I picked it up for US$2.75 during the game.co.uk price error a few days ago, and I must say I regretted waiting until now to get it on the word of other users. From what I've heard, it was utterly unplayable ****. Instead, I'm more than 15 hours into the game, working on Chapter 7 and having a great time, even if I'm working through it quickly to beat it before leaving to visit the family for Christmas stuff.

I've dropped a prostitute into sewage, lit a bunch of guys on fire, thrown people into death pits, and watched people have sex in the whore house (no joke, I was surprised when I caught it through a peep hole). Oh, and tailed a guy so drunk that I had to open the gates for him.

I really should give the others a try, but the original was a little too dated for me, and lack of native gamepad support in them is disappointing. Might hunt down Deadly Shadows for XBox though, that will solve that problem at least.

I actually seem to have a liking for the less popular stealth games (Thief reboot, Metal Gear Solid 2 and Vampire Rain), while disliking the really popular ones (Metal Gear Solid 3 and Dishonoured are both titles I didn't enjoy). Anyone else here want to admit they have poor taste in stealth games? :P

Also, for everyone who hasn't played Thief yet, a giveaway.

9 years ago*

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I just won it, my 3rd steamgift won giveaway (3rd in a week after a year of use :)

Just a bit disapointed about performance issue, it's not so good looking and run poorly on my pc, but it will be better after a lil upgrade i hope :p

9 years ago

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I personally think that Thief reboot is too linear for me to enjoy. But other than that it wasn't horrible.

9 years ago

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Hm, time to get those floating copies of SE's gift Thief on ST.

9 years ago

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I have all 4 Thief games in Steam, but have only played (and beaten) Thief Gold. It's an amazing game. I'll get to the other 2 in the original trilogy and then eventually move on to the new one. Glad to hear you're enjoying it!

9 years ago

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Bought it on release on PS4, havent regretted it at all. Bought the Master Thief Edition on Steam in the last Winter Sale, need to replay it soon :P

Also, +1 for another human being aware of Vampire Rain's existence.

9 years ago

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The new thief is very fun but it was extremely buggy when I played it :( other than that I think it's good

9 years ago

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if I like a series I tend to not listen to what people say about it if the games I have played for them time and time again have each lived up to my standards.

Everyone irl told me arkham origins wasn't good, and ive seen many people online complain about it because it's "the same exact game" of asylum and city. I've been playin it, it's still fun. Asylum and city were great, when I finished one I always thought to myself "aw why does it have to end?" , well it didn't, they continue the frikin series even if it has the same playstyle and gameplay to it so wut? Don't fix what ain't broken.

I've never played a thief game, but this thief reboot seemed nice, and I usually think if a dev wants to reboot a game it must be worth the play. I hope to get it one day when my backlog isn't so big ;_;

9 years ago

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