I decided to take advantage of Crunchyrolls get a free LootCrate when you subscribe to the 30 day trial.

So now I have 30 days of premium animes and no clue what to watch.

I had a look at the most popular, the first being Naruto which I have 0 interest in.
The second was Food Wars. So I thought, eh why not only to discover this show started out with a girl orgasming over food and then being molested by a squid. Not my cup of tea. :s

It's been a while since I've watched anime so I'm really out of the loop.
Shows I remember enjoying: Mushishi, Nana, InuYasha, Cowboy Bebop, Azumanga Daioh, pretty much everything Ghibli. There's more but it really has been a while.
So anyone got any recommendations? It doesn't have to be anime, crunchyroll seems to have a bunch of other stuff.

If others were interested in the free lootcrate deal, here's the reddit link I found it on:
If this isn't allowed I'll remove it. O_O

And a train for those who are addicted to the +1
Lvl 2-5, ends 9th Sept.

8 years ago*

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View Results
with mushrooms!
with extra cheese!
with pineapple!
with sausage!
with chicken!
plain is fine!
with potato?
other :(

Anime: Nisekoi, The World God Only Knows, Baka and Test, Date a Live, Heaven's Lost Property, The Devil is a Part-Timer

All of these are comedy, I prefer them over anything. I'm currently watching Nisekoi, and it's really good. It's one of the funniest things I watched, but the first few episodes are really predictable, and it gets better over time.

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Shokugeki no Souma! AKA Food Wars <3

8 years ago

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Thanks for the heads up! I recommend all three seasons of Working!! if you're into romantic comedy. The first two seasons are bang head against wall material, but the third ties up loose ends.

Also, if you're into pure adorable stuff like me, Acchi Kochi is adorable as an art form. It's like the happy ending to a romantic comedy, with clever writing and plenty of tsundere adorableness. EDIT: not on CR, for shame.

For clever sci-fi, if you like androids, I'd recommend Time of Eve. It's an art house show about androids; the creators also did Patema Inverted which I thought was also clever sci-fi, but not on CR (I think Hulu and Amazon Prime have it). Time of Eve is a short series, about an hour and a half, with a movie re-edit that isn't on CR.

Based on what you recommended, I'd also recommend Jin Roh, which is not on CR but is on Hulu, iirc. Don't remember if it's an English dub though, I have a disk copy from a used book store (special edition, lucky find).

Stop judging me, I'm done.

8 years ago*

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Judging you so hard right now. ./s

8 years ago

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I can't believe I completely forgot to mention Ghost in the Shell, but like a bunch of my other recommendations not on CR. Some GITS is on Hulu, though there are apparently tons of disk copies of the original movie floating around (try for the original release, not the remaster, but it really only changes some scenes so it's not a total loss) as I managed to find (and buy, of course) three copies. Arise is the latest, and in my opinion the weakest of the animated series, with Stand Alone Complex season 1 being the best after the first two movies, with the SAC movie being better than the second season. I haven't seen the new GITS movie yet, so I don't know if it's any good or not; it follows the Arise timeline and follows up the weak ending to the last video of the Arise series (not the OVAs, which are in a different order and conclude more cleanly iirc).

This is a pretty weak season for originals, in my opinion, so unless you have a bunch of time for backlogs, good luck watching anything airing now.

8 years ago

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I don't think people outside US can Hulu? I heard it was filled with ads anyway. :O
Maybe I'll get sent another 30 days of netflix in the future, pretty sure it was on there.

8 years ago

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maybe bump

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Food Wars lol, you went to crunchyroll from TotalBiscuit / coop podcast? :D They were joking around about Food Wars a lot :)

8 years ago

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No. :s I just went by the "popular" tag on crunchyroll.

8 years ago

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Bump for fear

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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  • Durarara
  • Attack on Titan
  • Akame ga Kill!
8 years ago

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yu yu hakusho

you have to love this anime cuz its a classic masterpiece

8 years ago

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Too scared to not bump

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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bump for no recommendation... never watched any animes besides dbz (which I don't even know if it is an anime) :(

8 years ago

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This is an older one but GTO was awesome.... sometimes pervy but bad-ass teacher nonetheless! They have it there.
And i see they have Black Bullet if you like gunwielders and cute girls fighting big ass monsters :)

8 years ago

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Food Wars, oh dear! Heard a lot about it.. sounds.. strange.

If you like older stuff, Black Lagoon is like cowboy bebop. Love it.
If you enjoy cyberpunk, Psycho pass is really good. Season two is a half season but so very good.

Also I'm blacklisted, not sure why :S

8 years ago

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Sorry, you're not blacklisted anymore. :s

8 years ago

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Thank you. Bump for choo choo. :)

8 years ago

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Anime: Samurai Champloo, Darker Than Black, Bubblegum Crisis, Witchunter Robin, Appleseed, Ghost in the Shell Standalone Complex 1 & 2.

Pizza: Anything goes :)))

Aaaaand BUMB :)

8 years ago

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Maybe bump

8 years ago

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Ore monogatari. It's still ongoing and IIRC it's on Crunchy but it's one of the best rom-coms I've seen

View attached image.
View attached image.
8 years ago

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Well it sure looks different.

8 years ago

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cheese all the way

8 years ago

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I would recommend Toradora, just finished it a couple of days ago and and I loved it, I think it's a pretty popular show so you could like it too.
here's the MAL; http://myanimelist.net/anime/4224/Toradora!

8 years ago

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Ah I remember my friend talking about Toradora. :)

8 years ago

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Yea it really is very good.

8 years ago

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Bump :D

8 years ago

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Pizza... WITH BACON!

8 years ago

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Hump with a B instead of H

8 years ago

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Sad but true, there are no more good animes being produced. It's all self-indulgent regurgitations and fetishized fantasies for the culturally repressed/autists.

8 years ago

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Dude... this isn't 4chan, lets not call people autistic just because they have some questionable tastes in media. :(

8 years ago

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So, don't call people that can't see blind?
What? If I was on 4chan I would probably be autistic -- 4chan is a cesspool of humanity and absent of normal societal exchange.

Ask anyone well-versed in modern sociology or cultural psychology about the current state of culture in Japan and relate it to how we view American autism. Then extrapolate it onto subcultures that span our internets and connect the dots.

P.S. Sorry if reality offends you. <3 I still luh you tho.

8 years ago

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Reality? You're accusing random people of being autistic and using it as if an insult. That's not cool.
Unless you personally have some kind of qualification for diagnosing mental disorders I don't think you have any right.

4chan is just a place where average people can be uncensored nobodies and its best kept that way. You keep calling people "autists" and you're indistinguishable from them. They'd probably also mutter something about /b/ not being the entirety of 4chan.

There's more to autism than being socially inept to the point of thinking anime chicks are real.
That kind reclusiveness can come from all kinds of things. PTSD, bullying, abuse, depression to just being a godamn lazy ass. A lot of Japans problems do come from its culture alone. They're 1st class with a heck of a lot of things, but 2nd in so many of the things that are needed to function in the modern era and they are suffering because of it.

Not only that, there are many autistic people, that can function much more "normally" than the few people who do like these cartoons.

Not saying there aren't autistic people who like anime but just go away with this fucking abuse of the word. "Autist" is last decades "retard" and it's disgusting to degrade people like that.

8 years ago

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Also, from what you listed in the OP I recommend Outlaw Star if you haven't seen it.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Akantha.