Ok Some of these games are on greenlight or have been green lit or aren't even trying to be on steam. Now I got most if not all of these keys from bundles and have the keys laying around and kinda want to give them away (all of these are desura keys). But the thing is I would like to know which games I will have to activate through desura to get A steam key for and which ones will be given on the sites I got them from. So if you have any idea which games I have listed that are green lit that I will need to activate/keep please let me know so I can hold onto/activate them. Love desura and I play alot of games on their even sometimes if their on steam, like anodyne even though it came to steam. But I would like to have them on steam if possible and not give them away if I shouldn't.

*Also most of these keys if not all of them came from groupees if that helps. THX in advance I just don't know where to get this kind of info from.

These games I know are green lit, just need to know if i'll get the steam key from the website or if I have to activate on desura to get A steam key

  • Gravi
  • Gimbal
  • Guncraft
  • Syder Arcade Deluxe (this one I didn't get from A bundle but noticed it was greenlit recently and I have it on my desura account & and would like to know if I will get A steam key for it since it's an awesome game)

These I don't know if their even on steam greenlight but if u know something I don't please fill me in as their good games I'd like to play but if possible I'd like to give them away to someone if possible.

  • Evil Quest
  • Little Racers Street
  • Constant C
  • Forceline
  • Smooth Operators Call Center Chaos
  • Survivor Squad
  • Ichi
  • Grimind
  • Doom & Destiny
  • Beware Planet Earth
  • Darkout
  • AlterEgo: DreamWalker
11 years ago*

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11 years ago

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THX alot for that thread. Helped alot and made this post almost pointless. But is their A way to find out which of these games will give me steam keys if activated through Desura?

11 years ago

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This is a thread I started around the same time Dunther started his. Those games that are redeemed through Desura have a DESURA added to them (just added not an hour ago actually). It sometimes depend on which bundle you had the game from. For example Omegaloddon which is acquired through Desura except when you bought it with Greenligh Bundle, in which case they give the key on your bundle page.

The titles you have you can also check since there is a list of all "still in greenlight bundle games".

11 years ago

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Now to answer the question, Gravi and Guncraft are found on the bundle pages (Still not available on Indiebundle I believe), Gimbal and Syder Arcade are greenlit but not on store and idea how it will be distributed.

11 years ago

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I'm wondering what GAMES I ACTIVATE IN DESURA WILL GIVE STEAM KEYS (like @ all or even an EXTRA steam key). Nothing more..nothing less. Since I can check my pages at anytime and see if the site added keys just like anyone can. But I can only use the desura key once. And only hope to get A key from it. And since I completely misunderstood your thread and the other..lost A perfectly trade worthy Desura guncraft key since your thread was talking about the desura collection page followed by "Greenlit games that gave keys:". I assumed those games gave steam keys through desura.

Seems to me these threads are just for people who don't want to check their account pages...And with no description of why the bundle it's from is in () I kind of don't understand both threads at all.

11 years ago

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I'm sorry for your loss, but you could have asked, or simply read most of it before taking action or even just what I said just above.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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thx i got it

11 years ago

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thx, i must have missed it by a few seconds :(

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by link42586.