I was just thinking that perhaps SteamGifts should have a secondary e-mail option that one could switch to, say, in the event that you forget your primary e-mail's information. I understand that one can switch it whenever, but I just thought it'd be a relatively simple option to include/add, that perhaps at least a few people would appreciate. I've noticed a few websites with the option and it seems like a good thing.

9 years ago

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Do you think this is a good idea?

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Yes, with conditions or exceptions (post in the comments maybe?)

You can change your email from SG whenever you like and if something goes wrong, you can contact the winner or GA creator.

9 years ago

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Like I said, you can switch it whenever, but other websites include the option for a reason, I'd assume, so perhaps SG could include it as well. It's not a particularly complicated feature, unless I'm mistaken in how it works.

9 years ago

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The only purpose of the email in this site is to send the game to the winners. There could not be any email and this wouldn't be a big problem, instead of that here could be for example a message system, also you can just add ppl on Steam.
Still I see no reason to having here 2 emails here, if you forget the info to log in to that email, you can just go and switch to another email here, if creator send you the game to that email you can just add him on Steam and say you forgot the info to your email, so he can send game other way.

In other websites you don't log through Steam like here, you register using your email, and you can change things like password only via the email you registered, and if some sites include feature of having 2 emails. I assume is to make recover password and thing like that easier.

9 years ago*

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SG uses Steam's information for login, so I don't know how useful it would be for this purpose...

9 years ago

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"in the event that you forget your primary e-mail's information"

Does this happen to people often? You just forget your email address information, and just.. create a new email account?

9 years ago

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maybe for some people? I would never let that happen ; way too many accounts tied to my main email.

9 years ago

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Depends on the number of accounts you make. If you only have one main account no, but if you are like me, you might have several throw away accounts.

9 years ago

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Only when I make fictitious ones.

9 years ago

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Never underestimate stupid people.

Or anyone still using Hotmail (which admittedly could count as stupid people anyway). I lost my XBox Live account because my connected email got hacked several years back. Couldn't recover it, Microsoft were ****ing useless. I've had poor luck with their service, lost several accounts, while I'm using the same GMail account since it was invite only. I'm inclined to believe that Microsoft may be at fault in this, rather than my level of security. :P

9 years ago

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I still use Hotmail D:. Though mostly for sentimental reasons (first email account I ever made and it was named after my dog which miss dearly to this day). But ya, my other accounts are gmail so I can see where you are coming from XD.

9 years ago

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