Do you use Hola? Will you continue using it?
yeah, I did the same when I used VPN a long time ago
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there was a topic earlier abou tthis where its supposed to contain malware
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Having the software on your system allows your system to be compromised. It's not just active when you use it, the fact that you accepted their ToS allows them to use your bandwith any time they wish or any time they sell it to another company to use as a DDoS botnet.
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I got rid of it after hearing the news, but I will surely miss it, mostly because it was better than all the other VPN extensions. Why? Because it allowed me to change my IP for single tabs and it also offered a lot more countries to change my IP to than other similar services.
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What is a good and free alternative, with more security? Any suggestions?
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Good Free Security, you will not find anything with those three descriptions fitting it.
If you want something Good it won't be free, and as Hola has shown if you want something Free your security will not be the best.
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I used it for a bit on my phone a long time ago, but dumped it because it didn't work reliably for me. Now I use Private Internet Access for all my VPN needs both on PC and phone.
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not everyone wants to pay for something they do not need that often.
I could say if you need to pay 40 a year for full time vpn what are you hiding?
You may pay for it and get better service but your still not 100% safe you never will be on the net.Even some paid services keep your data for a short time.So does that mean all paid ones are shit?
Anyhow my point is,there are good free services out there,but like anything on the internet you have to be cautious and when it is free sometimes it is not worth the trouble.There are some good free services out there that do not allow p2p traffic but web access but disconnect every 15 minutes,so that should be plenty of time to use say Nuuvem or a news site.
If you want more i suppose you could pay,but i would think most would only need a paid service if they are doing stuff like using torrents or what not other wise free ones should still be enough.
Not all free ones are shit learn about what is out there before you denounce all free ones because of one bad one.
i use
but i rarely need to ever use VPN but it is nice to have when i want to use it,also comes in handy for public wifi like at library and such
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blah blah blah, again, free vpn are shit. If it's free you're the product. Keep fooling yourself.
Also rofl at assuming VPN = hiding. Adding $3 a month on my $7/month netflix means I can unlock all shows in all regions in netflix for $10 a month.
You sound like the ISP providers where having anonymity in the internet is a fucking sin
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I never said it was a sin,and yet you talk about me and assumptions
I never debated if free VPN makes you the product i never said it did i never said it did not,i merely pointed out there are free ones that work for what a lot people used Hola for.
I also pointed out that most people do not need or use VPN for what you stated like netflix,your choice your account they do ban accounts for using VPN on netflix.
Never implied it was a sin,all i said it just because you use that and it is paid does not mean it any safer then a free one,but it also does not mean it is not safe either.
Free and Paid both have good choices,just because you do not think there is,because you need a paid VPN to get around blocks for content you did not have the right to view in the first places,does not mean that PAID is better then free because it allows you to do that.
My point was there are free option that will suit people just fine,my point was not everyone needs a paid service,there are free ones that did not share your data and all that other shit.
Why pay 3 bucks a month if you want to have a VPN just say buy something from Nuuvem or log into a site that only allows access within that country,when a free one like the one i linked to works just as good,they also offer premium service if you need full time VPN
And yes the prime reason for VPN is privacy so yes it is about being anonymous other wise if you did not need to be anonymous you would not need VPN.So yeas anonymous is hiiding,and VPN hides your info so yes it is hidiing.Spin the web however you want in the end it still a web.
And you can act like a 12 year old and say blah blah blach,if that makes you feel special pat yourself on the back,but please do not put words in my mouth and say i am making assumptions when your doing the same thing
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I stopped reading there, rofl. Sorry, you're spouting shit.
You mean netflix will actually ban 250k+ subscribers because they use VPN? sure mate, get real.
Oh, don't forget that US ISPs actually throttles Netflix speed so having a VPN is actually a speed boost for them
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I said can not they would,and they have banned for it.
Just because you pretend it is not so and think you know it all and can say haha does not make it so,but if that is how you live life more power to you.
and not all who use netflix use VPN i do not use it,do not have a need to use it.Must be a small world you live in to think everyone needs paid VPN because free is shit and everyone who uses netflix uses VPN.
So you get real mate,and i am not your mate that would imply i am a friend,and with the way you think you would never have a decent discussion with because you have all the answers and know it all.
I was merely just trying to point out there is good free vpn and that not everyone needs it and wants a paid service,and free ones can be just as good as paid ones if all you need it for is part time use.
Your the one that turned into some witch hunt thinking everyone needs paid and all free VPN is junk just because you say so it must be so.So you get real mate
i even pointed to one best paid VPN out there who offer free vpn.
and not ALL US ISP throttle it,mine does not i get the full speed always have,Yet your talking about me spatting shit,but yet your doing the same
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Just deactivate it and everytime you need it activate it.....easy
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I have seen some people using Hola to go across region restrictions
I never used, but someone just shared this site that contains some serious criticisms of Hola in regards to its security
I didn't look further because I don't really use it, but if you use it, I recommend reading this site and perhaps other sites.
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