I don't know if I must post this on a new thread,
but a lot of (low quality) games have just been removed from steam
and this is a problem with SGtools, since they are not recognized anymore as activated even if it is the case...

list :
Choppy Heady
Viki Spotter: Shopping
Viki Spotter: The Farm
Viki Spotter: Space Mission
Fantasy Mahjong connect
Carrot Girl Adventures
Alien Cat 5
Viki Spotter: Megapolis
Beyond the Wall
My Coloring Book: Animals
Nice Way

Quality giveaway

4 months ago*

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According to this 801 games were nuked today, thanks Volvo. Hope they continue.

4 months ago

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I hope too, but Steamgifts and sgtools must be updated...

4 months ago

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Good. I hope 8000 more get nuked.

Although the vikki spotter games at least did some work with the series.

4 months ago

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Strange only Alien Cat 5 seems to be removed, too...

4 months ago

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Good riddance!

4 months ago

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Quite a few fake apps (pretending to be other very popular games) in the removal list.

also dang it, I've been smeared by these app removals

Zball IV - https://steamdb.info/app/1412540/
Dead Warrior Tribute - https://steamdb.info/app/1465590/

4 months ago*

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I lost 20+ games, one of which was a win from here.

Edit: Game I won has now been added to the SG tool whitelist.

4 months ago*

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SGtools claims that I have three unactivated wins, all seem to be from this batch of removed stuff. Let's hope they get added to the list of false positives soon.
Thanks for the heads up, at least now if I can't join a giveaway I'll know why.

4 months ago

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I have a new one to add, Weird Japan.

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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All non activacted win bans should really be put on hold for now.

https://www.sgtools.info/nonactivated/lugum o_o

4 months ago

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Friday got added since this post was made. In your case you have https://store.steampowered.com/app/1015130/Wounded__The_Beginning/ but have not activated https://store.steampowered.com/app/1631290/Wounded/ which is a completely different game. Seems in your case that you didn't check the app ID when you marked it as received, and just saw the title looked similar.

4 months ago

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Right now i can't check sgtools even. it's down, i had 20 games shown at the time of writing this 3 hours ago, i don't know if you only saw that, but thanks atelast for informing me about that, i contacted the gifter.

Often when i wake up i am still too sleepy too look closer, and i am like yeah fine, i'll mark it redeemed juist to get that flashy icon out of my way, i need my tea and coffee first and then i can be bothered. :P

4 months ago

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Yes, at the time of my comment only that one was visible as not activated. No problem, happy to help. What I do is click the GA Steam link to check the IDs before marking received. I have won a few games where the name was different, so I always do that now.

4 months ago

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Normally, i also always check the store page but even then minor things as a different with it, i probably wouldn't have noticed still anyway.

4 months ago

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According to that website ormax3 showed, 679 games got banned from Steam in the last 24h though some are demo's but still, that is a lot!

4 months ago

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Once a developer is found to have broken steam rules (review manipulation, etc.), all of the games listed under their account are banned with them, this explains the large number of "similar" asset-flip games in this ban wave.

If I had to guess, this is a response from valve to what was recently in the news about all those fake games of popular titles like Helldivers 2 etc.


4 months ago

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lol Steam really needs to take a good look in the mirror and take stock of what they need to change.
People can now just create fake copycat pages with not a single review from Steam? Come on.

4 months ago

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Those fake games were actually "repurposed" by these scammer devs from existing trash games in their catalogue.

For example, these games used to be called something else before their transformation:

4 months ago

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Well I guess that was the next step after the asset flips at 156 bucks.
Like the knock-off Disney movies on dvd before the real thing lands in theatres...

4 months ago

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I lost 170 games(

4 months ago

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i lost only 15....

4 months ago

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Is there a way to see if I lost any games? I doubt I lost many, if any, because I have very few low quality games, but it would be nice to know.

4 months ago

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Only if you knew your profile counter or library count from before. Otherwise only by looking for them manually. Either by madjoki's page (linked above), steam-tracker or SteamDB.

4 months ago

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Ah never mind, not worth it. There was a website that did this a few years ago, but I think it's gone. I thought there was another tool that does the same thing now.

4 months ago

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IsThereAnyDeal points out removed games when sync'ing, but that would require a very recent sync.. and I never verified if it does that correctly.

4 months ago

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Checking the library totals will not work, the games didn't disappear from libraries.

4 months ago

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Not regarding the banned ones, but apparently the few fake apps which started this were automatically refunded.

4 months ago

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You don't lose access to games that are banned. They will just not appear anywhere on your profile any more, not on games count, perfect games numbers etc.

4 months ago

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That's cool then! I don't care about any of that.

4 months ago

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LOOOOL Magic duck: Born 11-Jan-2024 - Rekt 1-March-2024 Rip


how the hell they appear in first place

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Already reported by Oppenh4imer on the official thread:


4 months ago

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This thread came first. After seeing a couple of users with 20+ non activations today, I thought nudging knsys would be a good idea.

4 months ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Hi there!

That's a surprising development. Thanks for the observation!

BTW, why am I on your blacklist?

4 months ago

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Take out the trash day on Steam? Nice. I hope they keep going.

4 months ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

4 months ago*

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I agreed with not supporting crappy asset games and even to report them,
but about steam limited status at 0CV, that would involve that small indie gems,
that somewhat never quit this status because they are not very visible,
will suffer from this status too and get blocked to 0 CV...
that would be a pity because some some these are very good.

4 months ago

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SGtools refreshed, banned games whitelisted


4 months ago*

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2 months ago

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1 month ago

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1 month ago

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75 Titles, that's a lot !

1 month ago*

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and that's not the only publisher : https://steamdb.info/history/events/

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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