Due to the recent slowness in loading this thread, Guess The Game has moved to this brand spankin' new and blazin' fast thread over here:


Congrats guys, you choked the SteamGifts database!

How to Play

  • P1 posts a game screenshot -- Obscure the source if possible & upload to imgur
  • P2 guesses the game correctly & posts the next screenshot (wait for P1 confirmation if not 100% certain)
  • etc.

Quicklink Jump to Last Page

Rule Clarifications

  • Search engine or other detective work is ok.
  • Any video game is allowed. Unreleased or cancelled games are ok too, but should be relatively well-known.
  • Official game artwork for covers/manuals/promo materials is allowed, just try to make it somewhat iconic.
  • If P2 has not posted a new screenshot within 12 hours, the first person to post one becomes the new P1.
  • If there is no update from P1 within a 12 hour period, the first person to post a new screenshot becomes the new P1.
  • There are no scoring penalties ever. You may be occasionally reprimanded, however, with a tasteful .gif. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • the.kuribo has a negative score simply because he is not above such names as POO and ASS


:: Last updated on June 10ᵗʰ, 2017 (JST) up through this solved screenshot of Game Dev Tycoon
::: A total of 1358 screenshots have been correctly identified by the SteamGifts community!

Rank Username Score
1 Fet 145
2 MjrPITA 99
3 Agaster 82
4 emotionengine 79
5 Adzik 71
6 Nanabanana 69
7 BigBadGoat 56
8 LagiNatoRRR 54
9 MattDaDerp 41
10 Traqie 24
11 Svipur 20
. fedprod 20
12 FoxQM 19
13 Sulky 18
14 sabya2k 15
. Mehamatica 15
. squall831 15
15 danbu 13
. Vecchia 13
. Shikinami 13
. Veckpreb 13
16 Mallymkuns 12
. xx123manxx 12
. GoHoo 12
. AHoopyFrood 12
17 KaasChuig 11
. t0b3berlin 11
. malabagaa 11
18 Mechanicc 10
. Dudusch2 10
. TheJeffster 9
. Draconiano 9
20 mitymaty 8
. IvanDank 8
. Toto12to 8
21 ArasWindaril 7
. Chombone 7
. EsalRider 7
. Gromer666 7
. Gotem 7
22 stlpaul 6
. HDVdeArgentina 6
. AliveShooterBR 6
. gonsi 6
23 Sedrio 5
. LukeMistycrest 5
. Nixxi 5
24 Reeoth 4
. MagnificentOne 4
. Makumba00123 4
. neokarasu 4
. Undac 4
. Mostlyghostly 4
. PainFoinmr 4
. Atom032 4
. Sneakblade 4
. Celtic7Guardian 4
. Lessy38 4
. Avantyr 4
. EndlessHorizon 4
. Kuzurreesh 4
. Wargharbl 4
25 Ocean8 3
. Fnord 3
. DeadKanekiNote 3
. AeroV 3
. PROcrastiNATION 3
. DancerInTheDark 3
. Scroe 3
. catoasapun 3
. Sizza 3
. Lysantera 3
. proximus 3
. adam1224 3
. cpj128 3
. jeridex 3
. Moooo 3
26 jbondguy007 2
. ambidot 2
. NateSCC 2
. NuclearByte 2
. iskibiribiri 2
. kitty02 2
. SHIV 2
. Baxinger 2
. FallenKal 2
. kittwalker 2
. Toxicfir3 2
. Zheryn 2
. Shirkaster 2
. MissMokushiroku 2
. ArchDL 2
. mousewithbeer 2
. Goldes 2
. MaKiPL 2
. KrepiCZ 2
. ToSeemJa 2
. Formidolosus 2
. deathstreak546 2
27 Sleuteltje 1
. hagehage 1
. Mata123 1
. Meepers 1
. thorgrimr 1
. ACorpse 1
. titi59 1
. Swordkill 1
. dingbat 1
. Eknight01 1
. Uroboros 1
. OmegaRozenkreuz 1
. marpenorj 1
. Hamed 1
. ISYD 1
. SoulNibbler 1
. ledbetter 1
. Draconis79 1
. Galdur 1
. Alphada 1
. OsakaMilkBar 1
. iladrion 1
. Devidra 1
. 4rmpt 1
. Alamar 1
. kleidophoros 1
. Haufisch 1
. Spelunker 1
. Plus1 1
. revilheart 1
. TheGameTutor 1
. SSJBardock 1
. armyrules5 1
. Jabbergeist 1
. firedude3663 1
. elmime21 1
. DavidFCG 1
. SatouLilly 1
. kurikinton 1
. trasd 1
. UnPunch 1
. Roash 1
. tolcso 1
. Ushatek 1
. Sorines 1
. KrisPy 1
. compman 1
. Vaker38 1
. DelaryHap 1
. inuyashabr1986 1
. Thornius 1
. Luchingador 1
. OldManAtari 1
. oginer 1
. Winny 1
. Nuxies 1
. LookItsMrT 1
. FinalplayerRyu 1
. Hurda 1
. OfTheRebellion 1
. Fnz 1
. Aldcoran 1
. combatbeard 1
. Deathx9 1
. R2Kest 1
. Verrac 1
. Skibby 1
. narini 1
. smythe 1
. qwerty30 1
. bugbavka 1
. ThunderVIII 1
. OzManicTaiga 1
. Nanoka 1
. Kaiserlucas 1
. Bastos 1
. gabzys 1
. Nexmusic22 1
. holajosd 1
. ElexRed 1
. Adrian124 1
29 ASS -2
30 the.kuribo -10

Let's start things off with... (bonus points if you know the platform):

View attached image.
7 years ago*

Comment has been collapsed.

Closed 6 years ago by thekuribo.