Is there any chance we get Kingdom Hearts for PC?

Disney is porting their games on Steam aswell.. we saw cars, Chicken little and more. Same as Square Enix.
Is there any Chance we can get Kingdom hearts? What you think? Opinions? I have no idea how to think about that :x


PC Release should be 2022 on STEAM. Its EGS Exclusive.

9 years ago*

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Kingdom Hearts for pc?

View Results
There is a possible chance, yes !
No way !
i have no answer, because i dont know - meh !

KH13 had this article about 1.5 and 2.5 not being released on PS4. In it, Nomura says that they have no plans to release 1.5 and 2.5 on PS4. Last sentence is what kinda relates to this discussion.

The article says: "Another likely reason [for the games not being released on PS4] is that the PlayStation 4 requires all games to have digital versions while both HD 1.5 ReMIX & HD 2.5 ReMIX did not on PlayStation 3, likely due to licensing issues." If indeed there are some licencing issues preventing them from having a digital version of the game for sale, that kinda prevents the game from being released on Steam. I have no idea what those licensing issues would be but without solving them KH games probably wont be coming to PC.

9 years ago

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Kingdom Hearts 3
Banjo Kazooie Remake
Crash Bash Remake
Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1+2 Remake
Bayonetta 3
Mafia IV
Street Fighter VI
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Dragon Quest XII
Bioshock 4
Nioh 2
Batman Arkham Legacy
S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2
Age of Empires IV
Oddworld: Soulstorm
Dino Crisis Remake
Dungeons and Dragons: Dark Alliance
Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond (VR)

listed on for Steam on shady keystore and Kingdom Hearts got a more % chance

4 years ago

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PC release is 2022 on Steam.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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Is it confirmed somewhere or just speculation based on Epic's announcement?

3 years ago

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Speculation. EGS Exclusive never lasts longer than 1 year except for first partys hm?

3 years ago

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Or except lazy devs who don't want to port their games after exclusive deal like Zombie Army 4

3 years ago

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There are a few exceptions unfortunately so that’s why I asked. Hopefully not this time.

3 years ago

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The question I ask myself is:

How much money would they need to pay for 1 year exclusivity and how much do they need to pay to stay exclusive there forever?
The sum is not even imaginable and I can't think about EGS buying Kingdom Hearts to stay there forever. Not even EGS got that much money to be honest. It will be 1 year exclusive im quite sure.

3 years ago

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Ubisoft since The Division 2 and onward hasn't released any title on Steam
Better to wait for a confirmation

3 years ago

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That was official. They said officially that they wont put anything on steam.
That and first party is an exception. That atleast was official - everything else wasnt and is still timed exclusive.

3 years ago

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Let's hope so

3 years ago

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I guess the time has come now to change the topic title into something way better :P

But doesn't the whole KH collection go regularly for $30 on Playstation Store? That is some insane pricing on Epic's part (over here it's 230 euros for everything)

3 years ago

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I got the entire collection (bar the music game) when I pre ordered 3 on the PS4 for US$100, and I know it has had sales that lower that price further, so that is pretty expensive.

3 years ago

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Yes, the whole collection is 40$ or less on Play Station. Dunno why is that expensive here.

3 years ago

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It has just been released on PC. On playstation it was expensive years ago.

3 years ago

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No it wasn't. KH3 was expensive at launch but when the remasters hit, they were 40$ each at much. Hell, even the PS4 collection (missing KH3 and MoM) was cheaper than 60$

3 years ago

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I didnt even know it was on the epic store but yeah bit pricey. Now I'm stuck wanting the series but also thinking that never its to expensive

3 years ago

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The day has come. The entire saga is on PC. We did it gamers.

3 years ago

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Doubt it. Probably the same 'HD' releases as on PS4 / XBO. Which lacks the original GBA Chain of Memories, instead having the PS2 version (has some pretty significant changes). It will also only show cutscenes from the two DS games.

3 years ago

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That's what I mean the entire saga. You can't play the ds games but those don't include much.

3 years ago

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I'd count the entire saga as the entire saga. 358/2 Days is actually important since it is the game that focuses on Roxas, Xion and Namine, happy I found that for DS. Never found Re:Coded, so only read a summary, but that has actual story as well. The loss of Chain of Memories is the least, as the differences are primarily gameplay, though there are still story changes.

I would love to buy real ports of the two DS games, a partial list (yeah, it is missing stuff) of cutscenes sucks.

3 years ago

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luckilly i dont care at all )

3 years ago

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Also, another thing: I'll probably need to dig deep in order to figure out the order of releases after the first game and what is a remaster, re-release, and a sequel in this whole mumbo jumbo. Seriously, this franchise probably has the most ridiculous and incoherent names for sequels in the history of gaming. Like, what the heck is a "2.8 Final Chapter Prologue"

3 years ago

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Like, what the heck is a "2.8 Final Chapter Prologue"

Aqua (originates in Birth By Sleep) story content set shortly before 3 in the time line.

Play the games in their original release order, as while the story order isn't the same, later released games offer spoilers for previously released games. But if you want the time line...

3 years ago

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there it is.

3 years ago

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Since it's Squeenix and they are greedy bastards, selling each of these games separately full price... I bet they'd want more people to buy their stuff.
And people who are saying that it's not possible are delusional. Unless Epic is gonna pay them the amount they could sell and more.

3 years ago

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First it was that Sony check, now it's the Epic check. Yeah they probably are delusional, after that dumpster fire Avengers and releasing DQXI twice on steam, I think they have as much business sense as a grade-schooler. I just hope those checks were worth the cover for all the losses in sales from other platforms. :|

3 years ago

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Pretty sure Swiney made a deal with his best friend Di$n€¥ for this to happen. Squeenix could hardly refuse seeing how badly their last game tanked.

Exclusive and overpriced, what is not to like. Thanks Swiney!

3 years ago

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230€ for the whole games is absolutely a scam. I'm not even argueing about that. I can get a PS4 pro plus the whole collection cheaper than buying everything on EGS.
I hope its one year and then I can smell the taste of kingdom hearts on Steam.

3 years ago

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50/50 yes and no but if it happens and that's big if then everything should be fine i mean take borderlands 3 have you seen epic games try to make sure randy covers his mistake epic games are not the brightest tools in the shed so 50/50 we may get it or not. its anyone's guess i mean who's to say all we can do is wait and see hopefully epic games makes a mistake and steam comes to fix it there's 2nd guessing

3 years ago

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wow 5 years ago...
still no, it's TOO EXPENSIVE, it's frickin egs and i had too many backlog

3 years ago

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Steam Backlog is way too big anyways.

EGS prices are 230€. I could literally buy a PS4 Pro and get the all in one package and go out of this cheaper than buying everything on EGS.

EGS sucks and no one should buy there anyways.

3 years ago

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Now @Zalore, please say that Fable 2 and Fire Emblem games will come to Steam eventually so in 5 years I can get them on PC!

3 years ago

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fable 2 could come to PC, now Fire Emblem is a tough one... There is precedent to fable games coming to PC (but studio was shuttered) whereas Fire Emblem is owned by Nintendo has 1st party IP, and I don't think any of those have left Nintendo save for mobile.

3 years ago

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Haha I was forseeing the future I guess :D
I just remember this thread after the announcement so I had to bump it up :D

3 years ago

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I doubt it unless the EGS + Disney partnership falls through. They announced one a week or so ago when all the info on a new Star War games came out and when Star Wars Battlefield 2 was put on EGS. I'm not saying no, but it won't be for a long while unless something big happens.

3 years ago

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It's been a year since Epic release.
No news of these games for Steam

2 years ago

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The release date was March 30. Just keep waiting.

2 years ago

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It released on March 30 so lets see March 30 / April if there is any news. If not - who cares.
Tim sweeney already paid for my copy - if they don't want my money - pirate launcher it is.

2 years ago

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Closed 5 months ago by Zalore.