Topic ^

(Just going to preface this that I realize the topic is subjective to each persons morality and personal justification but I just wanted input on reasons why people might pirate without going into what is or isn't morally right...especially with some of the latest triple A titles)

With all these triple A games with "stuff" in them that people are complaining about, many people say they're just going to pirate them. Same thing with Denuvo, some people hate the fact that such-an-such game has it, they pirate it.....but why? Protest?

6 years ago

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in a poor country a game can cost around 25% of one month of work

6 years ago

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i used to be pirate myself . well u could say i saved alot of money as high schooler but as i start working i start to see things differently . I start to wonder what im gonna do if people dont pay me for what i did so i start buying this summer sales .. even though only the old cheap game but i dont mind . better waiting for sale instead of pirating and never bought anything :3

6 years ago

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Used to pirate a long time ago when i didnt have any internet on my game pc + no steam account. Since i got a job i started paying though to support the devs :)

6 years ago

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I think People Pirate games now.

Because game company's are not releasing fully done games.
Hard to pay $ 60-80 for a game that is still in beta form and still needs a lot of work.

Then game companys sell you DLC. not for a new level. But for hat,shirts,skins,....
Thing that have nothing to farther the game.

Remember the time when you went to the store and paid $$$ for a full running game on a disc.
That you Registerd once .
And did not have to register it online " every time you wanted to play ".

When A game you bought was yours .
Not just leased/rented. As long as you had the right hardware.
You could play it any time you wanted. Not just when the DRM servers are working.

The days when you could take a Game disc for a PS, Xbox,... to a friends house and play in a group.
As long as you had the Disc. That was all that is needed.
Spend a whole day completing a game together. Taking turns.

6 years ago

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Hy this reason is simple because some peoples nőt enough money to buy games , e.g. I live in hungary ín this country lots of peoples get every month 300-350€ and a 40-60€ games price is tó much....

6 years ago

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I think there are 4 different types of pirates

1) The pirate who remembers the era of free demos... so they pirate the game to get a free hands on demo and then purchase the retail copy of the game or stop playing the pirated copy. I know there has been a rise of the 'let's play' youtube video genre... but for some people they want that hands on taste to determine for themselves if they will purchase.

2) The pirate who who lacks immediate access to product. Pirated a movie release because a dvd screener was leaked before the dvd sale date. I thought the apple season pass for tv shows was a big help to cut down on this type of piracy, but it probably still exists in the movie market and game market due to release dates / availability. I do personally download pirated movies (for select movies) due to the long wait times between post theater and retail release.

3) The pirate is not an adult. Kids... teens... think being that rebel is 'cool'. So they attempt to 'hack' stuff and pirate games to get that monster 'street cred' with their online friends and stuff.

4) The pirate who has zero integrity. This person would also steal items from your open garage while you are gone since the effort/risk level is low... and would steal from the corner store if security systems and police did not exist. This person also tries to justify their piracy by suggesting that it is not 'technically' theft... just like creating counterfeit bills (and then trading them for products) is not 'technically' theft. Whatever... if you think people are stupid, then there is nothing much else to say about that.

6 years ago

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I haven't pirated a game in a long time, but when I was pirating games, it was mostly because of the price. A ps2 and after that a xbox 360 game use to cost 200 Brazilian money, which was 1/3~1/4 of the minimum age. I couldn't ask my parents for that kind of money, so I use to download and burn my own game dvds. Also, all my friends were doing the same. We not only shamed each other for spending money on original copies, but also shared pirated copies between us.
After steam, and especially their regional pricing, there are no more reasons to do that. I can afford them on my own.

6 years ago

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Remember back then you had that slow downloading internet speed. When it felt like a job to download a game. If it got cut off you had to restart it again.

Going back farther . The days you were downloading on Dial-up and your mom gets a phone call. LOL

6 years ago

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Well i pirates games basically because i cant spend that amount of money in games but if is a game that i really enjoyed i would save money in order to buy it, u know, to express my thanks to the creators. Also if u want to put an excuse, it can also be a way of preview the game ^^

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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Was expecting one as well... 😭

6 years ago

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As I see it, there are as many reasons as there are devs/gamers...

  • Bad customer service: I am obligated to play Tropico 5 on a downloaded version, as the Steam version I have has a bug making all text a scrambled mess, and the devs don't even respond to my messages/mails... (Sent several mails straight to the dev, went on their Steam forums and on their own forums... Makes me seriously think about just getting Tropico 6 from TPB, being treated like this after being one of their earliest supporters (I have hard copies of Tropico 1,2 and 3, and have the complete series + DLC on my Steam as well)
    I actually have several pirated copies from games that run badly from my bought copy and run perfectly from a cracked one (problems ranging from random crashes to unplayable low fps, none happening in the cracked version, as it doesn't play E.T. constantly trying to phone home...
  • Bad DRM: Pirates have no DRM, thus no extra shit gobbling down CPU/RAM... (and Steam in itself is basicly some kind of DRM, why place another DRM on top of it???)
  • Micro transactions: Devs cutting out stuff to sell, pirates have the store as well, but everything is free...
  • As a Demo (buyer beware, some devs use shady practices to get you over that 2h Steam threshold...)
  • (put publisher shitting on the customer here)

Before shitting on me and calling me a pirate: I have almost 1000 games on Steam, and that is not counting my GoG, Origin and Uplay accounts...

6 years ago*

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