I've got quite a few keys for games I already own or aren't interested in lying around and thought it would be nice to give them to people who have the games wish listed rather than just drop them. Easier said than done though.

I've been looking at profiles of people who posted recently or looking at profiles of those in the chat, then randomly sending a friend request. It's a bit like cold calling though. I doubt I'd respond to a random person trying to add me either actually. Also a bit time consuming.

In my eyes, I'm a Santa-like figure. Checking lists then trying to sneak into houses to leave presents. Not a creepy stalker, looking through your things and sending messages about how I've been watching you!

What do you think?

Getting late, so Santa will continue tomorrow. Managed to catch quite a few people, I guess ̶H̶e̶r̶k̶o̶3̶̶ a̶n̶d̶ Riedy is offline though. I haven't given your wishlist gifts to other people though, add me tomorrow if you're interested.

Will try and catch a few more people tomorrow, still got a few more keys to gift!

7 years ago*

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Am I creepy or kind?

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Don't look through my profile and contact me, Creep!
Oh! Free stuff? have a good poke around

I'm usually weary of random steam invites, but since you've "alerted" people that you're doing it, I think that's not only ok, but also very kind and generoud of you. Happy holidays bump :)

7 years ago

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i accept random adds as long as their profile looks legit

7 years ago

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Might be less surprising if you comment on the profile first and ofc you HAVE to use a santa profile icon :P

7 years ago

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it can be creepy sometimes, i've noticed people adding me or commenting on sg based on my steam profile "wth why would they waste time on that?" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ they also love to check old public giveaways, thanks a lot stalkers! 👍

but it's fine, what matters is what your intentions are, people will confuse the meaning of everything all the time.

7 years ago

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Kind. Obviously. If I have left overs I tend to do the same although I only give to close friends, as close as internet friends can get anyway :D

7 years ago

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Very kind, sure :D

7 years ago

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Definetly kind. Even if it were about social profiles rather then steam profiles, the intention behind it makes it kind. Heck, its a nice surprise.

But people may find it weird the random invite. A profile comment would be nice.
I have received random invites with suspicion before beucase of a scamming attempt years ago but i always accept then and talk a bit. I had way more good experiences that way, but some might not have the same insight.

7 years ago

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I think it's more of a kind thing. :)

7 years ago

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Thta is not creepy at all, way to go!

7 years ago

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Well, there's always gonna be that guy that finds it creepy but honestly I think it's kind. It's really nothing ill intentioned whatsoever so in the end as long as you don't seem like a shady person yourself you should be fine! P:

7 years ago

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then randomly sending a friend request.

That's quite rude, especially given how much easier and appropriate it is to contact a user on SG instead.
(Like, I dunno, trying to come in through the chimney instead of knocking on the door or something. Glad noone does that, huh?)
If you were respectful, and then generous, it'd be flattering and charming.
But starting off on the wrong foot spoils the sentiment, at least for those with perspectives similar to my own.

But more importantly, I literally never ever check my invites unless told to do so, and while perhaps in the minority, I doubt I'm the sole example of such (and I imagine people on the whole are less attentive to such this time of year, besides). So even just approaching it from your perspective, it's likely to just leave you hanging. :X

7 years ago

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I mean, if you leave a comment first it wouldn't be creepy but adding without saying anything and without previous contact can be pretty creppy but depends on the person's profile (level and etc).

7 years ago

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It's a nice thing to do, ensuring whoever gets the games you give away actually want it and will actually play it. :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks! :)

7 years ago

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Though it's not something I would personally do, I don't exactly see it as creepy or rude. Poke around people's profiles/wishlists all you want... if someone really doesn't want others poking around their stuff, then they shouldn't have things set to public.

Don't worry about those that may think you're being a creep - you're doing something nice, and that's what matters here. It's supposed to be a surprise, so, you shouldn't have to announce it before you add someone. If someone gets offended and/or is rude, don't give them anything. Anyway, Merry Christmas. (:

7 years ago

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Yes, but you're full of bad ideas. :3

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Sounds very kind of you, you are a gentle santa. :)

7 years ago

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Not that creepy, I sometimes get added by people out of the blue, but that's normally because they wanna trade.
Happy christmas and good luck throwing keyfts at people ;)

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

7 years ago

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Just sweet :)
Merry Christmas!

7 years ago

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It's a great idea. I did something similar a while ago, and ended up making a 5-copy giveaway and inviting 5 people who had it on their wishlist :-)

7 years ago

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idk why would it be weird... I found few of my best friends that way... randomly adding me. Now they hate themselves for doing it, but they cant delete me because they love me that much, I mean as much as they hate me... weird stuff _o_/

7 years ago

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Thats is so kind of you, no creepy at all, surprise gifts are the best. I would call that sweet thing between modern days. Merry Xmas smythe!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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As long as your profile doesn't look like a scammer it's not so creepy. A very nice holiday giving thing to do. Cheers to you! :3

7 years ago

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I always check the profile when people add me randomly, as long as it doesn't look like a bot profile then I'll accept to find out the reason. Most friend requests I just end up removing then as it is usually someone begging or someone looking for someone to play with and I'm not interested in either of those.

7 years ago

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nice xmas spirit, not creepy pretty cool. see ya next year

7 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by smythe.