Hi SG,

After the recent discussion, updates to the point system are now live. They are as follows:

  1. Users receive 5 points every 15 minutes.
  2. The point cap has been increased from 300 to 500 points.
  3. The maximum number of points to enter a single giveaway has been decreased from 100 to 50 points.

I think these adjustments will provide a number of improvements for the site. However, I'll keep an eye on user feedback, and try to make sure the changes are working as intended and meeting the needs of the community.

6 years ago

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It can't say I like the current system - people are unloading all of their Humble Bundle games at once, but you can only join a small fraction of them. Imo it would have been enough to increase the points cap (or even better: increase them based on the level), so you still are able to participate in more giveaways when people are donating a lot of games at once, but don't need to check the site as frequently.

6 years ago

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Thank you.

6 years ago

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The logic behind this change seems to be along the lines of: every morning, you'll wake up to 500 points, of which you'll have to carefully choose the games you'll put them into, but hey, because there's less people entering, you have better odds at winning.

The thing is, like lots of other people, I check SteamGifts throughout the day, sometime hourly, to see what GAs are up. So I'll never have 500 points. I woke up today with about 100 more points than the night before. I entered a few GAs and now I'm broke again. And unless I restrict myself to only popping on once or twice a day, I'll never have a large amount of points. I can't really be more selective now, because I just see whatever GAs are there when I log on and I'll have to wait half a day to accumulate enough points, which I'll use to enter another handful that happen to be there at that time and then I'll be broke again.

I understand the reasons behind this change, and I won't argue those reasons. But, for better or worse, part of the fun of being here is taking chances on GAs and seeing if you won. The more of that there is, the more fun it is, and the more I want to be here. Now, I'm always starved for points and watching a bunch of wanted giveaways roll past me. The excitement about the potential of winning a GA is kind of being overshadowed by being bummed out at all the ones I can't enter now.

6 years ago

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Instead of coming onto SG throughout the day to see what giveaways are up, you'll have to revaluate the points spent and probably spend time micromanaging the points by removing and entering the giveaways you want to enter and prioritise. Otherwise bank the points not needed so you don't ever reach the cap but from the sounds of it, this is unlikely to happen to you. It is more sad that you will end up doing this rather than entering giveaways but this is the reality of the limited fixed point regeneration rather than the variable one which people are talking about.

6 years ago

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Yep I started this today, left a lot of Tomb Raider GAs with more then 2k enteries so I have points for other games (I want to play) that I feel like I have a higher chance of winning..

6 years ago

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Yeah, this will change people's behavior, by necessity, really. But the thing is, I like checking the site often. It's fun and exciting to see what new GAs are up and to be able to enter a lot of them, including some that I wasn't 100% sure that I wanted, but took a chance on. Part of what I like about SteamGifts is that I've been able to get some games that looked interesting to me, but I knew that I'd never buy. I've gotten some nice "hidden gems" that way. Now it seems that I'll have to focus on more AAA titles. I'm not trying to come off as complaining just for the sake of it, but I hope that we can have a change that fixes people/bots taking unfair advantage of how points are generated, but let's people enjoy the site like we have been.

6 years ago

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I can see all the pros and cons of this change but I don't think my opinion matters since I don't have a clear solution either. Subjectively I don't like it, perhaps it's better in the long run but I'll just end up being more stressed about points than I should. This update brings back memories though, from 6 years ago when SG was still young and points were so scarce that I had to wait an entire night to be able to enter a 20p giveaway. :)

6 years ago

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This was a reply on another post, but I think it warrants it's own post:

The REAL situation however is that it isn't about the chances per win, it's that the flexibility is gone.

You get the same points on Humble Playstation Day as you get on Humble Monthly day.
In the old situation you would have less interesting titles on PS Day, but thus also less points to spend, balancing it out.
In the old situation you would have more interesting titles on Monthyl Day, and also more points to spend on them.

The only logical conclusion thus would be to take the Playstation Bundle points and bank them for the Monthly Day since it'll generate too little points for the amount of (wishlisted) giveaways being created. Worse, most will be 1-hour giveaways take take more points than a single hour can even GENERATE.
If you trust on the 500 max you really cut your chances short compared to banking those calm Playstation days that had no real reason to generate so many points.

There's no reason why such a good, flexible system nicely playing into the whole bundles that are often given away, with only a few minor (mostly gamemakers) ones screwing it over (or people mass giving away the free Outlast) needs to go for a rigid system which doesn't play into especially Humble Bundle's release schedule.
Even if you literally bank all your points knowing in advance the HB days, you wont know the titles, so you don't even know if you're limiting yourself for something you want.

Meanwhile bot-users can just set their bots to join every 1-hour giveaway not caring and raking in the massive wins they'll get now from people having to hoard for bundle days. Effectively making bots more effective in what they do, farm cheap games to futher bot them card drops.

Nobody wins whereas simply making the point generation smaller (and not have free games count as people said countless times) with a few safeguards for excesses like Outlast or RPGMaker would have kept a perfcectly good flexible system which works well with the bundles this site 90% relies upon.

6 years ago

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The update at least means I won't max out my points while I'm away for a few hours at a time.
From my observations thus far, however, it's slow going to enter new GAs once the points have been used.

6 years ago

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I really liked the "all in" system on Nick Klein site "Steam Companion". It feed my ludopathy (Kappa). Guess we're not gonna see that type of thing here.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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It kind of punishes those that frequent SG a lot - by a huge margin.... It may affect the amount of games bot users will be able to enter but it will do nothing to deter them in the long run - it may even be beneficial to them (in terms of win ratio). If the change was put in effect to combat bots, it seems a bit counter productive to punish those that don't use bots - quite severely imo. If the change was a general change in direction then ok, no point arguing there. The change and cap increase seems to heavily favor casual users of the site while at the same time being detrimental to the more frequent users. Also this system doesn't take at all into account the nature of bundle releases, which is a shame - it was nice to get more points when there are more new giveaways - seemed more forward thinking.

It would be nice to complement those 15 points with a modifier that is related to the amount of new giveaways you make - or relative to their (real) value to be more fair. That way there would be an additional incentive and benefit to making new giveaways. Not something dramatic but something to kick it up a bit.

6 years ago*

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It doesn't really favour casuals considering the 1h limit is still there, requiring you to log in hourly still for maximum effect.
Which most wont, so those who benefit there? Bots.

If they wanted to go casual, they should have stretched that too. Less bot-profit, more user-friendly. Now we got rapid giveaways with slow point-generation, pretty much here nor there.

6 years ago

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are you sure that you have to log in hourly to get the points? in the op message its not mentioned. it doesnt seem to be the case, but nit certain, will test it and not log in for an hour, but i think i will get the points.

if that is the case then its truly terible bevsuse then bot users are the ones that benefit the most.

6 years ago

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No, you don't need to log in hourly for points. But you do need to log in hourly if you don't want to miss the 1H giveaways.
Meaning for a change that's intended to make the site more casual and less log-in frequent, the frequency hasn't changed at all, since the majority of us didn't do it for "I'll lose my points" but "I'll miss the Wishlist giveaway flash giveaway".

6 years ago

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Ok, but in terms of making use of your points the new system does favor those that only log in a couple of times per day. Log in spend your points - then login again 15-20 hours later and you have not hit the limit and just spend them again. This way the system is perfect for those that log in once or twice per day, they miss nothing in essence - except those few quickies but the majority of giveaways are not quick ones (at least this has been my impression of it).

Any way I look at it I think about it I do think that the more frequent users are the ones that come off the worst, sure bots will have less points to spend but they may end up getting a bigger portion of the wins. I just don't see how this was the right way to combat bots.

6 years ago

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I just don't see how this was the right way to combat bots.

That's because the main goal of this update isn't to combat bots, I don't understand why so many people seem to think that. There's a reason there were 2 separate announcements.

6 years ago

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:) good to know - thanks for that mate. Still think this new system somewhat penalizes more active users more, but it doesn't really matter to me either way, I have stated my personal opinion and will leave it at that, will keep reading the post to maybe understand the point of it better )don't yet). :)

6 years ago

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It depends what you mean by active. It would be very exceptional for me to find more than 480P worth of giveaways I'd like to enter in a single day. So I can still continue to enter like I usually do, and overall the giveaways will have less entries, so I will benefit from it.
On the other hand, someone who would previously spend more than 480P in a single day will have to make some choices and might win less than they used to.

6 years ago

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while i understand what you mean and while most of the time i wont spend my points either there are times when there are many giveaways of high value games where 500 points are probably not enough. at the end of the day it doesnt really matter because spending or not is always a choice, but this change seems very targeted against those that chose to use their points, i dont see how it can be anything else.... and i dont understand it.... if there are some so addicted and out of control as to wake up mid sleep to spend points they are the exception.... and they should never be the factor in effecting change....

6 years ago

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Yes, if there's a sudden influx of giveaways for a game you want, you might not be able to enter everything, but keep in mind that everyone is in the same boat. In the end, there is still the same number of people winning that game.

Anyway, it will be easy for anyone to see how the update is affecting them individually. Just check https://www.steamgifts.com/stats/personal/community in a week or 2, and see how it compares.

6 years ago

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Hey TempeteJoachim, totally off-topic question. Why aren't we able to see the Borderlands GA on the site. I have it on wishlist but I didn't see it on my wishlist section, so I looked at All GA section.. couldn't find any. So I went on archive they are shown there but not anywhere else(not counting Invite only).
Is it a bug?

6 years ago*

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The goty which everyone is giving way will not show in your wishlist because you can't add the goty to your wishlist on Steam, only the base game. But if you can't see the game at all on the site check to see if you have hidden it.

6 years ago

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The GOTY or any other editions doesn't have impact at all I think. If you have certain game on the wishlist, its other editions are automatically listed on the wishlist section afaik.
I checked my hidden game list, it doesn't contain Borderlands.

6 years ago

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I don't know, I could see it after removing it from my hidden list.
Are you using the OS filter maybe ? Try turning off the other filters too https://www.steamgifts.com/account/settings/giveaways

6 years ago

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I don't have Borderlands on hidden list. Anyways I set my OS settings to All which previously was on Windows, and checked all other filters to NO. No changes though. Still only accessible from archive.

6 years ago*

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Hey TFrostPG, it doesn't work because Borderlands GOTY is a separate app from the standard edition. As you noticed, SteamGifts works for other games that are GOTY, but that is only when they're subs/packages. That way the standard edition is an app inside of the GOTY sub/package, and the site can properly associate the two.

6 years ago

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Sorry about that.. it was problem from my side. Turning the ESGST script off displayed the game on the All GA section.
Ok, so Borderlands app(the base game/standard) not currently on the Steam is causing the game not displayed on my wish-list section. I understand now.

6 years ago

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I feel we can enter much much lower amount of GAs.
I understand globally we all have same odds.
But as we have much less points to spend there are downsides.
Much less activitiy on SG, people are now not enough incited to connect whole day long in their (whole day) spare time : they can't enter more than 2-3 giveaways if they come back 2 hours later (40 points in 2 hours ! so they can enter 2x 20 points giveaways every 2 hours... that's quite low amount).
We have to carefully spend our points, and not waste them on games that are not "worth" them.
This is going to kill (whole day) active forum users.

My suggestion : increase point income x2, x3 or more and point cap too.
Actually, point income could have not change in first place, but just the point cap.

6 years ago

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I don't know, why raise the cap when you also lower the maximum number of points to enter a single giveaway? 300 points was fine and it's even finer when the maximum one can spend on a single entry is 50P anyway. Wasn't the whole point of the point system change to make people think twice which games they really want to enter?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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So what? I still think it's too much to make people actually choose wisely, which giveaways they want to enter.

6 years ago

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I only wanted you to know the reason why we now have a 500P cap instead of 300. People will have to choose wisely because now points are valuable. Before, there was clearly an inflationary situation: we had more and more points so people in general never chose wisely, they were joining every single GA (specially those using autojoin bots) because of the flood of points and constant regeneration.

But those points didn't have real value like now because they meant a lot more entries for each GA.

6 years ago

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Yes, I understand the idea. However, the situation is still inflationary, it's still way too many points imho. And increasing the cap certainly does not help with that. People (and bots, if they're not caught) will just micro-manage their points and "bank" points in long term giveaways.

6 years ago

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Well at least points now are worth something, before they were worth as much as money on this photo:

View attached image.
6 years ago

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There's already a lot of people complaining for these changes, if cg reduces the cap to 300P there could be a revolution here :P

6 years ago

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500 points, jeez, now I really will never run out of points.

I don't really see the point of this change at all, but alright.

6 years ago

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Above all, you will never reach the 500 points cap if you come everyday. You'll get less points per day than before the update.

6 years ago

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I rarely enter giveaways, I still haven't since the piunt change.

6 years ago

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Well, thinking about It, an "all in" points option would be useful for the giveaway creators since they might be looking for people that really want to play the game, specially on the AAA stuff.

Steam Companion had a multiple & single entry option for each giveaway.

Maybe this could help with the auto join scripts? If somebody want to really play a specific title and the giveaway creator set It as multiple entries, then the user would be encouraged to place most of his points on that specific GA.

6 years ago

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I really do not like it. Banning auto join should be sufficient. If there are more average points available because the community is active just raise the amount of points people can accumulate. The new system punishes active users and regulates the supply / demand balance.

6 years ago

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The new system punishes active users
I understand you so much

6 years ago

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Sounds like a good change. Thanks, cg. May I suggest that now that points are scarcer you could reconsider giving people refunds when GAs are deleted.

6 years ago

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Giving a refund for deleted giveaways is something I completely agree with

6 years ago

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Yeah, I'd be fine with that, too. It's fair for both those that enter and the creator in case the creator wants to delete a decent-CV-value game that didn't get 5 entries. The creator doesn't get burned on the CV, and neither do those people that took a chance on entering.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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+1 to the refund :)

6 years ago

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Yup, one of those things I thought was already in place. So I endorse it!

6 years ago

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My wishlist page has 5 giveaways ending in the next 5 hours, totaling 204P, but I will only earn 100P in that time. I am sad. 😢

I understand the reason for the change and I am fine with the decision, I just think there will need to be a few more changes to make it better. Increasing the minimum GA time to 12 hours would be a huge help.

6 years ago

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And that's why most of us are now going to "point store"... for situations like that.

6 years ago

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So, one goal of this change was to keep people from feeling like they had to log in all the time to avoid capping their points. I never really saw the problem with this but fine. Now, I'm being forced to log in every hour to see if I can find the best flash giveaways for my precious 20 points while watching dozens of other giveaways I would have liked to enter vanish in the rear view mirror. Bad change. Your ability to enter giveaways needs to be proportional to the number of giveaways being created at that moment in time. Humble days are now going to be a source of frustration not a frenzy of excitement.

Perhaps once I have 500 points and a bank going I might feel differently.

6 years ago

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I have mixed feelings about the change....I definitely don't like the minimum time limit. I think it's ok for groups to set limits for their group-only GAs, but not as a blanket rule across the entirety of SG. It takes away some interesting fun-factor GAs.

As for the new limit and speed of points...still unsure. I'm leaning toward not being a fan, as this is how indiegala works. When they made their GA system into a steady-as-she-goes, slow release of a max cap of daily points, I stopped visiting as much (and so did everyone else). It actually killed a lot of the activity on that site and reduced the overall quality of GAs. Now, SG is a lot bigger and I don't expect quite as dramatic of an effect, but I think that overall it may be detrimental to the site. Time will tell.

6 years ago

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Can't say that I'm a fan. I feel like I can barely enter anything now. I entered for a game on my wishlist, Orwell, and I'm out of points already. And One Piece Burning Blood costs me 50P a pop, yet the entries are always exorbitantly high, which means entering for the lower level giveaways for the game are not worth it now. Because before at least you could enter for it and it wouldn't be a problem because the points would just regenerate with it. Now I enter it, I lose not only the game, but also 2.5 hours worth of points as well. And that's only for one giveaway. Enter 3 times and you lose a third of your points for the day already. And the chances are still pretty brutal.

6 years ago

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Part of what you're seeing will be due to the transition. Especially any GAs that were started prior to the update will have a lot of entries from when points had less real value. GAs created after the update you should in theory see lower entries in. However if the game is popular enough the entries may not drop as much as you hoped.

6 years ago

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At the same time I'd prefer to enter in 3 Seasons after Fall GAs than in 1 for Rise of the Tomb Raider. So I think we may see drop in entries in 0 lvl AAA games, so they won't reach 12 - 15k entries anymore.

6 years ago

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Oh yeah, I know that. Still, I don't think it'd help that much. I think cg might have mentioned something along the lines of 'there will be less entries, so people would need to enter less giveaways [since they'll win sooner]', but in reality, the odds won't chance that much. Say, a game that would normally get around 3,000 entries gets 1,500 now. Are the chances better? I mean sure, but it still sucks, and you'll have even less chances of winning anything in the long run, because you don't get to enter as many giveaways :(

6 years ago

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the odds won't chance that much. Say, a game that would normally get around 3,000 entries gets 1,500 now. Are the chances better?

Absolutely! 100% better. I guess it was a rhetorical question though...

I mean sure, but it still sucks, and you'll have even less chances of winning anything in the long run, because you don't get to enter as many giveaways :(

Not true. The number of giveaways you enter, on its own, is not important. If the drop in entries for each giveaway is in proportion to the drop in the number of giveaways you can enter, there should be exactly no change to how often and how many you win.

It will be human nature however, to feel that you're missing out if you can now only enter half as many giveaways, even if the entries in them are halved.

6 years ago

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Sounds like a good change! I like the openness on why it changed, too.

6 years ago

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I'm not convince by this change. It's more fair for users because it's easiest to connect once per day instead of checking regularly and for not losing points now. I agree with that.
That does not solve bot problem.
That means that this system will mostly benefit to users that have no activity on the forum and shares nothing with others.
I also think that the puzzles section of the forum will be hirt a bit with this new system because a part of the people on this part of the forum are here for the better chances of winning a GA (those who complains when a puzzle seems to hard to solve :D )
And the winning chance won't be better I think. Yes on the paper they are better for 1 GA. But chances still are low and entering large number of GA instead of a few will still give you better chance to win in my opinion.

A tweak on the old system with a limitation of max point per 15 minutes would have probably a better way to regulate amount of point. And of course finding a real way to fight botters.

6 years ago

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Don''t like the fixed point distribution.. Really preferred the point distribution relative to the actual amount of GAs/their cost. Now this new variant just creates a bunch of issues.
Sucks if new bundles or deals/sales are released and there are actually multiple games you'd be interested in (so far i don't see the entries changing by a significant amount on GAs, maybe that does need some more time however). And while i do feel like we got too many points when that happened lately (especially on Humble Bundle Bundles, which i get myself most of the time) this solution probably went a bit too far in the other direction.
Fake/Deleted GAs actually hurt now. Where i previously didn't care much for a 60p loss for a GTA V GA for example, nowadays a 50p GTA V GA would basically mean losing 2.5h of point distribution.
If you feel like people are having too many points to spend that's fine, lower them.. just would've really preferred to keep it relative to the actually created GAs instead of this fixed point distribution approach while still having variable amounts of giveaways...

6 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

6 years ago

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I'll hold your points for 5% share

View attached image.
6 years ago

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It won't last.
So many people don't realize that the proportionbetween value of GA's created and amount of points to spend of them is essential for the system to work.
Now they will.

6 years ago

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The new system is like a big step back to 1997.

6 years ago

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When there wasn't even Steamgifts, neither Steam? :)

6 years ago

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I played yesterday in game from 1997 so I can confirm - it was huge step back.

It opens via DosBox and I can't use mouse wheel to zoom out/in :C

6 years ago

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Don't like the fixed release. It might make it easier for people to plan around spending but honestly has issues.

With this setup, whether the place is flooded with giveaways or dead the points are the same. So when the place is flooded with giveaways from some good sales, won't be able to have enough points to enter enough while if the sales are dead and not much going on, you will have more points than you can reasonably even want to spend with nothing to spend it on worth getting.

Before, you knew the points exploded with humble bundle releases as well as when you saw it explode, it gave a good indication that there was a decent sale that just started.

I will admit that it makes it easier to plan around, but I don't really consider that a good thing either.

Yeah, with the graph you gave, they might get 6 times as many points to enter 6 times as many giveaways but also there are just as many new giveaways with just as many new entries to them.

Would rather the points match the activity of the giveaways rather than a fixed number. And of course you will see massive point explosions with a Humble RPG Maker giveaway. That is a good thing when the costs to enter the giveaways are pretty huge as the costs of the software isn't cheap. That isn't a bad thing.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by cg.