Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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6 years ago

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three billboards outside ebbing missouri

6 years ago

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Amazing movie. Reminded me a lot of Fargo.

6 years ago

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El Cid

Great classic adventure movie with the late Charlton Heston and Sophia Loren were El Cid goes into battle to defend Christian Spain against the invasion of the Moors.

View attached image.
6 years ago

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Oh, and a picture of El Dic :)

6 years ago

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Sorry, that title is already been taken by a certain great leader in North Korea. ;-)

6 years ago

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Battle of the Sexes (2017), it was alright.

6 years ago

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Human Centipede on Sunday...

6 years ago

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I absolutely love that movie! All my friends understandably don't like it, however. What'd you think about it?

6 years ago

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Well, it wasn't the worst movie I saw in my life - it was ok... the story was pretty interesting, but I think the movie could have been more..

6 years ago

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Last night I watched Cabin Fever 2016 it was so horrible. apparently it was a remake, but I haven't seen the first movie

6 years ago

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He has produced a few movies, some for decent directors, the fact that not even ty west was chosen, makes it seem s if Eli roth purposely gave the remake to a lousy director, just to make his movie good by comparison.
It was all an ego boost and a complete waste of money for all producers.

6 years ago

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I don't know about the remake but the original was great!

6 years ago

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Romeo Must Die. It happened to be on TV while I was making dinner.
Jet Li kicking ass, and Aaliyah looking so fine (RIP).

6 years ago

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Sixteen Candles. It did not age well at all ...

6 years ago

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Star Trek: Beyond.

Preceded by Star Trek: Into Darkness and the 2009 Star Trek reboot.

I intensely dislike being in cinemas, and Trek films are the only things which compel me to go.

6 years ago

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Black Panter...and it was terrible. Very poor movie

6 years ago

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House on Haunted Hill

Good horror movie but not for those who scare easily. ;-)

6 years ago

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It's a terrible collection to own, but if you have any interest in watching the rest of their REMAKES:
13 Ghosts, Gothica, Ghost Ship, House of wax

6 years ago

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I've seen all 5 movies but I only kind of remember House on Haunted Hill and 13 Ghosts as being enjoyable to watch.

And I really like the classic versions of House on Haunted Hill and House of Wax. Actually most if not all movies with Vincent Price.

6 years ago

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Star Wars Episode 8 The last jedi
I am kinda dissapointed all the new Star Wars films are pretty bad imho
The only exception is Rogue one which is absolutelly fits (well except those elite stormtroopers and new tie-somethings) in the lore and story of the original Star Wars saga

6 years ago

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I, on the contrary, am very much liking the new movies. After being disappointed with the prequels when they first came out, this new trilogy feels like a breath of fresh air. Sure, it's kinda the same SW story we know, but seeing new characters and new corners of the galaxy it's something I find very cool.

6 years ago

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I have never felt something like this about new trilogy
It was made by a strangers who came to a created universe and trying to be a part of it now
This is pretty much "Hey guys look we created a new movie with the tons of random s**t and most of it is opposing lore and logic...We would like you to watch it and give us your money for the new films to come"
Lucas made their films because he wanted to show something unique and beautiful, to conquer the hearts of millions by showing a sad story of the galaxy and the chosen one who created all the mess because of love
And what disney gave us?Some gender and race tolerated movie?This is a shame that this is called a Star Wars movie

6 years ago

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It has been decades since Star Wars wasn't something exclusive of Lucas. I agree with you about the story he wanted to share, and I'd say that was mostly A New Hope. The other two movies of the original trilogy were directed "by a strangers who came to a created universe" and sure it was Lucas' story, but it was ultimately the creative and artistic vision of both directors and acting crew what made them what they are.

I'm sorry if you didn't know this but after A New Hope's success SW has always been about making money. I believe Lucas didn't get a dollar from the box office revenue but he got all the rights and profits from merchandising (toys, clothing, board games, you name it). Ewoks were made to sell toys Source; Han Solo wasn't killed in Return of the Jedi as Harrison Ford suggested because Lucas told him that "there isn't any future in dead Han toys" Source. But it seems that's another topic entirely Lucas talks about Hollywood

IMHO, Disney isn't any different than Lucas, but at least they are creating content and pushing the SW universe forward and I appreciate that. It may not always be great but its very much enjoyable for me. Nothing new will ever surpass what the original trilogy achieved, but I guess we could all try to enjoy what the future SW movies bring.

6 years ago

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I must agree with the most part of your arguments but...
A new hope was made for the money and to share his new universe
The other two films were made because many people loved A new hope (ooriginally it was called as a Star Wars without episodes and titles) but those episodes were made by Lucas himself and some other people I agree
But everything that was filmed was decided to be filmed and organized by the Lucas (so other people could only suggest something without ignoring him)
Carry Fisher (The mighty princess Leia Organa) changed a lot of dialogs in episode 5 and 6 because Lucas saw that her ideas were better or added something new that fits well
Everything about ewoks is true
Han Solo could have been killed in the end of episode 6 it is true. Harrison Ford asked Lucas about this but Lucas refused because there had to be a hero who was denying the force itself and only believed in luck and skill and still be guided by the force till the end without even admiting this
About disney part...Lucas had ideas about episode 7 himself and after selling all the rights to disney he offered them a full story writen by himself
It was supposed to be a story about Luke and his new jedi order...He was supposed to train a new generation of jedi knights but the main hero which is a girl named Kira (Btw my steam nickname is not refered to her) while training embrased the darkside (by the uknown reasons and uknown circumstances) and with someothers students escaped the jedi temple to creat a new order (somekind of the grey jedi who used both light and dark side knowledges)
But insted we have a story of re**rded Vaders grandson who lost battle against Rey without jedi training (I know it was a will of the force and that is why she won that battle but still this was cheap move of disney...
I am not telling that anybody should not watch this
It is just me and my thoughts. I believe that real Star Wars is 1,2,3, rogue one, 4,5,6 and nothing else

6 years ago

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Stuck (2007)
One of the worst Stuart Gordon films, Stuck responds to everything with Laughter. Without satire or social commentary, which existed in the genre, long before Get out was even a thing. it remains a dark comedy until the point it wants you to connect with the victim at which point turns into a vengeance sequence, not satisfying, in fact, you cant make fun of a serious situation and then assume the audience feels any other kind of emotion. Gordon seems afraid to tackle some of the themes. i don't even understand the killer, they portray her as a very compassionate nurse, but she takes that situation as an annoying thing that will halt her moving forward in her career. Its a completly different character, and when the acident happens, it feels like the laughing track is missing.

6 years ago

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A real classic comedy, somewhat naughty at the time of release and always good for a laugh.

6 years ago

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Has anyone seen Annihilation? I've seen ads for it, it looks good.

6 years ago

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International release will be on netflix, or was already and i just didnt find it. i heard the states had a theatrical release, a box office failure.
Edit: was looking as to why paramount lost interest, apparently test screening results showed it was "too intellectual for general audiences", meaning not enough fart jokes and nut shots. :I

6 years ago*

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Can confirm what you said RLM talks about it too. That is ridiculous, but sounds like a movie I'd like might pick it up on Blu Ray to support them

6 years ago

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I know I'm roughly 14 years late but I just finished watching Downfall for the first time. I started watching the movie yesterday and saw the first 90 minutes of the Extended Cut but today the link wouldn't work anymore so I had to finish it with the theatrical release.

The movie doesn't really answer any questions. The only thing I can say for sure after watching it is:

We must never forget.

6 years ago

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+60 000 000

Lest we forget.

Unfortunately the extreme right spawn of that period survives even to this day in many countries around the world.

If you can get hold of this movie, it gives an insight in the thinking and end goals of the nazis and could answer some of your questions.

6 years ago

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The streaming site of my choice has it so I will definitely check it out but those were actually not exactly the questions the movie raised for me since the Holocaust against the Jews does not get adressed in Downfall at all. except in the outro scene with Traudl Junge, which stems from the 2002 documentary "Im toten Winkel – Hitlers Sekretärin" Which is a rather big flaw in my opinion but I guess that's just not what the movie is trying to do. For example Speer comes off as a moderate influence on Hitler in the movie and it's mentioned in no way that he as Minister of armaments was responsible for forced labour and thus sent roughly 7 millions people to labour camps and presumably prolonged the war for years.

The questions it raised for me were more along the line of "Was Hitler lying to himself and the people around him or was he plainly delusional ?" and "If he knew he was lying, what did he think he was going to achieve by doing so ?".

I guess both of those questions can be more or less answered with the poker term Potbound, which refers to a situation where you're in so deep there is no way out but it's still hard to fathom.

6 years ago*

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That poker term fits the glove. Also the end nearing hitler lost it as he wanted to counterattack the Soviets with forces that already were destroyed and shattered. The battle of Berlin was a battle that never should have been fought but hitler and what remained of the hardcore nazis\SS made sure that there would be no surrender. While the Soviets who had have 20 000 000 casualties because of the German invasion were yearning for a battle to have their revenge; for all the atrocities committed by the nazis in Russia.

6 years ago

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I'm going to go with delusional, considering Hitler's Gotterdammerung approach to the end of the war - it's just hard to read that as simply bad PR. It's a fascinating movie, but I'm not sure it asks any questions, let alone answers any. For a movie that attempts to delve a bit deeper into the subject, I'd recommend Sukarov's Moloch.

6 years ago

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I'm not sure how much sense this is going to make but I think eventhough a movie itself doesn't ask any question (as can be seen in the lack of exploring those questions) it can still raise questions for the viewer.

I'm curious how a movie where they, according to its own description, don't talk politics can offer more insight on the subject but as I've been curious about Hitler's private retreat at the Obersalzberg anyway I'll check it out and find out myself. (That and the Spiegel documentary "Hitlers Berg - Die Alpenfestung des Diktators" if I can get ahold of it.) And if it's just to find out more about the man behind the monster.

6 years ago

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Midnight Run.

I feel asleep during the last 30 mins and ended up finishing it today. I didn't know it was a comedy until after looking it up on wikipedia. Either I was too tired to get the jokes or the film is dated /shrug.

6 years ago

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Really? Midnight Run is one of my favorite 80s movies, back from when Robert De Niro still made good movies. There's lots of funny scenes.

6 years ago

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Ya I didn't find a single one of those jokes funny. Again, I was probably too tired at the time to enjoy it (it has been a long week), but nothing really clicked with me while I was watching it.


6 years ago

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Mutant Chronicles

I heard that the reviews weren't that good for this movie but I actually like this movie and it was worth the time watching it.

6 years ago

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The Hidden (1987) - I really enjoyed this movie. It was much better than I thought it was going to be.

6 years ago

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The Crazies

Good horror movie and in this case I like the (2010) remake version more than the original (1973) version.

6 years ago

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Despite the fact that the director has goofs like Last Witch Hunter and Sahara (less), this was a damn good movie with butch of nice actors including my lovely Radha Mitchell. Watched it two times in cinema.

6 years ago

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I like Radha Mitchell too, another movie that I recently saw with her is Pitch Black. A very entertaining movie.

6 years ago

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Claaaassic! It was the first movie where i saw her and Diesel.
One of the last VHS that I bought epoch ago :-D

6 years ago

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VHS? That's seriously old school. ;-)

6 years ago

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The Valet

I usually really enjoy Francis Veber's movies, but this one was a miss for me. The comedy was thin and the romantic bits underdeveloped and barely credible. I like Danel Auteuil, but not in comedies and Gad Elmaleh was bland and boring in the leading role. Where's Pierre Richard when you need him.

6 years ago

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Hacksaw Ridge

I really like Mel Gibson directed movies.

6 years ago

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I saw Annihilation - didn't like it.

6 years ago

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Sleeping with Hinako ...

6 years ago

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I saw A Wrinkle In Time on Sunday, I thought it was decent but I guess some people thought it was too childish

6 years ago

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