Aaand we're done!

Not scam, even I won one giveaway!

Hope everybody had as much fun participating in our event as we had during creating it! :3

As promised, here you can find archival google sheet, probably it's a bit outdated as we used it initially for cooperation between eachother, while some special places and other things were added in very last hours.

Hope you join us in future events! :3

Lastly, in case you missed awesome flash animations made by Vaati, you can check all 3 below:

They were included in Moriya's Shrine

Very neat way of hiding giveaways if you ask me :3.

It's that time of the day, Touhou Giveaways will celebrate it's first anniversary at 18th February. Because of that, we're also making another awesome event for SG community, which is open for everyone and will include some really neat giveaways, including AAAs. Prepare your points, you'll need them.

Many things have happened during that year, although most of them are probably unknown to non-members of SG, so there's really no point in listing all of that :3. Dem 2hu memes

Let's sum up, we already had a train, a visual novel, cirno simulator, cat simulator one, two and three... I wonder what is next.

Touhou Giveaways Anniversary Event


  • Event lasts for 3 days and includes variety of levels, from L0 to L5.
  • You're going to visit the magical world of Gensokyo.
  • Gensokyo is a dangerous world, with many different creatures - both friendly ones, and hostile ones. You'll need to be patient and careful to deal with some potential dangers.
  • We prepared a map for you to help you not get lost - map. This will be your best friend for the next few days. I don't know, maybe you should even print it on paper, so you can add routes you spotted, places you already visited and so :3.
  • There are 24 core places that you should visit. All of them are marked on your map with proper names.
  • There are 26 routes that connect those places together. We had more detailed map with all routes on it, but we lost it somewhere... Don't worry though, every core place lists available routes to other places, so you can manually add those routes onto your map!
  • Every core place in addition may include some special places, including encounters with various humans, youkais and other creatures. Those places are not listed on your map, but they're easily accessable from within the core place itself (e.g. Touhou museum in Human Village).
  • Routes are not always simple. You may not encounter anything when going from A to B, but you may indeed find a danger when coming back from B to A. Do not assume that the route is safe, even if you safely passed through.
  • You start at Human Village, a safe place with no real danger. Feel free to wander around, visit local places (such as the museum), and get along with the game.


  • The Gensokyo world is really complex, in order to find all available giveaways, you'll need to visit every core place and follow every route both from place A to B, and B to A.
  • In addition to above, you'll also need to visit every special place in every core place.
  • There are also many encounters on your way, again, to find all possible giveaways, you'll need to approach the encounter in every possible way.
  • There are also many hidden secrets, which you can find through your journey. Not all of them are easy to spot, some include a redirect to our external Touhou website, some link to itstoohard puzzles, there are even some SGTools-powered giveaways. Take it slowly, read through the story, spend your time on it and have fun, this way you can be sure to reach giveaways which might go unnoticed by other people, and trust me that it's worth it :3.
  • Beware of bears in the forest!

Start the journey and remember - Take it slowly, read through the story, spend your time on it and have fun!

It would be really funny if you could consider leaving messages for other adventurers in giveaway comments, so we could achieve even better effect!

With help of ArchiBoT, I'm posting some event stats:
Total number of giveaways found: 251 (+⑨ hidden giveaways)
Total number of points needed: 3214 (+X from hidden giveaways)

Hidden giveaways are those which can not be achieved by following a link. They require either going through a third-party external website (such as Touhou Giveaways, itstoohard, SGTools) or are hidden by any other means, e.g. in the description of some giveaway itself.

Contributors (31): Archi, falCo., Tiny&Purple, Madumius, Seawater, FakeNameOF, Narayan, Justcallmeow, Ekaros, Zaraxis, The Wizzard, ZombieHug, Cristi075, KnSYS, ShandyAndy, Skatrzoo, Velsu, SilentGuy, xKomachi, wany1981, LosingStreak, ReadingLies, Bear, MaitreVaati, SaberiAria, Holy Cuki Revolution, Sviat, Spieler_02, PriestessOfEmloy, zinnerzPT, September

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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Last 5 minutes - bump

8 years ago

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...and nothing won? ;_;.

Edit: Yay! I've won my special prize. <3.

8 years ago*

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event-was-rigged-won-nothing-bump ^^

8 years ago

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Well found 200 giveaways - actually stopped there when the giveaways ended. It lasted for 3 days? That's really short...

8 years ago

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Great event, had a blast.
Didn't win anything, but hopefully some people won some games they really wanted :)

Thanks for hosting it, TouHou. :)

8 years ago

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Didn't win anything, but great event. Well done, and thanks guys!

8 years ago

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This event was a scam... didn't win a thing... I demand refund!

8 years ago

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Was a fun event, especially liked the flash parts =) Thanks to all people involved for the effort they put into making this

8 years ago

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The winners of my gibs can find their keys HERE. (^_^)

8 years ago

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i didn't find anything :S

8 years ago

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Check again later :3

8 years ago

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The end :o

8 years ago

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was fun didnt win anything :(

8 years ago

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Thanks for the event. Quite well put together and I admit I spent for more time than I expected on it XD

8 years ago

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Some of the GA's are still active.

8 years ago

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Timezones :cry:

8 years ago

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Did my best, didn't find the time to visit them all, entered two, won nothing, had fun :)
Thanks, Touhous!

8 years ago

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  • Giveaways found: 255
  • Giveaways entered: 32
  • Points used: 478
  • Giveaways won: 0
  • Fun had: 100%

Thanks for your effort ^_^

8 years ago

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Aaand we're done!

Not scam, even I won one giveaway!

Hope everybody had as much fun participating in our event as we had during creating it! :3

As promised, here you can find archival google sheet, probably it's a bit outdated as we used it initially for cooperation between eachother, while some special places and other things were added in very last hours.

Hope you join us in future events! :3

8 years ago

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Got here late, but thanks for the event and sorry for all the spamming.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the event! was fun.

8 years ago

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Which one of members could dare to not give you anything? :3.

8 years ago

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The one who got sick and puked his soul out in this time

8 years ago

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Didnt win anything but had tremendous FUN!! Thanks Archi!

8 years ago

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Lastly, in case you missed awesome flash animations made by Vaati, you can check all 3 below:

They were included in Moriya's Shrine

Very neat way of hiding giveaways if you ask me :3.

8 years ago

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I somehow missed the 2nd one D:

8 years ago

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thanks for the event, guys! pretty awesome, even for people who don't like anime :D
replying here to say that I liked the flashes, the best part of the event, no doubt :3

8 years ago

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even for people who don't like anime

View attached image.
8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thanks to you all.
You all have beautiful asses, but Zinnerz's is better, no homo tho

8 years ago

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The Hints and Answers to Komachi's Secret Giveaway:

For endings 1&2,your salvation will only appear as you take your last breath.

will only appear as you take your last breath = the last character

For ending 3:
Take a type of a face,and attach to it the equivalent of a pattern; Rip the eyes out; in order to succeed in your creation,there is no need for it to be able to see. Forget any previous ure you have; There's not much skill involved in the reassembling of this creature - you only need to take the initial and push it forwards twice.

Type of a face is italic (it's a typeface), Equivalent of a pattern is texture, Remove the eyes = 'i', No need for see = 'c', Forget any ure = remove the ending of texture, Then shift the first letter two places forwards

For ending 4,the small patch of hope often only shows itself among the strongest madness.

small patch of hope often only shows itself among the strongest madness= in bold (strong) zalgo text

For ending 5,closely inspect that which different about the tune.

closely inspect that which different about the tune = it's always riverside,in that gib it was river-side with the link at the -

(post requested by xKomachi)

8 years ago

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I helped.

8 years ago

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me too.

8 years ago

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great story, actually, make me lost at many times on the adventure

8 years ago

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Hey guys, can we learn those hidden giveaways and how to access them?

8 years ago

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Didn't zinnerz post it above?

8 years ago

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Some of them but not all of them.

8 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by JustArchi.