That way you could look at their account to make sure it wasn't created a few days ago or that it has the game its trying to gift.

I've noticed a trend of people dubiously putting up expensive games as gifts, in what I'd guess is an attempt to game the system to boost the P income of their "real" account

While the extra P from gaming of the system is nice, it does seem to go completely against the spirit of this website.

A recent example:

1 decade ago*

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Thanks for making it clickable. Damn this iPad for not being able to highlight properly...

EDIT:plz learn how to link

1 decade ago

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Because putting extra steps between generous people and them doing people favours is awesome!

In all seriousness though, the fake giveaways don't hurt anyone. Don't worry about it so much.

1 decade ago

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Spare me your sarcasm.

And I'd say it hurts the people who waste their points on fake giveaways.

1 decade ago

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Just what we need. More limitations on making giveaways. I wish I could make 21 giveaways at once but ah well. 7 is more than enough I guess.

1 decade ago

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Between the site not counting giveaways with only one entry, getting bugged by people who want you to give them games outside of Steamgifts (just because you're a nice guy or some crap like that) and some other stuff I won't get into it's hard enough to justify giving away a game. If you think losing a regenerating resource on fake giveaways is bad you surely won't like having 300 points but nothing to spend them on.

1 decade ago

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You'd probably make all the moderaters kill themselves with something like this.

1 decade ago

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I think the suggestion could be worse. He could've suggested having all crap being approved by mods. Now there's a nightmare.

EDIT: by having all crap approved I mean approving posts like this here and viewing another user's profile, etc.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Horrorshow.