Mirror's Edge - awesome, played through more than 2 times
Medal of Honor - Okay
Dead Space 1 & 3 - pretty neat
Burnout Paradise - Good
Crysis 2 - Fun
Battlefield 3 - well, did not like it
Sims 3 - like Sims 2 (like Sims 1, Sims 1 was entertaining for a couple of hours)
Command and Conquer 3 - Nice
1988 game...well...i will not talk about that
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...which makes it worthier. More bang for your buck ;p
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Yeah, MOH single player is just ... maps are dull and empty, mouse control is awful, I would've been better off using arrow keys to aim... seriously. MOH MP on the other hand is alot better than the SP, it's totally playable and quite ok.
No comments on the rest.
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Mirror's Edge - Requires attention to surroundings, if it's unplayable it's either your PC or you.
Medal of Honor - Never played
Dead Space - Barely played, creepy and with a few jumpscares, not good in the horror aspect.
Burnout Paradise - Great car-wrecking fun
Crysis 2 - Worth the money but still not a good game
Battlefield 3 - Good so far, although I've only played with small groups of friends (which I do with all shooters)
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I liked it...
Mirror's Edge- Very fun game for those who never played it.
Medal of Honor- It was ok after all... not that bad
Dead Space- Pretty creepy atmosphere
Burnout- Good racing game to add to a bundle
Crysis 2- Never played it before, i think it was pretty intense
Battlefield 3- Like any other BF or CoD.
Pretty solid bundle if you compare it to indie bundle 9.
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I thought the bundle was pretty damn solid. I would have given it three thumbs up, but some of them were Origin-only. Given I already got suckered into agreeing to the EULA anyway, I figured I might as well install Origin. Then on my first attempt, the installer fucked up beyond any fuck-up I ever heard of, and upon cancelling the install, it deleted the PARENT DIRECTORY where I picked for it to go. Luckily that was only my games directory, instead of my program files, but that was still 300gb of games, saves and content that I had to re-download. Not all of those saves were backed up on clouds, and HD recovery was patchy.
Therefore, the bundle only gets a half-thumbs-up, a damp fart and some enthusiastic grumbling from me.
But still, that's the first time I've ever known an installer to fuck up THAT far (and I checked a bunch of things to see if there was an alternate explanation, but none that I could find).
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Mirror's Edge - a good game,requires brain usage.
Medal of Honor - Yet another crappy shooter,eh <.<
Command and Conquer 3 Uprising - meh...
Dead Space 1 - Haven't played it at all
Dead Space 3 - A nice game,but compared to Dead Space 2,its less creepy and scarry :S
Burnout Paradise - had a few fun hours and lost interest in it...
Crysis 2 - Unique Multiplayer,crappy Singleplayer
Battlefield 3 - Bought the game long before HiB,I personally like the game and own 2 DLC's,now im Hyped for BF4 and I even have enough money saved up for BF4 ...
Overall a really good bundle :) though I am disappointed cause they said the bonus games will be Bulletstorm,Dead Space 2(the best in the series) but they never gave em...well populus is a nice game too but still :/
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Mirror's Edge - A good game. Might be a bit tough or frustrating but a great game and a unique one. Played and completed twice.
Medal of Honor - Played like half an hour, couldn't carry on.
Dead Space 1&3 - Dead Space 1, a great game. Yet to play 3rd.
Burnout - A really fun racing game. Better than those new NFS parts atleast.
Crysis 2 - Idk what you are talking about. If you move and make noise, yes they'll shoot you obviously. You'll get why they shoot you once you find the invisible enemies walking around you.
Battlefield - Hated the campaign at hardest difficulty. Didn't try multiplayer.
It was a great bundle, no doubt about it. Could've been better, when is that not possible ? But yes, worth $1 any day.
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Dude i think you are having period and you are in bad mood.
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49 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by Chris76de
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6,340 Comments - Last post 19 minutes ago by arafijb
Fuck it people are stupid
It really wasn't that good.
Mirror's Edge - Incredibly overrated barely even felt playable for me.
Medal of Honor - Awful, absolutly awful. It's like a 2003 miliatry FPS only worse.
Dead Space - Not so scary.
Burnout Paradise - Actualy quite a good game, I'm not realy onto racing/cars games but this one I like.
Crysis 2 - The AI is awful, they shoot you while you are 10 meters from them while you are invisible and they shoot with out even know you are there. The multiplayer is better.
Battlefield 3- Didn't got this from the bundle but feels for me more like pay for fun and to make the game fun.
Post your thoughts!
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