So, in this mission I hacked into a cage to destroy the drug stuff and then there was a guy that was close by that I needed to kill, so I did that and when I came back the crate was locked and I couldn't open it and it was saved. Any idea what to do? I can't restart the mission, go back to older checkpoints; I am just stuck there.

11 years ago*

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I experience almost the same glitch but different mission. Just after the glitch happened, game automatically saved. So loading the last checkpoint will let the glitch happen again. BTW, the auto save feature kills many game and kills gaming experience. No idea why so many recent games don't have manual save but only have auto save.

11 years ago

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I completely support auto save if it didn't save the glitches.

11 years ago

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Agreed, saves without bugs, but as that's impossible now, then:
they could STILL allow BOTH saves; they want auto? FINE, take it, but add manual as well, for cases like this, and for cases when you just want to have a starting point (ie, different endings, different routes, kill not kill, etc)

In the old days all we had was manual saves, why oh why consollers did this to the industry!

11 years ago

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As much as I love manual saves, they ruin the immersion for me. How many times have I got immersed into the game and forgot to save for over an hour and died and had to re-do everything again... And when I don't forget to save, I save behind every corner, before every kill, all the time. I remember playing Fallout 3 and quicksaving pretty much every 10-20 seconds. I would even load my quicksave if I missed the first shot. That's not immersive at all, but if I didn't do that, the autosaves were spaced way too far from each other (only at loading screens), so I either had to quicksave all the time or replay an hour or two of content if I die or screw up.
Personally, I am all for the autosaves, you can always just copypaste the save file into another folder as a backup.

11 years ago

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You could just have both you know. Autosaving and optional quicksave.

11 years ago

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Bethesda's games tend to have autosave, quicksave, and normal saving. In Skyrim, they implemented three-deep autosaving.

11 years ago

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I know that's why I brought it up. :P

11 years ago

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See? they all agree that you can have it both, it's not impossible, it's not counterproductive, so why NOT having it implemented?

Also, I too did the same for F3 and NV, that's because of the reasons you named and also because it was so unstable (engine, right?) and you could have a crash around every corner! did not matter if it was a baddie who killed you, you picked the wrong answer and they turned bad or just a hideous C-T-D error.
No, they forced us to do manual. Now that I think of it, it's still inmersive, pressing F5 (or remapped to other key) for quicksave you are not taken from the game, now quicksaving all the time is both a safety meassure and an almost cheaty way of play haha. It's Bethesta fault, not ours!

Now proven that autosave by checkpoints only is BAD and ruins game experience.

11 years ago

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I enjoyed the autosave in Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, it worked great (in my experience) and I didn't have to think about saving myself, so I could get more immersed in the game. Manual saves work in some games, but I don't think Arkham games would work well with manual saves, because it saves so much more than just story progression. It could easily be abused and/or create even more glitches.
Personally, I think Arkham games work great with autosaves, but of course, I haven't ran into game-breaking glitches either... Although I did miss some story achievements when steam was being silly in arkham city, but I got them in new game+ anyway. I'm not saying manual saves are bad, but well done autosaves aren't bad either and imho arkham games have autosaves done right.

11 years ago

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Silly Deathtitan77, Batman doesn't ever kill :3

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Deathtitan77.