What is this?
This is a puzzle event. Yay! Let's call it a train even though it really isn't a train -- but "train" is such a popular catchword around here that I felt I should use it no matter what. Anyway, there are two months worth of puzzles awaiting you, altogether 22 of them, all of various difficulty and design (some common on SG, some -- I hope -- entirely new and unheard of).

What is it for?
The main purpose of this event is to have fun and provide some exercise for those little grey cells. The puzzles are not meant to be hardcore, and I believe any average solver should make it to the final metapuzzle. This is also my little giveback event and a humble homage to all the great puzzlemakers here on SteamGifts.

How about the gibs?
No worries. There will be gifts for solving each puzzle and a little extra treasure for solving the metapuzzles. Everything will be restricted to level 1+ and a basic SGTools check.

How long will the giveaways be open?
I will post a new puzzle every three days. Each giveaway will last for ten days. This means we will have several things running at the same time and it might get a bit messy but I will try to make it as organized as humanly possible. (I chose this unusual format for my event to make all puzzles /except for metapuzzles and the bonus puzzle/ accessible to everyone. Even if you fail seventeen times you can still try your luck with the eighteenth one -- and maybe succeed.)

Will there be... er... any hints?
You haven't even seen the puzzles yet! But yes, of course, since you will need to solve all 18 of them to get to the final metapuzzle, I feel a hint system of some sort is a necessity. I will be even as generous to give two hints for each puzzle. Will they be free for everyone? Yes... kind of. The schedule for hints will probably vary, depending on how much will people struggle with given puzzles.

Can I contribute to this event?
Oh, glad you asked! Yes, definitely. If you have any unused keys lying around, if you planned to hide your next giveaway from bots anyway, if you just want to make this event even more awesome, please don't hesitate and contact me. The more the merrier! Thanks a lot in advance.

1. The Magnificent Ten FINISHED OPEN Hint 1.1, Hint 1.2 LINK
2. One Dot Dot FINISHED OPEN Hint 2.1, Hint 2.2 LINK
3. Quipu FINISHED OPEN Hint 3.1, Hint 3.2 LINK
4. Wall of Numbers FINISHED OPEN Hint 4.1, Hint 4.2 LINK
5. Piggy Time FINISHED OPEN Hint 5.1, Hint 5.2 LINK
6. A Shortlist FINISHED OPEN Hint 6.1, Hint 6.2 LINK
7. Broken Nonogram FINISHED OPEN Hint 7.1, Hint 7.2 LINK
8. Chesswords FINISHED OPEN Hint 8.1, Hint 8.2 TO BE DONE
9. Dungeon of Liars FINISHED OPEN Hint 9.1, Hint 9.2 TO BE DONE
10. Version 101.2 FINISHED OPEN Hint 10.1, Hint 10.2 LINK
11. Sniper FINISHED OPEN Hint 11.1, Hint 11.2 LINK
12. Word Search with a Twist FINISHED OPEN Hint 12.1, Hint 12.2 LINK
13. Cabal of Pleasure FINISHED OPEN Hint 13.1, Hint 13.2 LINK
14. 8E28 FINISHED OPEN Hint 14.1, Hint 14.2 LINK
15. Mastermind FINISHED OPEN Hint 15.1, Hint 15.2 LINK
16. Starry Night FINISHED OPEN Hint 16.1, Hint 16.2 LINK
17. No Way Out FINISHED OPEN Hint 17.1, Hint 17.2 LINK
18. The Magnificent Seven FINISHED OPEN Hint 18.1, Hint 18.2 LINK

Notable contributors: Potvora, Ameto, Cornpops

6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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Man this thnig is taking me too much time of the little I have. Some seems to have so much ease.

Have not understood what to do with (not even to begin) the nonogram nor the chess :S

6 years ago

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did you check the hints? with the nonogram you just solve it as a regular one and try to find out what the question marks stand for... not much time left for this one!

6 years ago

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Yeah, it's the first nonogram i see ever... i checked some youtube to know how to solve them, but it 's a bit hardcore for me as a first one to solve ... I'm guessing if I could solve it then the rest would not be that hard

6 years ago

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ohh, I see... for your first, this is definitely pretty hard, you should try a few simple ones to get the basics before you try this one...

6 years ago

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Yeah, i tried for some time with this one and I won't have time to solve it before the end (anyway, I already have dead age) but i wanted to solve it for the meta at least, but my time resource is running pretty dry :-/

6 years ago

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try to solve the chesswords then... if you will have only one of the eight missing and time will be running out for the first meta, add me on Steam and maybe I could push you forward a little bit...

6 years ago

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we already spoke some times, i'll do that then ;) thanks.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Really ? I don't know what those things are, I never done this kind. And I'm not confortable with the language too so it's so hard for me XD Maybe a next time ! Good luck to others !

6 years ago

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Bump for new hints... introducing a bit bigger jigidis for the second layer puzzles.
Also simplified car #10 a little bit.

6 years ago

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No! I hate large Jigidi!! :-)

6 years ago

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What is picture 8.2?

6 years ago

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Check the bonus puzzle ITH for a complete list of jigidis with short descriptions.

6 years ago

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Is there any way to enter the Meta #1 if I cant solve car #7, the broken nonogram?

6 years ago

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You can always try to bruteforce number 7 with the few information you have.

6 years ago

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there's no such way at this moment, still enough time to solve the nonogram... but if you're still stuck on the last day of meta1 and will have all other puzzles solved, contact me on Steam, maybe I can push you forward a bit...

6 years ago

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Bump! :)

6 years ago

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bump for chess !

6 years ago

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Bump for chess solve!

6 years ago

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Another bump for meta solve! \o/

6 years ago

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So I'm stuck at the last room of the dungeon, X1 Y14. I've explored the whole dungeon, didn't skip a room that I am aware of. I have no clue about what the answer is. T.T

6 years ago

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I've explored the whole dungeon, didn't skip a room that I am aware of.

6 years ago

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The hint with jigsaw 9.1 must give you an idea where to look at least!

6 years ago

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It really doesn't. Maybe I'm thinking too literally, but there's only one object I've had and used that seems to fit the clue's description, and its name doesn't work.

Edit: I'm a chronic overthinker. xD; I'll try again later when the second jigidi is available. ^^

6 years ago*

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I guess I'm too late for the event. Will give it a try. Solved #2 and #4.

6 years ago

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you missed a few giveaways but you can still hop on and catch the train from car #8 up... and with the hints I think you can easily make it even to the first metapuzzle before it ends...

6 years ago

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Solved #1 to #7, guessed Q9 of meta too. But no idea what to do with #8. I'll give it another look later. How much time do I have left before the puzzle ends?

6 years ago

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3 hours, good luck! =)

6 years ago

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not much time left, add me on Steam if there's anything unclear... you can still make it!

6 years ago

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Sure, I've sent you a request on steam.

6 years ago

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I must say I am puzzled about car 10. Maybe enlightment will come later...

6 years ago

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Strangely, this is one of only two puzzles that my beta tester solved without any hints... that's why I considered it fairly easy...

6 years ago

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Well, I solved it. But I would not consider it easy (well at least not obvious :). I guess ith stats will say :)

6 years ago

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Bump for number 11 solved! I've trained in Stalingrad for this puzzle :D

6 years ago

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that was really quick!

6 years ago

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But I lost time verifying until the last letter!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Bump for solving car #11!

Still no idea what to do with car #10 though :)

6 years ago

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bumb for solving 11

6 years ago

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Is there a way for a non-mathematician to solve puzzle 9? Because some of those problems seem way to complicated to figure out without some background in this type of math.

6 years ago

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I think all of the problems are just a matter of trying out the possibilities. And since everyone can only be either a liar or honest, there aren't really that many. Once you solve a few and get into it, it shouldn't be very difficult.

6 years ago

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I'm talking about the ones with 8 or 9 liars/honest people, not the ones with 2-3.

If someone says both A and B are honest, does that mean that if they are determined to be a liar that both A and B must be liars or that only one of those must be a liar making the statement a lie as a whole but still containing true information?

Because if both statements are false if they are a liar then the X7Y13 door seems like an unresolvable paradox.

EDIT: OK, I figured it out, only one of A or B need to be a liar in order for the person to be considered a liar. I thought that a liar always lies, but telling a truth AND a lie in a single statement is still considered a lie and that person s a liar even though they told a partial truth.

EDIT 2: I was just being a whiny baby, I figured them all out now. Now there are just two doors left (or is it one door, they are next to each other) and 1 treasure. Not sure what these doors are asking for... Hmmmm...

EDIT 3: OK, those were a bit confusing as to what was being asked, but I opened them both, now just the last questions...

FINAL EDIT: Puzzle 9 solved! Another amazing puzzle and the way of solving that last question is mind blowing!

6 years ago*

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Man, I've been looking at #11 for a long while, and I have no idea. :P Time to sleep on it.

6 years ago

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I found it fairly easy compared to 10 though.

6 years ago

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Ha. Different strokes, I guess. 10 was pretty easy for me.

6 years ago

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Bump for solving 11. I am a clod.

6 years ago

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OMG! I did it! I solved a puzzle without a hint =D =D =D

Have a happy bump =)

6 years ago

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Bump for solving with only an hour left on the first group!

6 years ago

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Bump for solved upto Meta1.

6 years ago

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Bump for new hints and meta1 closed with 40 succesful solvers!!! Amazing, I would never expect so many people will make it, or even be interested in trying!

6 years ago

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Bump :)

6 years ago

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