If you have heard about warframe or seen it, please note that registering with this link you'll get a week of xp boost, and I'd be very thankful, Because I won't lie, Recruiting has just kicked off on warframe and I'll get a bonus for recruiting players from this link

The catch is that warframe is not even bad, in fact it's so good it has been on steam top 15 most played several times and will be released ps4 it (cross platform play). Just please don't watch old reviews and gameplay, it will be very outdated.
Feel free to post your own recruitment links here, you'll get xp boost from any of the players, and we'll be very thankful.

quickly about warframe:

  • F2P (everything is available trough ingame, only cosmetics and utility for real money)
  • Very fast paced sci-fi ninja styled third person shooter set in procedurally generated levels.
  • Developers like to communicate with the community a lot, let's it design certain things.

I am trying to be as polite as possible, nobody is forcing you to use these links. But if you do come over to play, feel free to ask for tips or help.

1 decade ago

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FYI, referal links aren't allowed, might want to remove before someone/mod notices :P

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by iaureee.