He will add you to his friends and offer you cheap games and he goes by the name ''Khorosu'' BEWARE and watch out for him beacuse he will scam you.
Hes the impersonator of the real Khorosu.
Just got scammed from him for 11$ beacuse I saw all his ''fake'' reps in steamrep and im quiet new in this thing so I gave him LEGO Marvel Superheroes for some bundles and of course he didnt gave me nothing.plus he asked my email to send the bundles and when I realized that I got scammed I immitiatly changed the password and asked for a refund on GMG and reported him on steam.
Update soon on the answer from GMG.

1 decade ago*

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No calling out.

1 decade ago

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What should I not trade for?

Trading items/gifts for nothing in return in the first trade and expecting to get an item or gift in a later trade. There is no reason to not trade everything in one trade. You may add unlimited items/gifts to a single trade. A common example of this is adding your items/gifts in one trade. Then the other user states that they will trade you their share or the rest of the items/gifts in another trade, but never do.

1 decade ago

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They were trading game keys not steam items/gifts.

1 decade ago

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Rules still apply. One does not simply trade his item first and then expect to receive something back.

1 decade ago

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So you give him a Steam key you bought from GMG for a few bundles without looking into his account further and expect GMG to give you a refund? lol

Your name is kinda fitting.

1 decade ago

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Your username makes this thread so hilarious.

1 decade ago

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Haha n1. That really made me laugh. Thanks for that :D

1 decade ago

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Guys i'm not really hoping for a refund maybe they will but I dont build on the chances.
But my main goal in this is to get this guy out of steam and im sure im not the first guy to get scammed by this guy.

1 decade ago

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I can tell you what GMG is going to tell you as I had a similar problem. They basically can't and won't do refunds as they are a third party, they will also tell you that trading/ gifting games bought from their store is against their policy as they are intended for personal use. Best case scenario they'll give you some in-store credit, but that's quite unlikely in your situation.

What else can I say? I am sorry for what happened to you, I know it sucks, but you can at least learn from this experience and be more careful next time, I also recommend the Enhanced Steam browser extension/ add-on as it is very helpful in figuring out if you are dealing with the real person.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for the support,well I guess im done with trading.
And it's only 11$ so it's not such a big deal

1 decade ago

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GMG won't offer refunds. You lost the game because of your own fault not GMGs. Nor will steam do anything about him. Welcome to the world of trading. Hope you learned something from your mistake. Some steam trading related groups like the Trader's Guild has some helpful trading tips. It might be worthwhile to take a look there.

1 decade ago

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I had some impersonators too...

1 decade ago

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Even if you don't get a refund from GMG, you could ask them to contact Steam to have the key disabled - or contact Steam directly with your proof of purchase.

Maybe it will at least give you some satisfaction.

1 decade ago

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People have rep in steamrep nowadays?

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Jackass.