Hello, I'm looking for some dishes to make to impress my friends and family. Know any good dishes I can make? (Without an oven, it's broken). Also, could you give a recipe?

Edit : I live in Belgium, so some ingredients may be hard to get for me :3

1 decade ago*

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And if u can find try to add yoghurt on it and butter sauce ^-^

1 decade ago

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I'd suggest something simple but well cooked. Find a recipe for perfectly tender chicken breast and proper risotto on the side for example.

1 decade ago

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I got a nice recipe for a salad that will be quite the hit. Let me grab my book / look for a link maybe:

Alas, no link, so I will have to type.

Summer Spinach Turkey Salad -

You will need:
500 grams Turkey breast Slices // 1/4 cup flour // a pinch of salt // a pinch of pepper // 2-3 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 teaspoons dried parsley flakes (fresh is even better) // 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander // a pack of bacon // 2 tablespoons cidre vinegar // 2 tablespoons lemon juice (freshly pressed) // 2 tablespoons honey // 4 cups of freshly torn spinach // 2 cups fresh peaches // 2 cups of fresh strawberries

serves 4 people


start with sautΓ©eing the turkey: combine the salt/pepper/flour/parsley flakes/1/8 teaspoon coriander/(a pinch of nutmeg if you want) in a bowl and coat the turkey, cook with oil in a pan until no longer pink/sufficiently browned.

place bacon in a casserole of pan that is big enough and cook until it is crispy. remove bacon and keep the drippings.

to the drippings add: apple cidre vinegar/lemon juice/honey/salt/remaining coriander and mix well. Boil it once, don't burn it (should take 2-4 Minutes) In your salad bowl, combine the strawberries and peaches + spinach. (cut the strawberries and peaches into small pieces and rip the spinach, so that you won't have large chunks).

Then add the turkey and crumble the bacon all over it. Add the hot drippings from your pan and mix well.


This salad is the NUTS. Everyone loved it so far, and the colors are awesome (use the freshest stuff you can find).

The combination is quite unique, but this recipe is one of my all-time favorites.

Cheers and hope you get to make it,


1 decade ago

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Cook fettuccine according to package (or if you use fresh pasta until al dente), set aside.

In a skillet, add tablespoon butter, 2 cloves garlic and 1 medium onion, diced. Cook over medium heat until the onions are translucent. Add 1-2 cups cream and 1/2 cup or so of grated parmesan cheese and cook while stirring constantly. Add a cup or 2 of peeled and de-veined shrimp and cook until they turn pink. Add dash ea. of basil, pepper and salt to taste.

Finally, add pasta and simmer until the sauce thickens a bit, serve with parsley sprinkled on top, with a salad and some buns or thick cut bread. Now you have Fettuccine Shrimp Alfredo!

Serves 2, so if you want more, use more than I suggest, also, I never measure anything, considering I cook for a living, so you might have to play around with the measurements, but it's hard to mess this up other than using too much or too little cream, and ending up with it being a bit too thin or thick, so adjust the cream as you go to keep a good consistency.

You can sub in precooked chicken for the shrimp, if you want, or even use both or neither, the important stuff is the garlic, cheese and cream.

*edit for typing and punctuation.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Maartonius.