Embrace Age of Wonders fans!

It's coming and it's very good (if not best in series)!

Steam page

GOG page


Countdown timer

1 decade ago*

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I'm going to wait on the TPB's corner to check how 'good' this game is.

1 decade ago

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But it's WONDERFUL! Times three!

1 decade ago

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I boycott them for evil money grabbing pricing.

1 decade ago

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care to explain? I was on the edge of preorder it when I saw your comment.

1 decade ago

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maybe because instead of kickstarter funding it someone who was rich & like number two funded it?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Care to explain your bullshit?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Just like the majority of games on Steam. Have you ever taken a look at your own most played games?

  • Borderlands 2
  • New Vegas

Did you forget to boycott those for their "evil money grabbing pricing"? Don't be such a troll.

1 decade ago

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Wow yeah let's take out the pricing hate on random game people are hyped about. Fail troll.

1 decade ago

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Their actions on GoG is part of the reason...

1 decade ago

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It was just the first game to come with regional pricing on GOG, but certainly not the last one. Other games in future will have the same policy, but the shit hit unfortunatelly AoW3, which doesn't mean it earned all the bad feelings.

Don't blame only Triumph Studios for that situation, it wasn't their sole decision, just the part of the deal, GOG was responsible for this as well.

1 decade ago

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No it is their sole decision and only theirs, they aren't published by anyone so there shouldn't not be any outside contractual force for them to be price gougers. GoG tried to do something that was wrong to get new games, but they found out it was wrong and amended their ways. They are only to blame for accepting the game to their store with regional pricing.

Triumph Studios is the greedy side here and as such I recommend boycotting them.

1 decade ago

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Like someone else mentioned you yourself own games that use regional pricing so you have supported this practice, you are either a hypocrite or just trolling calling for a boycott of this specific game.

You can't know the motivation behind it so just calling them greedy is stupid as well, it may have been part of the distribution deal with valve to not have a price elsewhere that would make steam lose sales.

1 decade ago

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Already have it got it pre-ordered on my b-day on the 4th

1 decade ago

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Loved the first games, but I can't afford this one at the moment, so I'll stick to my backlog

1 decade ago

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Yesssss. I've been waiting. But I will continue to wait. For a sale.

1 decade ago

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I've had it pre-ordered for a while. I'm a huge fan of the first 3 games (yes, even AoW2 even though it isn't as good as 1 or SM), so I bought #3 as soon as it hit Steam.

I do hope they'll add more races in a future expansion, since some of my favorite races from 1 and 2 aren't in the game... Though it's unlikely we'll ever get my 2 favorites since Dark Elves have joined the High Elves and Lizardmen were all killed in #2 and replaced by the Draconians (which I don't like). Still, I'd love to see races like Undead, Frostlings, etc. return, and maybe even some new ones.

1 decade ago

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Ah lizardmen, i miss them as well :P I kinda miss dark elves too even tho i was never a big fan of theirs. I'm sure Undead, Healflings, Frostlings & co will make a return in one form or another, i'd even settle for some of them as neutrals in the way fairies and giants are, with 3-4 recruitable units and maybe some special building(s).

1 decade ago

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Undead are already kind of in the game as non-playable armies (the Archons from the old games turned into undead apparently (image)), so who I think it's likely we'll see them become playable in the future. For the rest, I can only hope.

The devs said that they're going to wait and see how well the game does before starting to work on DLC/expansions though, which makes sense I guess.

1 decade ago

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Yeah i know about the Archons but i'm kind of hoping for the more traditional skeleton/zombie/skeletal dragons approach. And yeah that's expected of them tho i don't see the game not doing very well, lets be honest here it's not exactly a genre with many releases, HoMM 6 is the only fantasy TBS, with tactical combat(that i can think of), we've had in the last few years and it was shit so i expect AoW to sell like hotcakes.

1 decade ago

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There was Fallen Enchantress and Dominions 4 a while ago, and Warlock 2 is set to release sometime soon.

In my opinion AoW is better than those, but still. It's kind of a niche genre and there hasn't been a lot hype/advertising as far as I can tell, so even if there's not much competition and the game is great it might still not sell that well.

But that's just being pessimistic I guess. The game looks great (I'm sad I didn't get in the beta or I would've played the shit out of it already) and I'm sure it'll do well.

1 decade ago

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Yeah i forgot Fallen Enchantress. I didn't want to include Dominions 4 tho, it caters to a very specific community and i was referring to "major" releases. Warlock 2 lacks the tactical combat aspect tho i will defintly grab it on a sale since i had lots of fun with the first one and this one looks like a major improvement.

Yeah i agree on it being better than the rest, except Dominions 4 maybe. While is a niche game but it seems to be getting quite a bit of positive press so i'm sure a lot of people will hear about it. It's also getting/will get quite a bit of youtube coverage and i'm sure that will also help with sales. I can't afford it right now but i'l get it as soon as i can, until then i'm playing the crap out of Shadow Magic again :D

1 decade ago

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Heh, I've actually been replaying the first Warlock game this week in anticipation of AoW3. I guess it's more appropriate to bust out AoW1 or Shadow Magic, but whatever. :P

1 decade ago

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I'v actually been playing through all of them for the last month or so, finished AoW, then AoW 2 now i'm on Shadow Magic :D

1 decade ago

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Loved the 2-nd one and Shadow magic.
Guessing that I'm gona hate the 3-rd one.

1 decade ago

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Seems legit, justified opinion... Care to explain why you will hate it? Most (if not all) AoW1 and Shadow Magic veterans who played it in beta are at least positive about this iteration.

1 decade ago

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Just my opinion after watching the gameplay. Don't know why I got it,
but something just didn't seem right to me. Mby It's the "a lot of creatures in a stack" that got me bothered. Mby the whole 3d view thing.
Mby I'm just too old for this. XD

1 decade ago

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Multiple creatures in a stack changes nothing, the damage of the "stack" is not affected in any way by losing creatures just like HP loss didn't affect damage in the previous games.

1 decade ago

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looks good, but I can get 4 or 5 top games on sale for that price at -75

1 decade ago

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I am a bit sceptical. What I loved about the series was a great variety of playable races. To have only 6 of them is disappointing.

1 decade ago

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You can't really compare a game in full 3D with detailed 3D models, environments, etc to an 11 year old 2D sprite based game. They did not work with a big publisher nor did they have some crazy budget to make the game. You can't expect them to fit 15 races into the game on what they had to work with. If the game sells, and judging by people's reaction the beta build it's probably gonna sell very well, they will add more races/classes through DLC/Expansions.

1 decade ago

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Don't worry. The game uses not only races, but also 6 classes, each with unique set of units in the same amount as races. You can combine races with classes, giving you enough variety, just as previous titles, if not more cause you literally have 36 combinations of races/classes. Number of races is misleading, it doesn't mean the game has less content, it just comes in different ways than just races.

On top of this, there will be new races and classes released anyway.

1 decade ago

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I predict a DLC fest...

1 decade ago

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The game will get DLC if it sells well (and it seems to be selling well at the moment), but according to the devs they're more interested in doing expansion-sized DLC than going for the nickel-and-dime approach. More "Brave New World" and less "Cradle of Civilization", in Civ5 terms.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Katens.