well i had the idea for this discussion when i noticed the fact of good indie games for ex: miniland adventures being still unknown, and i thought, hey! why not people recommend unknown indie games here? for example some xbox live games that were indies to this day still exists on steam like CastleMiners.

4 months ago*

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I loved Onirike! It felt so dreamlike and honestly ended up becoming one of my favorite games

4 months ago*

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katana zero for sure

4 months ago

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seconding Katana Zero

4 months ago

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This Strange Realm Of Mine

4 months ago

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The House in Fata Morgana, Pentiment and Ib are all pretty well known in specific circles, but not nearly as well known for the average person

4 months ago

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Judging from the number of reviews, project nosferatu, the lightbringer, and alekon

4 months ago

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This is the part where I beg anyone with an interest in visual novels to play MAMIYA and Because We're Here. Holy moly do more people need to know they exist.

For more traditional games, check out Copy Kitty and The Void Rains Upon Her Heart for some high quality and crazy huge games by dev teams no bigger than two people!

4 months ago*

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wishlisted the visual novels, ty for the gems!

4 months ago

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Big +1 for The Void Rains Upon Her Heart, having 35 hours on it, the best shoot them up based on boss fight for me, with a HUGE content

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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+1 for Super Daryl Deluxe, really unique and strange game, but a nice one

4 months ago

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An Octonaut Odyssey

As indie & underrated/overlooked as it gets. Played it years ago and I still think about it from time to time.

4 months ago

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while it has a fair number of good reviews... I never see anybody talking about The Last Spell

4 months ago

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Octahedron: Transfixed Edition - Really fun platformer with tight controls, novel puzzle mechanics and a killer soundtrack.

4 months ago

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I'm not sure what counts as unknown/underrated for everyone but:

4 months ago

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Battle Realms a very old RTS game and is now on Steam. It is also being updated despite being a 20+ years old game.

Runestone Keeper It's like a board game roguelike dungeon crawler that I haven't seen anywhere else (that I'm aware of). Good game to play for 10-30 mins and is also somewhat imbalanced.

4 months ago

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Both favourite and criminally uderrated? Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna)

4 months ago

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Super Cloudbuilt - remake of cloudbuilt with a lot of changes, sadly it doesn't obtainable and original game has a lot of problems with physics, consistent work, gamedesign of levels. The game is something like neon white - rebeat levels many times to get S ranks. Also has skin for beating the whole game without dying in marathon mode: https://store.steampowered.com/app/463700/Super_Cloudbuilt/

Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones - very amazing puzzle-platformer with unique mechanics and very decent gamedesign, it has S ranks, if you want more challenge, but doesn't really mather: https://store.steampowered.com/app/329380/Stealth_Inc_2_A_Game_of_Clones/

10 Second Ninja X - another one puzzle-platformer, but now with focus on SPEED, has 3 stars ratings & marathon mode: https://store.steampowered.com/app/435790/10_Second_Ninja_X/

Cybarian: The Time Travelling Warrior - beat'em up where you need know timing and can't spam button + platformer, don't worry about mixed reviews, because mostly they are about game is short and you should beat it in one session. It has hitless achievement which one can be interesting to grind: https://store.steampowered.com/app/928840/Cybarian_The_Time_Travelling_Warrior/

4 months ago

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Legacy of Kain , Another World games have been regarded highly in this thread on reddit on old indie games that capture atmosphere. I recommend checking the thread for other great suggestions: https://www.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/zbs7tk/what_are_some_older_games_that_capture_atmosphere/

4 months ago

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Do not feed the monkeys

4 months ago

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Awesome game, i loved its use of looking for key moments and words, though I did use a guide for finding the times for the guitar star it's so fun and a must play.

4 months ago

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Angband and its variants: roguelike, ASCII graphic, Lord of the Rings theme.
The Battle for Wesnoth: TBS, gameplay is somewhat similar to early Fire Emblem games.
Slice & Dice: great game with random elements.

4 months ago

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Does Spiritfarer count as an indie game? It's a very relaxing game with very well-designed anthropomorphized characters, great music and a refreshing look on death.

4 months ago

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Nightmare Zapping.
Departed Away.
Tender: Creature Comforts.
I Did Not Buy This Ticket.
Growing My Grandpa!
Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk.
Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk.
Penko Park.
Cats and the Other Lives.

4 months ago

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Tortured Hearts: an open world RPG underrated (but probably also overpriced)

4 months ago

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Damn im sad everytime i scroll past it in my wishlist. Both the demo and the game failed to run on my machine and i found no fix, after that cave choosing stats thing the whole game is in black, like a black screen over everything(can hear sounds, game is running, only entirely black)
I had to refund and the dev had no clue what was happening

4 months ago

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That's a real shame, as he fixed a similar issue for me.

I'm really sad for you, as i spent hundreds of hours on that game , and i must say i had more fun in it than on some AAA recent rpgs :x

But yeah, an indie game means that sometimes things go south.

4 months ago

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Excuse me for not being able to do the fancy hyperlink. But I love that game, if you like rpgs it is extremely addictive with a very good co-op system and very extensive customization

4 months ago

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Slashers keep is so underrated I've seen no body ever talk about it, if you're into rogue likes you'll love its dynamic mix of 2D and 3D style, though I've never fully finished it because I suprisingly suck at it and it's kinda hard, great game though.

Edit: to add in octogeddon, its cheap when on sale and a fun thing to pass time with, slow start but after your first run it gets crazy. Imagine those old good mobile games from the 2000's that's as best as I can describe it. I'll edit if I remember anymore

4 months ago*

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A Fistful of Gun.
Cryptmaster (Coming soon but you can play the demo).

4 months ago

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So many...

Clicked with my ttrpg soft spot and are underrated (and im mad i bought then over Epic, back when i tought Epic would improve)

Not an rpg but a card battler filled with lore and story encounters that i relly digged:
Knock on the coffin lid

I was really digging Aetheris- i had to refund over a technical issue(when its EA first launched) but it seems its all sorted now

Havent played yet but from all ive seen is a criminally underrated gem Small Saga
I mean, its overwhelming positive but im surprised at the player count and why it isnt spreading more.

4 months ago

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I'm watching very carefully small saga, and i agree with you, it has not gained the attention it deserves. I'm waiting for a sale, and it will be mine.

4 months ago

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