go to the store and put a code for 202k BP


3 years ago

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By logging in this week, you get 300k bp.

Also some people report that if you're subscribed to the newsletter, you have a limited unique code for 100k bp.

2 years ago

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5th Anniverssary
gives you 1K shards and 500K BP

I also found a glitch, idk if it works for everyone
If not already done
Claim 5th anniversary loot Then close the game
Go on https://account.bhvr.com/account and create an account
Link your steam account
Launch the game again and You should receive double loot

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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You are the real hero!

2 years ago

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I have some problem with this

The connection to your Behaviour account has failed. Please try again later.

2 years ago

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I can confirm this worked for me just now.
I did not try it, but i wonder what happens if you make another account and unlink, relink...

2 years ago

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Well i don't think it will work againn

2 years ago

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Worked, thanks! :)

2 years ago

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Worked for me, thank you! Just got the game and don't have a clue what I'm doing (yet, still need to do the tutorials) but a bunch of in-game currency will be pretty useful I'm sure.

2 years ago

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Thanks, still works I installed the game just now to do both.

2 years ago

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Still works

2 years ago

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It worked. Thank you and whitelisted.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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First day is 2k shards, subsequent days are 1k shards I believe.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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Ah. My bad for misunderstanding.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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Dead By Daylight - 500k Bloodpoints & 9k Iridescent Shards

• How to claim it?: From June 30th, Log into Dead By Daylight and you will be awarded 500k Bloodpoints as a gift. Additionally, as a reward for logging into Dead By Daylight over 7 consecutive days, Players will be awarded up to 9000 Iridescent Shards.
• When does this end?: This ends on July 15th.
More information: https://deadbydaylight.com/en/news/5th-anniversary-limited-time-event

2 years ago

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Nice, thx :P

2 years ago

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Thank you for the headsup! Currently I only login to get these points but it adds up! <3

2 years ago

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This worked for me yesterday. Thanks!

2 years ago

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If I had the game it would be great :(

2 years ago

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Its pretty damn cheap to buy, especially with the summer sale on, you should buy it :)

2 years ago

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I know, but I don't have sufficient money :(

2 years ago

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Ah damn :(

2 years ago

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Heads up that BBQ and Chilli is in the Shrine today (for just a day). If you're new to dbd, it's crucial to get it for extra bp on your killer games!

2 years ago

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Newbie here. And how do you get things from the shrine?

2 years ago

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Iridescent shards

2 years ago

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Gotcha, thx.

2 years ago

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You get shards by playing the game and increasing your player level. Right now you get shards by logging in daily for the event.

The shrine of secrets changes daily for this event. Using 2k shards (event rn makes it 1.5k) you can unlock perks for characters in your blood web.

Bbq and chilli is really good as killer because it gives you 25% bonus bp for each different surv you hook. (100% extra bp per game) It also shows the auras of survs a certain distance away from you each time you hook someone. Super good perk esp for bp grinding.

2 years ago

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Great, thank you for the full explanation! Will sign in and grab them. I've played a few games already buy still feel like a complete noob. Pretty tough game. At least when you're starting out.

2 years ago

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No worries, feel free to ask me anything dbd related. There's a learning curve but its overall pretty enjoyable if you don't take the game too seriously. And all the best!

2 years ago

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Thanks a lot! I try not to take any game too seriously. Have enough other things in life to take seriously ;) All the best to you too!

2 years ago

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that one is only if you play like killer ...

2 years ago

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Even if you're a survivor main it's still beneficial if you're at all interested in playing killer as bloodpoints are account wide not character specific.

2 years ago

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yeah, but it's from a DLC killer, even if it's cheap, bubba needs money.

Don't get me wrong, Bubba is fun and I don't regret getting this DLC but BBQ is an outstanding perk, specially if you are learning killer mechanics.

Survivos have "we are going to live forever" or whatever is called, also named as "we're going to farm forever", a David King perk. So the survivor 'counter part' is free, whereas the killer is paid.

Seriously, get BBQ even if you are a main surv, everyone.

2 years ago

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but WGLF is pretty much useless except for points, while chili is a tremendous advantage for killers

2 years ago

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It's not useless at all, especially if you're playing in a SWF group. You can save people with it in situations where you can't without it and it happens frequently, but it's mostly for the altruistic type (which SWFs tend to be). It used to be useless until they buffed it a year ago. When I play with my friends and they're healing me in the dying state I'm always like "why dont you have WG:F?" because the healing speed without it is so slow and puts you at a disadvantage if the killer is close

BBQ still gives more of an advantage to killers than WGLF gives to survivors though

2 years ago

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Wglf got recently buffed to allow you to pick up slugged people in the floor 100% faster, at the very least.

Of course still not as great as bbq but better than what it was before.

2 years ago

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Thx for the heads up.

2 years ago

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I'm new to the game too, what does this do ?

2 years ago

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When you hook a survivor can see the other survs' auras if they are far away for 5 seconds. Also, gives you a token (1 per surv) that multiplies your bloodpoints.

Sometimes, having BBQ with 4 tokens gives you more points than a 4K game with no BBQ.

2 years ago

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Thanks, found it !

2 years ago

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There's a dbd wiki to easily check any perk or anything out.

2 years ago

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Bbq and chilli is really good as killer because it gives you 25% bonus bp for each different surv you hook. (100% extra bp per game if you can hook everyone once each) It also shows the auras of survs a certain distance away from you each time you hook someone. Super good perk esp for bp grinding.

Why it’s good to get: bbq is on a dlc liscensed killer which requires money. So you save money if you don’t have this perk :>

2 years ago

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Inner Strength is also a good pick especially if you aren't particularly interested in (or are unable to) purchasing the Stranger Things DLC (which is one of the most expensive ones)

2 years ago

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Its not a good perk, the fact that it deactivates once you use it one time makes it les viable than Self-care or a medkit.

2 years ago

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You can just cleanse another totem to heal with inner strength again. It's a good perk and synergizes well with perks like head on, quick and quiet, counterforce, detectives hunch, etc. Self care is one of the worst survivor perks, it's only ok if you combine it with botany or other healing perks but even then I don't suggest using it, a medkit is a better option.

People joke that self care is a killer perk, cuz it helps the killer more than it does than the survivor

2 years ago*

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Inner strength is pretty good because you can pocket a heal for use later. You cannot do that with self care.

Also it ignores sloppy butcher.

2 years ago*

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the fact that it deactivates once you use it one time

Except it doesn't.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I have no idea if this is a good place to say, but today's shrine has a MUST for 90% of the killers, a very good chase perk for killers. An okayish perk for survs and a quite bad perk but okay if you're starting perk for survs.

So yeah, get POP now.

2 years ago

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Trusting you, so i took it, thanks. I'm still new to the game and haven't played much, and i haven't taken the time to learn what everything means and imples.

So buying this in the shrine means this perk will appear randomly one day in any killer's learning tree (don't remember the name), so i can use it whenever i want when i get it, right (and not lose it if i don't win the game) ? I nearly only played killer on my few games because the wait is too long for survivors (and i'm not the patient kind) so i think i'll main killer, so any good advice on the shrine for good perk is appreciated :) Also, is there any possibility to roam in the maps alone just to learn them ?

2 years ago

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Yes, buying at the shrine will open the possibility for the skill (called Perk) to appear in any killers learning tree (called bloodweb)
It isn't a consumable item, so you can choose to equip it whenever you want to bring into a match (total of 4 perks allowed per match)

I haven't played in a long time but for map roaming, I believe it is still the good old fashioned "custom game" where you need at least an extra person to go in with you (1killer, 1 survivor)

2 years ago

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That's what i suspected, thanks !

2 years ago

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All good! its a fun game so i wish you will have fun and get spooked alot ^^ (just remembered you play killer so...spook poor survivors like me alot?) :p

2 years ago

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Currently spooking them by throwing many knives at them with the Trickster. I often manage to hook one or 2, but haven't won completely yet. And that's because of all the things i'm not familiar enough with that i have the feeling that i'm missing a lot of things for the moment, but it's a learning curve i guess.

2 years ago*

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Trickster is a hard killer to start with, he's low tier and they're still in the process of balancing him. I think he's gonna get buffed again in one of the next updates. Personally I'd suggest starting with someone else that's more balanced to learn the game with

2 years ago

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Yep, buff confirmed. Can't believe they are buffing that one and Legion is still abandoned.

2 years ago

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I'll have a look at all the killers. Throwing stuff at survivors seemed a good idea, and a good way to not get outrun.

2 years ago

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Huntress is good if you wanna throw stuff. Shes much better than Trickster at downing people and does the same thing pretty much but with less effort. She can also snipe across the map which Trickster can't really do all that well.

She does have a learning curve so she's not exactly the easiest killer to learn, but at least she's a higher tier killer and far more balanced. Deathslinger is also another ranged killer, if ranged killers are what you're mainly looking for and a good choice if you're used to shooters

2 years ago*

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The game has a lot to learn indeed - interestingly, you notice the veterans have thousands upon thousands of hours played. The important part is to enjoy the game and the learning process so you dont take things too seriously, as its sometimes easy to get worked up over some rude opponents or a string of bad match ups.

2 years ago

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Dead by Daylight - David and Wraith head Customization
Enter the code "BETTERTHANONE" in the in-game store to redeem.

2 years ago

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thank you!

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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Another great shrine today for survs and killers alike

2 years ago

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which one do you recommend?

2 years ago

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For killer I both and survivor probably both as well :D

2 years ago

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ruin and undying is the strongest combination for gen protection, but believe me, u will get some hate for using them :D

2 years ago

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Both from killers if you don't have ruin. Ruin used to be THE killer perk... then got severely nerfed (or changed, depends on how you see it) and pretty much dissapear... However, it came back with combinations... Ruin + Pop or Ruin + Undying.
Depending on the killer and/or your playstyle Ruin is a must. Get both.

For survs, get Tapp's since the other is a perk from Dwight. Dwight's perk allows you to do gens faster if you are with someone. Tapp's perk will show you close gens and totems after finishing a gen.

Guess what? if you have a green map the totems and gens you've seen ARE SAVED. If you have a green map with the purple addon you can show your teammates WHERE EVERYTHING IS. You can clanse a hex totem right after rushing the first gen. It's really useful.

Today's shrine are like counter attacks, lol.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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Dbd anniversary event (for cakes which give extra bp) extended till Jul 22

2 years ago

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GOLDENBROS - new code

2 years ago

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Thanks! I got David and Wraith Cosmetic

2 years ago

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Yeah, this year is with those characters. Last year was Claudette's and... can't remember.

2 years ago

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Deathslinger i think. It has the same cosmetic texture

2 years ago

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yeah! thanks

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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only one good perk today on the shrine

2 years ago

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i'm waiting for tinkerer. Way better to spend 1500 shards than a million bp to unlock it through hillbilly :D

2 years ago

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here it is, right with DS. What a blast of a shrine today, lol

2 years ago

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Yeah it was nice seeing DS in the shrine today.

2 years ago

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Yup i grabbed it like crazy. With that DS it's probably the best shrine ever

2 years ago

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Hillbilly is worth unlocking perks on. You can get Enduring which is a decent perk for m1 killers as well as Tinkerer.

2 years ago

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For sure he has some of the best perks out of the starter killers.

2 years ago

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yeah endurance isn't half bad, but I don't really use it

2 years ago

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It's also OP and very scary... Thankfully is hard to use so my Visconti's ass is safe.

EDIT: Endurance also works wonders on Legion, as forcing them to drop a pallet is quicker (with enduring) that actually cancelling the power.

2 years ago

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I wouldn't call it OP, if you're an M2 killer you get less use out of it.

There's stronger perks like Ruin/Undying, Pop, BBQ, Tinkerer, etc... but its a mid upper tier perk in my books. (probably because I love pig)

2 years ago

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Oh, I meant tinkerer. For me, Tinkerer, is pretty scary as a survivor. Enduring is okayish.

2 years ago

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Oh, my bad. Indeed. Tinkerer is one of the best killer perks.

2 years ago

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AUSOME for 2 more event cosmetics (bottoms).

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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What is DS and are there any must have perks today?

2 years ago

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Imo nothing too notable getting today. Brutal strength is ok, but you can get it free if you level trapper. It’s not a must have perk, but a handy chase/general perk.

Ds = Decisive strike

After you’re unhooked, you have “protection” for 40/50/60s. If you are downed again and picked up in that time, a very difficult skill check appears. If you hit it, the killer is stunned for a few seconds and use it to get away. It helps to discourage tunnelling by killers (though if a killer is dead set on hardcore tunnelling then it just buys you more time)

The perk got nerfed lately since a lot of surv players misused it to do generators/hook save right in the killer’s face with DS. So now if you unhook someone/touch a gen/heal yourself/open a chest/cleanse a totem it deactivates. (Which makes sense since you wouldn’t normally have time do these if you’re legitimately tunnelled) If someone heals you it stays on.

But it’s still a decent perk to discourage tunnelling. Why people still recommend getting it is partly because it’s a dlc perk on Laurie, so if you only have the base game it’s a chance to get the dlc skill for “free” in game.

2 years ago

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In general just save up and purchase the killer/survivors for 9,000 shards. If you never plan on putting money into the game you can use the shards for licensed characters perks that are good. If you missed out the BBQ and Chili perk from Bubba I'd consider just buying that DLC its on sale for $3 right now. instead of waiting for it to hit the shrine again.

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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Log in anytime before the mid chapter patch update for 300k bp and 3k shards.


2 years ago

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thanks !!

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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New code: hissandhers
Also there's the greek week with daily bloodpoints for each login

2 years ago

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TY for this info:)

2 years ago

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Don't forget a Blood Hunt kicking off at the weekend as well.

2 years ago

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I have the game, but I don't play yet. I do however want to be prepared when I do decide to play so I had a few questions. It mentions there's a 1 million point cap on bloodpoints so I probably should use some.

I have not selected any characters to level yet. What would be a good one to start with and level?

I also wanted to know is there any must have shrines to buy in the "Shine of Secrets" right now?
If I read correctly there are some really good ones you can get with upgrading survivors so including that info would also help in deciding.

DLC OWNED: Stranger Things, Shattered Bloodline, Spark of Madness, Of Flesh and Mud

2 years ago*

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Right now in the shrine, the best perk is probably Iron Will. HOWEVER, you can unlock it from the base game survivor, Jake Park - so I don't recommend getting it. The shrine also refreshes in 5h.

For killer: (Base game)
Billy - Tinkerer and enduring
Most of the good/"meta" killer perks are in dlcs imo... You can eventually slowly farm shards by playing the game and getting unlicensed dlc for "free", will take time though.

For survivor: (Base game)
Bill - Borrowed Time, Unbreakable
Jake Park - Iron will
Meg - Adrenaline, Sprint burst and Quick and Quiet
David - Dead Hard, We are Going to Live Forever (great to earn bp faster as surv)

Let me know if you have any dlc so I can advise as accordingly. The best ones are probably **Leatherface dlc (BBQ and Chilli helps the grind a LOT as killer), The Demise of the Faithful dlc, Halloween Dlc imo. (mostly killer perks lol)
My personal favourite is the SAW dlc, but that is because I'm biased and love The Pig.

There's good content creators like otzdarva who have guides on who to level first: one two

As Logor said below, starter killers to learn the game basics are Trapper and Wraith.

Side note: If you're planning to play more of one side, I recommend eventually playing both as it makes you a better player overall.

View attached image.
2 years ago*

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For DLC I have Stranger Things, Shattered Bloodline, Spark of Madness, Of Flesh and Mud and Headcase but this one appears to be only cosmetics right?

I did look at a few guides really quick online trying to find the "best beginner" as well as the "overall best" and from them Claudette and Meg I see in the top 3 a lot. Bill, Dwight and Laurie are up in the top 5 a lot as well. There's a lot of guides out there via articles as well as videos so I know the "best" can sometimes vary depending on things.

Basically I'm over the cap so I'm looking right now just to use points to put into some characters so I don't exceed the limit anymore. I'm not going to play atm, just prepping for when I do decide to play later down the road.

2 years ago*

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If you get gifted bloodpoints from events etc, your bloodpoint cap can go over 1 million. Usually if you earn them in game though the max is 1 million.

Imo these are the better perks to get first from the dlc you have. (Yup Headcase is head cosmetics.)

Stranger Things: Demogorgon - Surge is good to pick up (but inconsistent with big maps). Nancy - Inner Strength / Fixated.

Shattered Bloodline: Adam - Deliverance. Spirit is a strong killer, but survivors dislike her since her power can feel oppressive sometimes. Good not to overrely on her.

Spark of Madness: Doctor - Monitor and Abuse (pretty great perk to give you a small jump on survivors) Feng Min - Alert / Lithe

Of Flesh and Mud: Hag - Hex: Ruin, Hex: Devour Hope (Ruin is "meta")


Imo all the 4 basic survivors (Dwight, Meg, Jake, Claudette) in the base game are pretty decent to level as most have useful perks. The "best" however is probably Bill as he has two "meta" perks.

Dwight might be suggested since he has Prove thyself - but imo it's not necessary as gens usually go decently fast already as you rank up. Laurie has Decisive strike- but recently it got an understandable nerf- she is also a dlc character.

Claudette is OK to level for Botany knowledge. She has self care- means you can heal yourself in games slowly. It's OK if you're a beginner, just don't rely too much on it because it can waste a lot of time if you're not careful.

If you have other questions feel free to ask. Logor and Spodamayn's answers are also pretty much on point.

2 years ago*

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Survivor's all play the same in the end, what it comes down to is perks. You want to level the ones you want perks from first, learning their teachables to get on the characters you intend to play. Beyond that, yes, some survivors are louder or quieter, though aside from Jeff and Ash, it's not really much of a difference imo. Also, some are apparently harder to see for some, like people complain about Claudette tons for being able to hide in plain sight, but to me it's all meh, I see Claudettes just fine.

So my opinion, again, I recommend deciding who appeals to you visually, then unlock perks you want from other characters to use on your favourite survivor.

Edit: If you want some perks recommendations outside of meta, for survivor, or even killer specific, feel free to ask, I'll give some decent builds that have perk synergy. Due note tho, I'm not a fan of meta perks, I find they're mostly crutches for players who have no desire to learn and improve. It's easy to be effective, even more effective without them once you've learned the maps, mechanics and tricks of the game.

2 years ago*

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Hello there,
well you can start with claudette so you can heal urself if you play in solo queue that's really useful
Also Bill Is a really good starter, you can recover urself once per game and there is also a perk togive "hyperarmor" to survivor you unhook wich is really OP for EndGame or tunnelers

At the moment there is Iron Will in the shrine wich is really cool at low and high level
This perk can be acquired with jake park wich is a free char so if you don't want to spend ur shards you can farm it with jake

But if you prefer the killer gameplay I would suggest to start with the trapper or the wraith, depending on what you prefer

2 years ago

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I've commented above with some updated info.

2 years ago

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If you're mainly gonna play survivor, then level David first. By far the best character to level first because you get We're Gonna Live Forever which is the only way you're gonna get decent bloodpoints on survivor. You also get Dead Hard which is one of the best exhaustion perks.

As for killer, leatherface is the best to level first because he has BBQ which is essential for getting bloodpoints on killer. You really need a higher bloodpoint gain to start out with so you can get more teachables on other characters faster. I have 8k hours in the game if that means anything. Those are the #1 survivor and killers you should level first. Also if you don't have leatherface I would just buy him to get BBQ if you plan on playing killer

2 years ago

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best advice. were gonna live forever and bbq and chili are the best perks for a new player. it will help you level much faster.

2 years ago

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go for claudette as survivor. with her unique perks and default perks you'll learn everything right away. once you learned the basics, you can go to whatever survivor fits best your gameplay style in the beginning. since you can "unlock-to-everyone" unique survivors perks and use in your preferred survivor, I see survivors as "skins", because all survivors can do whatever all survivors can do (literally), you just have to unlock the perk to other survivors.

as killer, go for wraith. you'll learn almost everything a killer do as basics and understand a little what special moves/weapon do for the killer. opposite as survivors, every killer is unique and require a gameplay style, but you'll have to worry about this after lots of hours playing, til you reach higher ranks where a few survivors will trick you to get their attention while others repair generators.

2 years ago*

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All starting survivors have pretty good perks and are the most used ones too. Dwight is coop/team based, Meg has furtive perks, Claudette is all about healing, Jake and Nea are for stealthy jukes, David is for more points and risky plays and Bill is a wild card. Once you level up any char youll get access to their perks in any other survivor bloodweb.
Killers are unique and you gotta try each one out. But Wraith is the most used killer now, easy to play and get you many points.

2 years ago*

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Double bloodpoint event is on now till 3rd August!


(Whether it ends on 3rd or 2nd is a mystery)

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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You were the first:D

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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This is like the "official thread" for DBD in SG so...

BHVR is losing Stranger Things license. They'll make a special sale between August and November for the whole DLC, characters and then skins. It will dissapear in november and won't be able to be purchased anymore.

The map will, sadly, dissapear forever (but I hope they reskin it).

2 years ago

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Will we still able to use the characters?

If yes, why the map will dissapear?

2 years ago

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Yes you can still use characters/skins that you already own.But people who don't own the characters/skins can no longer buy them.

They're having a goodbye sale at a discounted price.

Map is part of the license so it'll be gone too : (

2 years ago

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Thank you so much!

2 years ago

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Map is part of the license so it'll be gone too : (

All of it is part of the license. The reason the map is going is likely due to the fact that you don't need to own maps to access them like you do with characters.

2 years ago

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Might have been best to reply to the user asking the question, but good point yes 👍

2 years ago

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Damn it

2 years ago

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This is like the "official thread" for DBD in SG so...

yup, it sure is. Just heard the bad news...

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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There is zero reason to purchase the DLC given the above information. Note too that all regional prices were "equalized" in july this year, so if you are looking at history, you will be disappointed to find a new, higher price for this (and all other) licensed content.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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If you like using the characters Demo, Steve, Nancy and want to use them in the future, or want to guarantee their perks instead of waiting in the Shrine (usually once/twice a year) , then yes you probably would want to buy it.

If you don’t care for the characters then save the money.

2 years ago

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the achievements will become generic achievements which won't require the content to unlock them, so people that will not get the content can still get 100% of the achievements.

Where are you getting this from since it's not actually stated in the announcement.

2 years ago

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It's stated in the FAQ they released about losing the license. Specifically it says:

You don’t lose your progress on the characters that you already own. The Achievements will be made generic (so not specific to Stranger Things), and if you already had completed the achievement, the achievement will be automatically unlocked for you.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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It's odd as they just released jonathan byers skin for steve (?)
hopefully this was just a hype for stranger things season 4 coming in 2022

2 years ago

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the new icons for the incoming general survivor perks

View attached image.
2 years ago

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tip about formatting comment:

2 years ago

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I found the post about it. I barely check SG nowadays and I forgot :P

2 years ago

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this often happens with me too :P

2 years ago

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Gross xD

2 years ago

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Casual reminder to login before end of September 20 to get 500k bloodpoints.


2 years ago

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Code "INSERTCOIN" for a free arcade charm.


2 years ago

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thanks for this and the reminder! white lsited ( ' :

2 years ago

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Thanks, still active

2 years ago

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