You think that arma 3 worth the money? I actually saw some videos of mods of arma 3 and it seems spectacular , specially altis life. What do your think?

1 decade ago*

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ive recently got back into the game with about 2GB of new mods makes the game a million times better especially if you play with mates
got about 107 hours on it

1 decade ago

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As someone who has been playing Arma for a few years, I can tell you that it is the most fun I have ever had in a game. However, the game has plenty of frustrations. Altis life is cool, but the greatest charm of Arma is playing with a milsim community. Look at communities like Shacktac (if you are in the US). Pretty much every country has a small milsim Arma community, and due to the way Arma handles lag, you should be able to play with any community that fits your time zone. Check some videos from Dslyecxi or CHKilroy (Shacktac members) on Youtube.

1 decade ago

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I live in portugal , i dont know if there is any milsim i will search ty.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Arma is one of the best games i ever played, however i far prefer the pro teams made of military, ex military and casuals playing the game the pro way ( RL hierarchy, tactics etc ) than stuff like altis life.

Note that the anarchic and very open world modes tend to be imho annoying in that you can spend a bit of time in the middle of nowhere without meeting anybody or engaging in duels ( the same goes more or less for DayZ ) given the proportion between map size and population.

60 players making an air assault following the rules of the art without a single loss is very satisfying.

Land vehicles tend to only really be used in heavy PvP modes.

Excellent game, in love since operation flashpoint.

I also prefer servers with limited respawn ( painful delays or game over if a certain limit is reached ), as it makes the game realistic as well, people being realistically careful instead of charging like idiots.

Mods are here.

However until some realistic mods are adapted to arma 3 ( Ace and Acre ) most pro players are staying on arma 2 and arrowhead.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by homemveneno.