Today I ordered a new fx-82es model and I was REALLY SAD.
I could still recall the day when my dad reluctantly gave me his fx-82TL model ,claiming that a 7th grade student wouldn't need such a advanced calculator.Now I am a junior guy in college,and I can't find the 82TL anywhere,not even in CASIO website's past model section.Guess is way too outdated now.
The thing is that I've spent like ten years with this simple(compare to later models ) yet reliable calculator and until this Monday it was A-OK.
The battery was dead and I just planned to unscrew the back panel and change one like I have done a few times before.
When I was removing the battery from the case, the spring at the anode was too tide and it got detached with the wire.'No biggies,' I said to myself.
I am a EE student and welding a broken wire seems nothing too challenging.I headed to the Lab in the afternoon and did a quick fix.Yet when I put it all back together, I found that a few button won't response now.
Figured it should be the pressing detector got slack and I wouldn't risk removing the circuit board as I wasn't that handy with gadgets.
I felt like I've lost an old friend, one hell of a partner to be exact, the kind that was old-fashioned but really reliable and have save your ass a million times(as it really did in the numerous exams I've taken).
Guess I'll have to move on,I 've felt quite the same when my nokia got stolen and the old models were already gone for good.However I'm still feeling quite bad.
Anyway guys thanks for hearing me mumbling.
Obligatory steam key giveway:

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yayyy !

I grabbed it, thank you for Not the Robots !

Sorry about the machine, I understand how you can become attached to an inanimate object. Just keep in mind the fact that it served you well for long. Also you can't use it anymore, but at least it's not lost like your phone, you can still keep it as a memento.

edit : I had a fx-82 college new plus, I don't have it anymore because my mother sold all my stuff (and I do mean all my stuff - including a lot of things with sentimental value)

8 years ago

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Casio calculators are magnificent beasts.

I have a few of these, the pinnacle of my collection being a Casio Graph 85 SD.

You can even put SD cards in this bad boy. Great chick magnet.

8 years ago

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Texas Instruments for the win! The only thing casio related I have owned are G-Shocks :D

8 years ago

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my T.I. 89 got me through trigonometry without me using my brain at all.

8 years ago

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I've got a TI-89 somewhere in my closet, and I wear a G-Shock every day!

8 years ago

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Oh, no he figured it out.... RVK I am your future you. You will wear your G-Shock less often and you'll hate math. :D
What G-Shock do you have?

8 years ago

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Hate math?! Nooooooooo!

I have the MTG-900. I've had it for probably close to a decade.

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8 years ago

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Don't my G-shock from back then anymore, but I'll try to find it on google.
I had a similar watch like this one in black and yellow.
And I own this one today, but don't wear it as much now as I used to.

8 years ago

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Yep, I had a Casio when I was at school. Couldn't have told you what model it was, but after looking around Google image search I now can. T'was an fx 82-LB

8 years ago

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I have fx-991ES and it served me perfectly through my studies (electronics) at university, good pal that still runs :D

8 years ago

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i let a student borrow mine for his exam and never got it back
he didn't got a high score (kiddin' don't even remember who it was)
use computer to do that now. Matlab or excel, stupid i know

8 years ago

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I still have my Texas Instruments TI-30 STAT from High School. And I graduated in 1991.

8 years ago

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Sorry for your loss, i know that feel, my old Nokia 6303i is now 6 or more years old, and it has always been there for me, as an alarm clock or phone, it saved my ass so many times, it's an old buddy of mine now, took some hits but never failed to do the job, really sturdy thing ! but now it's getting old...oh no i'm not leaving it because of all the new stuff they can do with smartphones, it's just that the battery can't hold for two days without having to recharge it ! it used to last for a week or more ! now i wouldn't find a good battery for it, only china stuff going around, bad quality ones ! guess it's time to get a new one...sight, i'll miss it !

8 years ago

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I started hating calculators the day you had to type in the entire formula before pressing the execute button.

8 years ago

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I relied on my TI-82 and later TI-83+ calculators quite a bit in school (and outside of it... spent hours on those things making games).
Now, I use just a ROM file for the 83+ along with an emulator on my Android phone.
Tried to find Android emulators for Casio calculators for you, but they seem to be more random and flaky than the TI equivalents.

8 years ago

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Something I hate about smart phones is that you can never input as fast and correctly as you once could with button inputs.Some times they just drive me nuts.

8 years ago

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*touchscreens (I used to have a Blackberry with a keyboard just before the brand started to become laughably irrelevant, and that keyboard was freakin' awesome)
otherwise, agreed!

8 years ago

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I have been with the one I'm right now for like 6 years.

8 years ago

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I had a casio calculator watch like this one. It was pretty cool to a kid at the time, but now I think it looks ridiculous

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8 years ago

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I always wanted one of these :(

8 years ago

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Same watch I had! :)
And it really was useful!
And dorky! :D

8 years ago

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We always had TIs when I was a kid, in the 80s and 90s. The school said always solar and not battery power. So you can't use it when the teacher turns the lights off to give the kids the illusion of keeping the classroom cool in those late summer/late spring days. I'm sure I still have one or two in a box somewhere.

These days, I craft my math to be easy. Up until recently, I've been a college lecturer and the whole semester's points equals 100, so all I have to do is add all the exam and paper scores together.

8 years ago

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I've 3 Casio calculators, the newest one is mine but I've used it very little and gave it to my sister since she's studying engineering, the other 2 are my father's ones, here's 2 of them, I can't find the third one right now :p

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8 years ago

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I used a classpad 300 on college :) beautiful calculator!

8 years ago

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Ah - good old Casio scientific calculators :) I've got one lying around my room, but I can't seem to find it at the moment. Lasted a good 14 years on one battery so far.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yep, I cheated my way through my base accounting degree with one. Didn't have to learn all the financial formulas, just had to plug in the values and the calculator did the rest.

8 years ago

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Texas Instruments. :P

8 years ago

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Love my good ol Sharp PC-1403H

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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There's only one master race...


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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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When I was 13 my grandad gave me as a birthday present the Casio fx-82TL, still have it and it's still working.

8 years ago

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Lucky you.

8 years ago

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