
The winner of one of my giveaways looks like a very strange profile. The profile is just 6 months old, has 3895 ga entered and 229 won! Just 24 sent. Almost all gas are group-private ones with just 5 entries (the bare minimum to count in level calculation) Maybe 150 won games came from the same user. This second user is level 9 with 2.000+ games sent (!!), always using private-group gas with just 0-10 entries.

I find this is a very weird behaviour. I think maybe its some kind of bot schema in order to artificially level up a user.

Just in case, yesterday I requested a new winner to support but I still haven't received an answer.

What do you think? How can I get more information? Is there a way to know the name of the Steam group they use for their gas?


7 years ago

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Sorry but why you are interesting winners ?

7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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I want to give my keys to real users not to harvesting bots.

7 years ago

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Friend you don't know who is real person. If your criterion is entries look at you. You've registered 5 month ago and you have 4k entries.

7 years ago

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I check won/entered ratio. I have 4K entries because I always have an open tab on my browser with Steamgift on it but have won 4 games only because I only enter on games which are on my whitelist which tend to have thousand of entries.

7 years ago

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I think best course of action is to make support ticket here on SG and let our hard working support members handle the details.

It looks VERY fishy to me.

7 years ago

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Check the winners of their giveaways. Do they have the won games in their accounts? If not, then it's time to get suspicious.

7 years ago

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I checked other winners of that level 9 user giveaways, and all have been created 6 months ago, and all share similar ratios. For example:

  • Winner A: 3895 entered, 229 won, 24 sent.
  • Winner B: 3476 entered, 200 won, 31 sent.
  • Winner C: 3120 entered, 144 won, 21 sent.
  • Winner D: 3499 entered, 162 won, 44 sent

All users created 6 months ago.

7 years ago

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Yep, a CV farming ring/botfarm can look like this. But also forum giveaways, especially those trains.

7 years ago

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It sounds like it could be an alt account belonging to user 2, but maybe it's just a coincidence, for example one user that makes long trains tends to have a lot of the same winners because there are so many givs few people enter.
Either way, unless you can prove that the lvl9 user is using multiple-accounts, there doesn't seem to be any reason for mods to do anything.

7 years ago

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Can't the mods check if it's an alt account?

7 years ago

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They can ipcheck, they can check if similar mail accounts were used.

7 years ago

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just sounds to me like the 2000+ sent lvl9 user likes to gift to people who can barely gift. why do people always assume bot though? i don't even see how it could be a bot even if it were some malicious activity.

7 years ago

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Not everyone just assumes, but sometimes when it atleast looks shady worth having checked out.

7 years ago

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I think the suspitions were aroused by the number of entries, not the ratio. And the similarities between the winners. There are more than 5-10 users who can barely gift and even those would have had a different ratio and different register dates.

7 years ago

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if you only join group only or invite only gas you can have an extremely low amount of entries with a reasonable amount of wins though.

7 years ago

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I meant the number of entries in the lvl 9 user giveaways, not the win chance. Personally, it looks more like a group of friends rather than bots.

7 years ago

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we were not informed how many times entered or wins the lvl9 user had.. all were were informed is they gifted 2000+ games, which tells me that's who's giving all those games to those people who are barely gifting anything.

oh i gotcha.. had to read it a couple times to think about what u meant by lvl9 entries.. how many had entered into his.. i see.

7 years ago

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always using private-group gas with just 0-10 entries.

I was referring to this. What does it matter how many times the lvl9 user won? :S

7 years ago

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it doesnt matter, i was confused what u meant initially, but gotcha now.. ^^

7 years ago

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I'm not assuming, indeed I'm asking how can I get more information. Is it ok if I post the profiles of these people?

7 years ago

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i don't think so o,o

7 years ago

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That would be considered as calling out - which is against rules.
Let support deal with it first :)

7 years ago

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No no no - you might get your own ban for doing that :}

7 years ago

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Nope. It would be interesting to look into this, but you cannot post these names/profiles publicly.

7 years ago

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+1 for 'user likes to gift to people who can barely gift' :3
But then again, I totally could be a bot :P
*grabs popcorn*

View attached image.
7 years ago

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hehe ^^

View attached image.
7 years ago

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I'm so sorry, I just could not resist xD

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Then Tchii is a lie?!

View attached image.
7 years ago

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:o who knows!

7 years ago

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If cake is a lie and Tchii is a lie then is Tchii a cake?

7 years ago

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Given her recent event perhaps she's an ice cake?

View attached image.
7 years ago

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14k entries :3
45 won :(

7 years ago

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and 10 sent. you won 4 times more than you sent so whats the problem? :)

7 years ago

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i'm working on going up, i have 2 giveaways on, soon ending :P
Deadpool and MotoGP 13 :3

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Use SG Tools for checking fast if those users activated their wins xD
There is ofc possibility that all of them are private profiles... which will give obvious answer xD
Though don't call out anybody - let support take care of them.

7 years ago

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Thanks for the hint. I checked SG Tools and all accounts seems to have activated the games.

Anyway I find weird that a single user donates 2000+ games to a small circle of 10-15 users so each of them get 100+ games. Why? Also, those users registered on similar dates and share very similar stats.

From the FAQ: "If a giveaway is invite only, or for a whitelist or Steam group, it will only add value towards your level if it receives 5 or more entries.". Most of that user gas have just 5-6 entries!

BTW, How do you attach images to a post?

7 years ago

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![Some Title](http://link-to-yo.ur/image.jpg)

7 years ago

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In that case it actually looks less shady than before xD

For example somebody created group that supports people who make paper models - that group will have probably 10-20 people in it. If you create ga for bundled game - you are lucky if 5 people in such a small group haven't got that game already xD

Though the fact that all accounts were created in more or less the same time is still suspicious..
Best solution will be to let support investigate it :)

And about posting image - somebody answered it already :) I will just add that you have to use link that leads directly to image.
For example:
that won't work:


and that should work:

View attached image.
View attached image.
7 years ago

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That is what cv farming is about, get a handfull of games, pass it around, free cv as you won't "lose your money" really, if they are all your own while increasing your level here, and when you get to level 10 on all your accounts you get more chances on winning higher level giveaways, whichever alt account wins the game, it doesn't matter, as you have family sharing they wouldn't care what account it is on. Maybe even sell some accounts back on ebay for more profits.

7 years ago

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yeah it sounds strange enough, hopefully support will be back at you soon but give them a bit, they are always kinda busy :)

7 years ago

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I taught there was a rule against private steam account no ?

7 years ago

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Nope, you just have to put it on public for a sec to sync every week. Everything else is group based.

7 years ago

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So how to use sg tools in that case of private account?
that is making me realise that i havent done ga for a while...

7 years ago

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You can't AFAIK.

7 years ago

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You ask the account owner, to sync their profile with sgtools,
it gets cached for a while and you can check, or you send them
an invite (if their proflle is "friends only") and check it manually.

7 years ago

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Thank you
After he has sync how do i verify ?

7 years ago

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Verify what? If they've synced their profile? Well, you'll see ... if you can use the rules
checker on sgtools without getting a red message that their profile is private, then
they've obviously synced it. If you mean, how to verify any of the results, you'd still
have to send an invite and check them manually. Just keep in mind, that there's no
way to tell how long it'll stay cached with sgtools, it can last a day or more, or only an hour,
so it works best if you check it right after they've done the sync.

7 years ago

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everything is clear =)
Nice profile by the way
i WL you ;)

7 years ago

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you just open it, sync and then can close it again

7 years ago

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Send ticket to support in other category, I'm almost sure this is one user doing CV farm with his alts.

7 years ago

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Might be a group of friends or a cv farm. Just submit a ticket and go from there.

7 years ago

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Probably check if all these Users are in the Archi Steam Farm group, no proof, but more hints (or entered the group at the same time).

7 years ago

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Yeah! All the winners are members of Group "Archi's SC Farm" :-O

7 years ago

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don't worry, even lv8+ users use bots. the same people that preach about what's right and wrong are the most hypocritical ones.

but it would be nice if he's an alt account 😄

7 years ago

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Submitting a ticket was the correct thing to do, we'll look into the winner, but creating a thread about it might not be a good idea since the winner could see it and try to cover their tracks, I'd close it just to be safe

7 years ago

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Thanks. My ticket was a request for a new winner. Should I open a new ticket with a different category?

UPDATE: The winner has sent me a friend request through Steam. How can he/she know he/she is the winner if I haven't sent the key?

7 years ago

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The winner is also notified when they win a giveaway

7 years ago

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SG tells you if you've won a gift before the key/gift is sent out.

7 years ago

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So a winner will know if I ask for a new winner. wow....

7 years ago

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Yes but what can they really going to do that will permanently affect you in a negative way?

7 years ago

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You can close this thread, as Tempete suggested, by clicking the 'Open' in the top right corner of the thread.
If you're sincerely concerned and want the matter to be addressed by staff, that's by far the best option to do- leaving it open now just comes across as attention-seeking.

That said-

(possible bot)

On SG, if you think it's a bot, it almost always is a bot, and that just going off admission rate of suspected users in the past; the frequent deductive efforts by SG users have only further validated such.
That said, this seems less a matter of bots and more a matter of the usual CV-farming/multi-account rings. They seem to be dominant at level 0/1 public giveaways, but I've encountered two different ones [that I'm aware of] at higher levels, and second-hand heard of quite a few others getting banned as well.

Definitely always report if you have suspicions- of all the nasty elements in SG, that's pretty surely the form that undermines the site the most.

7 years ago

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Hi again, I'm reopening this thread because it's been more than 2 weeks since I created the tickets and this thread. I still haven't received an answer from Support and I don't feel comfortable at all having an unsent giveaway. I don't want to receive a ban for not sending a game because support never answered. Could someone help me?

BTW, 16 people (bots?) blacklisted me the same day I started this thread. Is people crazy? Is it someone protecting its bots?

7 years ago

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People can blacklist you for your username, profile picture, being a new member - for anything and not only about this thread.

What I would do is just send the gift.

7 years ago*

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I still haven't received an answer from Support

did you report user? or fill out a re-roll request?

if user report, do not expect a response ever because support literally cannot comment on those reports. they may of investigated and found nothing or found the users flaws and punished them accordingly already.

if re-roll request then it should of been responded to already, however if you are continually bumping it adding info or trying to get it recognized then you keep resetting the timer on it and that's why you haven't gotten a response.

I don't want to receive a ban for not sending a game

non-delivery of a game by itself is not a ban-able offense, however if it were twisted into a "fake giveaway" then you could be punished for upto 5days suspension.. however the odds of it being twisted into a fake GA is not that high.

Is people crazy?

yeop! you bet!

7 years ago

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I have 2 tickets. 1 ticket asking for a new winner and a second one reporting the user. I haven't added any info to the tickets in 2 weeks. Only yesterday I added a comment to the request for a new winner begging for an answer.

Ok, I'm closing this thread again and will keep waiting. Thanks.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by pasco.