It's over, thanks so much for all your responses, was fun reading through them all. Grats to fbc123 for winning the giveaway I made for some of the most deserving entrants. I wish I had a copy for you all :(

Simple. I have an extra copy of Civilization V and have been unsure with what to do with it--until now. I'd like it to go to someone who will appreciate/enjoy it, so I want you all to tell me why you think that's you. You can write out a reason, sing a song, make a picture, I don't care. As long as you get your message across, it doesn't matter what you do

Having some played time in the older Civ titles or Civ like games on Steam will help your case. If it's apparent by your game library you are a fan of strategy/turn based strategy games that will also help your cause. Having this game on your wishlist before today's date (today being the day I posted this) will work in your favor, as well. There is no need to post this information, I'll take a look at that as well, unless your profile is private.

Whatever you have to post, post it here on this thread. Friending me on Steam won't help your chances, and in fact will most likely hurt your chances of 'winning'. At 11:59 EST October 20th (GMT -5) I'll start reading through all the posts, you can still submit something after that date, and so long as I haven't chosen a winner by the time you submit your entry I'll still examine your submission.

Just so we're all clear, this is a very subjective decision I'll be making, although I'll eliminate certain biases (I won't favor friends or people I know, at least consciously :P). The only other thing to note is that I refuse to choose a winner who has regifted wins or has not claimed wins from SteamGifts.

In the event that I'm unable to choose between entries, I'll make a private giveaway and invite all of those I think deserving but cannot choose between.

tl;dr In reply to this thread, tell me why you deserve Civ V (hint: reading the entire post shows me you are interested in getting the game)

1 decade ago*

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I think that the lemon army need this game to beat the orange army, to beat the evil oranges :( And yes oranges are evil, you just need to look directly to their eyes D:

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Because I drawed you this dinosaur.

1 decade ago

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i hope i deserve it no worries just showing my achievements on civ 5

1 decade ago

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I do not want this game. Please don't you dare to send me this game. I've always knew this was a boring game and after playing a demo I was 4 sure this was a bore.

1 decade ago

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I like fat cats and Civ V :D

1 decade ago

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Roses are red, violets are blue, if we go together to bed , you have to bring that copy too ;)
And if roses still red, and violets still blue, when u bring that copy , my dreams will Come true ;)
Now seriously bro i really want that game , because i will really enjoy playing it ^^ i love civ series <3

1 decade ago

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In a world wrought by destruction and civilization; leaves one orb with arms and legs in charge. Determined to succeed where men failed, this talking ball with a parasol and a captain's hat creates a virtual utopia cast in peace and creation. The world slowly begins to change for the better, the people stop starving, and soon enough; they learn the technology to leave the planet and explore the systems around the terra from which they spawned. This is... the future if you give me Civilization V.

1 decade ago

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oo thanks?

1 decade ago

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I can honestly say that I won't play it. I'll just add it to my games collection. If that doesn't convince you that I deserve it, then obviously you're a logical human being. (But I won't hold that against you.)

1 decade ago

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He has my vote for honesty.

1 decade ago

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I have spent hundreds of hours (I'm afraid I'm not even exaggerating) on the previous Civ games, so I totally deserve this. I will spare you a song though - which really should count in my favor!

Thanks for offering this, I hope you have fun reading through all these stories - some of them are quite interesting ;)

1 decade ago

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I'm not one for long essays... so, basically I enjoy games like Age Of Empires, Rise of Nations, etc. I've got really bored of AoE3 for now.

1 decade ago

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" If it's apparent by your game library you are a fan of strategy/turn based strategy games that will also help your cause"
If you don't have this game already, then you aren't.

1 decade ago

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I'm a fan of strategy games, I just stopped playing them a few years ago because they're so time consuming. For this reason most of my strategy games / world building games are in physical boxes and not on Steam.

1 decade ago

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Speaking of spare Civ V i just noticed i have one in my invy.

1 decade ago

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lol some of the current answers have been pretty funny, anyway i would like the game because i would like to play it.

1 decade ago

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just a pic of you

1 decade ago

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I am desparate! I have been to multiple psychiatrists, a bunch of doctors, hypnotists, shamans, voodoo people. I've been beaten, electrocuted, burnt, drowned, tickled, scared. I've been eating, swallowing, drinking things I don't want to know what they were. My brain can hardly stay in my skull after all the invasive surgeries I have had.
After all would think I've been cured, wouldn't you? You would be wrong! I am still an uncivilised savage, without place in this civilized modern society. People around me have lost hope and avoid me a lot. They just feel helpless and since they don't want to admit they don't know what else to do, the best they can do is avoid the problem, me, so they don't feel even worse than they do.
When I was on a journey in Asia, I stayed in Tibet for 7 months. Uncommon, yes, but they wanted to give a shot at trying to solve my problem. One of the things we did there were group meditations, where you try to merge/meld the minds of everyone present. Imagine everyones mind is a bubble, then you try to make one big bubble from all the individual ones. This was the least successful treatment there, since my mind was causing havoc :D But, one day it was different. There was no disruptive waves coming from my mind, it was calm as everyone else's. Soon it happened, all our minds merged. I guess you could compare it to the Borg from Star Trek :D We all saw eachothers thoughts and more. Allthough this is great, it was not what we were trying to achieve. When so much energy converges in a small area, unimaginable can happen. With someone trained as these monks, you (they) can actually control it. They quickly gave up on a quick fix of my brain :(, so they saught advice from higher powers. At first nothing, but then a shape appeared. It looked like a giant V. When the vision became more clear we could see it was gold in color. It then soon started to fade away in distance. But when it was dissapearing, we saw more. There were more letters, white, that weren't visible before. CI on the left of V, and ILIZATION on the right of it. A moment before we lost the vision and our minds got separated, we heard a whisper: "Sim Dier. He can help you." We weren't really sure what the name was, since everyone understood it differently. Sim Dier, Sim Meier, Sid Dier, Sid Meier. Anyway, after this, the monks quickly packed my things, gave me a donkey or whatever it was, and sent me on my way to seek this mysterious man and the meaning of the V and other letters.
I have no idea how many weeks, months or maybe years I have travelled around the world since then, looking for smallest of clues, to bring me to The Man. One day I was in a small town whoknowswhere, eating a hotdog I just bought (annoyed the seller until he gave it to me for free). I was walking through a park, diving through my thoughts unaware of my surroundings, and crashed with some kid whos mind was also focused on something else. We both fell down, my hotdog on his head and his thing he was carrying next to me. We both appologised. I picked his box to give it to him. I looked at the box :O! On the box, there was a golden V sparkling. After a few moments, I managed to pull away my eyes from the V to examine the rest of the cover. There were 3 other words. SID MEIER'S CIVILIZATION :O!! Could it be?! Could this be what I saw in my vision?! I quickly interrogated the freightened kid what was this and where did he get it and who is Sid Meier! He told me the guy was a computer game developer and Civilization V or 5 is his latest game. Then he ran off... So, I am not looking for Sid Meier. The possible solution to my savage nature is this, game.
You would think it went easy from there on right? You'd be wrong again. I must have the worst luck possible. I managed to get hold of the game several times, but always something went wrong! I earned some money washing dishes, I bought it, and there is no DVD in the box. I couldn't get it exchanged because the guy who sold it too me from his van has vanished. I stole it several times but no luck, one time cops got me, one time the computer with the DVD inside it caught on fire, one time the box contained a wrong DVD called ScrewingLizaNation V, and so on and on.
So then one guy, a seller in a shop which I frequently visited to buy Civilization V, although they were misteriously always sold out even though they were ordering it non-stop, has told me about this site, SteamGifts. A place where generous people give away computer games and among them is sometimes Civilization V. That was yesterday. Today I registered on SteamGifts. The friendly seller in formentioned shop was so generous, he bought me enough games on Steam under my newly created account, so I was eligible to register here. He did try buying Civilization V direct, so my healing process could commence as soon as possible, but for unknown reason he was getting error after error when trying to buy it.
I found a few giveaways for Civilization V. I hope I will get enough points in time to enter them. Although with my terrible luck I have little hope in winning one of these giveaways.
I then went to the forums section, where I saw your thread Monukai. I don't have much more to lose, but if I am picked to receive Civilization V that you are offering, I have everything to gain. My life, my family, my friends and to become a civilized member of this World.

Thank you for the opportunity to win such an amazing item. Even if I will not be chosen, I think sharing my story helped a little as well.

1 decade ago

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i don't believe you, also giveaways you made date back 3 months ago meaning you had an account then.

1 decade ago

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This is one of the games my brother is obsessed in. I feel like if I don't get it, then I will never be able to be close to him again. He never wants to talk to me or anything, and my last hope is if I can get this game.

1 decade ago

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Hey Monukai - mission accomplished:

Find all beggers on SG!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Just wanted to mention to those here; this is an awesome - very long - strategy game.

It's really worth the $30 odd it's on steam for, but if you're a cheapskate, at least try to buy it on sale at some point - it's well worth having.

(BTW, don't look into my steam info about this, I already have it)

Yeah, awesome game!

EDIT: It's $17.28 with the 25% off voucher "SQRLUVOC", plus the discount already on this on amazon:

1 decade ago

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well i like strategy games and dont have any game to play for the moment so if you gave it to me it would definetly be in great hands as i would play it a lot

1 decade ago

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that's a lot of text

1 decade ago

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because i see what you did there

1 decade ago

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One day left before I start sifting through the comments!

1 decade ago

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I don't deserve it, but Civ4 was the first game i learned to mod and playing that game in my summer camp was really fun.I'd really like to check out what they change and how they made the game better in Civ5.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Monukai.