It makes me sad. These guys get millions a year to produce the same crap, and yet anybody with an ounce of talent is either forced to limit that potential because of lack of resources or they aren't able to find a market.

I mean, I don't mind if I made games that only reached 10K people or even less, because I'm still likely making a fair profit off that, and it's while having fun, and hopefully my "games" (I'm not one for gameplay, if I'm honest; I'm like David Cage except I want people to do slightly more than just press the X button every 2 minutes) will be much deeper philosophical experiences, but it makes me sad that the people out there who are much better than me at making GAMES that are FUN, CHALLENGING, REWARDING and ORIGINAL and yet are getting trampled over for this crap.

So, out of curiosity, what kind of indie games should I be buying? I want to work on my appreciation of gameplay and integrating story into that (since I'm more of a linear, cutscene-oritenated "gamer", but I want to bring myself out of that). I recently preordered Contrast since I tried that on PS4 and I loved it, but I'm not sure where else I should start.

I'd rather not gameplay-focused games, though. Still a niggling issue that only one game has ever made me care about its gameplay.

1 decade ago*

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if you like a game, but it... there is not much more to say.

1 decade ago

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The saddest part is that they're always very expensive and even if discounted they're still expensive. Activision is very greedy.

1 decade ago

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It's supply and demand. There's always a hoard of 12-year-olds who want to get their hands on the game. They can afford to keep the price high because people will pay it. It may be greedy, but it's smart.

The sad part is that they're pretty much all the same game with different gimmicks. I don't understand why people still go nuts over them. In my opinion they're not worth the price. Disclaimer: I'm not a twelve-year-old.

1 decade ago

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because the game is very popular among the kids, and parents want their children to be happy :D

1 decade ago

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I Stopped a few years ago with cod because they lacked originality, new content. But what games you should try, ermm, maybe try "The Journey",Its more story based then gameplay based or maybe "Dust: An Elysian Tale". Ive heard that ones good

1 decade ago

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Is that the PS3 exclusive, or is it different? I need to buy myself a PS3 specifically for that game, TLOU and a few other exclusives, as well as to add to my PlayStation rack.

1 decade ago

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Dust an Elysian Tale is for Steam and Xlba
and The journey is Steam and Ps3

1 decade ago

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Awesome, thanks for the hint. I'll look into it.

1 decade ago

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Anytime ;)

1 decade ago

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Out of curiosity, what's The Journey? If you mean just Journey, that's PS3-exclusive and a must-have

1 decade ago

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^this. They offer nothing new but gimmicks.

1 decade ago

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binding of isaac is very quality, i've got over 150 hours into it

1 decade ago

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Haven't tried it just yet but it's sitting in my library. Personally I think I'd get more out of Limbo, but I'll see what happens when I get to it.

1 decade ago

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I don't see what the problem is if a person finds enjoyment out of it regardless.

1 decade ago

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I think I'm just being that uppity "games are art" type, and I expect more from big budget productions. That said, it looks like most people are buying only for the multiplayer.

1 decade ago

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Yeah. I kind of buy for that but I just can't be bothered to actually play it. I would imagine single-player isn't the strength of these games at all.

1 decade ago

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Then again the multiplayer has the same small maps with the same unbalanced weapons and the same gamemodes.

So evidently the multiplayer isn't the strength of these games either.

1 decade ago

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cinema is art too but you dont expect hollywood to produce fine art do you ?, dross sells, a buddy of mine has BF4 and the campaign is ok but i dont get why anyone would pay 40 quid for it, if i see it on offer low enough i might even get it but not at even half the retail price would i be tempted

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Play old-school online shooters. Quake. Unreal Tournament. Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory. Challenging, rewarding, fast and always feel original.

//edit Just to add. I played a lot of CoD4, but yeah. After World at War it was all down the hill crap. First Black Ops servers I went into. 55/2 score. Instant kick.. Simple crap for console players.

1 decade ago

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It's because it's Activision!! Targeting innocent children and sucking their parents' wallets dry. Most of CoD players are too obsessed with the game to even give a f*** about these aspects anymore....What they do most probably is to rush off and buy the 'sequel' once it gets released.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Bobby Kotick is watching !!! :(

1 decade ago

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Sergeant Of The Master Sergeants Most Important Person Of Extreme Sergeants To The Max!

1 decade ago

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Indeed! haha +1

1 decade ago

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The guy on the left has a hat. And a helicopter. Completely different. ;)

1 decade ago

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Just check my library if you need to. It is FULL of indies :P I'll just give you my favorites from mine, as well as my most played.

  • Binding of Isaac: Wrath of the Lamb. 320 hours, so addicting and difficult
  • FTL: Faster Than Light. 95 hours. Again, addicting and difficult.
  • Super Hexagon. 65 hours. Even MORE addicting and difficult
  • Castle Crashers. 63 hours(Add about 100 more from playing it on XBLA as well). So many characters, great story, great gameplay
  • Game Dev Tycoon. 10 hours(Add 40 hours from playing DRM-Free version). Endless replay value, and super addicting and creative.
  • Papers, Please. 11 hours. Fun game to pick up if you're interested. I would have more hours but I'm stuck at one part. -Sigh-
  • Beat Hazard Ultra. 20 hours. Super addicting Bullet Hell. I recommend using DragonForce songs and the song "ryuuseigun" if you want difficulty

Hit me up if there are any others in my library you think I would recommend. Or games in your library! I'm always happy to help :3

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by McJobless.