I've had three separate friends recommend Planescape: Torment to me, so I bought it most recently when it was steeply on sale. I've heard only good things about it, and I love a good story and being able to talk my way out of things. Despite this, I've been hesitant to actually start playing it. Why?

I hate high-up isometric views.

I just can't stand them. It just bugs me! Everything on screen is so tiny! Watching all of those teeny teeny little characters all run around, hard to distinguish - what is this, a video game for ants? Anything too pulled back from the action also situates a similar distance in how engaged I can be. It's awful.

What about you, SG? Is there a quirk or a thing or an aspect of some genre/style/niche that makes you incapable of playing what you would otherwise love? Let me know!

6 years ago

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i basically dislike anything thats not 3rd or 1st person

6 years ago

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I feel like the pixel / 8bit / 16bit / retro thing has been done so much the past few years that I tend to skip over games in that genre that might be really good.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Yes those enhanced edition doesn't do much good to those classic rpg games, if someone have original version it is fine.
The best think you can do is using some display that will be good enough for using lower resolution those games were created for, some lcd monitors do this better (scaling, interpolation) then others, crt would be best for such resolutions ofc if you happen to have one in a very good condition of course.
ps - I'm just playing Planescape: Torment too and bought it on last sale, never used enhanced editions myself before.

6 years ago*

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The unfortunate backstory behind the enhanced editions
Originally it was going to be HD remakes. But all of the original art assets were lost. :(

6 years ago

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very unfortunate and shocking that they didn't make a backup copy of the most popular crpg game assets/source files.

6 years ago

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Back when they wrapped those games, remakes and re-releases weren't a thing.
The article says the backup tape with everything was in some guy's garage, and destroyed in a flood.

6 years ago

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They also lost the source code for Icewind Dale 2, which is why we'll never see a EE version of that game. :(

6 years ago

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So... it bugs you cause it looks like a video game for bugs? :p
I don't mind pixel graphics but voxels look hideous to me. Never played Minecraft because of that but I'd like to give Staxel a try since I got it in the Humble monthly.

6 years ago

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Yeah, voxel graphics are way overused and often just an excuse to not put any actual effort into graphics itself. It does not help that most voxel based games are garbage or Minecraft/battle royale rip offs.

For a good example of voxel graphics i look at Nex Machina: everything is very detailed until you destroy it, exploding in a shower of cubes. Very nice to look and can actually offer a detailed enviroment without being taxing on the engine.

6 years ago

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Voxel graphics don't have to look like Minecraft. Tiberian Sun uses voxel graphics, as does Outcast, and Duke 3D (the later just used it for some objects). These are old games, but hopefully it highlights the fact that the issue is not with voxels, but rather that after the success with minecraft, so many games just seem to try to emulate its style...

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6 years ago

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I don't actively seek out isometric games, but Bastion has that camera and that's amazing. Tokyo 42 is also aesthetic as all hell.

For me, it's match-3 games. Followed closely by walking sim horror games.

6 years ago

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Oh, I LOVED Bastian (and Transistor). That camera is close enough/the style is good enough where it's easy enough to distinguish everything. I'm thinking more for CRPGs - muddy color palettes, very very detailed settings, very tiny text means I'm squinting the whole time.

6 years ago

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Ah, that's true. Don't mind the isometric camera, but the graphics make it a blur.

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6 years ago

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Jesus god. I'm just like

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6 years ago

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I could not finish Bastion and wouldn't try Transistor because the incessant commentary just drove me nuts. On the other hand, found PT full of charm, wit and adventure. Each to his own, of course :D

6 years ago

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It's why having such a broad huge spectrum of all different sorts of games is good for everybody! Everyone gets what they want. (I, for one, would listen to Logan Cunningham talk for hours)

I'm sure I would like Planescape Torment at least okay, I just need to... psyche myself up for it and make myself play it. Zoom all the way in on this bitch. Oh, well! One day.

6 years ago

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Seems like you prefer story driven games, so maybe once you get zoomed in and adjust to the 1999 graphics, you might like it better than you think.

6 years ago

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There might be a mod somewhere hidden on the internets that graphically improves or at least colors things in a distinct way. I might look here in a minute cuz I love top down isometric and old school CRPGs but I have horrid eyesight and they do no help at all.

6 years ago

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Oh, I'd LOVE that! I realize I don't have any problem with, like, Pokemon or old Final Fantasies or rpgmaker games because they're very bright, bold, stylized and colorful - even if the sprites are somewhat small, I can tell exactly what everything is (and they're cute!)

Gritty, 'mature' games decided that real is brown or grey and that makes it considerably less fun to play in general, and hell to play CRPGs in specific. Shadowrun was easiest bc there at least was neon, or bright blue sterile environments.

6 years ago

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If you hate isometric games.. Why buy an isometric game? This bugs me πŸ€£πŸ‘
Stay true to yourself, and what You like. A good story can be found in sooo many other places.
Your friends' recommendation does not seem to fit you at all.


What keeps me away from games and movies = Zombies
I cant stand em. Enough already! πŸ™„

  • Nice ratio btw. Have a πŸ’™
6 years ago*

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Well, you know it is - if I just stayed in my genres and never ever branched out no matter what, I'd get told that I'm too narrow minded and I should try things before I knock them! (Also it was like a dollar)

I hope you avoid zombies, and thank you for the heart.

6 years ago

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I actually really like isometric games, but specifically only MMO and Diablo-esk ones. I don't think I've ever played any story focused ones like Planescape Tournament or Baldur's Gate, and turn based strategy ones like Disgaea have never really clicked with me (but I still try new ones every so often) .

First person games on the other hand I've had to almost completely give up on due to worsening motion sickness issues. I used to like a lot of first person games, but it's hard to enjoy something when it makes you physically ill. :(

6 years ago*

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games with H-FOV under 90

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6 years ago

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60 FOV. At a point I feel like those beeping radar screens, rotating around and trying to even find out what direction I'm facing too because it really hinders the ability to take in your surroundings. Works well with games that try to convey claustrophobia, but after a while I just feel lost and disoriented, instead of "scared" or something.

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6 years ago*

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Holy shit! I've never seen that kind of comparison before.

6 years ago

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Are you playing the original game or the enhanced edition? The original version is in 640x480. The enhanced edition has higher resolution options, but instead of rendering it at the higher resolution, it "zooms" out, making everything smaller. I believe the enhanced edition has a zoom in feature though so you can zoom in so everything isn't so tiny.

I own the original on GOG, and after playing modern isometric games that have native wide screen and render the same "FOV" at higher resolutions, when I loaded up PS:T a while back, it felt weird being so close to everything.

6 years ago

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Oh, that's a relief! I'll attempt playing it with that - I am playing the Enhanced Edition.

I remember doing something similar with Shadowrun: Returns and Pillars of Eternity, but even their most zoomed in option was pretty far out.

Thank you for letting me know!

6 years ago

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Oh man, isometric bugs me as much as it does to you so I completely understand you.

6 years ago

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I mean, I can care about all types of shit (I loved Thomas was Alone and cried over some fuxking pixel blocks) but looking down from everything on high just turns me into an unfeeling, dispassionate god-being.

6 years ago

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I played Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment when they came out, finished them, now i tried Baldur's Gate and Planescape Torment and yeah i just don't get that feel anymore, maybe i just need to get used to it, i dunno.

6 years ago

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Enhanced Editions messed a lot with how the isometric look feels, mostly like they zoomed the camera super-out.

6 years ago

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Too bad it doesn't got a switch to old/new button like they have with the Monkey Island games.

6 years ago

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I thought about googling if it has a similar setting, thanks for answering my unsaid question :)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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Have you tried lowering your resolution? While it isn't handy, halving it means double the space is used to display things(making them double as big).

6 years ago

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i think he need to use resolution like 800x600 and lcd monitor with good scaling/interpolation feature or crt for the best effect. Or just zoom in (using mouse wheel) in enhanced edition.

6 years ago

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I know it's weird as fuck and most, if not all of you will be confused at this, but...
I actually dislike games which give you too many choices.

The reason being I'm a very hesitant person with the lack of confidence to make impactful decisions. When a game offers me too many branching choices that heavily affect the game, I end up getting stressed over it and dropping the game. I think it's one of the reasons I never finished the Walking Dead (aside from the setting being extremely boring to me).

I still love having choices in games, but not too many choices, especially if they heavily impact the game and you can't quicksave at any time in case you fuck it up.

6 years ago

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You know? I feel you. I might not feel the same way, but I get where you're coming from!

I definitely know that the last thing I want to do is, after coming home from a stress-filled, choice-filled day, most of the time the last thing I want to do is sit down and be stressed abt a video game. Escaping from that is part of why I like video games so much!

6 years ago

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Yeah, it's something like that. I think it also depends on the seriousness of your choice - For example a VN with many choices doesn't bother me, plus I save at almost every choice. But some games give you choices that will affect you in like, 3 hours... then you don't want to go 3 hours back to chance what you did. Some will say that's the point, and that you should "live with the consequences" of your choices, but personally I just don't like that.

6 years ago

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Some time ago I could get so stressed that my decision will be "bad", I was checking solutions before picking options xD

I still have this habit, but now I firstly decide what I want to do. And then go to solution to check how my choice would end in another playthrough.

6 years ago

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I've never had any problem with isometric views. The one thing that bothers me more than anything is perma-death it's one of the most asinine things (in my opinion) and I really don't like it whatsoever. Why would I want hours upon hours of progress erased because of RNG or some stupid mistake? Trail-and-error gameplay like Dark Souls annoys me for the same reason, I abhor having to replay sections of games over and over again. Games with too many achievements, extremely annoying ones or very grindy ones get a pass too mostly.

6 years ago

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YES KAL that's why I'm not out here playing roguelikes or semi-roguelikes all that much, either.

6 years ago

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The one thing that bothers me more than anything is perma-death

This, so much this. So many games with so much potential to be great, and ruined by perma-death.

6 years ago

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I really like how Dead Cells looks like. Combat, sounds, platforming...

But perma death... I know I'd hate this game after my first death, maybe try 2nd run and then never start this game again.

6 years ago

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insert my usual bitching about ingame music here

6 years ago

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I actually don't know if I know the usual bitching in full, except you bully some unfortunate BLAEO users about it

Feel free to recreate it here! I either adore game soundtracks or hate them.

6 years ago

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TLDR: I hate ALL music in video games (dont mind it otherwise) and devs that dont put music sliders/mute buttons in their game deserve to suffer in hell.

Also that nameless BLAEO user bullies me not the other way around :(

6 years ago

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Really? that's super extensive! No matter the genre?

Why do you think that is? Is it because you're trying to concentrate?

6 years ago

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I knew I wrote a comment about it a few months ago so I went and hunt for it and turns out you actually answered to it. Gold fish memories ftw :D Here you go.

But to answer your questions in this comment.



No matter the genre?


Why do you think that is?

See the list in the other comment

Is it because you're trying to concentrate?

Yes, but it is only valid for puzzle games. Another genre specific one would be being able to properly hear the enemy team in different shooter games.

There has only been two exceptions so far that I can remember. One is Submerged (amazing game BTW) and one was something very recent but gold fish memory and I cant remember what it was. I will try and see if I mentioned it on BLAEO by any chance.

Edit: Found the game. Planets of War. Mostly because if I muted the music I also muted the narrator but the music was OK so I put up with. The game itself was not so OK but it wasnt horrible either.

6 years ago*

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D'OH there I am in that other thread. I completely fucking forgot we had this exchange. Goldfish memory for real.

You know, I also played and enjoyed Submerged, and the soundtrack didn't particularly resonate with me beyond it was kind of in the style of other contemplative exploration game/walking sims. Maybe it was just the exact right score for the exact right game at the exact right time?

I definitely get what you mean (in the other thread) about being sensitive to noise and shit, though for me it's more natural/repetitive sounds, or sounds out of my control. Stuff like dripping pipes or neighbors throwing a house party and I can JUST hear the sound of talking or music in the distance. Playing my own music, or just anything I can control, helps 'cancel' that sound out.

Do you ever wish you could just 'mute' your own hearing the way you mute a laptop? That'd be the first cybernetic enhancement I would get.

6 years ago

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I think what I liked so much about the Submerged one was that the music was not always there and when it was it was just some nice piano music and I like me some piano music.

Huh, I never thought about it before this way but "the sounds out of my control" thing seems to actually be what is the biggest problem for me.
Another big thing for me is also that I can not stand is notification noises. All the sounds in Steam/Discord/Skype... need to be muted and I make my boyfriend mute them too when I am over at his house because it just drives me bananas (thank god he is understanding of that). The only 2 things that are allowed to stay on are text message and email notifications due them being a necessary evil.

Yes! That would be like a dream. No more getting woken up by random lawnmowers every couple of days would be perfect :D

6 years ago

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I'm sorry. Your monitor resolution is too high to play this game. ;)

Seriously though, it should have zoom in and zoom out buttons. I haven't played the EE version myself, so I don't know what the defaults are, but you can bind them to whatever you want. The original game was 640x480, so of course if you zoom out until the game fills a 1920x1080 screen everything will look tiny. Zoom in and it should look much larger, if more pixelated.

And do play the game. It's fantastic!

6 years ago

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Zombies, no window option, hard to read but 'hip af' fonts, small text and stupid zoom choices (especially lack of zoom ability). Bad dictionaries in word games... Also, anime style art. And don't get me started on the darkness of so so so many walking simulators, horror/thriller/mystery/scifi games. If I want to stare at a black screen, I can switch my monitor off, thank you very much. Not a big fan of blind jumps either, but I guess that goes with the stupid zoom things.

Yes, I'm picky. :D And play so many different genres of games.

6 years ago

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I prefer when camera is high vs low in isometric games. I play now in Dungeon Siege III, and everything is so close I can't see objects that are few meters away from me
(γƒŽΰ² η›Šΰ² )γƒŽε½‘β”»β”β”» And I really dislike games without ability to zoom in/out. Nothing like not giving a choice to people that play your game :ok_hand:

Simply hate it. I like to have overlook over big part of the map (as long as I can still distinguish me from enemy for example). I tend to have bad orientation problems, so having tiny FOV makes me confused where I am and where I must go next.

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6 years ago

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