Do you actively add leechers or people you think are bots to your blacklist?
I don't even know there are bots for steamgifts, if there is a proven list I may start doing that.
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Thanks for the heads up,
I will only blacklist people if proven though.
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I only really consider leeching people who never made a single giveaway because giving something, anything is the entire point of the site so I feel it very rude to not even get something for 10 cents or a bundle game you don't want anyway and give at least that. Though I didn't originally think like this but because in every case I have ever seen those people are proud of themselves for doing that and some even go around boasting about it and how people who give are stupid which I feel far worse than not giving anything. Are basic manners too much to ask for?
That said I am not that active or care to search so my blacklist is basically populated by people who keep giving multiples copies of free games since those I end up noticing when the site slows down and entire pages are filled with them.
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Not at all, leach has a very specific meaning that isn't really all that contested. Leech on the hand...
Anyway misspelling jokes aside most people don't even care about the animals called leeches much less the expression which means taking other's contribution and/or effort without any in turn and for those who do they will use that usual definition instead of a rather niche and arbitrary one.
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Personally I think it's idiotic to blacklist someone cause they "might" use a bot, or cause they don't actively giveaway enough stuff for your liking. I only blacklist a-holes, and people who break rules by winning more than 1 of the same game, regifting giveaways or not activating giveaways....and I only do that since support is too bogged down to deal with reports of that nature.
Instead of blacklisting potential bots and "Leeches", I whitelist people who giveaway heaps and keep that list around 60 people. I then save the higher tier GAs for whitelist GAs.
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I think that "idiotic" is a bit harsh.
People want to be safe and not just send their precious game to a garbage pile.
If someone says "thanks" in the comments and there's a no "thank you" policy then I think it's more than enough proof that the user is either leecher or a bot.
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Well, I think it's pretty harsh to go blacklisting if someone doesn't conform to your Steamgifts ideal. I mean, yea. It's your Giveaway, and you can blacklist for whatever reason you so desire, but sometimes people might think your reasons are dumb.
There's reasons why some people might not be able to giveaway items. I'm not going to sit around forcing people to give folk stuff, when there's no rules against leeching. Yes, I will reward for non-leeching, but won't punish for it.
Secondly, some newer members might use bots. I used to when I first started. Prob for the first month or two? I don't now, not because of Blacklisters, but because for the most part, I enjoy the community and interacting with some people on their GA thread. I like to believe other people will come around to my way of thinking as they are around the site/forums more often.
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Well the I only punish leechers when they're lazy enough to enter and comment with "thank you" even if it's clearly against my GA rules.
If you can't give away any games, give us something nice. Relevant gif or joke. Opinion about the game that is given away.
Normal interaction is all I require.
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My blacklist consists of people that I find offensive/rude/self-entitled from the forums. Bots don't matter to me much and since my gibs are mostly lvl 3+ or private/group ones "leechers" aren't that much of an issue but I occasionally blacklist people in that category too cause I'm sorry but I do not accept that someone can't give away a few games on a regular basis.
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B.) 20,000 comments to the tune of "thx"
May I ask how you determine whether or not all of these comments were only "thx" on giveaways? I feel that could be unfair to active forum members to blacklist them under some assumption.
Also, I never saw a user with 20,000 comments which isn't an active forum member either. :P
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The users who fit that description for me are not active forum members. I've never seen any of them down here participating in discussions. I'll see about 15 giveaways in a row with the same response (even if asked not to) and then the rest is history.
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Ah, okay, I see.
I thought you wouldn't really be able to tell if they are forum users or not since you don't seem to use the forum frequently yourself. Then again, I guess you are more of a lurker than a poster, right? :P
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Good to see you taking part on the forum, either ways. Welcome. :)
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I typically thank GA creators by name for their contribution unless they have a description saying not to or they request something different in place of a simple thanks.
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Wait, I do not think I don't understand this fully.
So you propose denying those people to enter giveaways who joined a giveaway site in the hopes of winning a giveaway instead of giving away? Isn't this like bolting down the door of a lottery booth?
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Well, at least with the lottery you're still paying for something. I'm just not a fan of leechers/moochers in real life either. My mentality carries over to this site. And yes, I realize there are plenty of people here that can't afford to giveaway much. But if you've been here 3 years with 180 wins, I'm not buying the fact that you can't purchase a single $1 bundle to give at least something back.
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Well, if you mean just some cheap stuff to throw in, I cannot argue with that. After all, I am giving away only leftover bundle keys too, although I never really considered this site more than a little more elaborate way than to use to get rid of some stuff. I am always a bit surprised and sometimes frightened how seriously people take all of this.
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And then there are people who are level 1, but got that by regifting their win!
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I tend to blacklist people who are obviously using bots ...
I dont really care bout the so calld Leechers , if that refers to the people who dont really giveaway stuff ...
Alot of people cannot afford to do so , and i'm not an exception .
But i do however , dislike the gut out of people who are lazy enough to even spend couple mins to manually enter giveaways ... and / or Just hoard games for the sake of Reasons ...
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I blacklist people who piss me off, people who post misleading GAs (like putting up a GA for Crazy Machines and then putting in the description that it's actually a GA for Chip, for example), people who bitch about not winning anything after entering a whole 100 or so GAs or being here for a few days...and people who blacklist me...
EDIT: Oh yeah, re-gifters too, they're fucking annoying!
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I don't blacklist people just for not contributing, because they might simply not be in a position to. I like to think I'm currently contributing but I haven't always been able to. And I'm not going to blacklist somebody just for winning a lot compared to what they have gifted.
I don't mind people saying thanks a lot. Some of them are clearly just trying to be polite. A few times I have done a bunch of giveaways and somebody has said 'thanks' to every one and I thought it looked odd and then they have suddenly said something interesting and insightful to another. Often I can't think of something unique to say for every giveaway I enter.
I have blacklisted people who I have noticed who clearly aren't reading the descriptions to giveaways at all. I just personally think that is disrespectful - if people are taking the trouble to make giveaways then other people should at least make the effort to take a look at what they are entering. It isn't up to me what anyone else does, I just want to try and make sure I don't gift to those people.
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A) I joined when the site first started and thought it was just another of many new scam sites popping up to steal steam login info, so I ignored and promptly forgot about it for a few years.
B) No. But if I was, then I'd rather ban the people that ban people for saying thanks.
C) Originally I would have agreed, but then I realized how stupid that was. Thanks to a myriad of browser extensions people can join giveaways without even loading the giveaway page. They can also leave automatic thanks due to scripts.
I don't understand the point of your thread. If you want to prevent alts and bots from joining your giveaway then just level restrict it to three or higher.
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I never ever blacklist people for "leeching" as long as they play their wins. Not everyone can afford to give away games and nobody is obliged to.
But I do have a big issue with botters and that's why there are level restrictions on my public giveaways. I often hide invite only giveaways in my public ones to see who can read the description. Those who try to give away free games under a different name, people who post ref links and regifters also have a special place on my naughty list.
Everyone has their reasons to restrict their giveaways, and I'm ok with that. Your game, your rules.
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I blacklist people who break rules like exploiters and regifters.
Don't blacklist leechers because I can't blacklist myself xD I made one exception - for user with 100+ ga won, no ga given and a lot of comments: "thanks". Obvious bot i gues.
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I use my blacklist for people I find have narrow, disrespectful and arrogant views or who exhibit signs of scamming, regifting and other such manipulative dishonesty, like posting discussions trying to lead people to iffy sites and such. Obviously, you can't know folks from some lines of text, but some behaviors just do show and those get blacklisted.
I would also consider blacklisting someone who did show bad behavior and who has been here for a long time and has not given out a few games, yes. I am quite poor for the standards in my country too, but most folks who own a computer and internet can spare 2 dollars every few months at least. If you have not given anything back and proceed to be a jerk to others as well, I have no reason to spend my precious money on you.
However, I do not actively hunt people down based on won/given ratio or games given alone, no. You can just put a level restriction on more precious games and block such folks out for the most part. Level 2 is easy to reach and takes care of any potential bot situations.
I also think it's unfair to block people just for saying thanks. When one enters dozens to even hundreds of giveaways in a few days, they run out of things to say. I can say "Thanks, this looks like a great game" a few times, but after trying to win the same game over 20 times, you run out of things to say. You either post a generic "Thanks" because you feel grateful and SG does state it is encouraged in the Guidelines or you do not post anything. I have no proof those serial "thx" posters are bots and not just people who want to thank anyway, as short as they keep it, so I will not blacklist anyone for that alone. I will consider whitelisting folks who read and reply to my giveaway descriptions though, if everything else is also good about them. Since there are people who like blacklisting those who thank, however, I avoid writing anything at all if I have no time to write it or nothing to say. I try to thank for wishlisted games though.
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I will never blacklist someone for saying or not saying thanks, thats just petty. If people want to say thanks in my giveaways then great.
Most of my comments are me saying thanks. When I started out on this site, it was considered rude not to say thanks. So I try to say thank you most of the time. Most of them are just "Thank you :)" but each one is hand typed, I don't use a bot to put it in. I do read the descriptions most of the time, there has been a few times when I missed someone saying don't say thanks.
I blacklist people who break rules here or who are just generally an ass.
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981 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Empory
I just wanted to see everyone's thoughts on this topic. I've been going through some of the bigger public giveaways and adding anyone that fits the profile of:
A.) Have been here a long time and have contributed nothing or next to nothing to the community
B.) 20,000 comments to the tune of "thx"
C.) People that obviously don't read the description of the giveaway.
Edit: Thanks for all the feedback ladies and germs. I realize now that this is pretty petty and that level restricting should take care of most of this. I'll still try to keep an eye out for abusers though... ;)
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