Copy pasta of copy pasta of copy pasta of copy pasta of copy pasta of copy pasta of copy pasta of copy pasta of copy pasta of copy pasta of copy pasta of copy pasta of copy pasta.

Hello and welcome to the madness!
The challenge is simple: Play and beat any 6 games, starting today, that have been featured in any given Humble Monthly/Choice bundle in one month.

The prize: 2x HELLDIVERS™ 2
Note: This means I'm giving away two copies of the game and will have 2 winners.

Game length does not matter and I'm not looking for 100% achievement runs. So long as you play and beat 6 games, I'm happy. You can go easy mode and play a bunch of 1h games or go crazy and play 6 +30h games. So long as they were in a monthly at a given point, it is all good.

Just post a comment with either screenshots/ achievements showing that you fulfilled the criteria and I'll add you on Steam and give you the link. Feel free to share your thoughts on the games you've played, but it is not required.


Why you doing this?

I hate money. That and I realized I've been subbed to the monthly for over eight years (yes it has been that long, I checked) and it occurred to me that I've barely touched the games I've gotten from it, let alone played them. Figured the same would be true for a few others, so I figured this is a good way to change that. A sensible person would probably unsub in this situation, but please refer to the beginning as to why that will not happen.

I've played the first X minutes of a game, can I pick it for the event?

No. You cannot have any play time or achievements prior to the start of the event. The only exception is idle time from farming Steam cards.

Can I play a MP only game?

No. It needs to have an "end" in order for me to count it as beaten, so it needs to have a campaign/story mode.

If a game was sold as a non-Steam copy in a bundle (origin/uplay/drm-free/etc), can I pick it as a choice if I own a Steam copy?

No. The reason being that those who own a Steam copy would have an extra option that would not be available to everyone who bought the same bundle. If the game was originally sold as a non-Steam copy, but Humble later provided steam keys to everyone who bought the bundle, then the game would be allowed.

Why six games?

The first few monthlies had 6/7 games in them so I went with that.

How long are you going to do this?

Until my credit card statements gives me nightmares.

This event "ends" on April 2nd when the next next HB Choice releases, though the giveaway itself will end the next day. If you manage to finish game number six in between that time, feel free to post, but know that I cannot guarantee that I'll be able to give you the link in time.

Good luck, have fun and stay safe.
Thanks for reading, and don't forget to do your part..

List of eligible games:
Credit goes to PapaSmok

Update #1

I know I recently standardized the 1-2-1-2-1-etc pattern but I need to flip the order for the next two events. The event starting today will be a 1 month, and the next one will be 2 months (April-May) ending on June 4th. It will then go back on the 1-2-1-2-1-2 pattern after this so (June-July) ending August 6th will still happen as planned, with the one after that being 1 month for August.

The reason for the change is because I will not be around at the end of April/beginning of May. I goofed and completely forgot about it which is why I'm announcing the switch so late. Sorry for the trouble :/.

Tl;dr: Changed 1-2-1-2-1-2 into 1-1-2-2-1-2 due to life.

View attached image.
4 months ago*

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Reply here once done.

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Thank you.

Game Bundle Achievement
Fury Unleashed Humble Choice May 2021 Fury Unleashed
Hot Brass Humble Choice August 2023 Bring Order to Chaos
Legend of Keepers Humble Choice July 2022 Whiplash
Merchant of the Skies Humble Choice July 2023 Botanical
Moon Hunters Humble Monthly May 2018 Abandoned
The Legend of Tianding Humble Choice November 2023 The End of an Outlaw
4 months ago

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3 months ago

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Done, thanks for organising <3

3 months ago

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Completed; list of games

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3 months ago

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Helldivers hype, seems like a really cool game :D
Entering challenge again, thanks for organising ^0^/ <3 Really liking this challenge

Game/Bundle Status Proof Comments
Monster Prom May 2019 Started: March 19th / Finished: March 20th Casanova. Your very first prom date! Let's take a pic of it! Cute little dating sim. Finished one of the routes. Guessing that counts as finishing the game? Also finished a secret ending just to be sure that it counts as beaten.
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp April 2023 Started: March 24th /Finished: March 24th Camp Scamp. You scamp! You got a date for the Meteor Shower! Same as for the first game I did a normal date route and a secret ending. Nice little game, drinking game was messing with my stats though :/
Paratopic June 2019 Started: March 24th / Finished: March 25th Paratopic. Be seeing you, friendo. Unique game that has me very confused. All achievements popped at once at the end of the game. Game is a strange experience/fever dream.
Epistory - Typing Chronicles September 2016 Started: March 26th / Finished: March 26th Desert Dream. My name is... Adoring this game, really like the folded paper look. Enjoyed the game. Idled for a bit so a bit more time in it. End screen credits
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? Spetember 2023 Started: March 28th / Finished: March 28th The truth. Find the killer. Fun game so far. Enjoying it more than I though I would. Nice little detective story/game.
Late Shift March 2019 Started: March 29th / Finished: March 29th The ploy. Convince Parr it's a fake Short little game to try to finish the challenge in time

Might be a bit late with starting with the challenge this month, whoops!

May still change the games around, but motivates me to state a few (plus extra to swap out) to get started.

4 months ago*

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To be filled with games...

I enjoyed the simple puzzling of Children of Silentown (and the story) although I found the game very slow (not in pacing but actual dialog and moving speed). I encountered a game-breaking bug about 2/3 of the way through, which really bummed me because as most auto-saving games, there was nothing to fall back on but I was able to fix it by restarting the game. Be warned though, it's a known bug and it's not been fixed.
If my gf hadn't been playing and stopped right before where I got stuck, I wouldn't have been able to keep going without restarting the whole game, and not really knowing if I was going to encounter the same bug again.

Trek to Yomi was so good! I thought it might be overrated but as soon as I started getting into the rhythm of the combat and got several combos, it was very satisfying. Wouldn't try it on Ronin difficulty though.

Staying in the Asian Vibe, I played Legend of Tianding next. It was alright. I feel I would have liked it more if I played it before Trek to Yomi. Combat felt a bit too basic even in a beat 'em up kind of way and the quests/secret hunting was tiresome by the end.
Also I was following the main plot and didn't realize I was locking myself out of finishing the two side quests I had so I will have to play it all over again for the remaining achievements. Eh.

SCP was better than I expected it to be. The first person perspective made me a bit queasy though. I wish there had been more settings to remediate that but it was interesting enough that I pushed through with breaks.

Tried and passed on Steel Rats. Man, I'm so disappointed. I was so looking forward to this one but I really can't get the hang of the controls and I'm struggling so I will probably give it another try when I don't have a time-frame.

Ended up replacing Steel Rats with Project Warlock and enjoying it. Very classic retro FPS. I've seen a lot of people complain that the game brings nothing new to the table but you know... it's not bad sometimes. It's not trying anything ground breaking but it's succeeding at doing what it sets out to do: give you a few hours of bombastic FPS fun with a good punch in the nostalgia feels. Nothing wrong with that.

Underhero was harder than I thought but very fun. I wanted to finish the game so I didn't really do all the collecting the game was pushing for but I'll revisit happily to 100% it later.

Game Date Playtime Achievements Status
Children of Silentown February 2024 8.8h / HLTB (7.5h) 20 / 26 Beaten (Achievement: Children)
Trek to Yomi August 2023 9h / HLTB (5h) 16 / 28 Beaten (Achievement: Samurai dies twice)
The Legend of Tianding November 2023 12h / HLTB (5h) 17 / 26 Beaten (Achievement: The End of an Outlaw)
SCP : Secret Files November 2023 5h / HLTB (5h) 17 / 21 Beaten (Achievement: Who Am I?)
Project Warlock February 2020 10h / HLTB (8h) 18 / 20 Beaten (Achievement: Come Get Some)
Underhero February 2020 16h / HLTB (12h) 37 / 44 Beaten (Achievement: A journeys end?)
4 months ago*

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Bump! Wishing everyone entering the best.

4 months ago

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Helldivers 2 is a game on my wishlist so I'm definitely going to try and complete 6 games before the deadline. However, I won't be able to game much this month as I'll be extremely busy and probably won't have time to start new games and get invested. I'll do my best to complete the challenge. I'll have more time on March 28th, 29th, and 30th so we'll see if I can make it by then.

Games to be announced

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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Reserving a spot, though I want to play The Crew before it's shutdown, so IDK if I'll be able to do this in time.

As usual, thanks for the giveaways and fun event. 😎

4 months ago

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A big thanks for the event as always. :)

4 months ago

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Game Monthly Choice Proof
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel February 2023 Starter
Paradise Killer July 2021 100% Achievements
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia October 2021 The Gates of Hell
Beacon Pines February 2024 Close the Book
A Short Hike April 2019 The End
Hell Pie January 2024 Piece of cake
4 months ago*

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Game Status Impressions
Unpacking / Started on March 8th / Finished✔ on March 20th No place like home (complete the last "level"). Before playing: Curious to see if the game has a real gameplay loop or it's simply a meditation exercise of some sorts. Playing: Not gonna lie, not engaging enough for me, and to be totally honest it got fairly annoying by the end. Oh, well.
🏆 Scorn / Started on March 12th / Finished✔ on March 13th 012 (Fin). Before playing: I wanted to play this game as soon it came out (it was pretty price-available in my region on steam), but decided to wait for it to get bundled. Eager to check if waiting was worth it. After: Amazing! Not everyone has the stomach for it but this is art. Some reviewers were complaining about unnecessary combat element, but I found it weirdly appropriate for the strange world of Scorn.
Verlet Swing / Started on March 7th / Finished✔ on March 21st I forgive you (I beat the final level and all I got was this crappy achievement). Before playing: Looks intriguing, but not sure I will be playing till the end. It seems the game is easy at first but by the 100th level it becomes torture. I'll check it out carefully. After playing: One hour to beat the first 50 levels, 1 hour for the next 25 and then it got exponential: 7 hours to reach level #99. The final level 100th is called "Sorry", it's the developer apologizing for his last creation. Son of a bitch. It took me 6 hours of trying :)
Destroy All Humans! / Started on March 17th / Finished✔ on March 25th For the Glory of the Furon Empire! (endgame achievement). Before playing: So I'm a little skeptical since the developers are proud that they changed only visuals of the original. Dunno-dunno, not sure that "Destroy All Humans!" had working formula from the beginning. After playing: This game is not the case that you encounter with boomer shooters, where you return to working basics. With "Destroy All Humans!" you return to something more primitive, where a phrase "anal probe" is the plot and car explosion is the gameplay. I struggled to awaken this primitive side in me.
Monster Prom / Started on March 22nd / Finished✔ on March 23d That was unexpected. (You unveiled the first secret ending). Before playing: Dating sim that has multiplayer options. Interesting, how does it work? I hope the content is not locked behind communication with real people (ew!) After Playing: Multiplayer option is a party game experience, where the game provides some grounds for offline interactions, but ultimately it's just 2-4 people taking turns playing single-player. There are some limited events where you can make some affects on other players but it doesn't amount to much since the gameplay itself is a blind stats matching. Solo experience is carried by "funny" writing and colorful (literally) characters, I didn't mind it, had a few laughs but it really needs "community" to keep meme fire going, otherwise it will be even somewhat embarrassing to admit that you've played it :)
John Wick Hex / Started on March 18th / Finished✔ on March 26th Birthright (final level achievement). Before playing: John Wick time for some hardcore brutal action! Right, right? After playing: Relatively fast-paced but intentionally "choppy" gameplay. I synced with it pretty fast and strangely it feels like "John Wick". Nevertheless I see why others may resent these choices for this franchise.
4 months ago*

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This will be my first time participating in the event ◥(ฅº₩ºฅ)◤

Game Bundle Achievements Status (Achievement proof)
Minit April 2019 Achievements Beaten (MINIT)
THOTH October 2016 Achievements Beaten (Atum)
Paratopic June 2019 Achievements Beaten (Paratopic)
Late Shift March 2019 Achievements Beaten (Experienced Storyteller 2\4) screenshot
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? September 2023 Achievements Beaten (Is it true)
Five Dates February 2023 Achievements Beaten (Time will show)

Paratopic - achievements are given immediately after beating the game (at the same time)
Five Dates - achievement "Time will show" - one of the endings
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? - "Is it true" - one of the endings

4 months ago*

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You started Black Book prior to the start of the event and therefore will not count. Please select another game.

4 months ago

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I thought it started on the first of the month. my bad ि०॰०ॢी
Replaced the game and beaten another game!
Black Book --> Minit

4 months ago

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Name HB Achievements Status
1. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands September 2023 Choice 20/47 Beaten
2. Control Ultimate Edition March 2021 Humble Choice 30/67 Beaten
3. Armello July 2017 Monthly 8/50 Beaten achieve Royal Steward
4. SWINE HD Remaster July 2021 Choice 15/23 Beaten
5. Fluffy Horde December 2019 Monthly 3/4 Beaten
6. GRIS April 2020 Choice 12/17 Beaten
4 months ago*

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Edit - Ignore comment.

3 months ago*

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I was not sure about the choice of game, and by scrolling through your copypastes I found a person who scored the game with no problems. So I picked it up for the event. No problem changing it.

3 months ago

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Ya, I messed up. Just give me a moment and I'll give you an update.

3 months ago

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Hi, sorry for the trouble. My initial check didn't catch me allowing it before, but then I realized it only went back a year -.-. I've actually allowed it twice which probably explains my logic from the last time.

Armello will count it for the event, sorry for the confusion.

For everyone else: The Achievement "War of Attrition" is the requirement for Armello.

3 months ago

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Game Month Status Proof
The Gunk December 2023 Finished What's so bad about Wilderness?
Life is Strange: True Colors February 2024 Finished The Only Promise is The Adventure
The King's Bird June 2020 Finished The Way It Was, Many Years Ago
Scorn February 2024 Finished 012
SCP: Secret Files November 2023 Finished Who Am I
Children of Silentown February 2024 Finished Back Home
4 months ago*

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Bump~ I'm not interested in Helldivers 2 but this concept is great

4 months ago

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Wait can someone explain it to me, so I can choose any game with a campaign mode from a Humble Choice or Humble Monthly if I haven't played it in the past. Would that mean I could pick up this bundle and if a game has a campaign mode these would count? I want to do one of these challenges someday and I am kind of interested in playing Helldivers 2 with my buddies. This could be the perfect time.

4 months ago

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this bundle is neither choice, nor monthly (renamed into choice at some point), so no, this bundle won't work for this challenge.
There are 2 links in the post with a list of games that were on choice and monthly.

4 months ago

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Oh Choice and Monthly is just the monthly games, I thought bundles as well since 'Humble monthly' which is awfully similar to 'Humble weekly'. Thanks for the help. I don't even think I have enough humble choice games to play right now, but I guess I'll wait until next time. Great even too!

4 months ago

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Hey, you can google a better list for those games(I did log in but some games didn't show as "In Library"). For me I used this as this has also a search function.
But yeah, you can idle that game (get steam trading cards) but can't have played it or something(best way to tell if you don't have any achievements in the game).

4 months ago

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ooo, very nice website, personally used to check if the game was on monthly, much appreciated! o7

Found a curator on steam, a lot easier to track which games were bundled now directly in steam called "Humble Choice Tag"

4 months ago*

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  1. Ghostrunner — Humble Choice - April 2022 — Beaten — Finish Line
  2. Titan Souls — February 2016 Monthly — Beaten — Titan Soul
  3. JumpJet Rex — May 2016 Monthly— Beaten— Beat the game/Rex in Piece (I didn't finish it "properly" because the last level gave me too much trauma... thus no true ending for me :D
  4. Police Stories — March 2022 — Beaten — Police Story
  5. Little Nightmares — September 2018 Monthly — Beaten — The Lady's Quarters
  6. INSIDE — May 2017 Monthly — Beaten — screenshot
    — [Unfinished — ]()
4 months ago*

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Game Achievements Hours of Playtime Bundle Status Proof Note
One Piece Burning Blood 13/50 3.2h August 2017 Humble Monthly #22 Beaten "Thanks for the love...!!!" achievement idled 34 min
Sniper Elite V2 19/47 4.1h November 2018 Humble Monthly #37 Beaten "Legendary Sniper" achievement idled 119 min
Little Nightmares 8/22 2.9h September 2018 Humble Monthly #35 Beaten "The Lady's Quarters" achievement -
Ryse: Son of Rome 26/73 7.5h February 2017 Humble Monthly #16 Beaten "Settling Old Debts" achievement idled 115 min
Paw Paw Paw 23/39 6.2h June 2021 Humble Choice (#19) Beaten "The End?" achievement idled 62 min
Silence 18/46 7.5 November 2017 Humble Monthly #25 Beaten "Nothing can stop me" achievement ~2h afk, forgot to shutdown game while I made dinner etc..
4 months ago*

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Game Month Status Achievements
Beacon Pines Feb 24 Completed 11/11
Children of silentown Feb 24 Completed 22/26
A short hike Apr 19 Completed 12/12
Oaken Feb 24 Completed 10/57
Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed Feb 24 Completed 44/44
Unpacking Nov 23 Completed 25/25
4 months ago*

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Anyway to tell if a game has a campaign or if you can "beat" it?
For example, meeple station looks like it has campaign but I feel like it's like stellaris where you can't really beat it..

4 months ago*

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check achievements. if there's one for finishing the game/campaign, etc. you should be good.

4 months ago

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Anyway to tell if a game has a campaign or if you can "beat" it?

Missed this the first time, but basically what andreeeeeww said. If you cannot make the case that you have completed the game, then pick something else. The purpose of the rule is to avoid making judgment calls and to simplify the process of validating entries. If you are unsure about a game, you can always ask beforehand if it is allowed, but know that I'm a bit slow when it comes to responding, so don't assume that I'll be able to give you the okay in time.

For Meeple Station, I'm not allowing the game, and will not count for this event. From what I can gather, it is incomplete and extremely buggy.

4 months ago

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  1. [game]()
  2. [game]()
  3. [game]()
  4. [game]()
  5. [game]()
  6. [game]()
4 months ago

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Game Bundle Achievements Status
She Remembered Caterpillars April 2019 Achievements Completed
Path of Giants December 2020 Achievements Completed
Five Dates February 2023 Achievements Completed
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? September 2023 Achievements Completed
Grim Fandango Remastered January 2016 Achievements Completed
Little Misfortune November 2020 Achievements Completed
4 months ago*

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Sure I'll give it a try!

Game Bundle Acheivement/Screenshot Review
1. Prodeus Nov 2023 It's Finally Over 3.5/5. I liked it, but it's not something I would go back and play much of again. Had a few really fun levels, but I felt the enemies lacked variety. The weapons it has are great, but it feels like it should have more weapon types.
2. Shady Part of Me Feb 2023 Me 4/5. A fun puzzle platformer that didn't overstay it's welcome! Only thing I didn't like was some of the voice acting was a little annoying.
3. The Invisible Hand May 2023 Standard Practice 4.5/5. This is my kind of game. I love the fantasy of getting rich off the stock market, lol.
4. In Other Waters April 2021 Credits Screenshot 4/5. This game was not at all what I was expecting, but wow what a pleasant experience! The story was great, the controls were odd but fun, and the "graphics" were really effective even with how minimalist they were. I might even go back and 100% the sample scans.
5. Omno August 2022 The Ascendant 3/5. It was fun but became a bit of a chore toward the end. Didn't really stand out to me but wasn't bad.
6. The Gunk Dec 2023 What's so bad about Wilderness? 3/5. Great music, good environments, but I didn't like the voice acting, which is a shame because there's a lot of it. Had a few technical issues. Feels like a 3d puzzle platformer for beginners.
4 months ago*

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As one of the only gamers who didn't get this game yet I will definitely be participating this month!!! =D
Thank you for another community event =)

Game Bundle Month Completion Requirement Completed Impressions
Paradise Lost February 2022 Acceptance: Make your way through acceptance Yes, 2h Miserable walking simulator
The Serpent Rogue January 2023 Screenshot no final boss achievement for some reason Yes, 4h Needed playtesting, I wanted this to be good.
Underhero February 2020 A journeys end: Defeated ??? Yes, 10h Great Paper-Marioesque game!
Before We Leave February 2022 A Whole New World: Beat the game Yes, 11h Nice city builder, I got along with this one easier than most.
Frostpunk February 2020 Leader: Finish the New Home scenario Yes, 5h Impressive balance of restriction and freedom in a management game.
Last Call BBS December 2023 100%: full completion Yes, 27h Zachtronics my beloved
4 months ago*

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I believe last time I participated in this event 2 years ago. I need to clean up my backlog a bit and helldivers is hell of motivation :)

Game (Bundle) Status Achievement/Screenshot Comments
Black Mesa ( April 2017) Beaten 18.8h Achivements Limitless Potential Best mod I've played, but new content is far away from Valve quality. Alien levels are lush and beautiful, but long and repetitive with lots of unnecessary platforming
Katana ZERO (October 2021) Beaten 6.1h Achivements To be continued Strong Ludo narrative, addictive and fluid gameplay with snappy, responsive controls and speedrun perspectives
Call of the Sea (June 2022) Beaten 6.5h Achivements The only thing I have now Gorgeous vistas, serviceable puzzles and Lovecraftian story.
Little Misfortune (November 2020) Beaten 3.2h Achivements Somewhere Else Style over substances, writing over gameplay. Charming main character, intricate writing, which is lacking consistency. No actual gameplay is disappointing and downgrade after Fran bow. Choices doesn't really change anything. LITTLE MISsed opportunity.
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion (November 2021) Beaten 3.3h Achivements Turnip boy Short, sweet, silly Zelda-esque.
The Norwood Suite (February 2018) Beaten 2h Achivements "We hope you enjoyed your stay..." Whimsical game about music nerds from music nerds. Short and trippy.
4 months ago*

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