I mean ok, it's very kind and all but they are not really "comments". Do they think writing "thx" or "ty" will raise their chance to win the giveaway? Is it encouraged by mods? To be honest I find it really annoying. But well, I am just an asshole.

editing because of amount of rage i got from comments: I am simply pointing out that thanks and comments should be seperated, so there will be space to discuss the game and giveaway.

Editing last time for people who misses the point. I am sorry if I was not clear enough:

I have been a member of the site for less than a month, I didnt see a thread on this topic before. I am just telling what I think. And yes, i think it is spam and is no way to show your gratitude for the person who makes the giveaway. You want to show your gratitude? Write something better than a short ty. AT LEAST check who makes the giveaway. Do you think %90 people know, even look who made the giveaway. They simply write "ty" because other did the same. They just follow the crowd, and they possibly think saying "thanks" is increasing chance of winning the giveaway. (i actually discussed this with some people and got this answer as i thought.) So go on and blame for not spamming with the crowd. It doesnt show that i am less grateful for the people who makes giveaways than you are.
And please, again dont miss the point i am trying to make here. I am not saying do not say "thank you". But all of those soulless quick "ty" spam kills the comment feature. I, for one want to discuss the giveaway and the game. And get info such as if its legit or not. I want to ask things to the person who makes to giveaway, i want to discuss it with him. And say thanks in my way instead of your meaningless TY spam.


1 decade ago*

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oh and thank you

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by excessium.