What is this?
This is a puzzle event. Yay! Let's call it a train even though it really isn't a train -- but "train" is such a popular catchword around here that I felt I should use it no matter what. Anyway, there are two months worth of puzzles awaiting you, altogether 22 of them, all of various difficulty and design (some common on SG, some -- I hope -- entirely new and unheard of).

What is it for?
The main purpose of this event is to have fun and provide some exercise for those little grey cells. The puzzles are not meant to be hardcore, and I believe any average solver should make it to the final metapuzzle. This is also my little giveback event and a humble homage to all the great puzzlemakers here on SteamGifts.

How about the gibs?
No worries. There will be gifts for solving each puzzle and a little extra treasure for solving the metapuzzles. Everything will be restricted to level 1+ and a basic SGTools check.

How long will the giveaways be open?
I will post a new puzzle every three days. Each giveaway will last for ten days. This means we will have several things running at the same time and it might get a bit messy but I will try to make it as organized as humanly possible. (I chose this unusual format for my event to make all puzzles /except for metapuzzles and the bonus puzzle/ accessible to everyone. Even if you fail seventeen times you can still try your luck with the eighteenth one -- and maybe succeed.)

Will there be... er... any hints?
You haven't even seen the puzzles yet! But yes, of course, since you will need to solve all 18 of them to get to the final metapuzzle, I feel a hint system of some sort is a necessity. I will be even as generous to give two hints for each puzzle. Will they be free for everyone? Yes... kind of. The schedule for hints will probably vary, depending on how much will people struggle with given puzzles.

Can I contribute to this event?
Oh, glad you asked! Yes, definitely. If you have any unused keys lying around, if you planned to hide your next giveaway from bots anyway, if you just want to make this event even more awesome, please don't hesitate and contact me. The more the merrier! Thanks a lot in advance.

1. The Magnificent Ten FINISHED OPEN Hint 1.1, Hint 1.2 LINK
2. One Dot Dot FINISHED OPEN Hint 2.1, Hint 2.2 LINK
3. Quipu FINISHED OPEN Hint 3.1, Hint 3.2 LINK
4. Wall of Numbers FINISHED OPEN Hint 4.1, Hint 4.2 LINK
5. Piggy Time FINISHED OPEN Hint 5.1, Hint 5.2 LINK
6. A Shortlist FINISHED OPEN Hint 6.1, Hint 6.2 LINK
7. Broken Nonogram FINISHED OPEN Hint 7.1, Hint 7.2 LINK
8. Chesswords FINISHED OPEN Hint 8.1, Hint 8.2 TO BE DONE
9. Dungeon of Liars FINISHED OPEN Hint 9.1, Hint 9.2 TO BE DONE
10. Version 101.2 FINISHED OPEN Hint 10.1, Hint 10.2 LINK
11. Sniper FINISHED OPEN Hint 11.1, Hint 11.2 LINK
12. Word Search with a Twist FINISHED OPEN Hint 12.1, Hint 12.2 LINK
13. Cabal of Pleasure FINISHED OPEN Hint 13.1, Hint 13.2 LINK
14. 8E28 FINISHED OPEN Hint 14.1, Hint 14.2 LINK
15. Mastermind FINISHED OPEN Hint 15.1, Hint 15.2 LINK
16. Starry Night FINISHED OPEN Hint 16.1, Hint 16.2 LINK
17. No Way Out FINISHED OPEN Hint 17.1, Hint 17.2 LINK
18. The Magnificent Seven FINISHED OPEN Hint 18.1, Hint 18.2 LINK

Notable contributors: Potvora, Ameto, Cornpops

6 years ago*

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Holy. Got #8 finally. Very clever.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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bump now for something entirely different... this one I'm most worried about because it's rather intricate and I can't change anything... also forgive my own entry, I didn't notice I need to reset the puzzle before publishing

6 years ago

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Bump for the hype! :D

6 years ago

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You should make a comment noting that when you say to "type zero if none are liars" then you need to type the digit 0, rather than z-e-r-o

6 years ago

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oh, thanks for noting that... it didn't occur to me that anyone would type z-e-r-o but I guess I should have thought about it...

6 years ago

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Just to say your are not the only one who did it.

6 years ago

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i agree the need of that i just dumped like 70 energy trying all posibilities and the first one was probably right lol

6 years ago

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sorry guys, my bad! ...at least I set the fastest recovering energy possible for the dungeon:P

6 years ago

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I didnt write down the text explaining about the monkeys and it isn't written again. I forgot it as I found it a few hours back. Can you add it to one of the walls?

6 years ago*

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well, that's the problem here, once I publish the dungeon I can't add or change anything... but the Monkeys are simple, they are same like people: they are indistinguishable from people on the outside and also divide into Liars and Honest Monkeys...

6 years ago

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Ok, got through it. Thanks.

6 years ago

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Bump for 8 (you devil, you) and 9 (solving 8 helped me get in the right frame of mind, at least).

6 years ago

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it's a relief that everything works ok in #9... also grats on #8, I expected finding the method for the last step will be the hardest part but everyone else seemed to get it on their first try :P

6 years ago

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I thought I had X9, Y13 but no. Brain activation lvl 2 required :D
I solved this door and Ithink there is a logical error in it. I still need to find the last answer.

6 years ago*

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In the The Dungeon of Liars it's possible to end the game 'stuck' on a room? Game over?

6 years ago

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You can click on another room on the minimap to transport in another place.

6 years ago

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Thank you. I need to focus...

6 years ago

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Am I missing something or am I stuck? I've explored every room I can and I'm out of lockpicks for the locked chest. EDIT: Never mind, I missed a portal

6 years ago*

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Bump car 6

6 years ago

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I still have no idea how to start car #8, I hope tomorrow's hint will help.

In the Dungeon of Liars, I'm stuck on the door at X9 Y13. I keep getting contradictions while trying to figure out the logic, and none of the answers that I've tried so far worked.

6 years ago

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I had the same problem. You probabl are like e with the wrong interpretation.

6 years ago

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same like yuk you probably use OR wrongly... as was stated near the entrance to the maze, OR works here like the logical disjunction... (most importantly "true" OR "true" = "true")

6 years ago

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Ah... Now I got it. You actually confused me with that hint in the dungeon. I assumed you meant "exclusive or" due to differences between Hungarian and English naming conventions. I mean, the only thing I can think of that's commonly used in Math in Hungary that's even remotely close to how disjunction sound like means "disjoint sets". "Diszjunkt halmazok". Yep, not even Boole algebra. It's funny, though, that this is the only part where this actually caused problems.

6 years ago

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bump for jigidi time!

6 years ago

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Does hint in 7.2 have a typo?

In any case, I think #7 has stumped me, I have no idea what it could be...

6 years ago

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I think the 'a' is meant to be 'and'.

6 years ago

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yes, corrected, thanks

6 years ago

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Thanks for the correction. I still don't know what it means, but thanks :-)

6 years ago

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the important thing about #7 is not to forget that this is a puzzle, you're not supposed to be guessing anything, but decipher the solution... once you get the correct answer, you will without any doubt know that's the one... I see people trying to name what's on the picture but that can't possibly be the right way to the solution...

6 years ago

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I figured it out. I was hoping that there was an easier way than the way I did it, but I am guessing now that there was not.

Thanks for the nudge...

6 years ago*

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i cant seem to crack the last question of the #9 even tho i also did the optional one :(

6 years ago

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type zero = 0 and not type zero = zero^^

6 years ago

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I forgot to do jigsaw before going to sleep! We are close to discover the bonus question! :D

6 years ago

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"Looks like you are trapped! You are surrounded by walls." and now? :)

6 years ago

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just click on any square on the map which you already discovered... you can teleport...

6 years ago

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worked....thx :)

6 years ago

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that's why I advised to bring enough provisions -- in case you get trapped in such a place for a long time :P

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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*to any explored room that doesn't have a closed chest or a portal.

6 years ago

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Ah..and what do you mean with "I am not at once a Monkey"....dont understand this :(

6 years ago

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like: I am not at the same time x and y --> if I'm x, I cannot be y, and vice versa...

6 years ago

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ah now I have it...the whole statement is one point and not two

6 years ago

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Im puzzling my way through the swords Puzzle and im stuck at X5 Y5. Last message was "You have found a portal" but i can't do anything, no text to click and clicking on the map doesnt do anything.
What to do

6 years ago

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that looks like a technical problem, try to reload maybe? ...on that square, there should be a portal with options like anywhere else...

6 years ago

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I already did a reload but at another pc its working.Thanks

6 years ago

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I think I'm almost there on car 8. Is the thing you're supposed to do to the 35 squares a reversal or a different alteration entirely? I've tried both routes and I can't parse the image I'm staring at either way. Maybe I'm overthinking things again? xD;

6 years ago

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If I understand correctly, it would be reversal - we want to stay in black&white. From there it's just one last step.

6 years ago

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Thank you, that's answers my question! :D I was trying to avoid giving too much way, I'm glad you understood it.

6 years ago

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I'd bet you have the correct image. It doesn't make something that most people would instantly recognize. This last step -- interpretation -- had me stumped for a few days. Hint 2 isn't far away, though, right?

6 years ago

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Nick when will #10 be opened?

6 years ago

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in 1 day

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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In the maze, with stuff like "Both of us have the same character", is it refering to their alphabetical names? Or character->personaility->honest/liar?

6 years ago

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It refers to their personality.

6 years ago

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Bump for solving Car 9.

6 years ago

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Bump for #9!

6 years ago

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bump for car 10 open... a piece of cake again, you deserve some rest after the dungeon...

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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how the ... D:

6 years ago

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well im guessing after a big nope i ll wait for the hints on this one lol or perhaps later with a more fresh look at it

6 years ago

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