It's over, thanks so much for all your responses, was fun reading through them all. Grats to fbc123 for winning the giveaway I made for some of the most deserving entrants. I wish I had a copy for you all :(

Simple. I have an extra copy of Civilization V and have been unsure with what to do with it--until now. I'd like it to go to someone who will appreciate/enjoy it, so I want you all to tell me why you think that's you. You can write out a reason, sing a song, make a picture, I don't care. As long as you get your message across, it doesn't matter what you do

Having some played time in the older Civ titles or Civ like games on Steam will help your case. If it's apparent by your game library you are a fan of strategy/turn based strategy games that will also help your cause. Having this game on your wishlist before today's date (today being the day I posted this) will work in your favor, as well. There is no need to post this information, I'll take a look at that as well, unless your profile is private.

Whatever you have to post, post it here on this thread. Friending me on Steam won't help your chances, and in fact will most likely hurt your chances of 'winning'. At 11:59 EST October 20th (GMT -5) I'll start reading through all the posts, you can still submit something after that date, and so long as I haven't chosen a winner by the time you submit your entry I'll still examine your submission.

Just so we're all clear, this is a very subjective decision I'll be making, although I'll eliminate certain biases (I won't favor friends or people I know, at least consciously :P). The only other thing to note is that I refuse to choose a winner who has regifted wins or has not claimed wins from SteamGifts.

In the event that I'm unable to choose between entries, I'll make a private giveaway and invite all of those I think deserving but cannot choose between.

tl;dr In reply to this thread, tell me why you deserve Civ V (hint: reading the entire post shows me you are interested in getting the game)

1 decade ago*

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I dunno, the one and only time I played civ 4 I ended up not sleeping and literally playing through the night. It's slow moving and addictive.

1 decade ago

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I'd absolutely love to own Civ V. I've never really got to play those strategy/role playing games so it would be awesome to try one out! Thank you so much for your generosity :) I really appreciate it!

1 decade ago

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I... don't...

1 decade ago

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I don't deserve it as I am a total stranger to you and you might not even known of my existence 'til now, but I want it and it would be a real nice gift.

1 decade ago

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Now I would like to play Civ V but you know what happened one night Genghis Khan stormed through the door and came to my room and yelled "WHERE IS MY CIV 5" Now I clearly did not steal it from him, and I had only bought the game earlier in the day. I then responded with "This is not your CIV 5. It's mine" well that sent him off he got his men hit me and knocked me out and when I woke up laying on my bed I rushed to my desk to see if the case was still there and sure enough it was. I thought it was all a dream but when I opened the case up I saw CIV 4 and I was happy enough with that. So please if you could spare the Civ 5 I would absolutely love to play it! :) Thanks for your generosity

MONUKI the only thing why I haven't redeemed Hacker Revolution Duality is because the giveaway creator gave me the wrong code (for Hacker Evolution Untold) so just wanted to tell you beforehand

1 decade ago

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I really love strategy games, that is why I would like to have it. The only good strategy game I have is Age of Empires III, and liked it so im willing to try out a new strategy game. Thanks for the oppotunity (spelled it wrong, don't know the spellings for that word :P)

1 decade ago

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because im secretly gay for you

1 decade ago

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I deserve it because...

Oh, hell, I've already got the game, I'd just make a giveaway for it anyway. Have a free bump.

1 decade ago

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Hey, first of all, its great that ur willing to give us a game for free, respect for that.
So, why should i be chosen ? I got this, its simple :
I am a homeless, have 3 childs and no house.
But da true story :
I'm a student in Germany, have to pay my apartment, have to pay the semesters (1 semester = 600€), and i have to pay my dad the driver license i did last year. (is in germany really expensive). Then i have to pay my food i get everyday. (as usual i go to mc donalds, or try cooking on my own, but thats, ehh yes.. :D) Somedays, i dont have enough money and go hungry to bed, but i am used to it. (so i am really happy if i go in my free time to my parents. I get in the morning food, i get a self cooked meal at midday and best of all, i get at evening something to eat too ! I got no money for games, the last game i bought was 1 year ago or so :D
So it would be nice, if ah will get a new game, so i can play a little in my free time. (indeed i can do this now, too, but i only have got trash games)


1 decade ago

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Well I want candy, but Civilization V would work too. ;P
And I don't reply to the 1st page comments to "bump" mine up.

1 decade ago

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this is the best game in the world and is worthy of attention.

1 decade ago

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I already own a copy, but I could very well own two!

1 decade ago

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Just did the first two pages, took me about 2 hours to do just that, so I'm taking a break for a bit. Right now I'm just collecting a more inclusive list of hopefuls based upon a cursory look. With the exception of just one person, I'm mostly keeping quiet about whether or not any given person is being considered. My replies (with the same one exception) are just conversational and shouldn't be taken as anything else. Anyways, I'll hopefully finish up reading the other 4 pages this evening. A fair amount of worthy candidates so far in just two pages, lets see how many it'll be by the time I finish the 6th page of posts :P

1 decade ago

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But the more important question is when are you sending it to me? ;p

1 decade ago

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I already have it so I want it.

1 decade ago

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Oh hey, I forgot about this thread.


1 decade ago

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One of my good friend's owns Civ4 and 5, and after I found out that he had almost 800 hours played (almost 1000 currently), I've wanted to find out why he loves it so much.

1 decade ago

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i deserve it and you know it

1 decade ago

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I'll give you a hug. (Even if I don't get it, because I like hugs.)

I'll send you a picture of my cat :3 (Even if I don't win, because I love cats)

Also, if I don't win.... I HAVE A THERMAL DETONATOR!!

1 decade ago

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I am most interested in winning this not because I deserve, but a good buddy of mine who just started using steam (mwayne on my list). We graduated together back in 08 and he moved to hawaii (I'm still in georgia q.q), we don't get to play much together now a days, but when we do we have so much fun XD, I already traded for a copy of civ 5 for myself, but if you are so kind as to pick me I'd love to be able to pass this game along to my friend so we can enjoy another game together :D

Whoever you pick hope you enjoy the game!

1 decade ago

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I love strategy games, I started it all with Civ 2 on my old PC and branched out to others such as Command & Conquer Generals and Age of Mythology. I had gotten Civ Revolution for the xBox about a year ago and it has been getting me by. I would love to enjoy the new addition to the series.

1 decade ago

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Okay, finished page 4, despite saying I'd hopefully get through them all tonight, I need to take a break for one night. I'll finish the rest off tomorrow. Food for thought in the meantime, I have two lists going, since as predicted by others, I'd have a hard choice picking one person. Do I go with a more inclusive list, giving more deserving people a chance, or a more exclusive list and better the odds for the most deserving people?

Right now the inclusive list is about 35 people (so expect it to be near 70 when I finish), whereas the exclusive list is about 3-4 right now (neither is finalized). I'm leaning towards keeping it exclusive, but since I've changed up what I'm doing (since it's impossible to pick just one person) I'm open to ideas.

1 decade ago

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Flip a coin on it, leave it up to the Goddess of all things Random :D

Edit: Whoops, after looking at your slightly later reply, I suppose I'm a wee bit late here XD

1 decade ago

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I used to be much more into strategy games and rpg's, when I was younger I played Command and Conquer, Sim City, and a ton of final fantasy. As of late i've gotten into Dota 2, and i've been playing some HoN. I'm likely not the most qualified and somebody probably deserves it more than me but i've been tryin' to get my hands on it for a while. Also look at the kitten I just got.

1 decade ago

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Dunno if I deserve it, but I sure as hell want it xD

I've been a fan since Civ2(but most of my playtime was pre-steam sale) and I haven't won anything in 2 months and almost 800 entries in steamgifts.

1 decade ago

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Probably put the more exclusive list. Since thats most similar to what you wanted originally.

1 decade ago

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Well, this has definitely been a difficult process (mostly because I feel bad no matter what I try to do) and a long one, but I've finally come up with a list of 8 people who I all felt were very deserving. Trust me, I wish I had copies for all of you, and if I ever get another copy I'll know who will get a shot at that one too. I like to thank everyone who submitted, and I just wish I had magical powers to see into the heads of everyone and know who would truly play it :P

I'll add the 8 to my friends list as soon as I make the giveaway. If anyone is interested in what exactly I was looking at in general (there were a lot of things I was looking for, more than what I listed in the original post) I'd be glad to post everything I took into consideration. Anyways, despite the time and hard decisions, I so far don't regret this and will hopefully do this kind of thing again in the future.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Monukai.