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Mad Max Lv1 Fanch January 19
Innerspace Lv1 canis39 January 23rd

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Because I'm tired of getting catcalled and watching others in the street receive the same treatment, I decided to share some information with everyone in SG hoping that they can stop doing it and/or talk to their friends to make them reconsider their behavior.

Street harassment is unwanted and unwelcomed public attention, most often directed at women, which is demeaning and damaging. It’s not a private matter but one that should concern everyone.
If you have trouble empathising with strangers, then think about your mother, sister, or girlfriend. Would you enjoy watching people catcalling and telling them nasty things? How do you think they would feel about it?

On an average day I go out twice and I get at least one guaranteed catcall. On weekends or when I go out, for example to a club, it gets worse because groups of people feel more empowered to do so.

A few months ago I was walking with a friend and one guy said things and started to follow us. After a while it ended with me turning around and pepper-spraying his face, then running away in case he could fight back. This is the kind of violence it generates.
We had a rough rest of the day and were shaken up. I didn't enjoy doing that at all, but he had to be stopped. I also like to think the guy didn't enjoy it either.
So in the end, what did he achieve? Nothing.

OK, I'm gonna clear this up since some people like to assume things just to blame me for defending myself.

A few months ago I was walking with a friend and one guy said things...

For the backward people, this was in june when I wasn't wearing "provocative shorts and t-shirts" clothes. These are the "nice compliments" I got amongst others i don't even want to repeat here and/or I want to forget:

hey girl nice butt
does your friend wanna F with me too?
hey reply bitch
come here lesbos!

...and started to follow us.

Walked one block with that guy which was 1 meter away from us. He wasn't shouting from the other side of the street, he wasn't half a block away, he wasn't sitting in the sidewalk. He was right behind us.

...After a while it ended with me turning around and pepper-spraying his face, then running away in case he could fight back...

He got warned to leave us alone during the whole 1-block fast-paced walk. I didn't stop to "discuss" because I'm not a 1.9 meters 120kg guy, so I'm not putting my friend and I at risk at 8:30pm in the street.

You read the "You're not alone" thread?
Well, most of the stuff that I shared about me is linked directly to an experience related to this, but I wasn't walking with a friend and there were two guys instead of one following me. You can guess what happened next since I wasn't able to defend myself.

But of course, street harassment is harmless and nothing else can go wrong, nor it can trigger unhappy memories from past experiences.
Think a bit before judging others so quickly assuming they overreact when they feel in danger.~

I know I probably won't convince anyone catcalling to stop by posting this (it doesn't hurt to try), but if your friends or co-workers do it, you can persuade or talk to them and see if they get it. There's nothing worse than being in a group of friends and allowing them to act like idiots.

It's disgusting and demeaning, stop it. You're hurting people with your actions and makes you look like a fool.

❀️️ FAQ, in case you're gonna post one of these comments I get all the time.

- But some women like to be catcalled!
Yes, there's also men that like to get hit in the face with a hammer. So using the same logic, I should go out and hit all men with a hammer in hopes they enjoy it?

- Don't be so sensitive, ignore it.
No, it reaches a point it can't be ignored. It's not an isolated issue once per month or in certain situations so you can avoid it. It also affects me a lot depending on my mood, so when you feel like crap and you get catcalled, things get worse.

- So you want others to come to your rescue when some stranger catcalls you? That will end up with me getting in a fight!
I'm not asking people to fight for me, just them to stop doing it, spread the word, and discourage people in their group of friends from being disrespectful.

- If you don't want to get catcalled, dress appropriately!
1: Don't blame the victim.
2: I dress as I please. It's my body, not someone else's.
3: It doesn't matter if it's winter and I'm wearing a jacket, or summer with shorts and a t-shirt. Some people will be idiots anyway and say things.

- I bet you like it when a handsome guy catcalls you!
Irrelevant. I expect respect from everyone.

- What about men? They also get harassed!
I'm very aware guys also get harassed by both men and women, but this thread is about girls. Feel free to create another thread for that issue, and I will support it.

- So this is just a misandrist rant!
It's not. If you feel targeted by anything I said, then it's not because you're a man, it's because you actions ressemble what it's said here.

- Meh, it could be worse.
It could be worse, but it SHOULD be better. Also, normalizing this behavior makes it even more painful for victims.

- Women also catcall!
I never said they don't, but for each woman that catcalls me, i get 500 guys. So the issue at hand is the one I shared.

- This thread offends me!
That tells a lot about you. Log off, take your time, and think about it.

- This thread is inappropriate for SG, please close and delete it!
Go tell that to all other threads about awareness, politics, religion, sports, disasters, etc.

πŸ’™ Some info and articles:

Stop Street Harassment
Wikipedia definition
Documenting women's stories of street harassment
Why we need to take street harassment seriously
Dutch woman faces down her catcallers by posting selfies with them

πŸ’š Videos:

Au bout de la rue (Court-mΓ©trage) - france
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman - usa
Woman is filmed walking London's streets for secret documentary - uk
Male actor dresses as woman to experience sexual harassment - egypt
Sons React to Their Moms Getting Catcalled - usa

Finished Giveaways By Ended (last month) πŸ”ΌπŸ”Ό
Broken Sword 5 - the Serpent's Curse lv1 mully december 15
Panzer Corps lv1 mully december 15
Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition lv1 mully december 15
Insurgency lv1 mully december 15
Doodle Kingdom lv1 mully december 15
Doodle Mafia lv1 mully december 15
Farmington Tales lv1 mully december 15
Air Combat Arena lv1 mully december 15
Apocalypse (Showcase) lv1 mully december 15
Depopulation lv1 mully december 15
Beholder Lv3 Corran December 21
Sniper Elite V2 Lv3 Corran December 21
Resident Evil Revelations / Biohazard Revelations Lv3 Corran December 21
Evil Genius Lv1 HA December 25
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered Lv1 HA December 25
Quarantine Lv1 HA December 25
Tower 57 Lv1 HA December 25
Puzzle Chronicles Lv1 HA December 25
Yooka-Laylee Lv1 HA December 25
Surgeon Simulator Lv1 HA December 25
Operation Flashpoint: Red River Lv1 HA December 25
Streets of Rage Lv1 HA December 25
Stronghold Crusader 2 Lv1 HA December 25
SOMA Lv1 HA December 25
Cornerstone: The Song of Tyrim Lv1 HA December 25
Tick's Tales Lv1 HA December 25
Lost Civilization Lv1 HA December 25
Heroes & Legends: Conquerors of Kolhar Lv1 HA December 25
Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller - Season One + OST Vol 1 Lv1 HA December 25
Quest for Infamy Lv1 HA December 25
Supreme League of Patriots Season Pass Lv1 HA December 25
Moebius: Empire Rising Lv1 HA December 25
The Last Door - Collector's Edition Lv1 HA December 25
The Last Door: Season 2 - Collector's Edition Lv1 HA December 25
The Story Goes On Lv1 Fluffster December 25
Super Splatters Lv1 pookysan December 26
Retool Lv 2 sgtools igel2005 December 26
Hearts of Iron Collection III Lv2 Harry December 26

πŸ’› And some pictures:

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6 years ago*

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Capitalization is a waste of time

View Results

"We say yo ho, but we don't say ho, cuz ho is disrespectful, yo."ο»Ώ
A woman has a right to a drink or two,
Without worrying about what you will do.
We say "Yo, ho!" but we don't say "ho,"
'Cause "ho" is disrespectful, yo!

No, we don't say "booty" 'less we're talking about gold.
We don't look at chests 'less it, treasure holds.
With a hat and a feather and a cutlass on our hip,
We will never say "she" when we're talking 'bout a ship.
We don't say "bitch" and we don't say "whore,"
'Cause that language leads to things like body dysmorphia.

Key and Peele were so on point with this catchy-as-hell pirate chantey

6 years ago

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"A few months ago I was walking with a friend and one guy said things and started to follow us. After a while it ended with me turning around and pepper-spraying his face, then running away in case he could fight back."

So you assaulted an innocent person, and did it using a weapon. In my area that is a felony and you'd be have been sent to prison. What a class act you are. It is too bad no one else around intervened til the cops got there to arrest you.

6 years ago

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lol female ......

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Bump, and respect.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Judging by the rate at which you're obsessively spamming this thread, I'm inclined to believe you feel threatened by the subject matter. You may consider asking yourself why you feel so threatened by someone asking people to prevent street harassment.

I can tell you one thing - the true men out there don't feel threatened in the least by this thread. Take some time to reflect on that.

6 years ago

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look at this BS


watch both video until end

you need watch this feminist

6 years ago

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I don't "need" to do anything, but I do feel obligated to tell you that you're not staying on topic. This thread isn't about feminism - it's about street harassment. When the videos you link are about street harassment, I'll be happy to watch them. Until then, they're irrelevant.

Changing the topic or using the thread as a platform or soapbox for your own agenda is rude and disrespectful. In addition, it's poor forum etiquette. If you feel feminism is such a problem, feel free to make your own thread with that as the topic.

6 years ago

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you dont know the topic it self ... it is feminist act that blame man and they demand us to do thing that female wants but female dont want to do anything that mens ask in return .

you asking us to not to do that and we ask you to not open your body to public it is equal demand form both side. you need to understand that if you ask something form your side you need to hear us form our side too . you telling me how to act in public but you dont want to me to tell you how to act in public . that is called feminist

6 years ago

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you dont know the topic it self ... it is feminist act that blame man and they demand us to do thing that female wants but female dont want to do anything that mens ask in return .

It's about street harassment. I'm sure of it. This isn't about what men or women want. It's about treating people with decency and respect, nothing more. Stop making everything about you and see outside yourself for a few moments. This thread isn't an attack on your manhood. It's an awareness thread discussing a serious issue.

you asking us to not to do that and we ask you to not open your body to public it is equal demand form both side.

I'm not asking you to do anything except stay on topic. We're not talking about me whipping my dick out. We're not talking about feminism.
We're not talking about prostitutes, potatoes, pizza, or penguins. We're talking about street harassment. Be respectful and stay on topic.

6 years ago

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agian you demand me to do what you want .... but you dont want to do what I want ...

if you want us to help you out you need to help us out too .

you dont like people talk shit to you I respect that but I dont want to see your female part in public do you respect that ?

6 years ago

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We're not talking about me whipping my dick out.

I tried to clue you in. /facepalm

6 years ago

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you disrespect me i will disrespect you . you are female but it dont give you right to disrespect me and i do nothing about it

6 years ago

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You are female but it dont give you right to disrespect me and i do nothing about it

Lmao, What the hell - I'm going to give you another clue -- if I ever had kids, I'd be unable to breast-feed them.

Good luck - you have 48 hours on the clock to figure out this puzzle.

6 years ago

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feminist ?

6 years ago

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You still have 47 hours. Don't give up! You can do it!

6 years ago

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you are dick head man or gay or you put shit in your chest to make it better ..... i will call gay becouse only them defending feminist

6 years ago

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you are dick head man or gay

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6 years ago

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no they are the same pople who support feminist did you watch that vidoes ???

6 years ago

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if you stopped frothing at the mouth for one moment, you wouldn't miss the joke

6 years ago

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You do realize only children and homophobes believe calling someone gay is an insult, and only misogynists believe calling someone a feminist is an insult, right? And no, I'm not into scat, so no "shit in the chest", please.

Anyway, thanks for bumping the thread and bringing attention to the issue of street harassment. You're doing a great service for women (and men) everywhere! :D

6 years ago

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i did not use is as insult that is fact for you that you are

6 years ago

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ya they will see it in other way when i put all that videos on agian and agian they will see that she is saying the samething that other feminist are saying and she is one of them

6 years ago

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and you next to her

6 years ago

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first of all you been rude to talk shit to me in first place ... i see your demand and i put out my demand in same way you guys did you did not like it right ?

6 years ago

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If you feel I'm being rude, feel free to report me to support.

6 years ago

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i am not female i am male and i have balls i don't need 3rd party to fight for me

6 years ago

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Balls are really sensitive region, I don't think they would help you in your crusade fight in any way.

6 years ago

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Do you think kick in the ball hurt more then IED blow up next to me ?? do you think a female is scarier than the bullets that was passing over my head ?? No i dont think so this small girls cant cause me pain that i did not feel it until this day ,

6 years ago

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This is really similar to war poetry (as it's kinda melodic?). You'd only have to use verses correctly and get rid of double question marks.

Maybe even love poetry, as you write about pain caused by women that you haven't felt before? Must be emotional thing then :thinking:

6 years ago

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fuck emotion I don't have one so they can try more i gave lot of pain to my enemies they that don't want to feel it

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Damn man, an IED blew up near to you? Nobody should go through that... Although, maybe - wait - hold on, what were you wearing at the time? Maybe your outfit really sent out a "blow me up" message...?

6 years ago

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I was driver the Humvee when it went off on passenger side it killed passenger and the Gunner ya you fuck I lost my right side of my body you shit what you did for this country?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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what you did for this country?

Paid your wages.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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...and I paid (and continue to pay) you back with my own money for your voluntary military service.

6 years ago

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you own me everything that you have now your life .. freedom .. food ... everything they you do is because of us that fight for this country to keep it safe to make it free but ppl like you destroying it form inside I think we need change our target because we have bigger enemy inside not our side of country

6 years ago

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you own me everything that you have now your life

You're right, I do own you. I pay you to protect me, simple as that.

Now march on, soldier.

6 years ago

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you don't pay me lol

6 years ago

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yet you did not answer my question you did pay tax I did too that don't count .

6 years ago

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What question? It's nigh impossible to comprehend your drivel, especially absent punctuation.

6 years ago

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IN other hand I am not your country what you did for this country

6 years ago

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you know what? yes balls are sensitive part but only.......

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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if you want to prevent anything you need to fix your females first before demanding thing form mens .

dont you think female are demanding to much this days ?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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did you watch this one just watch it is not boy saying it it is female watch it


6 years ago

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That is of course incredibly pertinent to the discussion and in no sense as irrelevant as it is utterly subjective horseshit, but more importantly, did you see this?! And it's a man saying it, so it must be true!

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6 years ago

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welcome to my blacklist but you blacklist me first so you are the problem

6 years ago

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let me tell you something I worked a assistant coach in female soccer team for 5 years i did not talked shit to them and we all respect each other inside and out side the team i did not touch them out of my job requirement i did not put any of them in the position that they feel bad . now i am working as guard in school that have dorms you don't see what i see there how bad female dress up when they go out ... you know how many report we get that involved Sexual harassment ???? all of them are form the female that dress up so bad that their body part is showing up . do you know how hard is for me to talk to the student that i can see her chest out of her dress and when you don't look at them they get offend and say that we are rude and don't look at them when they talking to us ?

you talking about respect but you show non how can i respect a person who don't respect her self ?

i can tell you my life story that how i got to this idea that female are the main key to this problem , but as i can see you do not understand people and you just want to judge them by the book cover

6 years ago*

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thanks for the free bumps, macho man!

6 years ago

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Heh, its called Nacho.
Nacho Nacho Man, i want to be a Nacho Man!

6 years ago

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IRL!!! :

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6 years ago

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ya yw feminists

6 years ago

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thanks misogynistic!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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if they respect them self they will not show there body part in public . if they don't respect them self people will not is it hard to understand that female part are not have to seen in public that is disrespectful . only ignorant people who want to see ass ant female chest will be ok with that .half of our public don't like it and as we saw they did not help women's with this kinda problem and they will not do it in future . is it hard to understand that what female wear is the main key to not get called out by other people .

men well help a woman with normal clothing but they will not help a woman with the bad clothing that have been proven in public .

you all need to stop defending them when they are in fault you guys did this that we have this problem.

btw in the area I live I don't see anything but when I go to work in LA I saw it alot why? because women's wearing clothes that open thier body alot vs Glendale and Pasadena or Burbank . they never said where they are from ?? that is another probelms we don't know that that kinda be only thier area that have more shit going on . but generally it all about how they act or wear .

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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they are not victim this is feminsit idea that female are victim of eveything but they are not open your eyes

6 years ago

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If you feel this thread is an attack on you personally, then you have a massive guilt complex, bro.

6 years ago

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it attack all mens you are not man enough to feel it becouse of man like you and other stupids we have this BS around

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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they don't have right to tell me what to do in public when they don't want lessen to my demands .I said they cant tell me what to do in public when they don't want me to tell them what to do in public .

I hear what she said and I don't have problem with that I have problem with the part that I telling them don't wear bad clothing and they tell me that is not my place to tell them that it is my place to say it because DAAA it is public place not her home I am living in it and I don't like to see thing like that .

if you want something you need to show that you really fighting for it when I see female coming out with that bad clothing to me it look like they don't want to fight for it

6 years ago

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they don't have right to tell me what to do

The irony is blinding.

6 years ago

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it is not when they tell me I can't ask them to not wear bad clothing in PUBLIC !!!! they don't have right to tell me what to or not to do in Public!!

6 years ago

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The irony is blinding.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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you are one of dose propel who looking for this female in street I don't need one because I have my wife and my kids you need to think about yourself

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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no I found my wife and kids not like you who don't know who is your wife or kid lol

how many wife you have ?

6 years ago

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6 years ago*

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you have non then lol

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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0 or none

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I just miss E when I was typing lol

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I like to miss .... things..... lol and piss people off that is my game that you are playing right now lol

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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ya that is what she said .

6 years ago

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6 years ago*

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when you got your balls back let me know we talk more about difference of womens right and feminist

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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If only I got an early comment on this chain, I could have edited it to give new readers Gameboy's themetune to set the mood.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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or maybe you are nun lol

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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that funny that you guys dont bring any strong reason that all mens are in faut but not womens you cant support your own post just tlak shit over and over say something so support your demand that it tell us is not only one way demand . tell me how that will benefeit mens tell me how that will help public and telll me why this is not disrespect to public .

do it if you can . but i think you have nothing to say except saying recpect that only you want but you dont want to show to others .....

6 years ago

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You should read OP FAQ and you about to get shit on by internet knights.

6 years ago

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Nah, he does an excellent job shitting all over himself. :3

6 years ago

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unfortunate choice of words. had he not done it himself...

6 years ago

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you have excellent job to shit on your self by not giving reason about the thing staying

6 years ago

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Nobody ever said that all men are at fault you bizarre little goiter.

6 years ago

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I don't give a fuck about a feminist FAQ

6 years ago

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You keep demanding people answer for things they never said...
...yet when we do actually try to talk to you about anything on the subject you keep spamming about, you just say you're not going to read the replies because we're brainwashed feminists, and loop back around to insults and hyperbole about values you insist we have.

I legit tried to talk to you about mens rights in the other thread and you just randomly started telling me I was brainwashed by the wife you imagined I have. You even didn't read the disclaimers in the OPs post because you imagine they're probably 'feminist', so you're pretty much just making up whatever you want to hear from whole cloth at this point. :P

6 years ago

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I told you to stop mistreating ellipsis, its 3 dots, only.

6 years ago

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............................................................................................................ ok

6 years ago

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if you talking about something like this I am with you 100 %
because in this case mens are in fault

6 years ago*

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Why did it take a huffpost video to change your mind? People have been saying throughout the thread that women are harassed completely regardless of what they happen to be wearing. Honestly, it seems like you put far too much stock in TV news reporting.

6 years ago

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I was keep saying the same thing all day long .. if women put cloth that cover her and some man say thing to her it is 100% man fault but if the women wear bad clothing that it show her private parts I cant help that women out because it is her fault she was asking for it . that what I am keep try to tell you guys .

6 years ago*

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Unfortunately, you are profoundly incoherent. Your English needs a lot of work.
You might want to consider how wise it is to engage in debate if you can't come close to expressing yourself clearly.

6 years ago

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this people don't get it anyway lol

6 years ago

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she was asking for it .

That's the excuse many rapists use.

6 years ago

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but that is the truth why you cant see that ??

6 years ago

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I'm going to sign out of SG right now, before I get perma-banned for speaking my mind to you.

6 years ago

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do it do it ... have some balls ... hahahh you don't have mind lol

6 years ago

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Speaking of balls - did you happen to lose any intimate parts of your anatomy in your little humvee story? Is your attitude some misguided, over-compensatory attempt to prove you're still a man?

6 years ago

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I am way more men then you are lol

6 years ago

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Are we talking like several gremlins in a big trenchcoat here, or does your username signify your clone number?

6 years ago*

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Why don't you swing by my house sometime, asshole, and tell me how my baby sister was asking to be raped. Tell me how she fucking "deserved it". Explain to me, her children, and her husband how she deserved the physical and mental abuse before and after, and how she was asking to be affected and traumatized by it for the rest of her life, until she died a few years ago.

You're no man. You're no man at all. A man - a real man - never believes a woman is asking for or deserves abuse or rape.

You? You're like an empty scrotum - useless and full of hot air, a dead end in the gene pool. Do the world a fucking favor and don't ever reproduce, if you actually ever manage to find a woman who could tolerate your presence.

6 years ago

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give me the address

6 years ago

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Oh, man... Sorry to hear that. :(

You did good telling him off, though.

6 years ago

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Because that's not what the word 'truth' means.

6 years ago

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when man show his manhood to public everyone call that sexual harassment but when female do nothing happen that make me mad because we all fight for gender quality but we don't have one

6 years ago

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It makes you mad that men can't flash their genitals in public, whereas the only thing that makes you angry about women being raped is when they insist they don't deserve it.

You chose your name well, gameboy, because it'd be a pitiful, pathetic joke to suggest you were a man.

6 years ago

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you can see I am and you are not defending something that destroying our country form inside out . you are blind I don't I can see it ...

6 years ago

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The inability for men to flash their genitals is destroying your country from the inside out?
Fascinating. Please elaborate.

6 years ago

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Still waiting

6 years ago

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why we talking about gender equality when their is not any equality there ? they want to have anything but dont respect mens

6 years ago

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Why are you asking me that question, when all I asked was for you to elaborate on what you said? Stop blaming women and man up to the garbage flying out of your mouth.

Again :
The inability for men to flash their genitals is destroying your country from the inside out?
Fascinating. Please elaborate.

6 years ago

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we are not equality in many ways that is destroying my country from the inside out?

6 years ago

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View attached image.
6 years ago

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So, are you saying you don't want to elaborate on your points now that someone is asking you for your opinion?
Interesting. So when we do ask you to go into more detail, you just go into more strawmen again.

6 years ago

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dude this is answer to your question we dont have equality this is the problem .

6 years ago

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Damn, this thread is gold. Don't take it the wrong way, but I bet you could post something about some fluffy kitties and still end up with a mess like this ;D.

6 years ago

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when people don't understand each other lol this is beautiful of USA we don't understand each other and we are free to argue about it lol

6 years ago

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The solution is as easy as deciding to try having an adult dialog.

You could try to leading by example, but that would mean having to be above the people you criticise.

6 years ago

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you are example of stupid boy that want girls lol

6 years ago*

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...uhm, what? :P

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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This thread is inappropriate for SG, please close and delete it!
Go tell that to all other threads about awareness, politics, religion, sports, disasters, etc.

ppl post this thing you said on off topic you put it in General feminist ignorant about the rules lol

6 years ago

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Why would the OP want to go tell all other non-gaming thread owners to close their threads?
You're still not making much sense.

The moderators have seen fit to both keep it open and leave it where it is, if you have an issue with this, feel free to make a ticket about it and move on.

6 years ago

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Is English your first language? Maybe you should just post in your first language?

6 years ago

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I was thinking that, too. It would be easier if he just used his first language, and then we could use Google Translate.

Trying to read his "English" hurts my brain.

6 years ago

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Given the total disconnect they have in basic conversational mechanics, I doubt it's going to be much better. They keep admitting they're not even reading replies, while accusing anybody not in agreement of apparently blaming all men for everything, which pretty much means they're playing a private puppet show and occasionally glancing over and saying "You see this asshole here on my left hand? This is you! Why do you hate men so much? You're such an idiot, why do you have my arm up your ass!?"

Language barriers can be a huge speedbump in things, but it's the logical disconnect that will be insurmountable here :P

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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his first language is Stupid, that's why we have so much trouble communicating.

6 years ago

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Unfortunately, I fear that's his only language...

6 years ago

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You're inappropriate for SG

6 years ago

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I'm glad you see it that way.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Well played, sir.

6 years ago

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Phahaha, good one, thanks!

6 years ago

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ok good for you bye...lol

6 years ago

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Bye then?

6 years ago

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no no wait

6 years ago

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let me give you other example . the way she said this it is look like the same way I say it is my body I want to smoke cigarettes in public I don't care about other people no body can say things to me .

do you like this version do you like going to like the guys who say thing like this ?

6 years ago

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Your 'example' works better in the reverse, because people who smoke with zero regard for others in their surroundings are more analogous of catcallers given they chose not to respect personal space.

Give it up until you find a way around the language barrier (and maybe until you're willing to actually read the stuff you keep criticising)

6 years ago

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my example was about that thing she said " it is my body I will put on whatever clothing I want . "

6 years ago

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Okay. Right. So...
...you're comparing the act of a grown adult picking their own clothing...
...to inconsiderately exposing strangers to carcinogens?

You should have probably stuck to the whole "bye" thing.

6 years ago

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she I not only one in public when she decide for public we can decide for her too .

6 years ago

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No, no you can't, and that's great. :D

6 years ago

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but she is doing it

6 years ago

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You will find most adults are capable of dressing themselves.

6 years ago

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I see them in the area that i live but they area that I work is way different .

6 years ago

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they only thing i say that is another way to stop this catcalled this female and other like her don't believe on that

6 years ago

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You already acknowledged elsewhere earlier that women can get catcalled regardless of what they wear. Even if that wasn't a thing, you also randomly assumed that the OP wore something incredibly provocative to fit your own narrative.

No matter what angle you try to come at this from, you're just tripping over yourself.

6 years ago

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whatever.. you are female lover form your side .... you cant see the real problem we cant force that to people who are blind or brainwashed by female .

6 years ago

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You have repeatedly said you're not even going to read my posts, when I try to address how you are harming mens rights, so why exactly should I waste time by clicking obvious propaganda links? "The Spiritual Scientist" "some women insist that it is their right to dress however they like"? Really?

Go home, you're drunk. :P

6 years ago

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i did not force you to do so

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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so what ?

6 years ago

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...so once again your words have no meaning.
Glad to have that confirmed again.

6 years ago

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you said so

so what ??

again you just talk shit

6 years ago

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"So?" is asking you to elaborate on what relevance your comment had.
Your following reply had no correlation to mine.

6 years ago

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i just give you answer that i don't force you to read it what part of that you did not get ?

6 years ago

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I asked you to elaborate on why you feel that has any relevance. What part of that did you not get? :P

6 years ago

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you mean " so what" or the clothing ?

6 years ago

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: |

6 years ago

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why you said SO ??? I gave you answer but you come up with So like you want me to say more about it . i did not force you to read is i did not force you do read it ....

6 years ago

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: |

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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sorry that thing is for you not me .

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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i dont even know what the fuck is this r/incel ..when it started or ended but i know whatever happed after that feminist got in to power lol

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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because you said it first with out knowing it ?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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it is a reason .. you said it first toward me I cant say it back to you ?

the is same shit going on here you can do it but i cant funny

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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i search it before i post it ... so i don't know it because i don't want to know about it because it is BS and it invite stupid mens

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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whatever go to your r/incel. world have fun .

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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you mean closure of your businesses ?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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then why you got offended ? when i said it back to you ??

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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this is for you have fun gender equality



6 years ago

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6 years ago

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i did so that why i got maddddddddddddd

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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dose thing are fact ppl are feminist to day and they defend female more and give mens bad titles why i don't give them bad title .

it is something going on here they give us bad title but we cant give them bad title ?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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We is mean mens.. don't worry about that because you don't know what is that ...

6 years ago

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what this mean
"Gameboy204’s activity starts after the closure of r/incel. Coincidence? ??? "

you telling me i am one of them right ???

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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then dont get mad when i know what is your job lol how long you are working for r/incel.???

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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why you think I one of them ?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Wow.. I read the whole thing and it was like you were talking to a chatbot. Maybe incels had a dedicated chatbot.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago*

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added, thanks! πŸ’ž

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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GA Bump

[Mad Games Tycoon](https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/22JbG/mad-games-tycoon) | igel2005| Level 2
6 years ago

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thankd, added 🌈

6 years ago

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Finally have something to add to the list:

[Her Story](https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/BZSeq/her-story) - Level 1 | cunthulhu | November 25th
[Shadowrun Returns](https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/ksJcD/shadowrun-returns) - Level 1 | cunthulhu | November 25th

6 years ago*

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added, thanks πŸ₯‚

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6 years ago

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tell me why this happen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=To_q9v2IGjw

we have gender equality rights ?? why women can do it but not men ??

6 years ago

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Because for the mens with the womens want is OK but when not the mens love womens it not for the want and that not OK.

If you insist on posting despite being incapable to express a single f***ing thought (though surely that would be too generous a moniker for the random fragmented notions bouncing around the barren gulf that is your mind) coherently in the language the rest of us are using, hell with it, I'll see if your gobbledygook can get through to you

6 years ago

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go back to the zoo that your come form .

6 years ago

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if zoo man mouth make sense when the you mouth only give shit and shit and shit, what make you? where for go back you? for toilet from in you mother left you?

6 years ago

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it make me man to talk back to people who only want to insult people to be look like them

I can see you don't like yourself because i am doing the something you did

6 years ago

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now you bring mother thing like 5 years old CS GO player ok let me tell you I don't know what animal rape your mom and you became result of that and what your mom is doing it don't mean other mother doing it. too just saying.

6 years ago

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He's gone because he couldn't control his mouth. Following his example is a really dumb idea. Consider this a warning and try to keep it civil.

6 years ago

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Hey Mully, thanks for the topic.

Under if you don't want to get catcalled, dress appropriately! you could maybe place this image showing that it doesn't matter what the fuck you wear, there'll always be creeps perving:

View attached image.
6 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

6 years ago

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when men cant do it female cant they keep talking about gender equality right ?? that is part of it .. if men cant come out in public with underwear it is going to be same for female

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

6 years ago

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yes but female can call cops on men who wear thing like that but mens cant because cops do nothing lol . in this culture naked women is ok but naked men is not .

6 years ago

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your example is have to be Muslims ??? the people who kill other people to 40 girls in heaven ?

really??? again you telling that all mens are in fault not female ?

6 years ago*

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i agree with gameboy if u walk around naked some one might admire u

6 years ago

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and it is both ways to btw do u know how meany frekey girls cat call me like everyday i think this is a thread to missdrect who is really the freaks out there

6 years ago

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that what i am saying it is form both side female clothing and some stupid mens who cant control them self in public .

6 years ago

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and another thing is that they dont want to see us half naked in street and they call it gender equality what part of equality put us in jail by doing the same thing female do ??

6 years ago

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i have to were pants to keep thim off me unfair

6 years ago

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no but you don't have to come out to public with underwear

6 years ago

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even though its not agints the law i still have to even though im not asking for the herassment

6 years ago

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that what i am saying not all of that coming form mens . we have lot of people who cant control themselves . i had co worker when he was see a girl with some body part handing out he was keep talking shit about it something like this " ohh i will do this do that to her " it is not nice to talking like that even though we are boys and talking about it . if he say that the girl is beautiful or something like that yes that is ok but not other kinda talks .

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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The utter lack of maturity in handling what should be a very basic value instilled during youth through proper parental guidance is what truly astounds me about some people in this thread. I have a 9 year old nephew who understands this thread better than some of the users posting in it.

I mean, really -- this should just be common sense for most people, right?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Not in a world where irresponsible parenting and shitty education is the norm

'Nuff said. Too bad attention is focused on the symptoms instead of addressing the disease.

6 years ago

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Would address disease as well. Humans not willing to use their wonderful brains. Humans willing to be lower than animals, not ever considering consequences; satisfying desires not necessary for survival but otiose; not wishing to understand empathy, right of others to exist and bloom in full blossom not being touched or ruined with no reason. Yes, harassing and attacking weaker individuals is only one of symptoms.

Educating people, encouraging them to more reason and understanding of the world is something best part of philosophers, religion figures, scientists and governors tried to do for known millennia. Presumably, from the beginning of humanity. Developing knowledge useful for everybody, helping each new generation to improve. There were a lot of local movements through history but now we need a common knowledge base and unite educational approach, world philosophy and basic communication rules for a whole planet. This would in time solve the parenting issue as well since people would be more adequate. But there is no end to disagreements between people, each country, religion, movement etc. War of ideas which never ends. People disagree to perceive themselves as parts of common, refuse to respect the difference. Essential human's drive to feel accomplished being/acting right, acquired not through getting to the truths, but by lazy-simple and ignorant-dirty forcing own old ideas on others.

Alternatives? Planetary-scale control to unify humanity of this planet, broken to bits and stepping too often into regression when there is no supervising. Adults are worse than children, big part of humanity not committing crimes on daily basis mostly because of expected punishments either from civil powers or according to religions. Does reason and knowledge always has to be hammered in people?.. Solutions to irresponsible parenting would be even more grim. "Parents" are way too often themselves just old children executing instinctive and ritual reproduction, who never got an idea of what are they doing and why. To stop people from having children by control and push through more education before allowing to reproduce and essentially before understanding if they need this? But from conservative point of view, this would be a terrible dystopia.

Meanwhile, population of the planet grows and on top of unsolved and perhaps growing problem of mass ignorance it arises extra risks in resource shortage, which can throw huge amount os people in wars and dark ages, cancelling any level of personal guarantees existing now. But attention never gets focused to reason. So many people can't get over even imagining that they can be so far from knowing anything, from understanding where they are moving. Offended, unreasonable, angry.

6 years ago

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It all goes back to the same thing: parenting. Having good parents who teach their children humanity doesn't guarantee all of their kids will turn out well, but having bad parents who screw their kids up makes it difficult to for any of them to turn out well-adjusted. There is no simple solution, and making the government a "substitute parent" is not the answer.

6 years ago

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I commented to you initially because of suggestion to focus on "disease" instead of "symptoms" (it is not clear though if they include only immature behaviors or e.g. whole this thread including OP, from your point of view, but it is similar). Your suggestion is that "disease" is parenting. So you don't want to focus on symptoms, but your focus on disease ends abruptly with "There is no simple solution". What was the useful part of message in this? I can not really find so far.
adding If you mean, each person should be a better parent for own children, it doesn't suggest how. Isn't encouraging persons just to be more reasonable, knowledgeable etc. during own life and to be thus a better 'living example' (including parental) for everyone around them of any ages, way more universal? But if such happens "naively", problem is that anyone can think that they are already wise and intelligent when they are not. So this goes back to forming global agreements and knowledge bases for references.

I am "digressing" from.. opinions of others(of yours)? It is called another point of view for example, since I discussed parenting being not a disease. Where from 'good parents' appear? How 'parenting' can be improved itself? Parents are the same people, learned what they know not only from own parents but from a manifold of sources before they got children. We are getting knowledge from similar inherent sources. We can break through this only if considering and working on all of this, our environments, mindsets, etc. including matters spoken in this topic. Things are so connected that if labeling things "symptoms" and unfocusing our attention, everything will be a "symptom" and nothing is solved.

6 years ago*

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We seem to be having difficulty in communicating with one another.

What I was saying is that active, engaged parenting, with both a "mother figure" and a "father figure" acting as role-models of mature, civilized behavior while reinforcing the limits and boundaries of acceptable behavior as dictated by society at large, is "the norm." As for "the disease" (i.e. the root cause of the majority of society's ills), that is the breakdown of the family unit and the lack of the above.

If you mean, each person should be a better parent for own children, it doesn't suggest how.

You are correct. I only said "there is no simple solution." Even your suggestion of "encouraging persons just to be more reasonable, knowledgeable, et cetera" is vague, and for good reason. We are dealing with humanity, here, with all the countless differences in personality, culture, religion, and environment. What is best for any one individual must be tailored to circumstance, which is why "forming global agreements and knowledge bases for references" is problematic.

To be fair, your idea is "in the right direction," but humanity resists going in one direction. Muslims already have a global knowledge base for reference, but the weakness of such is in the practice (or lack thereof). Even if you have a reference which can be followed in any place, within any culture, at any period in time, and even if the beliefs of the society are aligned with that reference, it only works if people use it. Not all Muslims practice their religion, so the same "disease" which affects the non-Muslims affects many of us. We just lack the excuse of not having the proper tools to cure it.

6 years ago*

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Not all Muslims practice their religion

I'm glad you brought that up (and my apologies for butting into the conversation with something only marginally related). You specified Muslims (obviously based on your personal experiences with other Muslims - those who actively practice their religion and those who don't), but I believe this statement applies to all religions, particularly lately. While not a religious person myself, it's always been my understanding that religion is, in a nutshell,. "a set of guidelines and lessons by which to model one's life." Seeing religion from that perspective, I've never had a problem with religion or the people who practice - if it helps one person get through one more day, or if it helps one person to becomes a better person, I'm all for it.

However, it seems these days people "use" religion rather than practice it. And by practice, I don't mean going to church or proclaiming they're religious people or condemning others to assuage their own guilt or misdeeds - I mean really practice it, and behave in accordance with the guidelines and lessons set forth in those religions. I'll reiterate - I'm not a religious person - but I have seen religion, when truly practiced, accomplish some pretty amazing things in people (i.e. I volunteer council drug addicts and alcoholics, and have seen firsthand the positive effects faith can have in one's recovery from addiction). I've had the opportunity, thanks to my employment and other personal circumstances, to meet a great variety of people from nearly every religion - and the ones who truly practice their religion, regardless of what it may be, all appear to have one thing in common - the desire to better themselves as individuals.

So yes, in addition to good parenting, which I still believe is the root of the matter, religion - when practiced appropriately and humbly, can also contribute a great deal to changing behavioral patterns and perspectives in people. I'd much rather see people leaning on the cane of religion rather than beating people over the head with it, if that makes any sense at all.

6 years ago

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I mean really practice it, and behave in accordance with the guidelines and lessons set forth in those religions.

My experience matches yours. Those I have met who openly and actively attempt to practice their religion (all of it, not just pieces of it) seem to exhibit self-control and caring in their dealings with other people. This is not to say that "non-religious" people cannot do the same. In the end, it is all a matter of imposing certain rules of conduct upon yourself.

6 years ago

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what should be a very basic value instilled during youth through proper parental guidance

I kinda covered that, though.

6 years ago

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You commented, Voidy responded, Lilith digressed, and I reiterated. Yes, you are to blame for getting down to brass tacks. )

6 years ago

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It doesn't help that I replied to the wrong comment. I was in agreement, it all begins with good parenting.
I meant to reply to your comment to Lilith.

6 years ago

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I figured you did, so that is how I took it.

6 years ago

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they feel so hurt over one idiot getting what he deserved for trying to assault me and my friend... it's pathetic to read how they turn the tables and tag me as a criminal.
but that's what happens when you put guilty people at a risk of losing their """rights""" to harass women.

i didn't want to post this but it seems it's required, maybe not for the neanderthals that already plagued this thread with their machimo crap (because they can't see past their own noses), but for people that are mildly interested so they can see what happened.

so i'm clear this up since it's sooo much "fun" for me (yes, thast's sarcasm) to be extra specific. OP edited with more info.

6 years ago

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women are as guilty as mens you got it ? or I need to talk about it again ?

6 years ago

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or I need to talk about it again ?

This is literally the last thing you need to do.

6 years ago

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no it is first thing I will do

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

6 years ago

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i don't talk or care about pepper spray on that dudes if she think that she need to use it in that time to protect herself I don't have problem with it .

6 years ago

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"my friend.." they are the same one coming out with you in street ha lol no wonder they so defensive hahh I see

6 years ago

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I love how she changed it form 20 page essay to 5 paragraph

6 years ago

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There must have happened something major that you decided to publicly demonstrate your pathetic weepiness. Seems like you are very unatractive; otherwise you wouldn't complain about something trivial as this.

And yes, you deserve such a dismissive reply. Go and be miserable somehwere else. This is an effin gaming forum and not tumblr, Buzzfeed or whatever floats your feminist agenda boat.

This thread highly offends me and even I deserve a safe space on the Internet, being SG. I want to browse the forums having fun, not being accused of being a subhuman being just because of my gender, you disgusting sexist.

6 years ago

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thanks god one person understand what is going on .

6 years ago

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we need more man and womens like you in this world

6 years ago

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So, what have we here:

β˜‘ acts like a dick online
β˜‘ complains about being lonely

Hmm... I wonder if these things are related somehow??

6 years ago*

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how do you know he is lonely ??? how do we know you are not ?? why you guys keep talking shit left and right and you dont want other people to do same ?

6 years ago

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I know reading isn't... exactly your forte, but the guy made a thread about it. I even linked to it. You can click on links and they take you to the page they are linked to. The internet is awesome, huh? You should try reading stuff, it's pretty cool.

6 years ago

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no because only thing I read is insult lol ya i used to it in this forum no matter it is about game or this .

6 years ago*

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Uh huh.

6 years ago

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View attached image.
6 years ago

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Oh, that's even more brutal

6 years ago

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Oh, that's brutal

6 years ago

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Ah, I've refrained from making that very same post but I won't refrain from saluting someone for doing so shit-eating grin.

6 years ago

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thanks for your support, seems you don't care at all about depression and stuff that happens to others.

for someone that feels so alone and depressed, you are quick to dismiss everything said by someone else fighting depression for over 10 years, which is linked directly to street harassment and its consequences.
but keep doing whatever you want, it's obvious you only care about yourself. everyone else can go to hell and die for what it's worth.

edit: let's reword it, insulting is too easy.

6 years ago*

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I know you have PTSD I am not blind I have read what you said in other post about yourself .

"edit: let's reword it, insulting is too easy."

yes you did it in first place .. that the problem you cant see it .

6 years ago

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I'm actually suffering from multiple illnesses, being anxiety disorder, depression and epilepsy, all of which control my life for the last 10-15 years now. I'm actually fleeing from these online by going to SG so that I can actually enjoy a forum and community without being reminded that I suffer from these. And now there you are, destroying my safe space. Thanks.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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no it people like you, you going around and talk shit about other people but you dont see yourself

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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some one force you to insult people ? you don't have another way of talking ha ?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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same here.. you talk shit to me I will shit on you ..

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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no shitting on public enemies is my job.

you need to found your problem first

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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you are doing the something right ???

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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are you doctor or something ???
I found your problem https://www.healthline.com/health/personality-disorders

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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this people dont care about other people feeling they just see themselves dont worry about it one day they will get same problem KARMA

6 years ago

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i don't go to your threads to make fun of you, you came to me, like all these other trolls.

just use a script to hide my threads like i do with yours, problem solved.

6 years ago

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Or you could just stop harassing people with your shitposting. Ever thought of that?

6 years ago

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i don't go to your threads to make fun of you, you came to me, like all these other trolls.

6 years ago

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Or you could just stop harassing people with your shitposting. Ever thought of that?


6 years ago

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6 years ago

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View attached image.
6 years ago

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thanks for another bump, subhuman.

6 years ago

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you like it ha because it you there ?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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canis39 delete me from BL pls

6 years ago

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the BL who don't agree with them so don't worry about it they are bunch of kids

6 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by Mully.