.

1 decade ago

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I don't think piracy is right unless it's for an older game. Almost all Steam games have huge sales, so what's problem waiting a little longer? I do agree demos should be available for all games though.

1 decade ago

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