Some some reason I felt like telling you something about the number 41. And making some giveaways that end on the 11th...
41 is the sum of the first six prime numbers (2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13).
41 is the largest "lucky number of Euler" as the polynomial f(k) = k² − k + 41 yields primes for all the integers k with 1 ≤ k < 41.
41 is the sum of two squares, 4² + 5².
41 is the smallest integer whose reciprocal has a 5-digit repetend
41 is the atomic number of niobium.
+41 is the international direct dialing code for Switzerland, which is not where I'm from but close

EDIT: Scroll down for some more facts and a weird discussion about calendars and so some further for some music

EDIT2: 26 hours left and there are between 25 and 353 entries per GA. It's always interesting to see which games seem to have saturated the community and which haven't

4 months ago*

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Herzlichen Glückwusnch zum Geburtstag!

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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bump for ending soon

4 months ago

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Closed 4 months ago by SilentGuy.