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Because I'm tired of getting catcalled and watching others in the street receive the same treatment, I decided to share some information with everyone in SG hoping that they can stop doing it and/or talk to their friends to make them reconsider their behavior.

Street harassment is unwanted and unwelcomed public attention, most often directed at women, which is demeaning and damaging. It’s not a private matter but one that should concern everyone.
If you have trouble empathising with strangers, then think about your mother, sister, or girlfriend. Would you enjoy watching people catcalling and telling them nasty things? How do you think they would feel about it?

On an average day I go out twice and I get at least one guaranteed catcall. On weekends or when I go out, for example to a club, it gets worse because groups of people feel more empowered to do so.

A few months ago I was walking with a friend and one guy said things and started to follow us. After a while it ended with me turning around and pepper-spraying his face, then running away in case he could fight back. This is the kind of violence it generates.
We had a rough rest of the day and were shaken up. I didn't enjoy doing that at all, but he had to be stopped. I also like to think the guy didn't enjoy it either.
So in the end, what did he achieve? Nothing.

OK, I'm gonna clear this up since some people like to assume things just to blame me for defending myself.

A few months ago I was walking with a friend and one guy said things...

For the backward people, this was in june when I wasn't wearing "provocative shorts and t-shirts" clothes. These are the "nice compliments" I got amongst others i don't even want to repeat here and/or I want to forget:

hey girl nice butt
does your friend wanna F with me too?
hey reply bitch
come here lesbos!

...and started to follow us.

Walked one block with that guy which was 1 meter away from us. He wasn't shouting from the other side of the street, he wasn't half a block away, he wasn't sitting in the sidewalk. He was right behind us.

...After a while it ended with me turning around and pepper-spraying his face, then running away in case he could fight back...

He got warned to leave us alone during the whole 1-block fast-paced walk. I didn't stop to "discuss" because I'm not a 1.9 meters 120kg guy, so I'm not putting my friend and I at risk at 8:30pm in the street.

You read the "You're not alone" thread?
Well, most of the stuff that I shared about me is linked directly to an experience related to this, but I wasn't walking with a friend and there were two guys instead of one following me. You can guess what happened next since I wasn't able to defend myself.

But of course, street harassment is harmless and nothing else can go wrong, nor it can trigger unhappy memories from past experiences.
Think a bit before judging others so quickly assuming they overreact when they feel in danger.~

I know I probably won't convince anyone catcalling to stop by posting this (it doesn't hurt to try), but if your friends or co-workers do it, you can persuade or talk to them and see if they get it. There's nothing worse than being in a group of friends and allowing them to act like idiots.

It's disgusting and demeaning, stop it. You're hurting people with your actions and makes you look like a fool.

❀️️ FAQ, in case you're gonna post one of these comments I get all the time.

- But some women like to be catcalled!
Yes, there's also men that like to get hit in the face with a hammer. So using the same logic, I should go out and hit all men with a hammer in hopes they enjoy it?

- Don't be so sensitive, ignore it.
No, it reaches a point it can't be ignored. It's not an isolated issue once per month or in certain situations so you can avoid it. It also affects me a lot depending on my mood, so when you feel like crap and you get catcalled, things get worse.

- So you want others to come to your rescue when some stranger catcalls you? That will end up with me getting in a fight!
I'm not asking people to fight for me, just them to stop doing it, spread the word, and discourage people in their group of friends from being disrespectful.

- If you don't want to get catcalled, dress appropriately!
1: Don't blame the victim.
2: I dress as I please. It's my body, not someone else's.
3: It doesn't matter if it's winter and I'm wearing a jacket, or summer with shorts and a t-shirt. Some people will be idiots anyway and say things.

- I bet you like it when a handsome guy catcalls you!
Irrelevant. I expect respect from everyone.

- What about men? They also get harassed!
I'm very aware guys also get harassed by both men and women, but this thread is about girls. Feel free to create another thread for that issue, and I will support it.

- So this is just a misandrist rant!
It's not. If you feel targeted by anything I said, then it's not because you're a man, it's because you actions ressemble what it's said here.

- Meh, it could be worse.
It could be worse, but it SHOULD be better. Also, normalizing this behavior makes it even more painful for victims.

- Women also catcall!
I never said they don't, but for each woman that catcalls me, i get 500 guys. So the issue at hand is the one I shared.

- This thread offends me!
That tells a lot about you. Log off, take your time, and think about it.

- This thread is inappropriate for SG, please close and delete it!
Go tell that to all other threads about awareness, politics, religion, sports, disasters, etc.

πŸ’™ Some info and articles:

Stop Street Harassment
Wikipedia definition
Documenting women's stories of street harassment
Why we need to take street harassment seriously
Dutch woman faces down her catcallers by posting selfies with them

πŸ’š Videos:

Au bout de la rue (Court-mΓ©trage) - france
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman - usa
Woman is filmed walking London's streets for secret documentary - uk
Male actor dresses as woman to experience sexual harassment - egypt
Sons React to Their Moms Getting Catcalled - usa

Finished Giveaways By Ended (last month) πŸ”ΌπŸ”Ό
Broken Sword 5 - the Serpent's Curse lv1 mully december 15
Panzer Corps lv1 mully december 15
Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition lv1 mully december 15
Insurgency lv1 mully december 15
Doodle Kingdom lv1 mully december 15
Doodle Mafia lv1 mully december 15
Farmington Tales lv1 mully december 15
Air Combat Arena lv1 mully december 15
Apocalypse (Showcase) lv1 mully december 15
Depopulation lv1 mully december 15
Beholder Lv3 Corran December 21
Sniper Elite V2 Lv3 Corran December 21
Resident Evil Revelations / Biohazard Revelations Lv3 Corran December 21
Evil Genius Lv1 HA December 25
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered Lv1 HA December 25
Quarantine Lv1 HA December 25
Tower 57 Lv1 HA December 25
Puzzle Chronicles Lv1 HA December 25
Yooka-Laylee Lv1 HA December 25
Surgeon Simulator Lv1 HA December 25
Operation Flashpoint: Red River Lv1 HA December 25
Streets of Rage Lv1 HA December 25
Stronghold Crusader 2 Lv1 HA December 25
SOMA Lv1 HA December 25
Cornerstone: The Song of Tyrim Lv1 HA December 25
Tick's Tales Lv1 HA December 25
Lost Civilization Lv1 HA December 25
Heroes & Legends: Conquerors of Kolhar Lv1 HA December 25
Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller - Season One + OST Vol 1 Lv1 HA December 25
Quest for Infamy Lv1 HA December 25
Supreme League of Patriots Season Pass Lv1 HA December 25
Moebius: Empire Rising Lv1 HA December 25
The Last Door - Collector's Edition Lv1 HA December 25
The Last Door: Season 2 - Collector's Edition Lv1 HA December 25
The Story Goes On Lv1 Fluffster December 25
Super Splatters Lv1 pookysan December 26
Retool Lv 2 sgtools igel2005 December 26
Hearts of Iron Collection III Lv2 Harry December 26

πŸ’› And some pictures:

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6 years ago*

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Capitalization is a waste of time

View Results

Some things are greatly misunderstood:

  • Male apes are not men. Civilized men don't harass people, let alone women. So NO it's NOT man's natural behavior to whistle, shout, drip saliva, even say "have a nice day" to girls you don't know. Most importantly if they have the urge to use Fred Flintstone's pick up lines to mate, they don't brag about doing it!

  • In that 10hour video of the girl in NYC, nobody -and i mean nobody!- did compliment the girl. Don't try to decorate it like it happened spontaneously. In the first scene they were four men sitting (on chairs!) in the middle of the street, having created their creepy show for passing-by girls. I'm sure they were performing their "compliment show" for the whole day. Later, others were following her for minutes (wtf?) or started a conversation by themselves. Who -in a good state of mind- stands by in the middle of the street waiting for people to pass by?

  • The way you dress or walk or look does not greatly affect the amount of catcalls you'll "collect". So again, no, slutty-dressed girls are not being catcalled more than others, although stupid apes are massively gather around girls who happen to wear shorter skirts or have bigger boobs than others. So what, should they leave the boobs at home or wear a tent or something? Isn't it easier to just behave yourselves for a minute and then crawl back to your mamma's basement? Yes it is.

  • My wife gets catcalled while going to the local mini market wearing track pants. It's a 5 min walk, it doesn't even need 10h in the middle of NYC to see the problem.

  • It happens to men too, men-to-men catcalling might be more oppresive and rude. I had to enable Street Fighter mode once..

Catcallers, just get a life. 😠

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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Oh i just realized that myself, thank you very much! ;)

6 years ago

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yup, she didn't get a single compliment, because all she got was unwanted attention only to make those people feel good about themselves. as usual.

nicely put =3

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6 years ago

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Exactly! I meant to include that, callcalling is happening only for ego boosting.

Also, It's more pathetic when they try to get approval for their "compliments" from other passersby men. I always give them a look of disapproval, then they murmur something like "...ah he's gay, alright". At least in my country, not sure if you've advanced to that level πŸ˜›

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I appreciate this thread. There have been many times when I've been walking (with my fiance mind you) and people have said rude things to me, regardless of what I'm wearing. People need to chill.

6 years ago

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Awareness bump!

I've never seen this in the countries I've lived in and thank goodness my friends have the good sense not to do it.

6 years ago

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You'd have thought Darwinism would have wiped out those hammer-to-the-face loving men years ago. Nature is incredible. Where are these men and what's their life expectancy? And who pays their medical bills?

6 years ago

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You are forgetting that the genes involved here, particularly HMMR-TM, show variable penetrance and expressivity.

6 years ago

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You're right. Our only hope in stopping more of these poor souls coming into existence is CRISPR. Maybe with it, we could one day live in a world where no man loves hitting himself in the face with a hammer.

6 years ago

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Yeah, I'll never understand these weirdos. It's really only satisfying when someone else hits you in the face with a hammer. I mean, sometimes if you're in a pinch, you can sit on your hand a while 'til it goes numb and then it feels like someone else is doing it, but even then...

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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I didn't want to embarass myself

if you were getting robbed, you know exactly you wouldn't be embarassed to scream or push the guy away. ^^
people dismiss there's a subculture that promotes harassing by deying it's a real problem, then laugh at feminists or any mention of patriarchy (like they are a bunch of paranoid extremists).

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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What you experienced was not just harassment, it was assault. As soon as someone lays their hands on you without your permission and with ill intent, it is a crime. This is when it's most appropriate to respond in self defense. Assault is a crime and is a lot more severe that receiving unwanted compliments.

6 years ago

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Haven't ever been a catcaller (really never saw the point), but I've occasionally been compelled (without actually doing it) to compliment a girl on her outfit. Depending on how that was done, can this be okay? Or would you (personally) still consider it inappropriate and/or too weird for a stranger to do this?

I have witnessed the more horrible version of catcalling where the guy then insults the girl after she doesn't pay him any heed -- it was awful to hear and see, and had clearly shaken the girl up. She talked to my girlfriend and me and thankfully I think we were able to get her trust in humanity a bit back together, but she had been going through personal things already and absolutely did not need that guy's bullshit added in on top of it. There are so many other things you can say to any random person that will get a genuine smile, it bothers me that the catcallers can't seem to comprehend their own idiocy.

Also, it's often hard to tell whether you're being sarcastic or not, so thank you for not using anything overly sarcastic in this post (on opening it, I was fairly certain it was going to be a parody of some forum drama I'd missed :D).

6 years ago

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In my opinion, it's fine to compliment a woman on her outfit. This does not mean she will care for or appreciate your compliment, especially if she doesn't know you well, but that's just how it goes. Like you said, it's only really horrible if you're saying something horrible.

Then again, I still don't know if everyone's definition of cat-calling includes polite compliments and greetings, or if it deals exclusively with the more boorish language and behaviour. OP seems to believe it's all forms of attention, but I can really only take that as her personal feelings about it based on her apparently very frequent exposure to loutish disrespect in her area. There were another few commenters that shared their apathy with the state of Latin American culture, so it would make more sense to have a more rigid aversion to anything resembling it if you lived there as Mully does.

6 years ago

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Bump the awareness.. Especially for my country

6 years ago

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I'm just curious, I think I remember seeing a post a while back were you said you lived in South America, could you tell us which country in particular? Just so we can get a clearer picture of why it happens as often as you say.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Yeah, cat calling doesnt really get you anywhere, its just a pain in a butt.
I had a friend that decided to roll down my car window and cat call a random woman that was just passing by. I was so embarrass. He never stepped inside my car ever again. I don't tolerate that shit.

6 years ago

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Great, thought-provoking thread. Thanks!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I was even forced to cut my hair because I've been getting this kind of attention. It's always humiliation for me but I am concerned that some girls don't mind it at all. If we were learned more respect for ourselves we would stop let that happen I think...

6 years ago

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The trouble is from a minority as allways.
The same minority that think there's no rules and do what they want for lot of things that I won't enumerate.
From 10 years I see the comportement of people change. More individuality and less respect for the other as they think other have to have respect for them. What?
So the solution is to not acceptate this comportement by the other that see that. Oh there a trouble: the troublelers can be violent if you tell them something.
So what can be done?

Another thing is from advertisement. I don't think this is a good thing that an advertisement says: " I'm not a girl, I'm a poison"per exemple.
This contribue to a bad thinking of woman being (not sure of my phrase construction).

6 years ago

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It doesn't happen much around here as far as I can tell. Maybe a bit in clubs by idiots. I've had to help friends before because some moron wouldn't leave them alone.
But I get where you are coming from. Back in the day when I went out a lot and came back home late there were always groups of minorities hanging around the streets (trying) to start a fight with me. Literally every weekend
I don't know what some peoples problems are, but it is annoying, scary and painful.
Unfortunately there are many idiots around and there always will be.

Edit:// I am kinda surprised you don't mention online behavior. I see people trying to hit on girls online constantly.

6 years ago

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Have my support. Can't tolerate stuff like that any longer and the weak absurd sexist excuses. Some situations get unbearable. Unfortunately, we can't count on people's common sense or empathy. Usually only those who have suffered the same can understand.

P.S.: Being followed is one of the most scary things a person can ever deal with. I don't feel comfortable, but I don't regret having my pepper spray with me everywhere.
P.S.2: Gamer communities tend to have a larger number of people with conservative/misogynistic/victim-blaming behaviour than any other communities on internet, as far as I can tell. I haven't read and probably won't have patience to read the comments posted here, but I can imagine the kinds of comments you get. Tiring stuff.

6 years ago*

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Most of the comments have been supportive. Many have expressed that they don't experience it (usually people from western Europe - Scandinavia and Britain and such; not so much Germany for some reason) but sympathise with how it must feel to those in worse off parts of the world where women get more extreme and vulgar attention. Some have politely probed for more information to wrap their head around the mentality of it all. And finally, there have only really been a couple who have been more dismissive of the issue than they perhaps ought to have been, but not in any overtly offensive way.

In any case, it's interesting to talk about. I didn't know the problem was so bad in South America, so maybe I've been one of those tiring people that want to formulate the definition and understand what's going on out of curiosity.

Still, there is discussion in the url for a reason ^^

And I've seen a whole lot of toxicity in gamer communities. To me, it all mapped to what I saw emerging from 4chan years ago. Dismissive keks and mocking with constant undertones of aggression sprinkled with memes. It's the main reason I don't enjoy many online competitive games - it all felt very immature and it drains patience. Though I'd say that extremely toxic 4chan mob mentality is dying down a bit more now (or so it "feels" out here in the wilds of the internet).

6 years ago

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Discussion =/= Disrespect

Just saying, not telling you were disrespectul, since, again, I haven't read any comments.

6 years ago

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Exactly. It's all too easy to conflate discussion with disrespect or even lack of sympathy ^^ thank you

6 years ago

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I as a man, am consciece about this, It happens reguraly, that a woman happens to ride with here bike in front of me and we are going in the same direction. So if I am still behind her after a couple of turns, I look at the next turn if it is possible to relay my route so to not make her feel like I am stalking here or something like that.

6 years ago

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some of my friends also do this, which makes me both sad (because they feel guilty about what other people do) and proud.
i'm really thankful that some go the extra mile and are so empathetic with this situation. my friends also said they feel awkward when they are walking behind a woman, she looks back to see who's there and she crosses to the other side of the street, starts walking faster or stops and wait till they pass. 😯

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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Thanks for this thread !
It's really important and (even if i clearly understand why) not a lot of people would do that.
I didn't took time to look at all the comments, but i hope broflakes won't comment ... :(

Oh, and thanks for the giveaways ! :D

6 years ago

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Are you trying to make us feel bad for being assholes by pointing out that we're assholes? As an asshole I'm offended! Can't you just let us harass people in peace? Why are you complaining when you haven't even been murdered yet by these threatening assholes making these delightful compliments? You're too sensitive. You're trying to shame us into silence! There's just one word for that and that one word is: social justice warrior. And that's a bad word, cause it means someone that has morals. Go back to Tublr, you feminist SJW and wear different clothes; it's your fault we do this. My ancestors didn't fight to keep slaves just so I'd have to start treating people with dignity and respect now! You won't shame us for being the terrible people we are!!

6 years ago

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this has all the necessary sarcasm i avoided in the OP. 😍

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6 years ago

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In the past 2 weeks I talked to two people who were genuinely upset that people don't let them in peace for harassing people (because it's "fun to trigger them") or spoiling series and movies in groups. I have no idea what fucking direction this world is heading, when people want the peace for themselves to harass others, while posing as victims.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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do you talk to your mother, sister, and wife like that?

you must be charming. and always offended too.

6 years ago

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Is that your definition of a public place? Lmao

6 years ago

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I know, right? I'm super offended too. We want to harass whoever we want and be left in peace to do it. These retard feminists are trying to shame us into not harassing people. Nice try feminists. We're shameless shit people with no morals and we know you really want it anyway and if you don't want it, it's cause you're an uptight lesbo.

6 years ago

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It's just as easy to impersonate a hateful feminist as it is to impersonate a hateful anti-feminist, but I see what you did here :P

6 years ago

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They don't have the right to harass people, however, you're correct that people have the right to say whatever they want in passing (unless you live in a heavily censored society I guess). You're also correct that it is wise to exercise common sense even if in a simplistically ideal world, people should't have to worry (about being assaulted, robbed, raped, exploited, murdered, etc).

The thing is, if that stuff they're saying and doing is nasty and ridiculous, they deserve all the ridicule they get. If it turns into harassment (ie. stalking or following), then it goes beyond cat-calling and being offended, and is starting to become something they can and should be arrested for.

If you want to argue for lurid comments for passer-bys, then at least think about it first before reacting emotionally with a knee-jerk. Same is often said of the other side of these arguments rooted in feminism (which you're probably very aware of given your stance here). You probably dislike feminism because it can be stupid and ridiculous, so it's perfectly understandable when others hate receiving repeated vulgar comments because it's stupid and ridiculous. (That's not to say I agree that all forms of basic attention are stupid and ridiculous, mind you).

In the end, context is king, and context is not always what you assume it to be. This may not even be a feminist thing for Mully. You and I don't see what she goes through because we don't live in her country.

6 years ago

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Great thread. Before I started dating my boyfriend I'd get catcalled regularly (and I'm not insanely attractive). When I started dating my boyfriend it happened again and he was surprised by it. Little did he know it happened ten times less now that he was walking with me.

Another time I was walking with my gay male friend when two guys yelled out their window "GO AHEAD AND F--CK HER ALREADY." It was super awkward, especially for him, and it killed the conversation we were having.

If you don't want to get catcalled, dress appropriately! 3: It doesn't matter if it's winter and I'm wearing a jacket, or summer with shorts and a t-shirt. Some people will be idiots anyway and say things.

True statement. my inner tomboy comes out sometimes and I often wear baggy clothes instead of my nice ones. I also rarely put makeup on and I still get catcalled. Half the times people can't even see what I look like when they yell out the window. They just have to confirm I'm female.

Also of course not all guys do this. I know a million guys that are respectable and appalled by catcalling. Also of course girls also catcall (although not as common). I do't want anyone to think I'm generalizing here because my anger is always towards the individuals who did it, not the gender.

6 years ago*

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Since they're yelling out the window, I assume they're in a car. Next time it happens, imagine them all jacking each other off like the slovenly monkeys they are :}

6 years ago

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Good advice :P

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6 years ago

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As a guy who can't leave the house, I don't know if my opinion has much value but I'm sorry to hear the negative experiences you are having.

Good luck, tis all I can say really.

6 years ago

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Have a bump of support for your consciousness-raising work on SG!

6 years ago

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Definitely a worthy bump.

6 years ago

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that's a nice thread you got there ( Ν‘Β° ΝœΚ– Ν‘Β°)

but seriously though, jerks are everywhere and it got this bad because (as usual) "no one" cares to change things

6 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by Mully.