I recently got into road cycling (no racing yet, but am considering going on super long rides at some point) and together with Netflix and our local streaming service 'Stan', my gaming time has significantly reduced. As cycling is a way more expensive hobby, I could use the extra cash to further that hobby so I'm considering selling my only months-old but under-utilized rig.

I know someone else who sold his gaming rig to buy a high-end DSLR, and another to buy mountain climbing gear. Is this something any of you guys done at some point?

8 years ago

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At least don't try to pursue a hobby that includes a


8 years ago

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or something that involves Antonio Stella Bottom Tile

8 years ago

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Why sell the PC because you got a new hobby? You already have the PC, earn money, save money and expand with a 2nd hobby, or 3rd. You are allowed to have more than one.

Same with your friend who sold his PC for a high end DSLR. Why have a high end DSLR if you aren't going to have a PC to process the pictures?

My point is you saved money and invested in a PC. Do it again and invest in cycling. Ride bikes, take pictures, play games. Don't limit yourself.

8 years ago

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its funny, i sold my DSLR for my computer, that was 5 years ago, and its waaay outdated and pretty much worthless, but that camera would still be worth a lot (however I got a LOT of fun out of the computer, were the camera sat around, taking a few nice pictures

8 years ago

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Photography is awesome. I am into it. But with photography you need a solid graphics card and a good bit of ram in order to process the pictures. And no matter how much you sell to buy camera equiptment there is always another lens, always another light, a filter. Photography is expensive.

8 years ago

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i dont know where you get that from, the pictures go onto an SD card that can be used in ANY computer, and can be printed from a lot of printers (there are printers now that take SD cards, flash drives, ect.)
you dont need new lenses, you dont need filters (other than one i cant remember the name of polarized lens?)

8 years ago

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You are more describing taking pictures than you are photography. You can do that with a phone or any digital camera. You don't need a dslr for that.

8 years ago

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taking pictures IS photography, PROCESSING pictures is called "Photoshopping" a completely different hobby that doesn't require a camera yourself

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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No. You don't know what you are talking about at all. Photoshop and photo processing are not the same thing. Photoshopping is photoshopping. When you take a picture picture with any camera the camera is processing the picture for you. Every camera takes a picture with raw data and then the camera decides for you what options and effects to apply to a picture. And it applies those things to the picture. Unless you are shooting raw images which would then get processed by you.

The actual dictionary definition of photography is "the art or practice of taking and processing photographs.". This isn't really that hard to understand. There is a difference between taking pictures and photography. Just like there is a difference between drawing and being an artist, or singing and being a musician.

8 years ago*

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what you are explaining is the post processing of the raw data, not the continued photographing of the camera.
and we all know Websters definitions are broad
from a PHOTOGRAPHER and PHOTO-SHOPPER (which is a broad term for ANY photo manipulation)

Here is my own attempt at defining what post-processing is for photography:
Using a process to transform photos from what was captured in a camera either to be closer to what our eyes saw, or to alter the image artistically.
Jeff Harmon - Hobbyist Editor, improvephotography"

and here is Websters definition

transitive verb
: to alter (a digital image) with Photoshop software or other image-editing software especially in a way that distorts reality (as for deliberately deceptive purposes)
Marriam Webster Dictionary

8 years ago

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If you like to use terms you don't understand that is your choice. You can keep it up and dumb people will think you know what you are talking about sometimes. No one can force you to learn or become more intelligent. You don't understand the difference and you refuse to learn it. You are bunkering down in your wrong position and I am not going to keep trying to pull you out of you ignorance foxhole. You have a good day.

8 years ago

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how does your single google quick box "definition" and opinion beat out another definition and both MY opinion AND the opinion of SOMEONE THAT HAS A JOB in that field someone that does it for a living? someone that WROTE AN ARTICLE ON IT
no you cant tell idiots who won't see things from any view but their own narrow eyes, even others telling you different in MASS wouldn't change your mind. yea, you have a good fucking day too

8 years ago

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You can check with anyone who works in the photography field. There is a difference between taking pictures and photography. If you are too dumb to understand it, that's on you. You can keep cussing at me and nico, and whoever else disagrees when you are blatantly wrong. That is your ignorance showing through because you think fuck somehow makes your point for you. Someday you may become intelligent enough to use big boy words.

8 years ago

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To be fair, I only thought the gaming rig would be a bit underutilised now since I don't game as much anymore. Plus I do have a laptop (and my friend has a MacBook) that basically functions just the same as my more expensive rig - except for running The Witcher 3 or Arkham Knight smoothly. In any case, I've decided to just keep my rig anyway.

8 years ago

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ive yet to get my gaming rig so no XD

8 years ago

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That's like selling my soul for nothing.

In short: will never I. xD

8 years ago

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I never had a high end gaming rig, and I'm not that strapped for cash. That said, my desktop PC hasn't been used for over a year and a half, and I do most of my gaming on my tablet.

8 years ago

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Well, I mean if it was worth anything then maybe but I don't think anyone will buy this because it's not even that old to be bought by people who gather old machines and not new to be worth anything so it's basically in computers limbo.

8 years ago

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Well, I don't really have a gaming rig I could sell, but my needshave decreased by a lot. First I wanted a low-end PC that would run games on medium settings, then I decided to save up for a super fancy gaming PC but now I just want an okay laptop that would run osu and some other indies. I'm planning to save up the money I would have spent on the fancy PC, collect some more and make a trip to Japan :)

8 years ago

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Oh nice, good on you for not impulse-buying like I did lol I hope Japan will be fun :D

8 years ago

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Im pretty sure it works like an iron lung so i would die if i sell it, not addicted though!!!!...

8 years ago

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I wish i could get another better pc just for THIS hobby, really don't need other hobbies.

8 years ago

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