I've been given an ultimatum three times in two days and I figured it was time to say something about it to you guys so I hopefully don't ever have to hear it that often again. This is roughly what's happened in each case. We've suspended someone for something or other. We do a little checking, find they haven't activated a game, so we suspend them for that too. Then we get a huge ticket bitching to us in Support about how we're abusing our power for punishing them because "other games i didn't activate from 2-3 months ago can't be like reported right now" (direct quote, I shit you not). Anyway, some of these tickets tend to go a certain way.

The users give Support an ultimatum: either we unsuspend them or they won't activate their wins.

Our response goes something along the lines of this: "Okay, then, bye. Fuck off already, I have other tickets to deal with."

We're obviously a bit more diplomatic than that in Support itself, but that's the general gist of it. If you give us an ultimatum like that, we don't want you. You obviously have absolutely no regard or respect for the site's rules or, more importantly, the gifter who gave something to you out of their own pocket. If you show that little respect for those two, I am more than willing to let a permanent suspension stay on your account solely for giving us that demand. You give us an ultimatum and we will choose the one that suits our site and our community the best. You did not fit in here and now you never will get the chance to prove that again.

Please don't be that guy.

Thank you.

Special note from wbarton about another form of ultimatum that we have gotten at least daily for a year, so common I forgot about it completely because it's just so vanilla to me now.

"You forgot to mention how we don't care about your giveaways, neither what you've given, nor whether you'll be making more in the future, whether you're threatening never to do it again or trying to bribe us saying you'll make more. I never understood people who think they deserve special treatment for using the site the way it was designed to be used."

11 years ago*

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Of course you do, they're funny.

11 years ago

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You should use that language towards such people.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I totally agree. If they are stupid enough to not understand how stupid their threats are, you should make sure that they'll from now on be aware of dumb they are themselves.

11 years ago

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I love you. No homo.

11 years ago

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tottaly homo

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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you better do what he says!... he is being serious.. you can tell by all the CAPS

11 years ago

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Some people deserve a perma-ban. These people are great examples of such.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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You forgot to mention how we don't care about your giveaways, neither what you've given, nor whether you'll be making more in the future, whether you're threatening never to do it again or trying to bribe us saying you'll make more. I never understood people who think they deserve special treatment for using the site the way it was designed to be used.

11 years ago

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Added to the main post. Thanks!

11 years ago

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It's quite strange how they think that setting up that kind of ultimatum would give them what they want!?

I also understand the frustration it puts on all the support staff. I might not have been here long and currently can't give much for the time being but it does not take more than a week to see that the support staff is doing their job well and keeping allot of bad people out.

I hope i never have to contact either of the support people in any matter regarding breaking the rules etc.

Keep up the good work!

Sincerely Mr "The new guy" Zalgo

11 years ago

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Don't worry about gifting to gain status, zalgo. As long as you don't break any rules, as Support, we don't view you any different. As gifters ourselves, it might be another matter. ;)

Seriously, though, we much prefer community behind faceless giveaways. Join the forums, the chat. Do puzzle giveaways, get involved. Someone who makes one giveaway and a thousand friendly comments is worth a lot more to me than someone who makes a hundred copy Skyrim giveaway and is a complete dick. You'll find that attitude is common among most of the site regulars. It's better to be a community member than a gifter and there's numerous private groups set up for rewarding those community members with, ironically, giveaways.

11 years ago

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I will do my best to contribute to both the community and the giveaways. And I know you don't have to give allot but I want to share some of my favorite games. :) and I will when I get the chance.

11 years ago

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How can you say that about a hundred copy Skyrim giveaway? That's blasphemy!

11 years ago

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This is madness!

11 years ago

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Nope, this is SKYRIM!

11 years ago

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Until you take an arrow in the knee...

11 years ago

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I demand all staff enters my staff appreciation giveaway! JKing.. enter if you want!

11 years ago

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People seriously do this..?

Sigh, yeah, support should give them boot as quickly as possible to visibly raise the level of the userbase here. I knew moderation can be ungrateful, but no idea to this degree. Keep up good work, girls and boys? :<

11 years ago

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I had the same question. I knew people were stupid, but stupid enough to think this ultimatum will work? Support isn't exactly filled with morons.

11 years ago

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Swing that banhammer!

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I demand that anyone and everyone who make demands be suspended. That sort of behaviour is unju

11 years ago

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Dude, don't tell me you also ran into Candlej

11 years ago

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wow that's some threatening stuff there :)

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

11 years ago

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My name is Myself and I approve this message.

11 years ago

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(yeah SG staff plz let us read the best bitchin' tickets of all time <3)
11 years ago

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Meh, TL;DR. I demand a summary, . . . or else.

11 years ago

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TL;DR: Utlim ---- I see what you did there.

11 years ago

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Some people are so dumb. :x

11 years ago

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Honestly, my appreciation for you guys grows daily, reading snippets of the crap you go through, especially at the keyboards of self-important arrogant pricks.

I don't know how we can go about doing it, but we definitely need to legally obligate parents to say NO to their brats at least once a week. They might get a better understanding of how the world works. Or at least teach them that stomping your wimpy little feet on the ground and giving an ultimatum while being WRONG rarely turns out favorably.

Be patient and keep up the good work!

11 years ago

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I demand a win right now, or I'll take my toys and leave! So send me my Bioshock: Infinite right away!

But seriously, have read that, I'm no longer suprised that so many GA are of contributors type (and tending to be of high CV value). People who have not donated anything are much more likely to cause trouble, cause at least some of them expect something for nothing. And entering, not even winning, GA for a game they don't really want, is disrespect for all contributors.

I'm capped at 300 quite often. Becasue I do not want to win games I will not play. Why should I do that? That would be burden on my conscience, knowing someone else could have won, someone who would really enjoy that game. But not eveyone has a conscience, I suppose.

11 years ago

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"People who have not donated anything are much more likely to cause trouble"

The sad part is, this isn't true. I made this post in response to an ultimatum made by someone with 25 giveaways. Too often, it's actually the other way around. Gifters get so hyped up about their generosity, they think they're above the rules. This is not true. If you break our rules, you will be punished, whether you've gifted nothing or you've gifted all of Steam twice over. Even the mods are not immune to this. We get no special treatment, not even increased win chances, and we can and will demod if power abuse becomes evident.

11 years ago

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Forgive me for saying what I've said, but I had a reason to think so. Obviously someone who has donated something is not some kid dreaming of getting free all those games he can't afford with his pocket money. And with all those complaints and some common sense I have the reason to think that there is such a group here.

On the other hand, I didn't thought of that before, such a kid would probably activate even the shittest game he had won. I judge that from my own memories of being such a kid.

My misconception may also come from the fact that where I live, games are quite expensive. An average title less than a year old costs about 1/10 of average salary. Even the cheapest games are at the level of mothly pocket money I got when I was a kid. So I probably see more monetary value in a game than someone from US or western EU.

Either way, cheating on something as good and positive as steamgifts disgusts me. Someone spends money to gift a free game to a stranger. If you enter and win a game you don't really want, it's kind of stealing someone that gift. In my book, it's worse than private piracy.

11 years ago

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Please don't be that guy.

I demand you don't discriminate against guys or I'll sue you for all the CV you got. Equal bans for all sexes, religions, creeds, races and what nots!

By the way, why can't I get full value for Alan Wake?? ITS $39.99 ON STEAM!!!!

11 years ago

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bundle games

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Hey come on, I want that special treatment because I'm special :(

11 years ago

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I think you're special, you want some of my special treatment?

;-) <3 <3 <3

11 years ago

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I think you meant 8===D

Though what you posted looks like a tiny penis to me

11 years ago

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Well, it seems like he got more than one set...

11 years ago

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Vote for me.....or we fight in the streets!

This is your ultimatum!

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

11 years ago

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People kids these days

11 years ago

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Celebrate the next Groundhog Day like you mean it, or I will destroy everything that you hold dear.

11 years ago

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All hail the Woodchuck!

11 years ago

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I also dont think these are the type of people that read the forums...

11 years ago

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You wish. :( They are.

11 years ago

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Congratulations, jade. You've found an issue in which I'm on your side.

And you're free to continue not caring, there is no lettuce or ultimatum :P

11 years ago

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:( I don't know who you are. :( What have I done to wrong you? :(

11 years ago

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Nothing. I just mind other people's business where I'm not welcome. That's why I'm not quite as active as I could be ;)

Have to give me credit for being honest, huh?

11 years ago

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Although particularly, there was a single incident where you were rather impolite to a topic starter because someone else necroed his thread. Not my business, but a bad read, still.

11 years ago

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If that was the case, I either worded it badly or I simply missed the original necroer (I try and skim through all the comments to be sure). I always like placing blame correctly and wouldn't be a snarky fuck to someone if I didn't think they'd done something worthy of it.

11 years ago

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I guess it's all in the context and perception. I'm sure my comment probably seemed out of turn, and I'm sorry if I myself sounded rude.

Y'know you should sticky this topic for a week or so so it doesn't fall too far down.

11 years ago

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cg's the only one with sticky powers and this isn't that important. I'm just hoping I catch a couple of people. There's not much need to shove it at the top for so long.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by thejadefalcon.