For the sake of this thread, one drink is roughly equal to 1 bottle of beer (330 ml / 11 oz), 1 glass of wine or 1 shot of spirit.

Run For Rum & Uncanny Valley

8 years ago

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Do you get any buzz from one drink?

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No buzz whatsoever
Some buzz is there
I get drunk from one drink
I don't drink alcohol
Dan Quayle placeholder

I'm a light weight. I get a slight buzz from a single bottled beer avg. 5%. Two is when I get the visibly dizzy and... 3 is when I can be considered "drunk". Although, I had one today at 6pm, had another at 10pm in which the previous "burned out" and another at 12 am, and now at 2:48 am I feel fine. I suppose in rapid succession, I might get drunk easily but I drink fairly quickly.

Now, liquor is another deal altogether.

8 years ago

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I get a solid buzz from one drink. I'm a super lightweight in a family of alcoholics, holidays get very messy.

8 years ago

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I think it takes two 500ml bottles of beer until I feel any changes, which is why 1 bottle is my limit :-) Don't like those effects and only alcohol I drink is beer because I like the taste.

8 years ago

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When it's late and I'm really tired, I feel just a little tipsy.
But I also don't drink as often as I would like...

8 years ago

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few years ago i had no buzz even after 3 bottle of beer, but now, 1 is enough

PS: how many % alcohol beer has in the US or other country?

8 years ago

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The percentage of alcohol (ABV) depends on beer style. The most common style is (unfortunately) pale lager, and the vast majority of beers in this style are around 5%. With that said, beers worldwide range from little more than 0% for alcohol-free beer, to more than %12 for barley wine. The majority is between 4.5% to 8%.

The above is true for many countries, including the US (where a significant part of the market is craft beer). In some countries though it's almost impossible to find anything other than pale lagers, so the ABV is %5 for almost all beers sold.

8 years ago

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I only drink socially, and I've never been really pissed, but I can get some buzz from just one pint of cider if I drink it very quickly.
Normally it takes me about one and half hours to drink a pint at my own pace, in which case I don't even get a bit tipsy.

Oh, and thanks for the GAs :)

8 years ago

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For me its sort of here and there, sometimes I'm drinking just pepsi and I get that buzz (I think it has more to do with the friends I'm with and just being super happy), but if I'm not in that high happy mood then nope no proper buzz from one drink. I actually had a friend who would literally be on the ground after one beer, he was super fun to drink with but it definitely got to him quick!!

8 years ago

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Only if I haven't eaten anything.

8 years ago

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I very rarely drink so I get wobbly easily, yes a glass of wine/beer is enough for that.
and honestly I don't like the buzz :p

8 years ago

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Voted for I don't drink.
Not sure if the unpleasant feeling in my stomach can be called "buzz"... And I puke after about 2 drinks, maybe 3 if lucky.
I can drink like a bottle of certain sparkling wines though... for some reason it's the only drink that hasn't made me puke. Still not enjoying the taste though, so I'd rather not.

8 years ago*

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But alcohol is weird though, and for me usually tastes like rubbish. Only a few I can stomach myself.
This notion of acquired taste is like "WTF?" to me. Why you wanna get used to something you didn't like at the start. :D

8 years ago

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Why you wanna get used to something you didn't like at the start.

Because you wanna get drunk without cringing. -_-
But yeah it's rather silly.

8 years ago

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Wasn't suggesting peeps don't wanna get drunk, but there must be some better drink available for each taste palette then, not something they have to get used to.
I recall once my uncle letting me taste 6 different wines he had, and I hated them all. "Guess wine is not for you" he said. :)

8 years ago

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All alcohol tastes like alcohol, so there's not much choice.

8 years ago

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If the above is related to your specific situation, then I believe there's an easy solution: Don't try to drink 2~3 drinks, but half a drink (or even less). Also, don't aim to get drunk or get a buzz, but to enjoy the drink for its taste and aroma. For some drinks just smelling the drink is a big part of the pleasure.

8 years ago

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I don't think it's related to anything, I just genuinely don't like the taste, so it's impossible to enjoy it, no matter how little or how slowly I drink.

8 years ago

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Start with something sweeter and with less alcohol, e.g. lambic-style beer. On the other side of the spectrum you may want to try to just smell some drinks (e.g. cognac) without drinking them, or with only tasting single drops.

As to what's the point of acquiring a taste for something one doesn't like at first, I think the aversion may be due to lack of familiarity. The same can apply to many art forms, including music. You sometimes need to be exposed more and willingly want to learn to be able to understand things that go beyond the immediately digestible pop and kitsch.

8 years ago

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That's true, but if you listen to the same music 50 times and still hate it, then you're almost certain not to enjoy it. :)
I've had so much wine, still can't anything I like.
But, as my comment below suggests (, there are some stuff I do enjoy, strangely enough.
But I know of so many people that drank just to get drunk, so maybe there are people that just want that effect and not enjoy the alcohol.
Not judging here, just speaking from my personal experience with alcohol, still find it very weird, even after so many years.

8 years ago

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if you listen to the same music 50 times and still hate it

If you listen to the same song 50 times and still hate it, you can be pretty certain you don't like it. But it doesn't say much about the song's genre or sub-genre, let alone music in general.

Same thing with alcohol. If you tried the same beer 50 times and didn't like it, it doesn't mean much because the difference between different beers is so huge. In fact, if you tried 50 different pale lagers (the most common beer style worldwide) I wouldn't be surprised if you'd come to the conclusion that you don't like beer. It's so very specific and narrow compared to other styles, and so lacking in many ways.

8 years ago

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I've drank many different kinds of alcoholic drinks and to the surprise of most people I didn't like any of them. The only reason I drink is to get a buzz or get drunk (though quite rarely). I can always taste the alcohol in a drink and I don't like the taste of it. To me there are just bad and really bad tasting alcoholic drinks.

8 years ago

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Not really. Is there an alcoholic drink that can get you drunk with just one drink? o.O Well, maybe absinthe. :P It depends on the alcoholic content, your organism, and if you had eaten before. Still, I've got drunk by drinking many beers or drinking a lot of wine, but I've never got drunk by drinking many alcoholic drinks with bigger alcoholic content than beer and wine. o.O

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I never got drunk with ouzo. :P

8 years ago

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to be fair, me neither

8 years ago

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How many times have you drank it? :P

8 years ago

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I lived with a greek for a year, and he would bring Ouzo, and I'd bring Jenever (and others would bring other drinks)

We drank a lot of it

8 years ago

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Never heard of Jenever before. o.O I don't generally drink gin though. :P Hehe, you're lucky. :P

8 years ago

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it's not really gin. I mean, they're related, but different enough. I don't like gin either.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Ouzo is in our blood. We can't get drunk with it. :B

8 years ago

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I wish one drink was enough (saving moneyy), but no, I can drink a ton 8)
Although not drinking regularly but if I do, I do it the right way.. lol

8 years ago

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I can't drink now, but when I used to, it was quite a roulette with me - one day I could drink a lot and feel and act sober, but on another occasion I had enough pretty soon (but it was more stomach problems than actually getting the buzz as far as I remember).

8 years ago

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Nope. :D

8 years ago

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not since I was 5 years old

8 years ago

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Never had a beer that small, but I can feel it a little off a pint or a 500ml can.

Always made me laugh how a lot of people seem to be very proud of being able to drink loads without feeling it. I used to think the opposite, that it was great that I could buy 4 pints or a 2 litres of cider, something like that and be drunk. I was spending less for the same effect and saving money.

Of course, talking about the days when I used to drink to get drunk when I was younger above, but I haven't really done that in a long time.

8 years ago*

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What is the alcohol percentage of the beer/wine/shot :p But really I don't feel anything from just one drink.

8 years ago

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0,2l beer ;0,1l wine; 0,02l shot ~0,1‰ blood alcohol concentration

8 years ago

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Most common ABV would be about 5% for beer, 12-14% for wine, and 40-45% for spirits.

8 years ago

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takes 6 for me to get a buzz

Also one alcoholic beer with 8% abv will get me buzzed

8 years ago

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My alcoholic tastes are weird. I hate beer, wine, whiskey, etc., but for some reason I enjoy the taste of a Long Island.
Yet, if I drink one, I'm usually fine, but many of the other drinks get me buzzing a lot quicker.
I've never actually been proper drunk in my life though.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Plain vodka will get me a buzz. But that's because it doesn't have enough flavor, so it goes down like water - meaning, way too fast compared to other drinks. It's also why I don't drink the stuff pure.
Anything I can enjoy and drink at a sensible pace, doesn't affect me after only one glass.

8 years ago

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After about 5 liters of beer and 2 liter of wine i'll say you get a buzz from me.

8 years ago

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I like to drink beer the most, so one bottle (500 ml. 5% abv) of beer wouldn't get me buzz. Probably 2 or 3 would.
But last summer I drank one shot of hot ouzo and I got very buzz.
It probably depends of what we're used to drink. ;)

8 years ago

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I feel buzzed quickly but it takes a long time until I get really drunk.

7 years ago

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Well since someone else resurrected this thread - in SE Asia, the alcohol is not as regulated like in the rest of the world. Some nights you can go through 12 bottles of San Miguel and feel nothing - and then some nights you can be hard buzzed from a single bottle. It makes things more interesting!

7 years ago

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