Regifting is against the rules so if you report it they will be suspended.
As to require people to play games, that's much harder. I suppose you could have a rule approved where you will only accept a winner if they have played all their previous wins. Can't do much about idling though...
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just report and move on, regifters are banned from the site.
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BIG RED STATEMENT: If you're reporting a user, please do not use support. Instead, click the Report User button which is located on their profile.
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Not lying, just organizing their work more efficient
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They were saying that they cannot see the tickets filed from the yellow button and that we should send in support tickets instead (my older user reports were completely ignored when submitted through the profile button and promptly answered when I made support tickets instead), but I guess cg might have tinkered with the feature recently to allow access for peeps like Crossbourne, since apparently Jade can access that section now.
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The SG+ plugin transforms the user profile's report button into an automatic support ticket creator rather than the vanilla report button. The button still shows up without SG+, but should have a different function even with a similar appearance (uselessness/portal to the void).
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Calling someone a total dumbass makes you a bad person... There are game collectors out there who just want games, and no to play all the games. And that's respectful. Then there are people like me who have to play a LOT of other games before moving on... Damnit... This CS:GO addicted me too... I've still to play FC2 and finally finish the last missions...
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There are people who win 1 game a day.It's impossible to impose that.Let's say I want Saints Row IV.But I already have at least 30 games in my library that I want to play right away.I currently try to finish Duke Nukem Forever.Then I want to finish Binary Domain,Red Faction Armageddon and guerilla..and many more.
If I win a game from SG,even If I want to play it I wouldn't find the time.I bought 10 games during summer sale and I only barely played 2 of them.
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i dont think who won dont play it so much when i give a game is a problem, ofcource is better the winner play it, but, sometimes the winner dont liked the game, who knows?
sometimes you think "hmm this game seens really nice" but when you play it for 30 minutes you start to think "nahhh, this game is really bad", so, for me, i really dont care if the winner of my ga´s play it for long time, it´s the life
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Just because they didn't play it much doesn't necessarily mean they didn't want it at the time. For instance, sometimes a game sounds good, or one hears that it's good, but then one tries it and hates it. And that's the end of that. Can't make people like something.
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Just because someone wins a game doesn't mean he's going to love the game and even if he does love it, he might not have time for it atm. I have over 100 games on my steam account, i have games i won that i haven't even touched, just because i haven't got to it yet...
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I don't enter a giveaway unless it is a game that I am at least interested in, but like you say, that doesn't mean I'll actually love the game when I finally play it. I've certainly been disappointed in games that I've bought, and I'm sure others have had similar experiences, so why wouldn't it also be true sometimes for games that you never got around to buying?
Lately, I haven't had much time for Steam games. And I've spent a lot of my limited time on the KOF XIII beta. (Note for anyone who preordered and doesn't keep track of the forums, beta has been extended up until the release of the game. Play it and give feedback. It needs feedback, because it has been plagued with some weird performance issues that really need to be ironed out.)
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Some people don't have much time on their heads. i didn't play ALL my gifts yet even as I have a lot of work. but I do play games i'm used to.
Well, ok, i got LA noire as a gift from here and I play it a lot.
But a lot of other gifts I got are not installed yet.
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sry for the english.
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so don't enter if you aren't able or planning to get around to even installing it for months(almost a year).
whats the point of even winning it then? let somebody who'd actually use it win if you're burred in backlog enough not to or all you end up with is a bigger pile, wheres the fun in that? can't even sleep on the pile like a dragon cause its just bits not even pixels.
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Agreed, though I think you might wanna switch to decaf. ;)
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Completely agree with you on this.
I only enter, and in some of them I gladly won only games that I'm interested on playing, some I had time to play and the others I'm planning on in a near future. What should I do if my generous gifters wanted me banned for not playing all the great games that I won from them? Or if I reported and asked for the bans of the 43 people that I gave some games for?!
People have their lifes, lots on real life stuff to do and it's lame and stupid people's point about that concern, of course it happens someone entering/winning something that they'll never play, but it's more idiotic, lame and stupid then.
Well, my 2 cents too. (:
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You shouldn't stalk other people, it's bad for your health. The main purpose of giving away a game is for other to have something that you want to share, if they don't cherish it, it's not their fault, people have different ways of thinking, you did your part and be happy with that.
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Don't be so dissapointed about those people. Maybe they just don't have free time to play it at the moment just like me. I mean.. I feel so bad for not playing games which I have won but tbh I have free time to play video games only at weekends but since school started even that might not be true (since I want to spend some time with my friends as well).
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hes talking 9, 10 months ago not fresh wins which is what bugs him.
tereria I get, somebody installed gave it a try and didn't like as much as they'd thought. 2hrs is a good run to see if it gets better. but at least install a game by then is more the feeling I get from this.
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You have played a few of your own wins less than 2 hours.
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The starvoid one was regifted ...
Both my The ship comments were berally played (doesnt annoy me much)
But the winner of my terraria giveaway only played about 2 hours with the game
Shouldnt we have a way of controlling this?!... I mean ONLY ENTER IN GIVEAWAYS OF GAMES YOU WILL ACTUALLY SPEND TIME WITH THEM :/
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